Based Gook. Has Hiroshimoot been hiding his power level all along?
Hiroyuki confirmed based
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off back to cuckchan
4/pol/ isn't even far right anymore, it's just a bunch of teenagers spewing memes
kill yourself, go back there.
cuck/pol/ is literally Holla Forums and has been so since 2013
Kek not surprising. The Jews fear the Samurai afterall
Nice. He could be worse. Based Asian. Hope he stays that way
Hiroyuki is a scammer and a complete kike and these words are obviously bullshit meant to appease the goyim and keep selling 4chan passes
good for him, you have to go back though.
reminder that gook moot is still moot.
I see it like this. If Hiroshimoot Hikes 4/pol/, then we're gonna get inundated like crazy by 4cuck refugees. I see this as good news for us
This guy gets it
I'm surprised.
Not that a poster is advocating removing a whole board in the name of fee-fees and profits however.
Nice, but its still 4cuck.
The fact that most of the boards there have a problem with softcore 4pol is bad enough.
4/pol/ is basically reddit now, their views are pretty mainstream, any 'extreme' views are shunned
This, I mainly check up on 4cuck every now and then to just see how shit things are. It's really sad honestly
Who the fuck cares what's going on at Cuckchan? Let it burn.
4cuck is behind us OP we are on greater shores now, nothing could ever redeem the traitors who shunned and abandoned us
stop trying to get us to like the hand that beat us and made us flee
It's quite a shame to see what 4/pol/ has driven itself too, and I actually starting to lurk there near the end of last year. I came to see what it was about, since a couple of people actually said they were coming here because it was so shit. I hate how you actually have certain shit threads pop up here, but at least they are dealt with.
I do like the little flags though
Holla Forums what in the nigger is up with this ad?
The grass is and will always be greener over here.
what is that board so everyone can check it?
anyone can buy ads on cuckchan so people put gay ads on Holla Forums to piss people off.
that screenshot is from Holla Forums, dummy
did you just call Holla Forums cuckchan?
I knew things were lost when I got banned for responding to a picture of a horse dick. Luckily, the exodus was only a few months later.
fuck off
would be nice to have him as a mod over here.
one 18 yo girl redpills millions of people but she's banned on Holla Forums because we dont like spreading our ideas, == we must remain sekrit club ==
can't post pic so here's the link
shilling e-celebs here is cancer, fuck off retard.
Hello reddit
hello Holla Forums D&C shills
That made me cringe as fuck, what a faggot.
Didn't he take out a loan from some shady internet advertising company in order to buy the site off of moot? He's probably going to go full reddit and start selling off userdata, if he isn't already. I don't think he would care one way or another what people talk about on his site, as long as he's selling their data.
No one cares
it made you cringe because ivanka trump is married to a jew and she converted to judaism, while evalion was non-jewish and a hardworking national socialist?
the truth hurts, i know.
Hirojewki can't even be arsed to spell Holla Forums correctly
Holla Forums is back at 4chan trying to get Holla Forums deleted? I'm not surprised.
This shit again? It's banned because you spam the same exact shit 10,000 times, then get all pissy with everyone when no one cares and then you go and make 10,000 threads about it
No, the link.
pick one
from an old pastebin, mandatory viewing for all users:
How Hiroyuki will sell 4chan data:
Step 1: Brazil Future Search will make a real-time search engine for 4chan text data only. They will forgo images because images are not important in data mining.
Step 2: The new 4chan search engine will provide data to Effyis (
Step 3: will add 4chan search to their board search.
Step 4: Effyis ( will provide a firehose of data to Hottolink (their parent company) to use in data mining.
Step 5: American companies will begin purchasing analytics data from Hottolink.
Step 6: There is no step 6, you have already had your data sold to the highest bidder.
After Hiroyuki's initial announcement of purchasing 4chan, Hottolink stock has risen 60 points. This is likely due to insider trading; Hottolink has yet to publicly announce anything regarding 4chan.
You can read Hottolink's strategy in their published English financial report:
Good day.
The nip doesn't care about profit? The Jew does fear the samurai indeed.
Here's a history lesson for you newfags ITT.
Just give it a year or so, mate. Nipmoot will get tired of having le ebil raycists on his site.
Can you blame him?
Regular mods always administrate with one hand jacking it but Hiroyuki is the CEO of half-chan
With all due respect it's difficult to type by timing the rapid spasms of your elbow against your waterproof keyboard in between switching between the multiple screens depicting trap porn, cuck threads and cp
I can only imagine how hard this he laughed when the imbeciles who's data he is selling tried to teach him how to monetize 4chan better.
lol, websites are only "profitable" with donations and advertisements. Most of the people since that place started don't give a shit about advertisements or making donations or contributing any money, plus buying the servers and keeping them running every month isn't cheap, at the very best he was probably "profiting" about as much as a minimum wage worker
why did you sage? this is great
its B but with cuckspam real pol migrated
personally i go to halfchan to pilfer their supreme memes, but never to post.
I also have adblock installed on my google chrome when I view them, but i always use firefox (no adblock) for fullchan
Oh god, please no.
This place is already bad as it is.
I'd still kick those mexicans out, though. They have no reason to be in a white country whatsoever. They threaten the white identity and unity of the nation and are inherently a threat to its long-term survival
Yes, that's Holla Forums. What did you expect?
Guys, half/pol/ is the barrier that prevents a trillion redditors from coming here. The board sucks a huge horse cock but it serves that purpose well.
My point is that >>>Holla Forums354151 is real.
Let's just hope that he won't delete it because I think that a few could get here.
They jerk off to flags. It's quite sad.
He said "their rapists", not "they're rapists"
Oh fuck off schlomo. You're being way too obvious.
Anybody have that RI? I need it right now.
This actually happened a couple of days ago, that's how I know what a "mummy" thread is.
Pray for 4chan's continued survival, it's the only thing keeping them out.
Fuck off, you civic nationalist cuckold. Take your multiracial fetishism and fuck off to cuckchan. Non-whites are not welcome to live in any white country.
The board is filled with whiney redditors constantly asking for Holla Forums to be deleted
What gets me is an user caring anout profits…on cuckchan.
How far has that shithole fallen?
I haven't looked at that shit since I came here.
Some of you guys really don't get how valuable 4chan is to our community.
What would our board look like if 4chan wasn't there to work as a filter for this board?
Image related.
> millions
Also, link to the archived post
/qa/ is the worst board by far. Word of advice, NEVER create a counterpart to it here on Holla Forums
sorry fam
All-white nation or bust, buddy. We don't need those fucking shitskins.
They know who you are now user
When moot sold out he sold everything
I hope you used Tor when you "checked up" on that eighth circle of hell. I'm assuming you were smart enough just to lurk and not to post.
WEW lad
Jim and Hebrewjewki are making a mint datafarming off of both sites.
Regardless of the true nature of 4pol, I am bumping because we can turn this dumb thread into a good thread:
8pol has a strategic interest in keeping 4pol around. To filter out newfags and other undesirables; as a containment area.
Do we think it's in our interests to maintain a negative opinion of Holla Forums on 4chan? Meaning, would it be a good idea to divert some small efforts every now and then to make sure that a distaste for Holla Forums as the lesser younger sibling enters their discourse?
Or do they not ever mention Holla Forums anyway? I don't know anything about 4pol, now that I think about it.
(I used distaste instead of hatred of Holla Forums because it's much easier to make them arrogant than it is to make them care about something.)
What's great about modern 4chan is just that: it's a containment area. A lot of low-IQ newfags from shithole nigger countries probably think this place is still full of cheese pizza and deepweb shit, whereas 4cuck isn't. Holla Forums is decidedly "deeper" on the web, which is of course a good thing. What we have to prevent are tourists and raids from reddit, Stormcuck, and 4chan.
Man I forgot the level of autism available on Holla Forums. Do you people really never go anywhere but here?
half/pol/ is terrible.
Usually just shit tier Q&A threads.
i got on 4/sp/, 4/k/, and 4/fit/ still
i stay away from 4/pol/ though it is gross in there
Holla Forums hurts their normie image.
I too would like flags on this board… political ones maybe
none of them is based and 4cuck is so bad it physically hurts
I just check it once in a while to see what is being shilled so that I have full picture
So what if they sell info?
We're still crashing this overton window, with no survivors.
What kind of faggot doesn't run an adblocker?
Half/pol/ is our own cargo cult. They're still recycling "Zyklon Ben" memes that we left there six years ago.
The far-right is more dangerous to 4chan's profits than the cp and gore spam on Holla Forums and the like.
I love liberals.
Holy shit it has been so many years and they still haven't stopped despite the board being total crap.
They use that meme for the internet at large too.
Jim's and Code Monkey's side of the story is that they found Hiro was being fucked up about selling 2ch data and bumped him off for it. Hiro then turns around and says no no no it was really the other people!
The only reason the Hiro story seemed to take off is because the people on 4cucks ignored any of the information that had leaked out over the years about what was going on behind the scenes. Many of them are still unfamiliar with the censorship that goes on there and think it's still a site for open discourse.
You have to go back.
Why the fuck would Mr. Datamine delete /4pol/? It would be against his interests. Nothing based about this.
4/vg/ is further right than 4/pol/ these days.
I still go back for /vg/, but that's it, and just because vidya generals are way too slow here.
How about both make me cringe because women need to keep out of politics and stick to baking pies and being feminine.
You have to go back
Flags are part of the cancer that killed half/pol/. All it does is result in /int/-tier shitposting. 4/pol/ is literally just a combination of /int/ and Holla Forums. Only decent boards on 4cuck are small population ones, like /out/ or /diy/ (mora shitposting aside).
I personally don't give a shit about cuckchan, but they are useful. They provide the perfect cover for our operations, seeing as 4chan is name recognition on the internet but we're still fairly unknown outside of anti-gg and goon spaces. Also the second 4/pol/ disappears we'll have our own refugee crisis and frankly I don't trust the mods to deal with that properly.
That isn't proof of anything. For all we know, he could be fostering a 4/pol/ honeypot.
He has a track record that warrants never trusting him.
Don't be a fucking retard, 4chan was NEVER profitable, and neither was any chan site. They are not going to delete boards for ad-revenue. You can't call someone "based" for keeping something the way it has always been for several years, all he did was turn down a single proposition. Reminder that chris deleted Holla Forums after he said something along the lines of, "you'll never take down this bastion of free speech"
This is why I left that leftist shithole.
good answer.
seems like a pretty good samurai.
/r9k/ has invaded everything on 4chan, it used to be Holla Forums was that way. But yeah its a bunch of idiots who took a very watered down version of the red pill… useful idiots though. We all start somewhere.
Good on them, maybe the asian can start weeding out the tumblrites that infiltrated there.
Still not going back.
cuckchan is a strategic asset. Anyone here still knows the territory better than anyone there.
Do my oldfriends still exist?
Every single person reading this, unless you've been VERY VERY cautious, is on some sort of watch list whether we've posted on 4chan or not. The kikes buy, or or freely given, info from every company imaginable.
Man… that's definitely a goon post in your screencap. They always spam unrelated memes like that.