So who are you siding with lads?
Marvel Now II: Recyled Ideas Boogaloo
I want everyone to die but Squirrel Girl, just for the keks.
It's weird how Marvel has managed to make everyone of their characters look bland and generic.
It's so bad, I almost didn't realise Cable was on there.
I can't wait for Marvel to die…
I don't even know who half these fucks are, but the right side (outside of Hulk, unless it's Amadeus Chink) is 100% cancer, so as long as they die I don't care.
Clone Saga 2 when?
Dr Manhattan is canon in the marvel universe now to?
It's the chink, look at his bracelet.
Apparently that's not Stark, apparently it's Dr. Doom. (I have no fucking clue, but that's what people are saying.) Also, that's Gamora not She Hulk (She Hulk got killed by being shot with a missile)
Who is the giga negress on the right?
I don't even fully understand what I'm looking at. Like at all.
I don't even fully understand the divide in Civil War II so far, but I've only read the two main issues. I guess having a cohesive plot in the MAIN STORY is hard to come by these days, but I don't even see why the heroes would come to blows at all so far. I mean, if someone can just tell me who the black lady in armor is, that would help me a lot.
No one knows. Probably just a new OC character like Gwenpool, she's obviously some sort of fem-Warmachine. I don't know why they gotta fuck with Rhodey, he was one of their best black characters.
Other than Cable and maybe Dr. Strange I'm fine with everyone shown here dying, actually I'm fucking hoping for it.
It looks like ass. She seems like the kind of negress to use her armor to blast out laser spears or something.
The only good comic Marvel has going right now is Carnage by Gerry Conway. The reason for that is because somehow Conway manages to contain his cuckery to his tumblr and twitter so it can easily be avoided by people who just want to read a good story.
Sad that these days that's about as good as you can ask for. I miss the days when knowing the political lean of a writer was pretty rare, and stories felt more like they just happened. I guess that's the price of the digital age that now we're closer to the creators, and that puts up further from the work.
Left side has:
other has:
yeah left side is better in this war of shit writing.
Also isn't Divided we stand also a Ultimate universe event name.
And why the fuck are they recycling Marvel Now? Isn't this like the 3rd time?
got any details about his cuckery?
Honestly, why would you even want to know? I just got done saying that knowing too much about the creators is a large part of what pushes us away from the BOOKS!
because we need to sperg out about what people are doing unrelated to their works.
I do, but I wont share them. He doesn't inject it into his stories because he has a small level of decency. I don't believe in digging into people's social media so long as they don't shove their politics into my face.
So can someone explain to me, in simple terms, what the actual conflict in Civil War II is, and how the hell it's an event. Baring in mind that I actually read Civil War II issue 1 and 2, and still have to ask this question.
It really seems like having threat assessment and team selection made to match would solve every problem. Just like how it's handled with classifications in One Punch Man and roughly how teams were handled in JLU. Which seems like a logical extension of the registration act stuff anyway. Hell, weren't a lot of early registration act stories about underpowered teams being sent to die or get fucked up by threats well past their power level? How can we be two issues in and I don't know why anyone would be fighting?
Nope, not possible.
Eat shit Marvel.
Just terms then
Tony Stark wants to figure out how the kid's power works but is being a retard about it and Carol Danvers is a huge idiot that sends a handful of C listers to fight Thanos.
Tony Stark is an evil meanie, and like She Hulk died, and um, like the heroes fight now?
If that is the case it will not last. He may be holding it back now, but come the next elections and he will flip out
No one knows who the kid is though? Who's the kid? What kid?
So, it's really only a sequel to Civil War 1 in the sense that "everyone is stupid, please by the book".
Thank you for that clarification, Bendis.
I heard about the Thanos fight. Isn't he supposed to be a universe wide threat? Basically it takes the entire marvel cast to beat this guy doesn't it?
What's his name, the new inhuman with the psychic visions that wont matter one bit after the event is over.
One Punch Dyke dropped him.
Yah but that was a joke, it happened off panel
Not anymore.
Also War Machine shot She-Hulk in the tit with a missile and killed her.
How do these hipster fuckwits expect us to take the story seriously if they don't? As outlandish as some Stan Lee comics managed to be, he at the very least told complete stories with internal consistency, for fucks sake, how are these people employed?
Yah I was there for the horrible marvel threads. I saw it all…
I thought that squirrel girl beating Thanos was a long time ago, before the sjws really took hold
No, in this Captain Marvel (One Dyke Man) beats Thanos (off panel)
That is something which is integral to the plot, and it's shown off panel.
So they rehashed a joke that wasn't very funny to begin with? Also Captain Marvel is pretty OP, but isn't it Ms. Marvel now? This is all just such a huge mess
What the fuck did they do to Slapstick?
I really don't know why you're saying One Punch anything here. I mean, how they beat Thanos is RETARDED, but you don't have to overplay it as even more retarded. For those who didn't read it, for stupid reasons Rhodey accidently hits She-Hulk with a missle. He's distracted, and Thanos takes that chance to punch a Thanos fist sized whole through Rhodey.
Then, EVERYONE GETS SERIOUS. And they all blast Thanos until he falls over. No plan, no cleaver action, no ACTUAL FIGHT SCENE, just "and then everyone decided to hit him and deplete his hit points". Carol didn't do it alone, but it's still plenty dumb.
Thanos was being hyped as the be all, end all of Cosmic Intergalactic Threat to our Entire Existence!
He goes down like a punk bitch to a bunch of c-listers. WTF Marvel?
Don't bring the Big Red Cheese into this crap. He's suffered enough.
We've all suffered enough, that doesn't mean it will not continue
The new campaign for this shit is ripe for backfire.
And worst off, he actually does seem to be there just to get a fucking Cosmic Cube. It's just so beneath him.
The only way it makes sense to me if if the Ulysses kid is actually a reality warper, creating these threats out of a subconscious desire to be the center of attention. Which means there is no "debate" about what to do, Tony should have been allowed to study him, but for some reason didn't just ask to under supervision. Which also means the whole "conflict" is EVEN MORE HOLLOW because the scenario could be a complete manipulation from Ulysses' subconscious, if he really can effect reality to this level. And if the heroes punching eachother story is old hat, the "young reality warper who can't control their power" was first chiseled into stone by the first cave hack.
They're lucky I'm way too lazy to shop all those Avengers membership cards into joints.
God, I fucking wish these faggots would 'quit' Marvel and piss off into nothingness.
That's possible. I'm wondering if Thanos is using the Mind and/or Time gem to feed Ulysses visions.
I'm curious, assuming it is the real Thanos involved, if any of the tie-ins will address the fact that he's in a cell in the Ultimate's basement.
That was another thing people complained about. Being able to contain Thanos at all? Blatant poofery
Apparently they locked him up in a standard jail cell too.
My fingers are crossed that this will happen
Carnage, huh. That's a funny way to spell Vision. The only comic being put out by that shit company worth reading.
The first issue was pretty great actually. I haven't read the next two yet but shit has HAPPENED so far, and she's not even that lolsorandom
What the fuck happened to modok?
They gave him that design a few years ago, only the mohawk is new.
who was her dead friend?
Some kind of cyber-freedom fighter she met in the back of a police car that worked as her tech guy for a while.
I wonder if her comic is a decent read? I may end up checking it out from the local comic shop
That's Doctor Doom?
Give it a torrent, I'm reading 2 and 3 right now.
She's such a fucking qt
I assume most things that aren't being actively storytimed are probably good. I get that people want to story time pure rage, but I'd love if more good stuff got storytimed. The Heavy Metal thread has some good stuff going on right now, more stuff here like that would be great.
user, I realize you may be new to comics (most of the goddamn board is) but the only way to tell if something's good is to read it yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Oh, face it, the absolute worst shit is paraded around here, and no one goes out of their way to share GOOD stuff. Until that trend changes, I'll assume that any good books are the ones people pretend don't exist at all. I'll bother to pirate stuff someday, maybe, but I'm more interested in catching up on 80s books. Hell, I might have to start storytiming old stuff around here soon.
This looks cute. Seems to have more character than a lot of stuff, but as I mentioned, I only hear about most modern books when they're complete trainwrecks.
Shut the fuck up, Goyium.
its not bad at all. at least not the stories written by chris hastings and drawn by gurihiru
she tries to play the comic book logic card and rule of cool her way through everything but earth 616 doesn't want to play along
I'm planning on doing something like that soon actually, I just need to get a full list. I would do Superior Foes of Spider-Man since it's a GOAT book, but people have had a problem with Nick Spencer since that cap thing.
I'll probably do pic related first.
Also most of what's being written by Marvel now probably isn't good or bad, just mediocre. For instance, Totally Awesome Hulk, from what I've seen, isn't bad, but I doubt anyone's interested enough to read it.
Go back to /a/.
As of Issue 3 things are looking up for her but now M.O.D.O.K. wants her dead. At least she didn't join the Avengers or something, that's how you ruin a good sleeper book.
You do it, I'll be there. I've heard a lot of good stuff, but never got to read much.
Tune in tomorrow around 3 or 4. It's as good as they say.
I will be excited for a story time that isn't "look at what these poopoo SJWs did this time! xDDD"
I can vouch. Just started reading Gwenpool expecting some quirky tumblr shit all over the pages but the art is solid, Gwen herself is not annoying at all, she's just some NEET who thinks she is hot shit but gets knocked down a bit because things don't go her way, and the overall story is pretty entertaining. I can see myself really enjoying it as time goes on. It's a glimmer of hope in a long pile of shit from Marvel
It's pretty much the opposite.
The writer tells a great story with a quality female lead.
The artist is probably one of the most talented people I've ever seen in the industry, and she doesn't shy away from drawing women hot. There's a reason people refer to it as "The Power Girl run that was drawn by Amanda Conner".
Fucking fantastic. I miss the days when artists drew women with attractive figures and semi-revealing outfits that highlighted their womanly assets without fear.
If only we could go back to that point in time.
Well to be fair, she still gets work. A shitton of work actually, thanks to her reputation.
so I can add to my blacklist.
where the fuck do you think you are?
fuck off
oh shit.
That's not what I expected.
Damn, might check this out
there generally is no current good.
Only bad and subpar (boring).
I'd rather be angry than bored
People love Superior Foes, probably why they're so annoyed at Spencer
I like Greg Pak but he's sadly joined in on the whole race swapping shit.
I'd post in your thread
I'll be sure to check it out then. It does look very interesting as well.
meh that's cute
would have been better if they called her "DeadGwen" tho
Okay this looks alright. Torrenting now..
How do I story time a cbr file I'll make a thread and maybe compare it to Nu-Deadpool Number 1, so Gwenpool then Deadpool and we can discuss and compare
that's…that's pretty funny.
Shit. I'm seriously thinking of picking this up.
I swore off the big 2 as well
good idea
You just unzip them with file archiver like 7zip, Winrar etc. You will end up with folder of images.
No yeah no you're right. Modok killed that one dude so that must mean the entire tonality of this is pure misconception on my part.
You hypocritical fucks only are suddenly 'aw how cuuuute
You're all right, this is fantastic. I must not like it because I just haven't read it.
Look, I get it. It's not terrible. It's kinda a comfy read, but I don't like all you suddenly head over heels for this shit. It's a character that's yet another female deadpool to appeal to a casual market. Yet another character that's down on their luck and somehow gets by while makes a lot of pop culture references and breaking the fourth wall. It's the same horseshit we've been seeing all over the place. Yet another character from the house of ideas that's just another version of a superhero that already exists. And you're all suddenly gung-ho for it because the artwork's nice?
Good artwork can save a crap story, never the other way around.
I'm still not going to buy it because it's Wil Moss garbage and he's responsible for all of the utter trash like Trudue being featured in a comic, Squirrel Girl, and giving Kate Leth a paying job.
I encourage all of the anons thinking of buying Gwenpool to pirate instead. Don't feed the disease.
That's kinda the problem, these idiots cannot come up with any decent humor other than "LOL RANDOM" and it's just pathetic.
Plus all they did was take Deadpool, gender bend him and give him a shitter costume.
There is no goddamn creativity anymore, they keep pandering to Tumblr and the internet instead of telling a really decent superhero story with humor.
Look I get it, times change and the casual public's sense of humor changes but they're just being lazy with their writing.
And the sad thing is, these hipster fucks think that this is what girls wanna read which is insulting to anybody who wants a good story.
dear god, no wonder Marvel can get away with churning out garbage, is standards are this fucking low.
Sounds great.
…fuck, I've been slowly screencapping each page when I need to post a page. This little tidbit will save me a lot of time.
Thanks man, will start the thread up in a second
Gwenpool Story Tiem
So is gwenpool Gwen Stacy? I stopped reading marvel after the first civil war.
She's apparently a cosplaying fangirl from "our" dimension.
I fucking wish I was making that up.
I like the left more.
On the left I don't know who the clown with the hammer is, purple gunman or green gunman.
I assume the woman next to the green gunman is Jessica Jones.
Pretty sure I know all the rest including what I assume is Devil Dinosaur.
On the right I don't know who the blue floating guy is, a wild stab would be the Living Laser or a revamped Electro despite neither making sense to me.
Black guy in the purple suit is at the far corners of my mind because I'm sure he is decades old, but I can't think of his name.
All I remember is that he was a black guy.
No god damn clue who the time-displaced black woman is.
Am I to assume she puts on a helmet while sporting a fro?
It is like look, most of the women on the right act or look like shitty teenagers.
Racelifted Miss America is doing her best JoJo impersonation at the very least.
Moongirl has no reason to be on this page.
I'm surprised she isn't like some 5th member of power pack to make them more diversified and being the "cousin oliver" character that she even looks like.
8 vaginas on the right.
5 on the left.
A lot more people of color on the right especially if that slanty eyed hulk is who I think it is.
I am now aware Dr.Stange is perhaps the only fucking white guy on the right.
Holy shit!
Bethesda know they stole their shitty T-45 Power Armor design?
nigger what?
Nobody is buying this shit, nigger. People in this thread are just saying that the artwork is pretty solid and that compared the other pieces of autism they've spewed out and called comics, this has to be the least terrible, even if it is still bad and it shows clear signs of "WOWWOW XDDD LMAO I CAN HAZ CHEEZEBURGER??" style humor.
Hopefully people are aware that this comic isn't good, and it isn't like they just ripped off Deadpool and made a character that tries to one-up him on the quirky factor.
Wish I could unsee it but it's clear as day.
Already happened. Ultimate Clone Saga was pretty amazing actually and gave us an actually decent female spiderman… that they didn't do jack shit with and just shoved her off to the side and forgot about her.
it's hilarious how one sided they are making this in terms of whose team the writers are rooting for.
I'm not reading this shit. Care to give a rundown?
Hahaha marvel really sucks now. I'm glad I switched to indie books.
premise is she's a cosplaying fangirl from our dimension that uses her knowledge of comic book clichés to her advantage. the moments where the story's at its best is when she's forced to face the reality she's living in (the page posted of MODOK killing her friend when she wasn't taking him seriously). Whether those moments are worth everything else, judge by yourself.
I find it funny that Marvel got the writer of Dr McNinja to write Gwenpool and the writing still sucks!
Marvel truly does suck the creativity out of everyone doesn't it?
I can't help but feel this is like the New Guardians or The Blood Pack going up against the Justice League.
If today is anything like the 90's, there's hundreds of comic fans out there screaming for minoriteam blood.
That pic makes me think Edgelords vs Tumblr.
But why is hulk on tumblrs side
It's asian hulk. Tumblr's token asian character.
Huh, so i'm really not far off
Wait who and why is asian hulk?
Meet Amadeus Cho.
Oh god…I always was wondering why hulk was trying to rape a little black girl, and why his face looked weird. Cant post pic I'm talking about cause I'm at work.
Well if you've been out of the loop for at least a decade (Amadeus Cho first showed up back in '06 if I remember correctly) I can understand why some people would consider him "new." I have to agree with you, people should do more research before complaining.
I haven't read it either. Really, I haven't read anything since the Gwen x Norman drama.
It's just easy to see which side the writers are siding with. Which side has all the progressive heroes of new? Which side is led by a woman that looks like a dyke(is she a dyke now)?
Yes, this is probably true. But it doesn't mean the comic is bad. After all, Superior Foes of Spider-Man was absolutely just created because of SSM. And that book was excellent. I'm not even saying Gwenpool is 10/10, just that it's a solid read so far.
She's really not if you read the next two issues, there's conflict going on. You don't see that in lol so wacky stories.
So she should lose because you want to hate the comic and are making up excuses, right? That fight existed to establish that she has meta knowledge, and that's how she wins fights. It's not like she just killed them with no explanation, she also had help disabling them,
But she's not like Wade or Gwen Stacy at all. She's not even supposed to be Gwen Stacy.
You'd think so, but most actual comic readers here know who he is because of Hercules.
I don't believe you? I find it hard to believe you quit comics entirely after one bad arc, especially when a shitton of good comics were still being written.
fuck, this is meant for
Great. Tumblr's push for diversity retroactively destroys people's notions against already existing characters. And no one say that this is a diversity thing either. It makes perfect sense since Cho is such a big Hulk fanboy.
I really know Cho from the Incredible Herc run and I really liked him trying to make out with snake women, so I might be biased as to how he's written now.
I think it's a problem we see a lot of these days. People are so afraid of SJWs that they jump at any diverse character at all. Combine that with so many fucking casuals, and we get a lot of the problems we see on the board. The answer to SJWs was NEVER to go full retarded opposite of them, that just makes you a different type of ideologue. The answer was always calm, thought out moderation, and being able to tell when a character is a token and when they are just a character.
Fuck, I've NEVER read a story with Amadeus Cho, and I know about him just from following threads and seeing him from time to time. He was even in the Punisher/Black Widow anime. If people don't know who he is, they just need to lurk more.
That's not hysterical and impulsive enough for the idiot hormonal children that have overrun our website. Fuck this, if I ever see moot on the street I'm going to bash his head into a fucking lamp post for Holla Forums harbor.
They also replaced Fury around that time with black Fury and I saw where Marvel was headed. I just didn't care for the forced drama anymore. I didn't quit reading comics, but I quit supporting Marvel and stopped paying attention to them.
I mostly just read old stuff now and some of the better stuff from DC, though I quit them after the NU52 as well, when I was thinking about giving them another chance Black Wally happened and it sort of verified my decision.
She's a 17-year old MIT student who was able to hack Tony's tech and build a suit of her own inside of her dorm, which brought Tony public humiliation from the media.
Also, Tony's armor and Rhodey's armor was literally stolen by some chick who could control technology. Which probably means that this new OC will save them.
Trust me, I made the mistake of reading the new Iron Man issues.
It's not bad, but a combination of Hastings and Gurihiru should have produced a lot better.
Cho was a logical choice made for the wrong reasons. He makes as much sense as rick becoming A-bomb(fuck marvel for depowering him), but we all know that marvel just wanted an extra diversity point more than an interesting character. Just like with X-23 becoming wolverine.
Wow, talk about being a Mary Sue-like self insert. Let me guess, ALL the characters like her and think she is super cool and she never messes up in anything and is always a stunning example of heroism and smashing the patriarchy because if she wasn't that'd be both sexist AND racist?
How? They live in world filled with super geniuses and alien technology. There are people who built comparable tech from scratch.
Also I hate how they champion diversity but still don't know how afros work.
you have to realize that liberals are racists, despite their denying. They don't like niggers at all, but just use them as a way to earn more brownie points from their social justice pals and they only add them in media because they feel it's THEIR duty to do so, not because they actually want to help some poor negroes get in comics, but because if they add a nigger or two, they can virtue signal to all their pals about how they include people from all walks of life in their comics and how good people they are for being so progressive.
don't forget that it is summer.
Isn't he quitting?
At least they can die in peace
I will miss Ghost Rider Drive in a way
He had a nice Dodge Charger to be honest
Guess again, fukboi!
Is it at least being written by yost?
I actually liked uncanny avengers and deadpool since they did their last reboot thing. I think I only cringed at 1 panel of forced sjw ideology and given this is marvel, that's a hell of a compliment.
seriously though I kinda like the plot of the new deadpool and I'm interested in the team of Uncanny. better than any of the other books I've read an issue or two of.
Slott, most likely.
Just kill me now
Yeah, no.
I think ONE is the only exception to that.
I haven't found any other people that had
good enough stories and characters to keep
Me interested through mediocre art except for his work.
I was really hoping they would just forget about Kaine.
What the fuck do you think Dead No More is?
Slot is basically saying "you know the Clone Saga? I can do it better!" despite being a ok writer at his best.
Thats not Tony Stark, Thats Doctor Doom. He got his face and body healed by Reed Richars (Plus molecule man) at the end of Secret Wars. Hes chill now. Tho it intrigues me that he is holding Iron Man's helmet… Is he going to become the new iron man?
Would not be the first time. And by god, is that such a thing that you have to cry about it?
Thats Gamora. She-Hulk is dying right now. Somebody aparently forgot to tell whoever is writing Civil War 2 that She-Hulk, like all hulks, is a really fast regenerator, and that you cant just kill her, no matter how hard you punch her.
holy fuck lmao, look at her face
No. Actually she says fuck school and tries to go be a superhero just to fuck up in her first try, as the armor she built broke almost immeditatly.
For the love of Galactus tell me that isn't Jessica. I don't know her current situation but, most involve her being a mother with an infant/toddler. She shouldn't be involved in any of this shit. That includes the other Jessica too.
i don't want to
Fucking hell, the first was when Ben Rilley sorry if i wrote his name wrong, i'm tired first showed and ended with him presumed dead
Terry davis tried to warn us damn it!
>cho is a DIVERSE character
Can you get any more transparent than that if you tried? People like you just go around gargling pc cock and then turn around and want to comment on community quality.
You're basically concern trolling to stifle the criticisms using exceptions like these where someone gets it wrong.
Oh right, because that worked so well. Oh no, wait - that's actually what let the cancer grow.
You just end up an impotent voice on the sidelines, constantly trying to prove you're not a bigot, while the gender studies Marxists keep doing whatever they like unobstructed.
Is that giant foot in the background Fin Fang Foom?
There's nothing of value left at Marvel. When is this shit going to stop? When will I be able to give a shit about this line again?
I'm curious how Doom ends up with deadpool's merc team.