Hey Holla Forums.
Today is my birthday.
I'm 24 now.
Hey Holla Forums
Have you reached your dreams yet?
You never know op things might turn out ok.
happy birthday
nothing much to state beside I'm 24.
As of now I'm doing MBA, just because i had nothing to do.
As long as you don't think too hard about the fact that you've wasted the portion of your life that is best used to create a solid foundation for the rest of your life, you'll be okay.
All downhill from here. Hope you're working out.
I know.
I'm wasted. I wasted my life. At best, I will live a mediocre life.
You'll probably live to be a hundred, birthday boy. It's already quite common to get famous in 5 minutes and rich in 10 years, so time is still on your side.
Tolstoy did his best work at 70 and Beethoven when gouty and deaf. Churchill was 65 in 1939.
Time is still on your side, birthday fag. Get on with living your dream.
marc cuban was a bar tender until he was like 30
Your parents had sex 24 years and 9 months ago, That must be around the new year of 1992.
it's all downhill
he's a Jew though
I know bartenders who earn 60k for 8 months work and spend 4 months a year in Bali.
Those people also studied all their lives and had attained a significant degree of success in their fields before the big things that made them famous, though.
Then again, my great great grandfather was a cattle baron and my grandfather lost our land and fortune through gambling, so it's possible for any amount of failure or success to be reversed through sheer luck.
Happy birthday, buddy
You are still a faggot though
Happy B-Day fuccboi. Wanna keep your mind occupied for 3 or 4 days? Play Bioshock 1 if you havent yet.
Happy Birthday, from one freak to another.
the time has come….you know what to do
So if they worked year round they'd make 90k? That's great for a low-skill job but cuban became a billionare in like a couple years.
no, betting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of money on roulette is stupid not bad luck.
I don't know the details of his idiocy, but I think it was mostly dog racing. The land was sold off to pay his debts, but also because his wife bought a shitload of clothes. According to my mom, the cycle her parents followed was
and the only reason she was able to go to college was because she would swipe money from the safe and hide it in her room. They never caught on because neither of them really paid attention to how much the other was spending.
Not that it really matters. Gambling and shopping can be fun, but making it your main hobby is as self destructive as it gets.
Happy getting older day
You still a virgin?
Thanks for the pic op, I'm gonna use it on my birthday.
i turned 20 in 1 september, finished high-school, dont have money to go on college, working in conrete industry for 200eur a month… sounds great?
i turned 20 in 1 september, finished high-school, dont have money to go on college, working in conrete industry for 200eur a month… sounds great?
dude, if you make 60k working nights and have 4 months vacation, you have more than 90k; you have a life.