Lets play pretend here for a second Holla Forums,

Lets say Bernie actually became President. Or not just Bernie, but any openly Jewish person.

Would you stay in America, or would it be the final straw? Would it be possible for American to come back? Would the Jews win? Would it be time for revolution, or time to try somewhere else?

Personally, I might have to take one of the Northwestern Front type places seriously for once.

That or Alaska. I think no matter how bad it gets, no one is going to care about Alaska

I don't care about America at all. I live here, and that is it. Nothing of the American culture or way of life resonates with me in any way. Bernie, Trump, Hillary, all the same to me.

His 'free tuition' crap would throw our country down the drain real quick. That's all I know.

Then fuck off.

On one hand I totally respect that you can live like that, I wish I would stop getting angry about shit out of my control,

On the other hand, that's not how I want to raise my kids

They already fucking won. Here's not a day that goes by I don't feel like wringing the neck of the first one I see. It's almost debilitating

No plan for kids? Any concerns for family? Dude I hear where you're coming from but it's a big ship and if it sinks we all go down

its like you demoralized cowards dont even consider civil war an option

found the kike

I wouldn't have kids in America. Maybe I will move somewhere that isn't complete shit.

You can't run away forever. The jews are taking over the entire world. Nowhere is safe. Now is the time you have to fight back.

Fuck off FBI

America is the final stand. It's the last bastion of strong Europeans, the New World! It is the end of the earth, our foot backs no further.

If we don't take a stand there, then all is lost.

I'm not inciting violence. This is one of those carefully worded things that we can't get in trouble for.

If any feds are reading me or this asshole, I totally condemn any and all violence to our trustworthy government

They live comfortably among us. Secretly knowing they own the very pavement we walk. It's depressing. When my country finally takes its last breath, these rats will flee back to Israel like rats leaving a sinking ship. When my country is nothing but ashes I will take as many with me as I can

This. 7 years ago I would have said
But now…

Anyway, good thing about Europe is places like Poland and Hungary aren't taking this EU shit and will probably be kicked out/asked to leave so it might be a viable option.

Even though secretly I don't like pollacks, I would still move there over a Jew president

I said revolution, but I don't want this to look like a honey pot

Flight is out of the question.
Irrelevant. Victory would come with or without an intact federal government. "America" might come back in a different form.
Their victories are self-defeating. They thrive on secrecy, but for every "win", they make themselves more visible. Victory within this dynamic is completely inevitable.
Blood and soil.

Then WTF are you doing here?

I personally think I'd be able to endure it considering I've been able to handle living in Canada.

Nah. I'm not leaving.

They are 2% of the population. WE are not leaving.

There's too many of us for them to stop us.

We don't have to take up arms and revolt.

We just say, "no more."

The sting is largely gone from "racist."

How long before the same must happy with "anti-semite?"

I mean shit. We should make you a god damned moderator.

You sound like my roommate (and a degenerate cocksucker, btw). Motherfucker completely depressed the hell out of me the other day.

Moved here from Lithuania when he was like, six or something. Got his citizenship only fairly recently, but just told me that he never considered himself American and only got the citizenship for convenience. Given how long he's been here and how "normal" he acts, I would have NEVER considered him anything but American until he said that.



happy = happen

In case YOU retarded fucks can't figure it out.

where would I go, Canada is cancer and mexico is drugs, deaths and mariachi disco.

No I'll find a nice secluded place in Wyoming and focus on my hermetic development.


We let the kikes run Toronto so that it keeps the stupid out, by making them think the whole place is like that.

Born here.

The obvious problem being that America itself is the problem. "Hey, we need to destroy America" isn't a very popular rallying cry for Americans (except the SJWs, who actually don't even want to destroy America, but instead want a sort of turbo-Americanism with all its worst aspects cranked up to eleven). The greatest possibility for an American is to live as some sort of animal, but you can't be truly human here.

I bernie won I wouldn't leave. I'd stay and do everything in my power to make sure that fucker can't get anything done.
the "establishment" is against bernie and a presidency with him would be like a less intense Obongo. America would be able to survive.

Hillary wins I'm heading to fox archipelago
and then Siberia if things get bad there.

Actually you and your attitude are the problem. This country has done great things in the past and we can do even more in the future. I suggest you go ahead and leave. The rest of us have a lot of work to do and don't want people like you getting in the way.

I live in the north west and have a decent sized group of red pilled friends, I would start to mobilizing national action style plan is my plan if Trump is not elected.

No, you are the problem. America has never done anything great. It has only ever destroyed greatness.

This. American Men, not the cucks you see paraded around on TV and the cinema, are raised to distrust central authority. We ache for the day we get to live up to the history of our forefathers. Nothing would make me happier than taking up arms with other patriots to free our nation from foreign control.

Tell me more of this greatness America destroyed.

Sounds like that sign that one of the anti-trump protestors was holding. Honestly if you feel that you need to go, it's not up for discussion. People like you disgust me. My ancestors fought and died so faggots like you could bitch and moan from the comfort of your computer? Fucking leave my country immediately, I've no interest in letting little shits like you stay.



You wouldn't recognize it. Another trait of America is an inverted values system and resulting inability to recognize greatness.

Kike spotted

They aren't wrong.

Your ancestors fought and died for a lie.

I am not a lie. I am real, I am what they fought and died for, not faggots like you who don't belong here anyway. It's my country and it's my responsibility to maintain it. You can get the fuck out.


I think you need to stop saying, "We", at this point.

Explain it.

Use small words.

Uh oh. You're slipping out of character, Chaim. You're supposed to be playing a defeatist American, remember?

Point out where I ever did. I do not consider myself American, despite holding citizenship.

Maintain what, exactly?

My ancestors never fought or died for America. Some fought and died to secede from America, but that is all.

HAHAHAHAHA, nice joke OP.
Jews don't need to have one of them as puppet in chief, they already own congress and have done so for the past 50 years. There is no unjewing the country without a fight, not even Trump will be able to totally remove the parasites from having a say in US policies.

Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Those three places are no-go zones.

Would I stay? Yes. Where else would I go where people have a similar culture? Every other Western nation is ten fold worse, in regards to their laws and social outlooks. Canada being the closest and one of the worst.

Then go to Canada, schmuck…

Then why the fuck do you think your opinion counts for anything? You're just like my roommate who I compared you to.

The only difference is that you aren't (admitting to) having another country that you call home. If you don't THINK OF YOURSELF as American, you're as much of a foreigner as any of the fucking invaders, only in your case, you're also a feckless traitor.

Might be ok with Ivanka, but would prefer any other Trump

Same thing Holla Forums should always consider doing.

Gas all kikes no matter if they did have Pissrael buy the election for them or not.

Then you can exercise the "Right of Return", Moshe.

With every post your nose peeks a little further out m8

In all fairness to this guy, I too feel the same way. It isn't because I don't want to be American or that I don't love my folk, it's that what being American has become that I take issue with. I don't want to be aligned with cucks and faggots, but calling myself American puts me in league with them

Right. America literally is globalism. It is liberalism. It is mass pop culture. It is everything we hate, in its very core. And that's all it is.

There is no institution or tradition worth a shit in the USA. Even the people are almost entirely degenerate and subhuman. Nothing relatable here.

I want to live in 99% white Christian country - I'm sick of being a persecuted minority (California). If a commie Jew gets elected president then I'd say "burn it down". I have more hope for Europe awakening than for the USA.

They don't even view THEMSELVES as American. My roommate turned around in the same conversation and denied that America even HAD A CULTURE.
This was literally at the same moment that he was meticulously waxing his Mustang in his Garage.

Mass produced consumer goods are not culture.

Gain a sense of nationalism you stupid degenerate piece of shit

America is not a nation.

It isn't those things, those are what it has been distorted to be by the kikes who have subverted our nation.




Yes it is.

Nigger, they took our national identity from us. Left/liberal/faggot is what defines being an American now a days. This should change rather soon, but let's not pretend as if we are the ones in a position to define the battlefield.

Trips of the fool. Very appropriate.

I don't know about you, I still have MY identity, as does my state, as do many rural areas even in very liberal states, as I hear it.
Yet they invalidate that claim by claiming that American culture has no value.
Their "culture" is a phantom waiting to be walked right through and usurped, either by ourselves or the invaders.

I'll say it as simply as I can, because this is a complex issue:
The minds of the people are the battlefield and the media do not represent them, do not effectively persuade them, nor portray them accurately.
Not only is the battlefield NOT disadvantaged against us, it is the key to our victory that we will SHIFT IT to our advantage.

In a parallel universe where a socialist wins I will abuse the hell out of any stupid social programs as accelerationism (while making secret cash off to the side and getting ready for Venezuela 2.0).

I mean if they want to hand me free shit like that I can't see the economy recovering without a revolution, so might as well hop on for the ride.

"Car culture" is not real culture. Just like "video game culture" is not real culture.

A family grows into tribes and those tribes grow into the nation.

The nation is comprised of blood relations descended from a common ancestor, sharing common traditions, culture, religion, and language.

That's not America.

Correct. America is a multiracial empire.

So shut up so you wont be arrested just for talking, and just do the thing when the right time comes. Plus you don't have to actually kill anyone. Infiltration, sabotage at work, manipulation.

Noone will gas the kikes, we need to fight with their weapons.

And tell me what 'real culture' is?

That is most definitely America, America was founded and mostly consists of europeans. We all speak english and our values are anglo-centric.

No it's not.


How many millennia more amerifags need to be stupid like that?. They move in private jet, and you walk, when do you think you'll be able to catch them?. Do you have a contact with reality?.

Gas yourself.

Of course its not a culture. Its a sub-culture, you fucking ignoramus. The point is that its part of AMERICAN culture that he's up to his neck in and he, being a stupid fucking idiot like yourself, doesn't have anything resembling logical consistency.

I bet you think rich people have big vaults like Scrooge McDuck.

It's hard to feel uniquely American when most other developed countries are the same in almost every way. Especially other former British colonies are extremely similar to each other. You might think there is a large difference but there is not much of a difference in terms of everyday life. Combine that with not even having born here, you get exactly that feeling.

All of American pseudo-culture revolves around mass produced consumer goods subculture, mass media subculture, or hedonism subculture. Video game subculture, car subculture, cuckolding subculture, movies subculture. There is no higher purpose, no national vision, no will, nothing that makes up a true nation. Just work, consume, be "happy," then die (and be replaced by spics).

Maybe if you aren't familiar with our people and our culture. It is true that like Australians, our culture is in many ways an extension of anglo-culture, but we founded our country in the belief that we can do things on our own without England taxing us how they please. Americans are based British colonists who have a fierce sense of pride, we've let the redskins know that very clearly. We don't try to be unique, we just are. We are one of many european peoples and non-whites leech on to us, europe, canada, austrailia, new zealand and it's been annoying the fuck out of us. America is one of the best fucking nations on earth, we've been running the world for the last 60 something years now, and really before that we were running things. America is the shit godamnit. I love my goddamn country! America is awesome!


Think you better put down your Bernie Sanders pot pipe there, buddy. You done smoked yourself retarded.

American Suburbia was created by Jews. The 1950s picket fence, two kids and a dog image you post is Jewish propaganda/advertising. Even what you consider traditional American culture is fake/contrived.

Yes, electronic ones. That is problem actually, if they had big vaults you would see it and get pissed. Now you think they're like you, because their wealth is just numbers on screen. You only see the paid shills (and your whore ass) they get with these numbers.

We won't be replaced by spics if we kick them the fuck out. We beat them in the last war with them and if we need to do it again we will. Our higher purpose is the preservation of our people and if you got a problem with it then fucking leave. Don't say we have no will, we are a goddamn empire, we have a very strong will you little nigger. Hard work is important to us, we are very thoroughly engrained in the protestant ethic and find no shame in it. Don't like being a productive member of society? Then please leave. Movies, video games, cars, these are only ways we can express minor aspects of our culture. You forgot apple pies, and baseball, you forgot our star-spangled banner and our awesome military. You forgot our love of guns and our love of french fries, hotdogs and hamburgers.


Here is the worst part of American patriotism. It is identifying with the Jewish overlords and feeling a sense of pride in their domination over us. Yeah, America has been running the world into the ground for over 60 years with the beloved Jews at the helm.

I find it hard to believe that America isn't different from goddamn Lithuania. I mean, my friend witnessed goddamn TANKS rolling down his streets.

As for your experience, I don't know, but if you have the interest you could always, y'know, talk to people about it and try to CONNECT with the culture.

You've also forgotten all of the sub-cultures attached to sports, which I'm sure you would have LOADS of negativity to direct at.

For real though, you sound like the sort of person who's just generally unpleasant to be around and shits on everything.
You don't consider yourself American, so I don't give a fuck about your opinion from the start, but even with that in mind, your opinions are all so blatantly shitty and negative they're obviously a product of your own personal problems as opposed to any logical thought process (Case in point: the logical flaws I just pointed out).

So yeah, in conclusion: fix yourself rather than thinking there's something wrong with my country that you happen to live in.

American suburbs are modeled after the southern antebellum slave plantation houses, just downsized. And picket fences, two kids and a dog, that's not fake, that's real little nigger. It's all very real.

Who the fuck is us? Please tell me.

Of course the thinly veiled homoerotic negro-worship cult of American sport is entirely sickening. That goes without saying.

Cool story, bro. Why do you think you know what pisses me off?

Again, I actually KNOW how economies work and understand the concept of reinvestment. You view economics as a zero sum game.

The fact that this conversation ends with you in tears is why you faggots created Holla Forums in the first place.

HA! Why yes, it usually does. Because only rarely do people dive into those depths of jewish masculinity-shaming.

Seriously, you are a complete shill.

No, the suburban image was crafted by Jewish advertisers and Jewish kike William Levitt.

Go, look, you theoretician, how any poor sucker can "reinvest" his minimum wage or even average earnings, to win with already rich people. And get my jet/walking example.

user I replied to, bragging about America runnign the world for however long as if it isn't just kikes.

Whether someone earned or inherited their money has nothing to do with the fact that it gets reinvested back into the economy.
This is an issue only butthurt socialists care about.

The extent to which that happens when you hand it to niggers is through instant, raw spending at the cheapest, retail level.
This does not cause GROWTH. And since the money to pay for welfare was removed from the investment pool, your actually DEGRADING growth so that you can give those gibs to your pet negros.

The only people who advocate for this ARE the kikes, you ignorant communist.

He only created a generic version of something that has been around since the beginning. Americans have been fencing off our property, keeping dogs to ward off burglars, and having nuclear families long before then. Suburbs are merely houses outside the city for people who don't want to live around niggers.

I said who is us? You didn't answer the question.

People living in the USA.

Continue praying to your capitalist gods you cuck. Go work harder, the corp you work for needs to show rise in profits to the owners (otherwise no bonus for the management), i'm sure you can help them in that.

You are merely living here though, why do you give a fuck about our problems? You have no right to complain unless you are going to help to de-jewify our country. Otherwise keep your sniveling to yourself faggot.

America might have been a nation 300 years ago. Now it's a cesspool of retarded faggots like yourself that think they're redpilled.

Come on. Do you really think America is great right now? Why would Donald Trump's slogan be Make America Great Again? The US has been in decline for a long time and it's good if anything that people don't identify with the country as it is right now. The US used to be the cutting edge of cool. Now look at what it's become. And the result of globalism and mass production of US culture means that it really is not that different elsewhere.

If you have the opportunity to get rich in this country you have no right to complain. There's nothing unjust about some people being poor and some people being rich. Corporations do need to be broken apart, there do need to be anti-trust laws enacted, but you can fuck off with your inefficient lofty ideas of communism. Communism doesn't fucking work and it incentivizes people to work. You take from the rich and they will leave along with their wealth and you will be even more fucked over.

It's a nation right now, we just need to do some house cleaning.

I'm under no illusion that America is in dire need of change. That doesn't mean I'll put up with people belittling my nation with defeatism, communism, and anti-American sentiments. You can't make this country great again without confidence, and we have plenty of reasons to be confident about a better future for this country. Niggers and spics need to die though.

*deincentivizes people to work

But working hard so someone else gets next billions is such a wonderful motivation. At least in communism you're the owner, and everyone get about the same.

Show me a "commie" country where that happened. You can't. It's just bullshit argument.

Show me a "commie" country where that happened. You can't. It's just bullshit argument.

are you a communist kike?

Every one of them. Even when they have dictators (because you know economy so well, you mistake political system with economical), they don't live nowhere near the level of capitalist rich, and there is never wealth inequality like in capitalism.

No, just socialist, and fighting with capitalist kikes, and cucks that defend them on the internet.

You are not the owner in a communist state. Nobody owns shit in communism, that's the point. You don't even get to have a family, Karl Marx said that the family should be abolished and that the state should take control of your children, and that monogamy wouldn't be allowed because muh oppressive patriarchy. Communism is one the most retarded things in existence.

State as in all the people. Building or a road takes control of them?. Now you have electric jew taking control, and you're happy.