Which bunch of retards created this meme?
I noticed this dumb meme became popular around the time summerfags started flooding Holla Forums
Which bunch of retards created this meme?
I noticed this dumb meme became popular around the time summerfags started flooding Holla Forums
it originated though another meme called "meme magic" thanks to the cat's cradle group… they left Holla Forums a while ago and only post on Holla Forums now.
from what i remember, the people on Holla Forums hated them a lot and their threads would constantly be spammed. they seem to be a lot more influential on Holla Forums where spam is deleted, and they don't need tripcodes because they have poist ID.
you can spot them if you see them double spacing between sentences. like. this.
There's nothing wrong with Absolutely Disgusting though
I see. I'm glad they left Holla Forums
Holla Forums accepts all kinds of shitty memes. Holla Forums can spot garbage because the board is used to seeing the works of amateur and childish meme creators
Whenever a meme becomes popular via Holla Forums you can bet that meme is a really good meme and will hold.
well, they kind of did… except for the guy who made the group and meme, who is now the BOARD OWNER of Holla Forums….
idk, this whole thing is fucky, jews, masons, discordians, this rabbit hole goes deep.
You're telling me dysomnia is the leader of these retards? Wtf
he's admitted to it several times and he's even posted all of his old tripcodes as proof.
What a fantastic board
Cats cradle is way older than Holla Forums. And cats cradle did nothing wrong.
Its all about the power of memetic energy and the power of your past life.
This sort of stuff keeps ibs from getting boring. And I imagine catscradle has a well hidden hideout somewhere. They just keep meeting their goals, they'll never really go away.
it's Holla Forums
They're the most normalfag board on Holla Forums
praise kek meme is cancer not the reaction image
Oh wow I'm fucking dumb.
newfag spotted
I demand gets
This meme "started" on 4/pol/ and social media. It evolved through normalfags on social media sites. It has nothing to do with those cat's cradle faggots. Those people are not relevant to anything other than creating shitposting threads on Holla Forums.
The only way cat's cradle still exists is because faggots like you go around claiming they started every meme in the world. Cat's cradle is just a handfull of autists that contribute absolutely nothing to this site or anything on the internet.