Women in The West overwhelmingly vote left

Women in The West overwhelmingly vote left

This is a study published in International Political Science Review in which the researchers were trying to find out if men and women's voting patterns have changed over time.

hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Articles/Articles published in journals_files/Developmental_Theory_of_Gender_Gap_Inglehart_Norris_2000.pdf

You can read the conclusion from page 19, in fact I recommend anyone interested in the topic to read the whole pdf. Basically what is found out is that since 80'ies and 90'ies in the western world women have been voting for left in ever increasing numbers.

The recent elections in Austria confirm this. 67% of women under 30 voted for green candidate.

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We know, user. This is why we should abolish women's suffrage after we kick out or kill all the kikes and shitskins residing in any white country.

Women don't vote left, women vote most safe and least socially damaging party. Being a leftie is in fashion, so they all vote left. Make the right trendy (thus raising personal appeal and status by associating with it) and women will flock to it.

Women vs men ratio is not as important as University vs Worker you shown here. Fuck. Education nowadays is all about brainwashing, instead of teaching. I dumped my institute because i disagreed with political views they shove there in everyone's brain.

I don't regret running away from bunch of people, who's brains are getting too much information to process how harmful liberal values are, they are busy learning what they'l never use in work, and yet never process what's actually important for their lives, being open to accept any jewish ideology their teachers will bring to them, especially if it gives some education bonuses, entertainment or better scores.

After awhile they stop even talk to you about anything that isn't subject from university.

Workers know what's the good for the land.

In a good country, only the worker's vote would be counted.

Men who don't even know politics shouldn't have a vote.

Women voting should be abolished.

I wouldn't worry about it user, sure women will destroy current civilization, but once that happens, they are going to become property again. They have no idea that the luxury they have enjoyed is entirely by the misguided will of men.

The happening will be a great age for those of us who are prepared.

Women didn't start voting on the level of men until the 1980's


Before the 80's (the last decade of conservationism in America), women weren't that interested in politics and didn't think it was their place.

Is this suppose to be some argument that women are not biologically inclined to vote left?

Women under 30. In the UK at least, Lab/Tory by sex shows that under 30 - as you say - women vote Labour and men vote Conservative. But for over 30s it switches. Women are more likely to vote Tory and men to vote Labour

That would explain why the Tories are so cucked.


That's highly debatable. It has more to do with the biological chemistry of the female. Women are inherently weaker, submissive creatures created for pumping out children and caring for them. This is linked to a higher sense of empathy to others (the destitute, the 'second class citizens', the disenfranchised, etc). Now you can argue that women back in the early days of their suffrage voted left on issues because it was the first time they had a voice and felt that they were still oppressed on many issues like job opportunity, land ownership, etc. Welfare, at this time was supposed to be used on the absolute destitute and single mothers who had a rather hard time raising a child by herself. However, women today are leftists due to a sense of inferiority. So it's not necessarily that they are voting "safe" and "least socially damaging party", but that they are voting for egalitarianism (not pure egalitarianism, in many cases, but more of a revenge/justice form (kill all cis white men, etc)). Leftist women don't really feel inferior on a superficial level, but it exists in their subconscious. This is only heightened by cultural marxism propaganda that the Jew feeds them on a daily basis. They are voting against what they're afraid of: their inferiority. They are voting against the reality in front of them.

I'd like to believe that.
Their stuff is hit or miss. My bullshit radar on them went off when they tried saying women own more video games than men.

Picture related for the time being, I guess.

I don't know what to think of that paper. It's stating that women during the 1980s and before voted more conservative than men.

Its about age demographics. See

I feel really sorry for anyone that is attracted to women. What a curse that must be in this day and age, they will literally all turn on you eventually.

atleast we don't get aids. get robbed. raped in an alleyway, slowly getting addicted to drugs, while living the gay lifestyle.

Why would men switch? Why would someone ever switch to the left and being on the right?

Women respond to emotion, not logic. The rightwing (not the cuckservative nutjob rightwing but the real right) is all about being rational. Take the rapefugee crisis for example, the left is emotional and want to help the poor chillun starving in Africa while the right realizes that longterm it changes nothing other than turning our own countries into shit aswell. Instead we shouldn't accept migrants but try and help them in their own countries by developing them like we did during colonialism.

no news here.

Given that we are probably mostly under 30 here, who knows. Maybe they get more involved in workers rights etc, unions




Of course women are going to vote for the status quo and popular parties. They are herd like creatures after all. Of course they are going to vote for parties that give them more benefits, welfare, aid, health and rights.

I just want it to crash. The wake up call these cunts and cucks will get come the day of the happening will be so loud and strong it will echo across the future of man.

You realise that in many countries in Europe there are currently the "right" party in power, not the left? If what you say is true that women simply vote for the status quo, then they would just vote for whichever party was already in power. The results show that is not true, women under 30 are voting left regardless

The "right" are in only because most voters are the more inclined to actually vote and are older. Also, most of those parties support older generations more with more generous pensions and aid. Its the same damn problem. Everyone just votes for themselves and for their own benefit. Very few end up winning.

Women do not have broad vision.

No seriously, 99% of highly intelligent women do not broaden their studies because "there's no point, I should just focus on the degree".

Men start putting their degrees into action BEFORE they finish and they broaden their scope into various fields of study.

Men know why they need to study the books. Women just study the books and get told what to do.

Literally bitches and whores. Dumb as fuck, selfish as fuck, ignorant as fuck.

That's why matriarchy always fails in humanity. They're stupid and self-absorbed.

They literally do not get how open borders and liberalism hinders their futures. They see nothing but positives and have their heads in the sand when you mention negatives.

Fight for your countrymen. Keep women in the kitchen where that's all they deserve to be.

Otherwise they will destroy us BOTH.

It means women are not good at observing technical rational logical issues in society.


It probably doesn't make that much difference anyway… to get any women's vote, you have to cuck your party. So the Right becomes full of white knights and the Left is full of effeminate betas.

They should have no vote except through the family.

Pick one.

Every woman in Europe who is not voting for right should be rounded up and treated as a resource.

Women obey their husband. If their husband is the state they will vote for bigger government.

we should just cook them and eat them
I hear human tastes gud.

Pork tastes better in all likelihood (shit's delicious) so we should just expand Jim's farms. We get ham AND ammo to trigger the fuck out of sand religions.

user… Have you tried human before?

Not in this fucked up society user.

Women literally ask husbands to prep the bull nowadays.

No seriously, it's taught in psychology now.

Which means our science is becoming pseudo science very quickly. Even genetics is becoming cucked because woman scientists.

Which country is this, based user?

Well I bloody don't, I was educating my lefty father on Trump health reforms this morning.

How do you feel about the fact that most of us want to limit or even completely abrogate the female vote?

I feel it's stupid beyond words, there's a difference between women that are logical and women that are illogical, for a start illogical women don't work in STEM fields.

We all know people aren't equal, there's divergence when it comes to IQ and race, but also regarding inbreeding within races.

The question isn't whether women should be allowed to vote, but who in general should be allowed to vote just like who in general has the aptitude to become a good medical practitioner, both from ethical and logical standpoints.

We'd need a total reformation of the educational system focusing on programming, mathematics, physics and engineering and from that create a Noocracy, a social and political system based on the priority of the human mind.

TL;DR the most intelligent and successful should rule and make decisions for the majority (bring back National Socialism).


Here's a person that shouldn't be allowed to vote.

aka Juden

Inherited money is not intelligence, they did not make that money.

I study maths, and there's plenty of illogical women around.


I'd question what "I study maths" means, you either arrive at the correct answer or the wrong answer, if they are illogical they get the boot because they don't pass the exams, where's the problem?


There's difference between arriving at wealth through your own success and arriving at wealth due to inheriting it because an uncle cousin step-sister died.

Money does not necessarily mean intelligence.
Intelligence should logically mean money.

Women don't have more empathy than men, every study we can find shows that men are more willing to give and support those they consider in need of it. Women do not have empathy for anything but their children and themselves. It's simply a bad mating strategy.

women are not opening the borders for empathy, they're opening them as a shit test. "Kill these assholes and you can fuck me, if you don't then they will fuck me, either way I get the strongest off spring".

Stop being such a cockcold and blaming Jews for infecting women. Women aren't infected, they're in charge and they're going to use that power to shit test everyone around them the same way they do with any form of power

you keep posting bait
it's very hard to resist your bait

just gas yourself tbh

what are you gonna say next? Women are equal to men?

you're absolutely right, but they farrrrrr more susceptible to to appeals to emotion. they fall for muh poor oppressed not out of more empathy, but because they can't control the empathy that they have.

You don't need to read a PDF to see how women vote, it's self-evident and disgusting.

This question may sound off but it has a purpose. Are you interested in mechanical things like cars, engines, architecture?

Inheriting intelligence depends on two parents, if someone breeds with a village idiot, it's unlikely the child is going to be a genius.

Wealth grows everyday if you know how to make it work for you, or be in a position to pay others to make it work for you.

I never implied geniuses aren't rich, in fact I said that an intelligent person (even born into poverty) will most likely become wealthy, or at least wealthier than the people around them.

I've clearly said women aren't equal to men. Men had to earn stuff to give to women in exchange for sex. Their entire mating strategy is based on giving resources away.

Women collect resources in exchange for sex. They're about collecting and hording resources.

Which one of these is going to develop an internal system to decide who deserves some help? The selfish cunt or the generous gatherer?

They are more susceptible to appeals to emotion, I don't disagree but we're looking at this wrong. Feminism is a shit test, it says "Keep me in line or I'll kill you"

Not interested in cars because I have no use for one where I live, engines go with that, and I prefer neoclassical architecture.

However I know a considerable amount about PC tech, I repair computers for friends and family, no one's ever had to contact tech support around me, work in app development, particularly focused on AR at the moment as I'm predicting a boom over VR, and I'm brushing up my skills in C# currently as it holds to be the go to programming language for what I want to do. Used to be more focused on user experience and interfacing but the real money is in doing both visual and technical work, so I'm adjusting accordingly.

Women, like Jews, profit most from a liberal "open" and "open-minded" society. So no wonder they vote left.

the wealth of a few

no user, Women are made for sex.
Women are made for sex and children only,

Men hunt.
Men fight.
Men gather.
Men design.
Men build.
Men think.

Women clean.
Women cook.
Women make children.
Women raise children correctly.
Women facilitate family life.
Women give sex to their man.

Your house was designed and built by a man.
So were the roadways.
So is your computer.
So were planes.
So was chair you're sitting on
So is your car, if a man bought you one, that is.


…but then again I doubt you have an ISA or know what that is for that matter, really not in your interest to try to twist my words.

let me transcribe your train of thought

PS: I assume what you mean by ISA is individual saving accounts

It took you long enough to google it user.

let me transcribe your train of thought
>using java
no I didn't you cunt, unlike you, I have something other than this open


nice subreddit

Soros is a hedge funder - but I imagine it's largely speculative

It should be criminal is what you should be saying.

We must make the vote only for working men.
Women and students must not be allowed to vote for the same reason we don't allow children to vote.


let's start by getting rod of the feminist hordes and the leftist cancer. clean their heads up again.

Better yet - no need to "abolish", make the propaganda saying voting is a boring thing for true liberated women and that voting is for tradicionalistic housewives who want to turn the clock back.

Of course don't say it in this way, but some propaganda of this type could yield results.

Feminism is just politicized female nature you can't get rid of it unless we kill all the women, that's why women have been destroying civilizations since Rome.

This is eerie. So more wars might be started by women than expected. Smells of extinction, we ought to be careful.

we need to re-create the female reproductive system in a bottle
then we put the bottle in a sex robot and we give one to every citizen
then after men are detached from the womyn, we shoah the womyn
it's a dream user

Some courses are easier, you can go for a long time, and being book smart is not the same as being world smart.

Do bear in mind how liberals are more likely to be highly educated than conservatives. Doesn't necessarily mean anything.

also we should design the alternative reproductive systems so they only create men
that way also, we can simply use the best possible genes for the eggs, therefore, even the mutts will have a fairly decent chance at making gud children
the mutt races will all go extinct as all children will come from the same parent
maybe we should keep specimens of womyn in cages in highly-secure labs like we keep smallpox, not sure about that though.

it is a dream

Perhaps I should have used "sensitive" in place of empathy. I meant only that they have nurturing characteristics, not so much empathetic characteristics. My point still stands that women are leftists due to a (heightened) inferiority complex. They are not opening borders for a more dick and stronger genetic diversity, ask any fucker on PUA forums and they will tell you that most women are more than capable of obtaining sex from the top 30% of males in the US (in terms of "alpha-ness"). The idea that women ANYWHERE are starved for sex from alpha males is ludicrous at best. Look at any issue a woman is typically going to "fight for" in a vote.

Basic psychology will tell you that people who feel inferior will typically identify themselves with other inferior groups, or groups that they feel are inferior. As well as the "problems" within those groups. People with an inferiority complex typically feel powerless by themselves, which is why they identify with groups like "feminism" and "NAACP".

You're right. Cultural Marxism is actually just a big spook and I'm a cuckold for associating it with God's chosen people.

maybe another one about smoking and cancer next week, sherlock?

Ok. So far you're validating my theory. Unless you are another NEET nerd turned into trap.

Autism and Asperger's are caused by too much testosterone while the fetus is in the womb. This does not affect testosterone levels in later life, but it does restructure your brain.

Most autists and asperger's patients are male. The real divide might be closer to 50/50 but the females with milder forms are not strange enough for their parents to ever think there might be something wrong with them. Most women in STEM probably have very mild forms of autism or asperger's.

Women are naturally more emotional. They filter every thought through emotions. "X happened. How does that make me feel". If something feels right, it is right, from their perspective.

Being a sissy faggot or a butch dyke also shifts your way of thinking on the "reason - emotion" axis.

The brain has certain areas reserved for certain tasks. The area responsible for math is right next to the area responsible for social skills. You know, being able to understand bodylanguage, facial expressions or sarcasm. Things that aspies can't understand. If one area is bigger than average, meaning you are smarter in that regard, the extra area has to come from somewhere. Kind of like character points in an RPG. The socially awkward math genius is not just a silly stereotype.

And really the point I forgot to mention is that if the female population could be shifted a bit to the left on that reason - emotion axis, then they would vote more like men.


No, there isn't. You're not a unique snowflake, darling. Women are inherently emotional creatures, regardless of education or vocation. The moment anything hurts your feelings you become an irrational, immature and capricious mess. This applies just as much to women in STEM as it does to women dancing on a pole. Hell, the latter at least tend to be streetwise.

Women should never have been given the vote, and the sooner they lose it the sooner our civilization rises again.

Except in the animal kingdom large breasts is a sign of pregnancy or recent pregnancy and say "Don't mate with me, I need time before I can carry again".

Nice try faggot.

You didn't know this? Women constantly shit test their mate to make sure he is worthy of protecting her. The more powerful she is the harsher her shit test will be.

The problem is that Western alphas are still global betas. The Western alphas are seriously people like Bill Gates and Zuckerbergs, they are the ultimate walking wallets and they are utterly defenseless in the face of the Muslim horde. We are fucking miles beyond Beta/alpha in our society because the West IS beta. It has been beta since WWII

Marxism exists, cultural or other wise but it's not why women are acting this way. Feminism is female nature given political power. This is the base state of women, what we're seeing is equal to the black African man who steals, rapes and uses violence to solve every problem. Man and women must be tamed by stronger, noble men. We didn't do that, now we have savages every where


Gauss died a billionaire?

The "shit test" is an excuse to rationalize women acting utterly irrational.

If trying to bring down civilization is a shittest, they risk themselves being killed en mass and no "stronger offspring" passed

no, you imbecile, breasts are large around pregnancy because they're producing milk you cuck.

That's my goddamn point you twat. Humans have full breasts even without milk, which in the animal kingdom signals they're pregnant and with milk. We're an odd species

Nice trips but they aren't fit to have kids.

I think I'm slowly getting the experience.

: /






Go be a shill/beta somewhere else.

Welcome, sister.

That's because the left manipulates women's maternal instincts with the usage of pity.

don't forget that we have chins
we are the chin race

How is this any news.

Any single girl of my age +/- 10 years is left-leaning at least, as in progressive, in public opinion.

But many of them are actually very fucking "right wing" in their actual opinions. Women are sneaky user, do you really think they'd answer truthfully in polls?

Every "LGBT" supporting girl when gotten real drunk and trustworthy with me, comes out with "homophobic" shit. Errrrytime.




I bet you support Evalion, you cuck.

Yeah, obviously women should not be allowed to vote.


Nowadays it's
but no less of the electric jew


I guess we should all boycott women and let our race go extinct guys.

Don't make this MGTOW bullshit. Those guys are a suicide cult, same as leftism.

Everyone hates fags mate, especially fags who have to deal with other fags. They think they're some how special when they're all a bunch of royal cunts who can't self reflect.

Well when you spend a bunch of time on the right and it's super pozzed you start to look for alternatives.