Summer of Steven
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Couldn't agree more.
Literal definition of downvote.
Oh boy, I can't wait to get 3 episodes and wait another 4 months!
Is he going to discover that he's otherkin or some autistic shit?
And with no painanon to soften the blow for us…
He will be back
…for the End Times
Okay fellow Steven fags…. you know the drill!!
He will be with us again
Something tells me that he could be just in this very thread.
Really ?
And I still don't give a fuck about this show.
finally, my suffering can resume
I hope Jasper isn't dead and actually shows up again at some point.
And I hope we get more Amethyst episodes.
fuck off
Reminder that even people like Ghost never truly go away. He supposedly died out in 2012, but he came back 4 years later, like the legend o' the phoenix.
Meme hard enough and he will return.
But how can people return from killing themselves?
Just wait.. all but one of the episodes are actually going to be important story shit happening, and then the last episode before they go on hiatus for another year will be some big plot bombshell.
Of course the one godawful show made by a member of the Chosen People gets a renewal.
God forbid this abomination wasn't unleashed on our young.
I want to brutally rip that gem out and shove it up her asshole
Every week of new episodes seems to warrant another extended vacation. Whose idea is this, and why hasn't the network just canned this rusted shitshow yet?
Just a (((coincidence))).
Looks like nobody's saying what needs to be said.
Oh, and congratulations on supporting a massive scam.
Ruby a shit.
No-one cares which character in a communist propaganda you find appealing.
Are falling victim to the teachings of Marx.
No one cares how butthurt you are about a children's show.
Well, excuse me for calling a show out for an agenda that has been shown to actually hurt people in the real world.
Maybe next time you can make a thread where you whine about the smurfs you schizophrenic.
Why would I do that? There's nothing wrong with the Smurfs.
Yes, those are humorous observations, but the Smurfs don't perpetuate a harmful, bigoted agenda like Steven Universe.
the smurfs didn't have women jumping into other women's crotches to "fuse". It also didn't teach "the importance of consent"… also known as rape. These things don't belong in a children's show, and that's leaving out Sugar talking about challenging "gender norms" which is advocating the studies of a man who got twin boys killed with his experiments.
You really need some mental gymnastics to justify these two things being equal in any way.
not really.
Kinda like trying to justify Steven Universe being on the air?
No, actually this is not very hard to explain.
It sells well. There are people willing to watch it and pay money for it. Therefore it's on air.
The outrage about how harmul it is comes mostly from internet men's rights activists, and not from any people with actual voice. Therefore CN has no reason to cancel it.
Okay, but how does any of that change the fact that it should be illegal?
If the MRA is actively against a children's show that is constantly promoting queer relationships, challenging gender norms(which again, was from a failed experiment), and that tries to tackle rape… I think they are in the right.
"Legality" is a flexible concept. There is no single code of law given to as by an enlightened entity. Things are illegal when enough people with money, influence and/or pure strength demand them to be.
So far, not enough people who matter demanded for the show to be illegal. Quite the contrary, many people believe that such elements as "saying that rape is bad" are educational, and should be featured in a show.
I think they are saying that kids shouldn't have blatantly sexual concepts shoved onto them that early on, but I'd blame the parent's more for letting them watch this garbage.
Good to know, because I believe it's time to start a war over this communist shit. Not just the show, but the whole mentality that it represents.
Go ahead, but actually start doing something, and not just shitposting on the internet.
So far, a bunch of PMSing lesbians holding huge signs with barely grammatically correct sentences on them LITERALLY have more power to influence the world than you.
Well, I can't do it by myself.
Also, I forgot to mention this; when I said "it should be illegal," I meant that the ideas it espouses are legitimately harmful enough to be for the show to be canned. If Greg was a woman, the show would never make it to air, that's all I gotta say.
You know what's legitimately harmful to society?
Allowing TV to be the primary source of education for your child. If you're a responsible parent, you wouldn't even have to worry about banning the show, or forbidding your child from watching it. The kid would look at steven universe, watch 3 or 4 episodes, then say "daddy, this show is stupid, can I watch something else"?
If TV is teaching your child wrong values, it's only because you did not teach him the right ones first.
It's not my children that I'm worried about, I don't even have Cartoon Network in my house; I'm worried about the future in general if we let crap like Steven Universe be viewed by a general audience. The ideas in the show lead people to turn a blind eye to their fellow human, should they dare to be a white, heterosexual male.
…How did he die?
If you dislike the show, just hide this thread and move on. Or make a thread to talk about how shit you think the show is. This is a free board.
Oh, it's more than just the quality of the show. It's actually so disgusting that I'm at a loss as to how people haven't tried to bomb Cartoon Network.
Fuckin' kikes
Did any other celebration other than New Years and local festivities appear in SU?
I'm not talking about Loud House or Star Vs, I'm talking about a show that features "agender" characters, portrays females as generally superior to males, and has a main character who is a walking love letter between two "lesbians" who were never seen or hinted at anywhere in the show prior.
>We should have the government introduce laws and regulations that limit the content aired on private television to protect us from communism
makes perfect sense
Nowhere does the show try to hide the fact that they are pretty much females. Whenever this is mentioned, it is because they are technically fucking space rocks.
Yeah, also much more mentally unstable. Steven and his father rarely cause trouble, but Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet have all had their berserk moments in which they did more harm than good. Connie is also a cunt, and Sadie is fairly selfish.
Also, they are fucking thousand year old aliens with superpowers. Of course they have an advantage over humans.
This is actually true but who the fuck cares
I think Sugar mentioned the gems not being straight up female, but only because they don't actually have vaginas.
Do they have X chromosomes? No? Alright then…
They also rarely solve it.
Pure rhetorical revisionism.
Nowhere near as much as Lars.
Which was the choice of Rebecca Sugar. She knows what she's doing.
I'd say people who give a crap about good character development. They threw in two "gay" characters, right the fuck outta nowhere, just for the sake of having at least one gay couple, and instead of developing them as individuals, they just play up their relationship that, in the real world, probably wouldn't be much more than infatuation or lust.
Nice scarecrow.
I'm not Muslim, if that's what you mean, I'm just bewildered that nobody has reacted to the show in a serious way.
It's in your natural instinct, user. No need to deny it any further.
nobody is as autistic as you, and when they feel like the show is bad for them, they don't watch it and tell their children not to watch it, instead of trying to force push their anti-agenda-agenda in public.
So we can tell from that statement that she doesn't acknowledge gender being something as you identify as, but as something biological?
Sounds alright by me.
I never said I wanted to bomb them, I was marking my surprise that they haven't at least been threatened.
So a cowardly muslim. And do you know what a cowardly muslim is? a jew
makes sense
My "agenda" is already the public majority, it's either that not enough people are aware of how harmful the show is, or that too many are apathetic to the harm that shows like this are pushing.
Again, nice scarecrow,
I don't want them to be threatened by bombs, I'm just shocked that no-one's done it yet.
Fuck off.
Nig, I said you could always make a competing thread to shit on the show. Posting about how you hate the show here isn't going to do shit since you're not going to convince anyone who likes it that the show is bad.
I gotta side with triggered user here.
He is in full right to shitpost in this thread. Having two "pro" and "against" threads is counterproductive, because both usually limit themselves to only siding with one argument, and there isn't much dispute going on. People on one end jerk each other off about how good a show is, while on the other end they jerk off about how much it sucks and how enlightened you have to be to not-watch it.
She mentioned they didn't have an uterus, which makes sense considering they don't reproduce that way. Only Rose Quartz shapeshifted herself to get one to conceive Steven.
What doesn't make sense is to have space rocks from a galaxy lightyears away from Earth with a completely different "biology" (not like they are organic) look exactly like women, but I guess that needs some healthy overdose of handwavium. We could also argue how it's weird that they speak English, or how their technology seems to be compatible with ours (although they do mention in that episode that it doesn't make sense), or how the fuck can they sustain their movement without acquiring energy (may be point zero energy, as implied by the fact that they draw "energy" from their surroundings while growing), but this isn't the only show suffering from suspension of disbelief. It would be like complaining about Terminator not being realistic because time travel doesn't real, or complaining about Transformers because space cars resemble modern cars.
They look like females, they act like females, everybody considers them females. Are you seriously going to get autistic because a show features non-organic characters? This is akin to getting buttflustered about XJ-9 being considered a female despite being a robot.
That's false. Just because they aren't as competent in combat doesn't mean they are useless. To put an example, the Crystal Gems would have probably separated by now hadn't it been because of Steven which is weird because they have been together for centuries, but I would also assume losing Rose Quartz had something to do with the group's instability becoming the voice of reason whenever the girls get too emotional.
Lars is an edgy teenager, of course he would be a cunt. Doesn't mean Sadie is far from perfect.
It would have been far, far easier to just make Pearl fall in a relationship with Garnet Pearl is the slut of the group anyway, she can be paired with anyone. It was somewhat hinted at the fact that Garnet was a fusion because she always had one gem in each hand and she had three eyes.
Being a permafusion is probably more akin for them to living together than having endless sex. It's only Pearl who gets really excited about fusion because she is a slut.
Next you will say "aha, the white girl is the slut! Communist propaganda!
You could have more of a case by pointing out how Stevonnie prefers "muh pronouns" they/them, but then you would show you don't really get the pun.
Goddamn guys….
I just wanted to sing the theme song with you guys and shitpost. Not see this devolve into faggots vs faggots…
I mean, SU is some of the dumbest shit on the planet. I don't even think the actual kids even really care for it. It's just another silly cartoon that wouldn't be THAT out of place in the 90s.
It's just a comfy show and I can let some of the shit slide for that reason. Besides, all the people talking about this show teaching kids shit, would you really be that shit of a parent to let the tv be the babysitter?
Isn't that pretty much every Holla Forums thread now? Some faggot sees something that offends them, then they come and here and whine and bitch and moan and then the entire thread gets filled with fags vs other fags with a few shitposting throw in there.
Getting the thread back on track… who is best gem? I'm between Lapis and Peridot. Lapis is cuter, but she's a cunt to everyone but Steven although she seems like a total waifu when talking to him. Peridot seems to be the only gem that is trying to become a better person despite being a huge social retard, and that's adorable. Pearl could have also been an option had she not been absolutely neurotic.
Sadly it is. It makes me depressed to think I spent time of my life to argue about fucking Zootopia and trying to explain that any cop movie is going to use cop/detective story tropes, but the faggot wanted to make it out to be about Feminism, not realizing that he was doing the exact same shit that people like Laci Green and Anita Sarkey do; trying to inject their shitty opinions into otherwise meaningless things. I mean fuck, is anyone on here, fans included, gonna give a fuck about Steven Universe in like five years? At that point, I'd think it'll be part of a nostalgia thread on here by then.
tldr: Anyone on Holla Forums who complains about shitty cartoons "teaching communism" or anything like that needs to have their parenting abilities questioned, much like the same SJWs they hate so much.
My body is ready, nigga. All abroad the shitpost train!
I'm gonna be weird and say I like Peridot and Amy.
I like Lapis, but I see way too much of myself in her. I have someone in my life who I don't really like at all and often ignore.
Probably Peridot for the same reasons you stated. Lapis is currently a cunt, but I'm hoping she gets better in the next season.
I can't think of Amethyst as anything else than a cunt after seeing how weird things got in that Amethyst and Greg episode. It almost seemed like a subtle metaphor about drug addiction to cope with the loss of a loved one.
That said, she is definitely an interesting character, and she has her funny moments, but what makes her an good character is the fact that she is not best gem in any way.
Again, it's more than just my personal taste in animation. In fact, if you removed the cultural Marxist shit and just made an action comedy, it'd be a decent show.
Fucking what.
So do Bruce Jenner and the Wachowski brothers. What's your point?
Except, in that show, she was programmed as a girl. There's nothing in Steven Universe stopping the Gems from being men.
No, that is.
I never said the were useless, I said they rarely solve problems. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one episode where Steven and Greg both solved a problem, and the solution was a joke.
Connie isn't a cunt. They don't write her as one; they write her as a nerdy kid who learns how to sword good. You only called her that because she's the first female character I'd think of.
Again, that's the choice of Rebecca Sugar. She could've just as easily written him as a thoughtful young man who makes snacks for Sadie and owns a puppy.
And it still would've been shit.
I know what they're trying to make it, I'm just pointing out how it would've gone in reality.
I wouldn't, how fucking dare you, but there are people who would.
Yeah, in Sdrawkcab Dnal, where most of you fucks seem to live.
I only compare you to an SJW because of your uncanny ability to read too deeply into things like this. Yes, this cartoon has some questionable content, but I think it's a bit far to write it off on something like that. We could talk about the very weird and often off-model shit that goes on in the cartoon, we could talk about how this cartoon is always trying to be some Disney tier musical, but no, we should talk about an agenda that SU pushes that even most normalfags will catch and laugh at.
Have you ever even an SJW in real life try to discuss something like gender, while the rest of the group is just confused about why some Tumblr-tard is just fucking spilling truckfuls of spaghetti? Besides being hilarious as fuck, most people don't give a fuck. Most parents worth their salt will either tell their kids to not watch the show or even just get rid of tv and even the internet or at least talk to their kids about this. This is what most people like you, regardless of political leaning tend to forget and it makes you one and the same; normals don't give a fuck about this shit. Sure, SJWs call them problematic and you guys call them cucks, but it's all the same shit.
Does she?
Do they?
There is also nothing stopping them from becoming helicopters. They still don't cease being girls, just like Timmy from The Fairly Oddparents doesn't stop being a boy even if he could wish to become a girl (which he has already done).
Anyway, you first complained about the fact that they don't have an X chromosome, and now you are saying that XJ-9 is also a girl despite lacking it because "she was programmed to be a girl". It is kinda implied the gems are natural supercomputers who get a hard light avatar, which would also make them "programmed" to instinctively generate their bodies as female.
Greg and Steven managed to decrypt Lapis' message. Steven stopped The Cluster from destroying the world just by being nice to them. Steven commanded a little army of watermelon clones to defeat a huge fucking fusion. Steven has used his shielding abilities to protect their friends in vital moments in several episodes.
Problem with Greg is that he usually doesn't get involved in Crystal Gem problems. He outright states so, because it's implied he doesn't really have a good relationship with them. However, Steven is plenty useful, and even more useful when it comes to social issues. In fact, I would say he is the only socially competent character in the whole series, which is a really important quality when you have to babysit three girls that can't stand each other.
I guess what she does has some justifications, but she has caused trouble to Steven for no good reason. Fusion Cuisine happens because Connie couldn't be assed to just tell her mother Steven lived with his aunts.
I'm not reading deeply into it at all, it's just critical thinking.
Most normal people wouldn't laugh at the show, they would rightfully be horrified by it.
Except here, I'm not making shit up. I'm talking about real ideas in the show that are part of an agenda that, if left unchecked, will be the death of civilization.
best post
I prefer
Thanks for the bump, I guess.
Have you tried actually getting people together to write a letter or something to CN about the problems you think this show has?
Get enough angry parents and you can move mountains. Just shitposting isn't gonna do anything.
What are the odds on redeeming Jasper? I think the odds are low but, I still want more of her and we never really got anything specifically for her.
If Rebecca Sugar is an SJW, then why did her show tackle the unspoken of issue that is female on male rape?
Calling people to action is no laughing matter.
That episode had literally nothing to do with rape, or sex at all. She trapped him on an island, and if they had sex, he must've said yes each time. That's not rape. And no, I'm not a feminist (ugh); this is the same logic I would use is the sexes were swapped. If you said yes, even under false pretenses, then you had consensual sex.
That's what makes me laugh so much, like I get it fags come on here to bitch and moan because they have too much free time on their hands.
To be honest, SU is an okay show that mostly fails because the writers don't see to care about telling interesting ongoing stories and mostly focus on 11 minute one shots that have no nothing to do with each other.
And whenever the writers do leave their comfort zones and write world building it all leaves up to nothing. Take the whole Cluster thing, they built it up as this be all end all monster and it was beaten in a single 11 minute episode.
Honestly if you took out all the gay shit then nobody on here would whine or complain about it.
That's actually the least of my worries when it comes to this show.
thats rape you misogynist
At worst, it's coercion. Nobody was hurt, no blood was drawn, no violence was committed. The worst that's gonna happen is you'll regret it later..
It's not that surprising considering Sugar used to work on AT.
Yeah, I'm not buyin' what you're sellin', pal. Where I'm from, kidnapping and brainwashing someone into fucking you is rape.
She didn't kidnap and brainwash him, she went with him to an island and convinced the other two the warp pad somehow vanished or was lost, so they spent a lot of time together and he eventually warmed up to her after he talked about his feelings. Come to think of it, they never even kissed until just before they left, so even if you consider sex under false pretenses rape, no sex had occurred, so no rape had occurred, either.
(Wow, I'm late on this one…)
In that episode, it wasn't portrayed as a rape, just a misadventure that led to a better relationship. That's how fucked the show is; they portray sex under false pretenses as perfectly fine because a person with internal sex organs didn't want to buy a vibrator.
Hopefully you get tricked into fucking a transgender because you thought they were a real woman one day. Better not complain afterwards because hey, false pretenses don't matter, amirite?
Okay, after thinking about it… yeah, that was fucking dumb of me.
But when is it ever hinted that they fucked? At most, they're shown to have kissed. Not saying Sadie isn't a cunt for what she did, but it didn't seem like they fucked.
Shit I thought they cancelled this trash by now.
tumblr isnt even talking about steven universe anymore. Why bother?
The idea was still there. Just because something is omitted or overlooked doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I hope jasper comes back as a super giant gem that has gone insane from being buried in the earth and becoming "overcooked" like amethyst and fucks with the cluster and makes it into a threat again.
Who am I kidding, jasper will just discover the power of friendship or some shit or the cluster will never be mentioned again at all in any context.
Nothing ever really happens in this show because it's more about pushing tumblrisms than any actual progress.
They literally made the same episode twice already in regards to steven's aging.
We get it, he ages based on his own self image.
For a while he was actually developing from loser to hero, now that stagnated.
Every time there is an action episode it's "No steven it's too dangerous, stay here and let us get ourselves into trouble" Steven ignores these hyper intelligent gem people who seem to be autistic as fuck and forget every fucking episode how often Steven bails their dipshit asses out. and he saves the day. "Hurr ooh we were wrong about you steven hurr" just to do the same shit the next time they have an action episode. which seems to be the bread surrounding a massive shit sandwich of sjw feels.
I gave this show a chance, after that last build up about the cluster, I hope this show is cancelled. It proved itself to be a bunch of vapid garbage that had potential, but they blew their load early. Now it's becoming a flaccid dripping cock of poor decisions.
These are the viewers for the last five episodes of Steven Universe.
Isn't Tumblr avoiding something a good sign?
Maybe even SU is now too problematic for them.
It could also mean the show's gone too radical for Tumblr.
Does she have to actually murder Lars for you to see how awful this excuse of a human being is?
I was criticizing the show for portraying what she did as no big deal. Learn to critical thinking.
Did Lars really just fuck Sadie because he was trapped in an island or because he genuinely liked her? This doesn't make Sadie less of a cunt, but I don't think it was rape since Lars wasn't even blackmailed and did everything out of his free will.
This is like that case where a bunch of girls decided to have sex with a guy who said he was a porn producer, but he wasn't because he was a shitty loser tech "journalist". It seemed like a good idea at first, but then after a few days they discovered it was a lie and then they were retroactively raped. I feel pity for those women for being played like that but I doubt you could call it rape.
If I went to any court of justice and said "I was raped because I had sex with a woman one month ago and today I discovered it's a man baby", the judge and the whole courtroom would probably laugh at you. Of course you could complain, because what happened to you was pretty shitty, but you can't be retroactively raped.
Let's put it some way. A girl tells you she will always be with you, you fuck her like there is no tomorrow for your first time, then two days after that she leaves you. This is one of those cases where, had you known about this fact (that she would change her mind soon), you would have probably tried to avoid sex if only not to get too emotionally invested. You probably feel bad about having sex with her because it made you feel something, just to get all your hopes crushed in a matter of hours, but this doesn't make it rape, it just makes her a cunt.
>he doesn't realize this is meta commentary on Steven Universe
Hey guys.
Hey. Guys.
Just a minor thing that I figured you might find interesting, they just announced that all of season 3 is going to air in one month, 21 new episodes day after day
Not a big deal, just a bit of trivia.
Time to hurl some nukes of our own.
I wait with baited breath.
oh yes, it seems we'll need that general after all.
Sounds like they want Steven Universe canned.
aka, they know the show's interest is waning.
better blow their load now before people drop it
Cartoon network's promo to advertisers had a very distinct lack of Steven Universe.
Sounds like we will have our last couple of generals. Which makes me worried. Soon a show that's even worse than SU will come up, at least SU was somewhat likeable.
I honestly think that it will take a while for a show that sparks the same level of autism that SU or AT reached
His mom has been wearing a lion suit this whole fucking time. AHAHAHAHAHA! That would almost make this shitfest decent.
In this day and age they'd dismiss you if you went to court the day after it happened and would call you a "transphobe" or some shit.
So to anyone here who watches this show, may I ask: Why?
It's fun.
Boredom. Really.
Plus SU threads are some of the more active threads and while SU fans are faggots, they're lovable faggots.
It has charismatic characters, it has some plot that only gets furthered once in a blue moon, it has some original DEEPEST LORE, and it also has something I think is fairly interesting and that is that it's one of the few western cartoons that try to have continuity between episodes. It's not the only cartoon that does this, because there are many others, but more often than not they tend to be stateless, and it's refreshing them doing this because it makes the world seem more lively.
Some people criticise the art and the animation, but it's not that bad, even for "old school" CN works standard. It's not a masterpiece of animation, but it does the trick and there are far worse examples out there that rarely get brought up as being badly animated; I must admit, some character designs are kinda ugly, but not eyerape ugly, so you just get accustomed to them.
It's a fairly nice cartoon. It's far from being the pinnacle of animation in any aspect, but it's fun and one of the best things Cartoon Network has to offer right now. Honestly, I think it just gets most of its hate from space lesbians and jooz and SJW and specially its terrible fanbase, but the show itself is not bad.
A fuckload of people still eat McDonalds, but that doesn't make it anything more than garbage.
I agree, Hardee's and Carl's Jr are way better.
But from what I've heard they barely do the continuity stuff and focus more on self-contained events.
I'm not bothered by it, and it kinda makes sense that it would occur in a single gender(coded) race, but ever since the reveal of Garnet being a fusion of two lovers I've heard her character is now nothing but "I'm made of two lesbians".
At least the fries are tasty.
Don't tell lies on the internet.
Maybe in Burgerland they're crap (wouldn't surprise me with how processed your cheese is), but over here they're good.
Yeah basically. Garnet-focused episodes are either
I wish garnet had stayed the stoic type. It worked and
And where is "here"? Because McDonalds is the hottest garbage in burgerland. The local gyro place even does better.
The UK had the right idea.
Continuity is always present, it's just that episodes don't start just where the last ended, so continuity is often made of references to past episodes. The easiest example would be that time when Steven didn't want to watch Littke Butler because he had been grounded from watching TV for the following 1000 years ever since the events in Fusion Cuisine, but there are more, such as Sadie's scars after she raped Lars she fought the invisible space rock in the island. You can technically watch most episodes in any order, but you will miss on some details, which doesn't happen with most other cartoons that are indeed stateless.
She talks about OH YEAH, IT'Z FUSION way more often, to the point it's starting to get a bit tiresome, but she is still a real character. The real difference between early show Garnet and current Garnet is that she is way less stoic, which allows her to further the plot a bit more than come in, punch baddies, solve problem.
Oh, it's not that I don't like it, it's that it's an agenda that can and has hurt people.
I'm talking about social justice.
But the image posted is about homoerotic soft lesbian imagery. This is akin to complaining about whitewashing a character because that's nazi and Nazis killed a lot of people in WW2.
See, it's a step in the right direction. They're not letting the social justice agenda, which the scene was based in, seep through into their culture.
So what do you guys think of the nigger gem?
she seems like a funny character, but I'm unreasonably negative about her, because I hate the fact that tumblr guessed her gem right.
She's like Sardonyx; a likeable Gem with a terrible design.
That's what I was thinking. I can deal with the dreads, but they could've done the rainbow colors better. Or just had her gem be the only multicolored part of her.
Steven Universe designs have just gone amazingly downhill as time has gone on. Fusions with no parts resembling the components, gems placed in ridiculous places that look silly as hell, characters with proportions that just flat out do not work, you name it.
Then there's the writing. Bismuths crying is just completely tone deaf. She's a soldier who's entire entire squad got fucked up, and she wasn't there. That's the kind of shit writers make whole series about. She went to sleep and ten thousand years passed. That's another conceptual fucking goldmine. They had a time machine that could have fixed all of this, but Steven broke it, but I guarantee it will never come up.
By making it essentially about Pearl crying first it becomes another lesbian feels deal instead of making it about Bismuth's very workable character issues. Just like Peridot's Menegle esque abominations were made about her disrespecting lesbians instead of abusing the dead or essentially torturing people.
It's essentially Steven Universe in a nutshell. You have a giant ass array of good material to work with, but it devolves into narcissistic fee fees instead.
I think they somebody finally punched Paul Marketing Jr. in the dick.
That or they finally looked at the ratings and saw that a week of episodes followed by half a year of waiting is not a good way of getting people to look at your show or get them to buy merchandise.
It's only part of the episode, so hopefully, the full thing won't be a disappointment.
Well, you can't get lower than the bottom, I always say.
Okay, that's not fair. The show is actually very well made, but the agenda behind it calls me to pray for its destruction.
I have family problems
So it is Woolie…
I like checkers
They have good fries.
I guess I could just as well post it here, why not.
I dont trust her one bit. Why would space jesus Rose Quarz bubble one of her own soldiers and put her on her own, private pocket dimension (One so secret that her own 5000 year follower, right hand and lover didn't know about it) if she was fine?
She was probably a space racist.
Woolie, from the Two Best Friends play series. They are remarkably similar, or at least they were when she was brown.
Now that would be a twist- a gem who only wanted to save Earth so they could enslave/rule over humanity.
Wasn't one of the reasons she rebelled because she valued all life?
Yeah, good point.
Maybe Bismuth was a gem supremacist, then?
Maybe she was like, "I need to bubble your gem so you can help my son in the future."
The gem is her real body, the rest is a "hard light projection" (basically a tangible hologram) she controls to interact with the world. No, it does not make any sense or have any good explanation for how or why it works.
I remember when the show first was starting, Becky claimed that no holidays of any kind existed in-universe. Even Tumblrinas found that arbitrary and retarded, and if there was a New Year's event in-show, then I guess that Sucrose was forced to reel in her Kike-ness from that front.
consistency in quality and plot
decent tunes
SOME likable characters
it bothers me to say it may be the best cartoon on right now
back when gravity falls was running I used to say consistently airing but that is no longer the case
I think it's mostly habbit now and peridot and bob
also just to be clear Exosquad is my favorite western cartoon of all time
I'm going to save this post because it perfectly encapsulates why I find myself liking this series in spite of its enormous glaring flaws.
It would be nice to believe that the hipsters behind this show are just legitimately skilled writers and that they've set up these carefully placed plotpoints in advance to spread out the story at a masterful pace.. But it just turns out they took chekhov's gun and turned it into chekhov's shotgun.
They just haphazardly spread plothooks around and occasionally revisit them at random. Like the goddamned lion, for example. That shit was introduced in the 10th goddamned episode and we still haven't found out anything about it. In fact, the only thing we learned years later is that the gems had no idea it belonged to Rose.
This is only made more confusing when you realize they've been on Earth for 5000 fucking years. They've watched practically the entirety of human history and they are still so socially retarded and have trouble understanding basic human interactions like they just arrived yesterday.
Worse still, their homeworld didn't think to check on the place until now? How the fuck does that work? A handful of gems picked a fight with them and they lost, but didn't come back with any of their intergalactic empire?
But ALL OF THAT SHIT is put on hold so we can have a bunch of episode about how Pearl is still gay for Rose Quartz. And how Ruby and Sapphire are super gay for each other. And how Pearl is too gay at Garnet, but in the wrong way because they were gay under false pretenses!
Oh, and let's not forget that we have to spend time with all the QUIRKY AND WACKY townsfolk of Beach City! Aren't you glad this show has PLOT and WORLD BUILDING so we can get episodes about Lars being a cunt?
Priorities, user.
To Sucrose and Co, feelz is more important than such silly things as progression and character development. Why use your 11-minutes-a-pop time efficiently and have the plot actually progress when you could just procrastinate? Jerking off for 7+ episodes and resolving two important plot points in 2 episodes is so much more rewarding!
Why focus on characters that are relevant to the plot or even the lore? They can be used for themes too, but things that have a point are boring! Let's focus on Background Character and Not-A-Self-Insert's mommy issues when that was more appropriate in Season 1!
Why focus on the more "problematic" issues the characters have? Steven's obviously stunted psychological growth? Garnet's self-worship and her components' codependency? That's not cute enough! Let's just focus on Pearl and Amethyst's self-esteem issues entirely, and act like they can be talked out of. After all, problems are solved with songs and hugs and kind words. Anything that can't be talked down is completely fine and not a problem to begin with! Unless you're a shitlord with no summon-able weapon, then you have to kowtow to completely unreasonable people. Until you change your ~gross~ ways, everything you do is wrong. Check your privilege!
(((Progression?))) Priorities? What're those? (((Feels))) are more important, because that's what makes a story!
Man the preview with Greg is just disgusting in a multitude of ways. Greg takes so much shit from the Gems. He used to be a rock star but he broke his back building a home he can't live in, can't see his own damn child, and has to pay for their damages whenever they have a feels attack that's unrelated to him. Then when something cool happens to him and it's HIS turn to have a musical number Pearl fucks him over and decides he doesn't deserve it.
Steven isn't Gregs son. He's his wife's son. If it was his son he'd insist on the little shit going to school instead of playing video games all day and would live in the house he built with his own two hands instead of signing it over to a trio of ungrateful lesbians who hate him.
Once you realize what kind of mind thinks this writing is ok, it becomes horrifying. Because somewhere out there is a team of people that think kidnap and rape is ok if you do it to a man, or that desecrating corpses only matters if it can be made into a gender politics issue, or that if someone loses a contest of skill that should be ignored because the loser cried a bit.
I normally hate the people who talk about cancer killing society but this is it in an eleven minute nutshell. Forget about gays and gender issues and imagine what would happen if this were a bunch of straight cis white people. Their raw self centered narcissism, and the message promoted that THAT'S what's ok, will kill a society a million times faster than who gets married to who.
Like imagine the kids who grow up watching this shit and deciding Steven and the gems are good role models. That person is going to alternate between sitting on their ass making instant meals and whining that the world isn't handing them easy answers in a way even worse than the worst of /r9k/, because at least robots grew up in a society that didn't say that was ok.
Those were supposed to be nods to the progressive nature of the show. Fuck me, it's 2 in the morning where I live.
I think this goes along with the long-running cliche that women should never be punished.
You know you're talking about the guy who dropped out of community college to be a rock star, right? School is kind of secondary to magical education.
The problem is that the gems barely fucking do their jobs and teach Steven anything.
Which brings us back to the problem that multi-millennia old super advanced space beings are somehow the worst fucking teachers on the entire planet.
It's not only never punished, but should have authority regardless and be rewarded.
I can't think of a single reason why Pearl should be with those two. She and Greg clearly don't like each other and there's no reason he shouldn't immediately tell her to fuck off.
If it takes that small an amount of time to teach, he can do it after school. If Steven were already a teenager in the beginning and this were just him skipping senior year that'd be one thing, but he clearly did it so young he has no grasp on basic math or spelling.
I mean shit, even if it was just gym class at the very least he'd have been able to pass that ridiculously easy test the gems gave him out of pity, because if you looked closely he actually failed every single part of it, from running to basic pattern recognition.
Steven is 100% worse off for not going to school and that's non negotiable. I mean for fucks sake Connie goes to school and actually tries to train in her off hours and she's way more effective in an actual fight. Sadie may have already graduated but she actually did her shit and works out and she was ALSO BETTER THAN STEVEN.
They taught him to read, though.
Who am I kidding Greg probably taught him that too.
I legitimately wouldn't be surprised at all if every gem was illiterate.
It's kind of baffling that they didn't take the time to try and train Steven as a Gem the moment he started showing Gem powers.
Clearly, as a human, he needs to be physically conditioned and have his reflexes trained.. But instead, they left him at home for most of his life and let him play games and watch TV all day, which he could have done while getting a normal education while living with his fucking Dad.
Poor Steven. If I remember correctly, he lived with Greg until he was 12 or something, right?
What the fuck was Greg doing this whole time?
It hasn't been made clear outside of that one extended intro song video. It looked like he was living in the van with Greg and then they built he house and he moved in without Greg.
What were the gems doing in the decade between Rose dying and Steven moving in?
This show is so frustrating sometimes. They'll mishandle big plot points or just forget that they're making a fucking superpowered kid cartoon, but then they'll come out with a scene that's just an absolute joy to watch the Onion birthing scene in particular, what the fuck? and it has jack shit to do with anything.
They should've decided whether they wanted to be a superhero show or a slice of life a long time ago, because they clearly can't do both at the same time.
You mean tumblr?
A guy dropping out of community college is VASTLY different from a kid who doesn't even finish primary school.
Greg was an adult who tried higher education and it wasn't right for him. Which is fair because he's a guy who works with his hands. He did the minimum society wanted and tried to go beyond that before picking a different path based on his experiences.
Steven doesn't even have a CHANCE. He didn't get to bare minimums, or even halfway through bare minimums. He was plucked out of it at a time all his peers were first learning responsibility and shielded from consequence.
I think it's because the writers were inspired by DBZ
Gohan was homeschooled by his mother, but that was just secondary info (because the show was about fighting, not about a child being homeschooled)
Much like how Gohan defeated Perfect Cell, Steven will probably defeat a high ranking Crystal Gem (But by the ways things are going, we'll probably have to wait at least 5 seasons before this happens)
Care to explain for a non-watcher?
So you like it because it has good material that it doesn't use?
A very long time ago, the item from the first picture has appeared in an episode, located in a pretty special place, and it has never been explained what it is or why is it there.
It's pretty obvious that the thing is a metallic mineral Bismuth.
Quite recently, the character in picture 2 has appeared in a flashback. The character's name has never been given, and its entire role was "Punched another character a single time, several thousands years ago".
When the latter episode aired, people started coming up with theories on who could the character be, and one of the theories was that it's actually bismuth, because… the inverse L shape resembles a spiral? That's the thing - there was not much proof, yet many people on tumblr immediately accepted it as total canon, jumped to designing OCs and artistically circlejerking.
It was a generally standard thing over there, with many theories being popular in the past, such as
well, with the release of the newest trailers, turns out that the newest theory was right.
To be fair, Bismuth is a mineral known for being very unusual and geometric in shape. If the gem in the character's chest was geometric and in a odd shape for a gem to be cut it doesn't seem much of a stretch to guess.
You had a good post until this part. What the fuck kind of person looks like cartoon characters as role models? I mean, maybe Rocko, but really?
Steven's path is pretty much chosen for him, what with that pink rock sticking out of his bellybutton.
that isn't a real character is it?
It's real.
I can't wait to watch the three episodes that actually move things forward a bit and skip the rest of the filler shit.
This show is awful, but when it's good, it's pretty good.
SU's main problem is that it wants to be too many things at once (A Slice-of-life pseudo-harem anime/a Shōnen anime/a Shōjo manga)
Dumbass parents, who think all cartoons should be about educational shit.
It really suffers from that AT style of storytelling which is having one plot relevant episode every blue moon and then following up on it with slice of life/unrelated shit when everyone would rather have more plot.
Everyone here needs to see this.
nobody cares about your opinion faggot
It's not just my opinion, it's basic critical thinking.
I don't give a fuck.
The point is not that you're wrong, I wouldn't know, I did not even read that shit.
The point is that you wrote a long ass post and got mad nobody cared enough to read it, so you're spamming and saying "hey, notice me , notice me!"
Go to fucking reddit and attention whore there.
I saw it.
Now what?
What do you think of it?
you didn't write anything new
you should leave Holla Forums forever for being a desperate attention needing child
So, someone before me has made this observation.
Or are you just an incredibly lazy reader?
It's more like I like it because it has good material that it might use.
I don't care.
Yes. I don't care.
How about you stop talking about how a children's cartoon is supposedly going to cause the fall of humanity, and instead watch some fucking leaked trailers
>next episode: Steven randomly gets another power rather than trying to train for it or anything
Have you read my post on the other thread? If this show goes on, there's no "supposedly" about it.
Okay, you're an apologist. Have fun in Hell after a deranged man bombs the building you work in, because that's clearly what you want.
Uh, so it's confirmed that his story about Marty was pretty much slander?
marty appears in one of the other episodes.
Maybe Greg and Marty say their sorrys first, and the check only happens later
Glad to see you're all back to celebrating a show, now that you know it's going to perpetuate our downfall into Marxism.
I love Garnet.
he's obviously talking about Pearl you retard
He was talking about steven
meant for
Pearl is a jew tho
Jews can be niggers.
Yes but not the pale as fuck ones
she's a slave-breed, so obviously a nigger
What will it take to convince you to fight?
Fight what? You? 1v1 me faggot
Fight the show and its agenda. You know what the agenda is, and you know that it's harmful to society, so why do you cucks act so nonchalantly about it?
Why don't you go bomb Cartoon Network's headquarters and get it over with?
you should probably strap a bunch of explosives to yourself and go blow up a convention of SU fans or something.
I hear that this strategy works wonders for people who feel like their culture is being threatened by others.
Because what the actual fuck, dude? We need to warn the people who make the show, as well as those who view it, about the dangers that it poses, and that message can't be spread with pure violence.
Then go talk to someone who gives a shit.
SU is the most redpilled children's show on television
Pretty redpilled compared to what else is on bro.
These two seem to agree with me.
Then go talk to them.
According to my incredibly careful statistical analysis done with a use of a metaconceptual spectrograph, I concur that "those two" are just you responding to yourself, in hopes of drawing attention to the longass post nobody cared enough to read.
Does anybody care to question my thesis?
I already said enough to convince them.
shit man I guess you have unquestionable evidence, I mean, I could not possibly argue with that.
So, you're me, or…?
No I'm (you)
I am you from the future!
There is no time to explain, follow me-OH CHRIST
Thank's for derailing the conversation, dipshits.
(you)'re welcome
there has never been any fucking conversation
here, have some porn I've made recently
not fappable
So what is ?
What about the terror apology?
I like the different nipples.
Peridot and homeworld are nazis, not terrorists. You must not be very redpilled.
Do you really think that complaining in a SU thread will do anything? Why don't you do a write in campaign to cartoon network or something christ. Complaining about that shit here is autistic and accomplishes nothing.
You clearly didn't read my post.
You think a multi-million, if not billion, dollar company is going to listen to a single voice? I need to recruit as many people as possible. If there's a news source that'll take anybody and let them write something for their website, please let me know.
okay, listen, friend.
I'm a nice guy, right?
I like you, and I want to help you.
So instead of trying to explain to you that you should leave, I decided to sacrifice a bit of my time and make the appropriate thread for you.
No need to thank me.
>>>Holla Forums6737361
Nice strawman, fuckwit.
Why would he bother being serious with you?
Because I'm being serious about a serious topic.
That doesn't mean anyone else has to be.
Wait, you are?
let me laugh even harder
Are you retarded m8? Wait, don't answer that. You took the shitposts about SU being redpilled seriously so you obviously are.
Well, I guess if you dicklickers want your hometown nuked by ISIS, I can't really stop you from thinking that.
Once I have a bigger voice, that'll be the first thing I do.
Man you really are daft. I gave you advice on what to do but you were too retarded to figure out what I was saying. Have fun trying to change the minds of people who don't give a shit. Did you really think you could convince a board full of pedophiles to care about SU's degenerate messages?
No, because this isn't a board of pedo's. It's a board of thinking adults who know what the perpetuation of an agenda is capable of.
That's only like 10 of the posters here dude.
Obviously, you are not one of them.
sorry to break character, but I think you fucked up with this post
To me, you passed the Poe's point in this sentence. It becomes clear that you're just playing**
Yet, I'm more capable of critical thinking than you'll even be.
You were pretending to be a rabid SJW? And what about having higher intellectual expectations for adults than children pushed me into the Poe area?
He seems pretty casual about getting 10 Million dollariedoos.
I recognized the tone of the song on the first few seconds and i was about to suggest that Greg was a shill. But it turns out that his shit manager is giving it his 3%
And he doesn't care! What a fucking hippie
He never really seemed strung up for cash or anything.
Know what, i was wrong about this guy. Looks like he clearly knows how to enjoy the benefits of capitalism.
Just like a true gentleman.
next week on national tumblr news
Greg tried to rape Pearl
It was consensual, we all saw it.
Wow. Marty looks like shit.
Wow. Marty looks like a sack of shit.
Both literally and figuratively
Pearl in a tux makes my pee-pee hard.
what time does the episode start?
7:00 PM EST
So 2 hours and 40 minutes from the time this post is made, for those who don't want to bother checking.
Gentlemen, today is the day.
Are you ready for the shitstorm?
So… 8:10 where i am
Pearl demonstrates that she is best mom and gives us the episodes!
my life took an unexpected turn guys i think i'm what steven grows up into
You people are a disgrace to reason. Are you not aware that this show supports terror apology?
Explain yourself, my tinfoil hat wearing friend
My god, you're right!
Are you the bitch that published that?
Oh yeah, gut reactions are the best. Thats why every character that "doesnt negotiates with terrorists" is either steven segal, or gets killed imediatly so someone smarter comes to take their place.
You know that in real life there is this position in most law enforcement units called "The Negotiator", whose sole role is to negotiate with terrorist so people doesn't die.
Besides, what kind of idiot bases an opinion out of a unfinished episode?
Wanna know what happens after that? Fuck you, i'm telling you anyways.
Steven traps peridot on the car and goes to the gems to just say "what the fuck, why do i even try!", Peridot escapes on the robot she built some chapters before. She uses the comunicator and everybody sees what was her plan. Calling Yellow Diamond to update her mission, getting permission to deactivate the cluster and to exploit earth's resources without killing anyone.
When YD makes clear that she wants earth to die, peridot tells her to go fuck herself. And joins the Gems for real. She makes the drill and helps destroy the cluster.
It shows that reformation is an option and works. You hormonal shithead. Go watch the show when you're not on the rag.
Go the fuck back to your safe space.
read the next word
So, I'm hormonal because I understandably turned the show off when it started spouting actual, harmful rhetoric?
Now you're the one talking like a tumblrtard. In fact your original posts sounds like that too, reading too much into something that isn't even there then sperging out without even finishing the thing, except you did it about muh terrorism instead of muh sexism/racism/whatever.
Even if there was something at the end of the episode to make up for it, the mere possibility of the show being a cultural Marxist ploy nauseates me. When I first saw the show, I enjoyed that it had "muh body positivity" and "muh LGBTQAJKLMFAOWXYZ representation," but not in an overbearing way, it just had chubby and gay characters like no big deal. But then, I hear the slightest glimpse of terror apology, and my eyes opened to how fucked the show really is. Sadie raping Lars, one of the main characters being a walking love letter, etc. It all poured into my head and turned my stomach at the same time.
I just love when scam artists do shit like this.