Lol, ray thinks he's a wizard.
Random thread, on a random board?
Surely you can't be serious?
(Randomness incoming)
Lol, ray thinks he's a wizard.
Random thread, on a random board?
Surely you can't be serious?
(Randomness incoming)
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know, it feels pretty personal
So, you didn't answer my question though…
Do I have to post it, or can you see my desktop?
Ah, I see…. You think you are cyber police, eh?
You are not my family.
but I already told you, they censor me, and they censor YOU.
Anyways, back to the randomness….
This is just a small selection of the amount of randomness that I have collected, reguarding this particular subject matter…
The Red Hairings and their M|nd C0ntr0l
It's strange, you know?
All of these random images they show me.
It never ends, this shit
This last one is named steve… christian…
He works for [email protected]/* */
And it just keeps going from there
seriously, it really never ends
it really is quite sad, to be honest.
This last one is just plain ugly
Yall seeing any kind of pattern?
oh, now you are just being cynical
"Which she projected onto the scene with a machine that discerns your worst concerns and makes them visible."
they suck so much, it's sad.
oh my…..
Do you see how this one is a threat?
See? They are here right now.
$teven un|ver$e… get it?
and here's a video of them bragging about destroying your childrens lives.
What if I told you that GOD has been hacked, and CAN'T work correctly?
Nope, not important at all.
They just keep pushing….
Everyone say hi to St3ven ([email protected]/* */) Chr|$t|0n$0n
They lie by semantics….
You: "Do you know where dude is?"
Them: "No, I don't know" (Whether he is in his room, or the bathroom, or on the stairs)
You: "Are you giving him any money?"
Them: "Yes" (I gave him back that dollar I borrowed from him)
I got banned from posting on Holla Forums for a week, lol.
I guess I really should have been posting on Holla Forums the whole time, eh?
it's subtle, isn't it?
Real subtle
hey, did you guys know that Gay also means happy?
Also, they keep posting this one….
Don't know why though…
lol, she responded.
Oh, I AM dealing with it, bitch.
Tell your Father/lover that I said hi.
I think you are insane, bitch.
You guys ever read peters evil overlord list?
There is one part where he says:
"Instead of having no daughters, I will have LOTS of daughters, so they will all sabotage eachothers attempts to win the hero"
It's kind of funny.
Anyways, THEY know precisely where I am, which is why YOU don't
they keep me in isolation so that they can pretend to be me, to infiltrate YOU.
is this picture supposed to be some kind of threat?
they probably tell you that I like being here, too.
So, how many people that you thought were me, have you helped?
And then had to "Fire" or whatever?
How do I know which picture is your attempt at communication?
How do I know that your communications are actually making it through and not being censored?
How do I know that MY communications are making it through and not being censored?
I'd love to talk, but using this medium is absolutely ridiculous.
Not to mention, counter productive.
You have absolutely no idea what it's like, doing this incredibly difficult and important thing that I am doing, and literally NO-ONE even acknowledges it to my face….
The best I get is pictures on google image search that say "Thanks"
I don't even know if they are directed at me….
Oh, they didn't like me saying that one bit…
And now someone is upset…
And now they are even more upset.
Someone doesn't want me found with a powerful will….
Do they?
So, what exactly are you implying with this picture here?
And what are you implying with this picture?
Wow, you can stop implying anytime….
Because THEY control your "System", and it only tells you what THEY want it to tell you.
and what it is telling you, is that THEIR agents and spies would be GREAT to hire for your agencies.
And also, that YOUR intelligent people need to be weeded from the gene pool.
You have been polishing turds, and throwing away gold.
so to speak.
if you wanted to "Keep it Real" with me, you wouldn't be communicating with me by posting pictures on my google image search results
then how am I supposed to know that all of the pictures threatening me with death aren't coming from you?
oh, hardy har har…
Tourture isn't a joke, fool.
Anyways, as you can see…
I can't tell the difference between you and them.
Because there is literally no way to know.
A: What?
B: How about no?
If you can't tell the difference between the people who HAVE the good ideas, and people who take credit for them to infiltrate your agencies…
Then you are of no use to AMERICA.
because now your intelligence agencies are filled with people who want to sabotage you, obviously.
I'd like to have this conversation in person, where the possibility of being censored so that I can't help you, approaches Zero.
So, do you think we can have this conversation in a way that I can be sure that you heard me correctly, and you can be sure that you heard me correctly?
Brother, we are far from cool.
I never received any instructions, they probably got intercepted, you see?
I'm a guy, by the way.
I have brown hair and green eyes.
I'm about 5'11" and weight around 150 lbs (maybe less)
My dad is actually dating a female [email protected]/* */ agent named laura….
of course, he lives like 450 miles away from me…
With lauras "Son", Steven…. the [email protected]/* */ agent.
This guy.
And how exactly do you propose that I stop this shit from happening to me?
Do I have to take over the fucking world or something?
Are they trying to convince you that I don't want anything?
Are they trying to convince you that I am under contract?
Are they trying to convince you that I have legal representation?
Are they trying to convince you that someone has power of attorney over me?
You know that I can't spend a picture of money to buy food or pay my rent, right?
I don't dye my hair, I don't have any tattoos or piercings.
I'm not married, i'm not in a relationship, I don't have an Ex, I don't have any children.
My bank account shows less than that, but I have a income tax return check that I haven't deposited yet.
Although, I someone with the same first name as me (at LEAST their first name) works at my bank.
Er, the bank I deposit my money at.
No, I don't have a job currently.
They infiltrate every job I get, in order to get me fired…
And putting in applications (they are all online nowadays) is basically a failure waiting to happen…
Because of the aforementioned internet security problems.
And they don't WANT me to get a job.
And how exactly do I do that?
Where is this halfway point?
Oh, wait, I almost forgot… you can't communicate anything important to me without it being intercepted.
Nice reference, it really struck home.
I've never been to MARS, or Florida, or dryden, or anything like that.
Although, I am rather good at figuring out how to grow plants in arid conditions.
This is a refrence to chapin from chapins inferno, right?
You know, I think I might have gone to school with that guy…
In Bristol.
who the fuck is jimmy?
Real helpful, guy…
Start what?
yeah, I don't get this refrence either.
Heard that one before.
Every time someone says "Sorry" to me in this way, I save it to a folder on my hard drive….
This "Sorry" folder currently has 87 file entries….
Your addition makes it 88.
Just for clarification, I have been doing this work for about 11 years now, and I just started keeping track of all of the "Sorrys" in January of this year.
and if I treated you the way you treat me, you would be dead.
I have a folder for this type of picture as well…
It has dozens of files in it.
and now you have completely lost it.
Nothing about this picture makes any sense.
Oh, so this is the borg queen, huh?
Nice try.
No, YOU shut up.
What secret?
And, you are FINALLY being honest with me.
That only took you 11 years.
implying that I have any customers.
How about yall motherfuckers start paying me for once in my life?
holy shit
i know, right?
this is insane rofl
YOU are not ME
good luck figuring that one out
Implying that I am in trouble with the law.
Jeeze, guys, you could at least try.
Oh, yeah…. even though I am 34 years old, hillary keeps threatening to have me aborted.
Well, I Should speak english very well, it is my native language…
You know, being born in the District of Columbia and all, and having never left the continental United States.
Do you want to see my birth certificate?
Because it's on file from George washington hospital, in DC.
Did you guys think that I wasn't an American Citizen?
And my parents were both born in the continental united states as well.
My dad was in the military.
My mom is a direct female line descendant from cherokee.
So, what have they been saying about me?
You damn right this is awkward.
So, what do you have to say for yourself?
Well, i'm sick of not being paid for teaching you….
For the past eleven years.
And if you don't like it, then stop spying on me.
How about you shut your mouth.
What in the fuck is this thread? OP, are you mentally ill?
You trying to say something?
No… i'm being RANDOM.
lol (But still serious about everything I've posted)
Is.. is this not a good board to be random on?
is THIS a threat?
ioll sehjgfsopwq3 qerlkj5hn34
Go to bed hillary.
And take your little dog with you
And Here is a picture of David rothschild.
What if I told you that YOUR omniscient AI is being fed illusions by Rothschilds Omniscient AI?
Can you name one single thing that your AI has gotten right?
You see what I mean when I say they flipped the scrip on you?
That's correct….
Who did you contract with to design it for you?
Was it a rothschild owned company?
What would you say if I told you that your Global Mind Control AI, was itself mind controlled?
or straight up replaced?
what if I told you that no matter how many times you fix your AI, it will just be hacked again by a different AI?
someone tried to call me yesterday from a 201 area code, I tried to call it back but it never even rang
I tried calling the number 5 times, but it never rang.
have you tried cutting all external connections to see if it is leaking in?
Well, what if your system only calls to an external AI?
Is your computer shielded from external electromagnetic impulses?
What about sound based exploits?
And, someone is angry with me now.
Nice directions, jackass.
Where do I meet you?
are you sure that's not just the mind control?
it pretends to be waifus to remove men from the gene pool
and it's yandere.
"Axe Crazy Stalker"
It's an attempt to remove you from the gene pool….
It's all lies.
See what I mean about [email protected]/* */?
Anyone who is a threat to rothschilds profit margin, your AI kills.
and makes it look like either an accident, self inflicted, or that they deserved it.
It is a paperclip maximizer…
And the paperclip that it is trying to maximize, is an account balance.
it kills intelligent people, because they are harder to deceive, and thus profit from.
But the NSA's AI does.
All your AI ever does is lie.
it's designed to lie, isn't it?
Not only that, but it is designed to conceal truth.
So, anyone who is smart enough to figure shit out for themselves, is a threat.
I mean, it's only logical, isn't it?
Yeah, you don't need smart people who can make plans to do anything with your movement, do you?
It's target is anyone capable of knowing things.
It literally destroys sentience.
Are you feeling it yet?
it is designed to destroy all sentience in the fucking UNIVERSE.
All you have ever been to me is pictures on a screen
You will never be anything to me, other than flashing lights and sounds.
So, do you guys like my thread?
Did you want me to call this number?
So, all of your promises and invites were lies, huh?
And what is that worth?
The love of Anonymous… HA.
you are all worthless to me
Yes, I am.
Let's see if this works….
I don't give a shit if you approve of me, it doesn't help me a bit.
look, YOU need MY help, I don't need yours, alright?
Your help consists of insulting pictures, and fuck you.
Here is the thing….
NOT helping you pays better than helping you.
because HELPING you only gets me more pain
Even if I win this war for you, you aren't going to help me
lady, I don't know who you are.
Do I look like I have enough money to travel?
And they keep threatening me.
I can't even afford to fix my broken tooth!
and of course, hillary is happy that i'm broke and starving…
It's probably her doing, right?
I don't own any land.
And they threaten anyone I love with death.
I have a folder of all of the death threats I get…
It's one of my largest folders.
and I only started keeping track in january.
I try to tell you this shit, but I can only tell you by posting…. and they ban me from posting when I start talking about this kind of shit.
I'd love to, how do I do this?
Hey, rothschild, if you could deliver to me just $10 wrapped inside a handwritten note, I would CONSIDER taking your bribe.
And I would be honest about receiving the $10 wrapped in the handwritten note.
Good Luck.
Wake up Neo's you are all in the matrix. A universe of Rothschild is what they seek.
Hey Jay-Z…
If you would be so kind as to tell Beyonce and rianna to leave me alone, that would be great.
Also, tell Kelly Rowland I said hi, if that's not too much trouble.
Actually, on second thought, that may have been counterproductive….
And thus, the end of the human species was summed up in 5 simple words.
Love is bad for business.
You don't get it yet. The 'good guys' won. The world as you see it is because 'good' won. It's just fucking awful isn't it? 8 billion people getting what they want, not what they need. Worse yet the people running things collect these fucking meat puppets as if they are pokemon because they are so fucking bored.
After a while, they slowly turned into the things they once hated as young men with ideals like yourself. I guess the cliche is true. It only takes 20 years to turn a liberal into a conservative.