About to appeal 4chan ban for cheese pizza. Any ideas? No faggotry.
About to appeal 4chan ban for cheese pizza. Any ideas? No faggotry
it will not pass once you get perma for something that is against law of US and A you stay permd.
Also congratulations your IP and name got into FBI matrix chart of threat. Every post you will made on internet is now monitored.
just change your IP
She was clothed. It's that picture with the little girl in the one piece with the bunny ears
Mods in ban appeals read words for which you were banned for not the post you made. Even if it's unjustified this is how it works now.
bullshit and bullshit.
the easiest way is to say you just moved house/discovered the site and the ban must be a mistake. Don't forget 4chan plants a nasty little cookie when they ban you, so find that and bin it first.
God damn it man, I'm not computer savy. How the fuck am I going to find it?
The thing is I already made an appeal admitting I posted it. So maybe the "you banned the wrong person" angle won't work on them.
Post your ban screen
In the old days getting bans removed was a matter of writting a coherent appeal and kissing the mods ass, saying you made a mistake.
But today, getting a permaban lifted is highly unlikely. I'd gotten permabanned for lots of stuff that isn't even illegal (posting gore on /sp/
posting suicide instructions on Holla Forums) I got those repealed but it took months of waiting and pushed me to other chans. Back in the day you couldnt' even browse 4chan if you where permabanned you just got the ban screen.
I acutally left of my own volition in 2014 as the site was a shell of what I had loved about it. I had been hanging out on other chans than 4chan more at that point anyways.
Now? I browse Holla Forums, 76chan, 420chan and krautchan. Feels better, none of these sites are filled up with mostly teenagers or copy pasta.
The one place I come that may have a decent amount of teenagers is 8 Holla Forums but this place has the autism of old 4 Holla Forums without any of the orginization. Breety fun honestly.
do this, but on 4chan
This is what I wrote. Think they'll go for it.
Not even in the slightest.
You made yourself sound way too aware of what was posted, and didn't give them enough context to think the bans not for you.
It's on the ban screen>>6173335
do what
if you want to see, and be able to delete your cookies
they'll deny it and ask you to do it again in 30 days, but they'll never lift it.
Clear your browser cookies and restart your computer
Say "Yeah I did it, so what wanna fight about it?"
This has worked every single time I have tried it.
I got banned from 4chan too. Fuck em
Deleting cookies & cache does not work
For what, if you don't mind answering?
yep, they denied it
1. 4chan 2005
2. 4chan 2016
Nothing to do other than getting your IP changed somehow
just stop going there
lol. you realize almost all 4channers are ugly and depressed? that's why they want to kill themselves.
I wonder if Holla Forums is 2005 4chan or just another 2016 4chan
just stay here.
the metaphor he used is that 4chan used to be an ass kicking hate machine-man hybrid
now it's a bunch of kids riding a stupid thing.
Just went over to 4/b/ for the first time in years. I'd heard it was bad but never bothered to look. My god, it's nothing but meetups/area code, "post ending in xx", advice, and nudes, mostly of girls these edgy sociable children are acquainted with in…real life. There's almost nothing interesting or weird. It's just utterly normal. I saw one good thread from a guy cooked a dead bird and now has maggots in his pot. Other than that, there was no eccentricity. No creativity. No lulz. No fun. No bees.
Honestly OP, what were you doing posting even a tame image of a child in normalfag central?
I would be satisfied with Holla Forums if this place wasn't so dead half the time.
Same. Getting banned from 4chin is what brought me here in the first place and Holla Forums has a lot of the quality 4chan used to have, I just wish it was quicker.
I know the exact set you're talking about, good taste fam.
When I got permabanned back in 2014 I didnt even give a fuck. I laid low and got comfy right here on 8ch. Those fucking normalfags(REE) need to stay the fuck on facechan, the designated shitting chan.
You're the fags that killed Holla Forums
So we should go to make it deader than it is now thus reviving it….
what the fuck is it with you pedos. why dont you create pedo chan and stay there, fucking sick cunts.
There already is a pedo-chan, it's just that pedos have other interests in addition to being pedophiles, and pedo specific imageboards are too slow to satisfy them.
I dunno boys, I posted a picture of my ex (22 when pic was taken) and I got banned for the same shit. Her ex husband, I found out later, saw the pics and told her all about it. Made kek but still. wasnt CP by far and I still caught the hammer. Figured hed seen it and reported it. best conclusion I can come up with, aside from shit tier mods which is pretty typical on halfchan.
Le chonz xdxdxd
I got perma banned for post Monroe nudes (She's 22, pic related).
Appealed 6 times, failed each time, I tried admitted to posting the pic, I tried saying my WiFi got hacked, nothing worked. Now I've run out of appeals and I'm on a static IP.
Even though I'm perma banned I don't miss 4chan Holla Forums, it's just not what it use to be, there's too many users for it to be fun. Some of the smaller boards like /o/ and /vr/ are still ok.
There are people that don't lurk in a dark room, topless and drunk?
Is Holla Forums where all the 4chan refugees come? I got banned as well.
nice pic btw
It seems that way. Many people have said they were banned from 4chan recently and came here instead.
myself included
MODS, get that filth off here. She's 10!
Monroe doesn't even look like a loli. Her vag especially is as roasted as they come.
All the loli look a likes have roastie vag
Its gods joke
The problem is mods go on tit size to see if they're under-age or not.
Bunch of fucking retards.
Lost hard..
Nigga plz, I've only been here a month or two.
Mods are really fucking stupid.
I was banned for just threatening to post CP (not actually doing it).
NO kys
just stay here op, this is ground zero anyways.
Offer to send your CP folder to the mod if he unbans you, if it doesn't work then 4chan is dead
more of her plz n thonks
But there is here a serious lack of "Rate my dick", "Cum tribute", "FB fap" "Creepshots", and "Let's summon the Mods" threads here…
patience,cancer will come if you lurk long enough.
Why do you even want to be on 4chan? I was on there even back in 2004 and I can tell you it always sucked.
The only time I liked it was when the Boxxy obsession started and the traffic was so heavy that it shut down the website.
worked for me, wooooweeee
obviously only supreme gentlemen can get around cp bans
Your aggresive prostate cancer awaits - enjoy
okay trollzilla. How them sammiches tasting?
I know. Nice, isn't it?
I got a new IP address when I got new service.
I just went and checked things out about a month ago.
It's fucking shit now…
Fucking post about voting for shillary and not in an ironic shitpost way.
Good god it's bad.