Is trump really not popular with women?

Is trump really not popular with women?

Is there even a reason to care about the women vote? Do they really matter that much or is it just a meme?

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Universal suffrage was a mistake.

My wife and mother are voting for him. They follow the alpha.

Trump is VERY popular with women.

It's a very simple rule. Women discarded by the alpha act like assholes. I see it in dogs all the time.

Also niggers in civilization have smaller cocks than whites. It's the bush niggers in the Serengeti that have "big" cocks, but it's only like < =1" bigger.


His advantage with men is larger than his disadvantage with women.

your startlingly large knowledge on nigger dicks is worrying

It's not like some autist ever decides to leave home one day armed with a ruler, a plane ticket to Africa and some white porn right?

Women are a meme

The sooner Holla Forums stop white knighting for women and their naturally cancerous opinions just because they're white the better

Look Woman vote is about as Important as Negro or Hispanic vote, the most important type of Vote is White male, and Trump is killing it there, everything else is extra

Yeah that worked so well for Mitt Romney didn't it?


Blacks actually have an average of 5 inches. Whites hover between 5-1/2 and 6. Niggers self report at 7 inches, but the medical records all point to an average of 5.

How over represented big black cocks are via pornography just further shows how degenerate we've gone. People fail to realize huge cocks in pornography are white too.

It's only because niggers with big dicks are the loudest because MUH DICK.

Seriously, if you had a ridiculous cock would you not flaunt it? A lot of blacks are really paranoid because of the phenomenon so they either play it off like they have a big cock too.

I remember in high school ghetto black people asked about my dick and they refused to believe 6'' was my size. DAS A LIE

One of the most unrealistic and autistic ones to have. I only know about it because of playing a super autistic degenerate text game (I play as a pure paladin though so it isn't bad).

He only needed 3% more of the white Vote

Well I mean numerically it matters about 50%

If you can't get the support of half the eligible electorate, it matters. But I dont know how true this is about Trump really, women do support him. Not sure on stats.

Where do you even find this?

CoC or TiTS?

Found it.

I really don't even understand what this is.

spoiler that shit nigger

I would love to see carl the cuck and those like him to talk shit to those guys.

I'll admit that I have a thing for "bimbos with a heart of gold." Like that one who sacrificed her life to save kids from being shot up by a mudslime or whatever else that one situation was, I can't remember.

checking myself

It's a grotesque monstrosity, whomsoever made that thing deserves hellfire for it. Dear Lord we live in an era where people mutilate and destroy themselves and call themselves beautiful, it's sick and wrong.

after you do that, either you deny reality or kill yourself.
that thing choose to live

That's only until we manage to revoke the non-white non-male vote as our founding fathers intended it

OP is prob the person in the instragram profile - 127 followers and yet a polack found it? Yeah, rightio, fuck off you filthy slut.


Not OP, but I saw the same pix on Holla Forums
My guess is someone was patrolling Holla Forums, found the thread, and linked it back here for us.

Actually, if you ever been to a men's locker room on a routine basis, it will be obvious the BBC thing is at least 70% exageration for interracial porn purposes.

And it makes profit.

smh tbh fam

my mom who has actively bluepilled herself her entire life is seriously considering trump
she lives in commiefornia, thinks he is the best way to stop ISIS and that hillary won't do anything about them.

Plz. Trump is very popular with women. Just not with femshits.



Goddamn you, OP.




Not sure if the pepe one is real.

Do we have the best girls or what?

my ID looks like some kikey haplogroup


user plz, you were doing so well

Nice try, user. I've seen 'her' posted around here before. Even if I hadn't seen 'her' before, the flat chest, manly arms and straight torso are a give-away.




what are you even trying to attempt in this post?

Trump is overwhelmingly popular with white women. So was Hitler the core voter base of the nazi party was women. Stop shilling our board.

What horrors have been wrought? I thought I've seen the depths of hell but it seems there's a few more levels to go before I'm through Malebolge. I'm glad I can commiserate my pain with you lot.

is clearly a nigger who save her pictures and post with racebaiting shit.

I mean is clear when you see that "with my ex" photo.

Tis' an Eldritch horror which was born of a curious rock that fell from outer space

Sounds pretty accurate. Or some extreme cuckold perv.

Hard to tell how much of it is Photoshop as well.

I hear you there.
Nobody believes me, and when women saw it they said I was "Black below the waist"

looks like some troll is havin a giggle with photoshop

its actually really funny when I browse the local craigslist. Whole lotta disappointed coalburners.

Something like this would actually be kind of funny if you chose some hideously ugly, morbidly obese woman.

Make it obviously a case of the fox and the grapes…which is a good reflection of reality.

Romney lost specifically because white men did not turn out to vote for him.

Large penis is subhuman. Patriarchal people develop small penis.

Alt-Rights obsession with traps.

The French have massive cocks, explain that.

Which is why israel needs more of it. Think of those poor Jewish lonely women.

Pierre go home

Damn, pic 3 looks nearly exactly like one of my exes. That was 2.5 years ago. She was 19, smoking hot and came from a solid middle-class/lower-upper class family.

Now she's a stripper addicted to heroin.

The first picture has only one inaccuracy. The blonde white woman with the nigger needs to be about 100 lbs heavier.

Only ugly girls and rejects hate Trump.

When I wear my Trump hat out, the only girls that give me shit are ugly cunts.

Ops chick looks more like shes just kidding or just trying to get followers

Yes, goy, successful rich alpha males are totally unpopular with women, that's why they prefer spineless poorfag betas to them…. oh wait, they don't. Well, obviously, we all know women will support Hillary instead of Trump because women are well known for their history of standing firmly together as one block instead of devolving into petty bitchfests and catfights…. oh wait, they aren't.


Got a real cervix-buster here as well. Mine looks even more out-of-place because I'm skinny as hell and have a non-masculine jawline. The kike media has brainwashed everyone to expect my penis to be tiny.

As for the pics of Turmp women in this thread, I don't like that they all look like burnt-out whores with 8lbs of makeup on their faces. There must be some healthy virginal trump supporters, right?

He's not unpopular with women. The media just started saying that in the hopes women would stop liking him.

As long as they actually can vote (they shouldn't be able to) you have to care about their votes if you want to win.

Well…there are…maybe not who you're expecting user.

I wish the last one was a real girl.

They're eye candy my dude. They attract normies.
Like flies on shit in a sense more literal than you would think.

actually I forgot about pupina. Don't know if she's a slut or not, but at least she doesn't LOOK like she's had miles of nigger and chad cock up her roastie.

We can do better. Normies are also attracted to pretty and innocent girls.

HQ Trump QTs

didn't mean to post the asian slut in the middle.

What aren't we expecting? Non-Whites?

I would have never guessed in a million years that pic 3 would be anything other than a crazy tumblr leftist. I've developed a razorsharp Jewdar but zero Conservativedar. Thanks, Holla Forums.

Trump is a lot more popular with women than Crooked Hillary is with men.

The media just doesn't really want to acknowledge that men are allowed to vote as well.

No really? You're kidding. It is a girl you're joking right?

2nd pic please marry me.


hahaha common filth

Nice one, Ghoul

Someone touched her soft spot when she was a baby didn't they. They took a fucking sledgehammer and bashed the back of her head until she became retarded right? RIGHT?

Women are genetically prone to Leftism, similar to how it works with Jews.

If you remove the women voters Right wing would win every time. See Austria where it was women voters that defeated the Right wing party.

I'm so sorry, da55e2
you have no idea what you're in for

Our enemies will call any wifeable-looking trump supporter a trap because
a) they want us to marry traps or
b) they don't want us thinking that any real wifeable qts support trump.

I bet they would even go so far as to say that Pupina and Eval[SHE WHOSE NAME MUST NOT BE SPOKEN HERE] are traps.

A liberal man usually looks more effeminate because, like a woman, he follows the values of his friends or society instead of having an internal compass. It is difficult to tell if a woman is liberal or conservative because she lacks an internal political compass by default. This is as it should be and is another reason that women should not vote. It would be akin to letting children vote.

Heard the same thing from my sister who's 4 years younger than I. Society is falling apart fast and that is why we must rise up as leaders of this lost generation.

Then what happens when we rise up?

Where do all these pics come from? Is there a "babes for Trump" Tumblr or something? MY DICK DEMANDS ANSWERS.

make our ideals into law and send all Jews to Israel. At that point there will be a strong desire in the general public for mandated traditionalism.

Jews actually created this degenerate mess for the purpose of generating desire for traditionalist autocratic rule. See the Protocols of Zion. The only differences between our rule and theirs will be the teaching of proper moral (Christian) values for several generations until society is ready for democracy again, and non-hatred for white gentiles.

Never forget that Jewish bolsheviks killed the beautiful Romanov family.

Thats fucking hilarous

What? What happened to your friends / your sister's friends?

sounds subhuman to me

This looks more like a cuck fetishist photoshop fantasy site.

Nothing big really. She just said that modesty and a sense of shame are considered "old fashioned" among the youth today. For example I said that I don't want to broadcast everything I do and think to all of my 200 facebook friends, and she said I'd be considered "old fashioned" or "conservative." Fuck, I thought it was just common sense to not act like a brazen-faced mamzer.

Also, check out this user's story:

Reading the thread atm and what the actual fuck is wrong with the people in OP's post ?

I can't even comprehend such a situation. Why would anyone indulge in such a thing ?



How is a man supposed to find a woman worth keeping in this era?

Just Darwin in action, folks.

Women get pussyboners for lovable assholes and there's no bigger lovable asshole than Trump.

Yeah. Extra points for daddy issues.

The younger generation had their sense of shame, propriety and impulse control systematically erored since the day they had contact with popular culture.

Yes, they were. Normal people don't have ecstacy orgies. Never have, never will. And there were hippies having orgies in the 60s. Just because these druggies now don't consider themselves hippies doesn't mean they're not. If you actually listen to the bullshit they believe in usually it's rather close to hippie belief. All the degenerate "hook up culture" is just the logical conclusion of the free love movement. The hippies were the first big outburst of cultural marxist indoctrination drilled into the heads of college students and entering the mainstream via their retarded actions in public. As long as we don't see a new decisive movement that goes against that precedent you're going to see micro-repetitions of the original "revolution".

niggers always lie about their dick size

If you read the thread he comes from a kiked out part of Mass full of richfags. Rich kids tend to be huge degenerate hedonists constanly seeking stimulation.

Fuck off, faggot.

4chan story sounds like someone was having a fap while making a sex dream post…..

Trump is actually doing better with women than most Republicans.

Don't believe the lügenpresse

There's also hedonists who aren't hippies. Hippies weren't the first ones to have orgies. Even if these kids aren't "normal" and are actually indoctrinated with hippie philosophy, it's still a bad sign.

Many hollywood celebrities also engage in this behavior and see it as healthy and good. To a certain extent they are cultural leaders and set the moral standards worldwide.

0. Make enough money to actually take care of a wife and family.
1. find a young virgin girl who is either Mormon, Jehovah's witness, or Ashkenazi Orthodox Jewish .
2. Steal her from her family and try not to get killed.
3. Convert to Catholicism in order to uproot her from her cultural traditions, since you obviously don't want to be absorbed into those cultures.
4. Marry her and put babies into her.

Virgin women are a lot more loyal, especially if you are the dominant one in the relationship and she had a religious upbringing. She might threaten you with a divorce at some point because women love to test men. Pass the test by saying no.

I said to convert to Catholicism because it is a way to keep moral standards for your future lineage while not being absorbed into an absurd culture or race. Moral standards have to come from "god", otherwise it's all very arbitrary and easily ignored.

I mentioned the option of marrying a Orthodox Jewish girl because it will help genocide the Jews. Everyone else in your lineage will be white and Christian, overtaking the Jewish blood in several generations. Many Ashkenazi Jews are mostly white anyway.

Why don't you go fucking kill yourself? Stop polluting the language you piece of shit.

forgot to add spoilers… pls don't ban

lol, that's not true at all. Married white women are as conservative as their husbands.

it's b8. Millennials are more conservative than '90s kids, who were more conservative than '80s kids.

See above. You can get a teen if you want to be extra-sure.

Oh shut the fuck up, autist.

Women get loveable pussies and assholes for big boners and there's no bigger boner than Trump's.


t. insecure 1 inch

Small penises were a the standard for beauty in ancient Greece and Rome. They never made a statue with a big grotesque cock (except depictions of priapus, but he was for uncultured former-slaves).

t. someone with a big subhuman dong that bangs up against civilized women's cervices.

Use wet next time, so you don't get caught, homo.

user, is there something you would like to share?

Small penises were the standard of beauty for slaveboys. (I.e., masters were more aroused by the more feminine slaves.) Greco-Roman poetry is full of jokes about women wanting big dicks.

I know teens fall for Jewish memes, I did, too (mostly weed and egalitarianism). But I wouldn't do ecstacy and my normalfag friends who did take it never had orgies either, far from it. Honestly, orgies reek of r selection. Being indiscriminant and public about your sexual behaviour is the epitome of r selection. It doesn't get more "herd mentality" than having sex in a herd. The only small excuse rich kids have for engaging in that sort of behaviour would be that their dad was never home because most rich men work absurd hours.

God is arbitrary and easily ignored. Not trying to demotivate you, it's just a fact you're going to run into trying to raise your children with religion. I never managed to believe in a god from the very start and I didn't have any anti-religion Jewish shilling happening to me at a young age, it just didn't feel real. I could tell everyone in Church was just pretending, that it was just folklore/tradition being practiced there, not genuine belief. None of the shit religious people say about their faith makes any sense, and your children will see that, too, if they are somewhat bright and/or autistic.

Maybe that's actually the best angle, insisting on religion as tradition. Tell your kids these morals have worked for thousands of years whereas all this Marxist and egalitarian shit is a product of decadence, that these are fake values created for virtue signalling, untested by time, and they will all go down the drain as soon as there's any serious trouble.

That word is a serious turnoff. Why would you EVER combine the concept of female sexuality with a word that evokes images of male genitalia? If that doesn't tick you off I'm afraid the other guy is right, you might be a gay.

I see. They probably put small penises on statues because the intention of the statue was to look beautiful, not to to turn women on. In my personal experience women like penises with good length, girth, and hardness. But if it's too long it will hurt them.

Do nofap for a couple months if you want your penis to be hard as steel, as wide as an ear of corn, and covered in pulsing veins. Nofap is also a great way to attract your future wife. She will sense your steely resolve and steely cock.

Of course, I never really believed in him either. Yet Christianity provides a moral standard that keeps families and white societies together. It used to be an integrated part of a much larger culture that developed organically over thousands of years of trial and error from ancient Rome and Pagan barbarians. To remove Christianity from Western culture was a mistake because many other essential cultural systems were dependent on it.

Like you said, it should be kept at least as a tradition. Even if atheism is true, fully believing in it is destructive to society because you realize that everything valuable is simply a result of natural selection. Therefore it is important to explain to your children that we must at least pretend that everything matters, otherwise we will be dominated and enslaved by those who are better at pretending (Islam or Judaism).

it's probably just some stupid reddit thing dreamed up by either a fedoralord or a kike.

Again…fuck off, cunts