Canadian Trump is Coming

O'Leary, aka Canadian Trump, is stepping up his campaign to both reform the Conservative party in Canada (they obviously are struggling to adapt to the new leftist world) and become leader of the CPC.

It's only a matter of time, Americans. It'll be the current year for 4 more years, but as that passes, us Canadians will wake up and uncuck ourselves to rejoin you in the wars to come.

What does Holla Forums think of Canadian Trump?

He's a sand nigger and a stupid one at that.

This faggot is responsible for the entire GMO fiasco with Monsanto, et al and married to a kike. Get fucked, OP and suffer Trudeau.

All of Canada can burn. You import all of these chinks and curryniggers to places like waterloo, make them Canadians then circumvent american immigration and send them here.

Lel, he just joined the Party a week ago.

He's playing that Trump gimmick as best he can, While still signaling to shitskins.

I can't wait to see what he sells to the chinks in 5 years. I'm also excited to see which war for Israel he ships my brother off to die in.

There is nothing worse than cucknadians that voted Turdeau and excuse themselves with "b-b-but every candidate was bad i dindu nuffins".
YOU put a fucking drama actor in the prime minister cabinet, and he got in by absolutely legit means unlike fucking Obongo and his legion of dead voters

That makes me sad, user.

"Shark Tank"


Like that home and garden tv shit compares to The Apprentice.

Back the fuck off, snow nigger.

Trump annexation is the only option. We are way too pozzed. FUCK O'leary wannabe kike.

We're building a wall. Didn't you hear?

Snow niggers, keep out.

O'Leary is a fucking kike, he doesn't want to help Canada, he just wants to make even more money by running for PM. He's not even a nationalist. Kill yourself OP, you retarded nigger.

26.8 percent of all eligible voters voter for Trudeau, you elected a nigger twice with majority. Choke on a burger.

The only way Canada gets uncucked is if it's annexed by the Trump Reich or a regime similar to Trump's.

You're incapable of doing it yourself.

I had a feeling this opportunistic kike would try pulling a Trump. Hell, I'd vote for him just because it's Canada and our political situation is somewhere between fucked and super-fucked.

While I agree with the current landscape of Canadian politics, I would still not vote for my grandfather's homeland to be run by a literal kike.

I'm sure Opa is already ashamed enough.

Canada needs a non-degenerate rob ford.

Rob Ford was sooooo fucking epic. if only he could have laid off the crack, goddammit

You might have a chance if southern Ontario burnt to the ground with no survivors.

I'd vote for that or even for the original Rob Ford in his hilarious degenerate glory at this point.

TBH the only problem with his degeneracy was that it ended up killing him. I don't care if a mayor smokes crack as long as it doesn't impede him from running a city well, and Ford ran Toronto really well.

He had pancreatic cancer, drugs and drinking didn't help, but I think he got dealt a bad card

CPC decided to adopt gay marriage as part of its platform. The Conservative Party of Canda has nothing left to conserve.

Wow. Can you guys form a new party? One that actually does something for the right wing


He was anti-liberal. Toronto is a cucked city, but he galvanized the uncucked white suburbs and carried himself to mayor. He proved that even the most cucked place on earth still has noble souls within it.

O'Leary is a fuck.

As a Canadian Trump supporter, I'd never vote for this guy even if he's the only one on the ballot.

Whats wrong with that woman, did she cry before this interview?


I mean if its him or Trudeau I might even vote accelerationism its that retarded. He might make a good finance minister but he doesn't address much that I care about even fiscally.

nah, he galvanized the uncucked niggers, curries, and other assorted minorities.

the only white people who liked ford were the working class ones.

No. It's too late. The nigger cock is in your daughter indefinitely and is always ejaculating semen into her preteen pussy.

((((((((((((((( O'Leary )))))))))))))))))))


In OP's defense, anyone is better than Trudeau.

He doesn't exactly sound like "Canadian Trump," but anything is better than what you've got. Beggars can't be choosers.

We are still going to build that north wall, just in case you faggots get another wild hair up your asses and decide to elect a nigger lover again.

I watched him on Shark Tank and I don't particularly like the guy. Typically just shits on mostly everyone's entrepreneurial ideas and when he does find something he likes he tries jewing them by offering outrageous shares, so a lot of times the other sharks outbid this guy by offering fair deals because he doesn't want to finance anything unless he owns half of it and receives a large chunk of the profit. He makes Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey look like loving mothers. And don't even fucking start with "but user he's a loan shark, making money is why he's there in the first place". Nah, what he does is fucking usury. You don't need to be a soulless kike to make a profit as a loan shark.

To be honest I think he's ethnically Jewish, it says on his wikipedia that he's Canadian but he's a goddamn Jew. Beady-eyed hook-nosed grabbler is all he fucking is.



Mighty bold talk from a Cuckadian.

You're talking to one of your countrymen…

I love shark tank and never watched apprentice. O'Leary's a bastard but he's a bastard I can understand.

please tell me
was edited in

It's not going to happen. Canada has an entirely different system from the States. Party leadership is decided on internally. I don't know anything about his politics, but his best hope would be to try to win a seat in a by-election.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Canada, its always been the butt of banter and jokes but now its a pathetic meme country and not in a funny way. From what I see on Holla Forums Canada is literally hopeless. They have nothing good and are getting worse off every day while the rest of the west is rising up even sweden!. Every single person there is a liberal faggot that would put American leftists to shame and they have no right wing parties or alternatives, their choices are ubercucks that make Merkel look like Hitler or jew-loving corrupt retards.I can't even imagine the true horror, isolation, and soul-crushing defeatism that our Canabros must feel on a daily basis. Stay safe and pray for a miracle mates.

Somehow, when O'Leafy says he's pissed off, I just don't believe it.

Based. RIP


If Trudeau doesn't get a second term we're likely going to get a cuckservative, and if everything utterly goes to shit, an NDP candidate as PM.

That and the apathy and willingfull ignorance of the average voter to pretend our systems work and always will mixed with simply not caring anymore outside of basic pleasure seeking.

We're fucked.

Snowniggers are Scandinavians. Candians are syrupniggers

canadians* FUCK


Perfect typo