Seriously why are there so many Nu males on youtube that are content creators?
Seriously why are there so many Nu males on youtube that are content creators?
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God damn it
I'm making a webm guys sit tight okay
Are you really expecting something made by and for liberal homos to not be paraded around by the same liberal homos? These people who talk about history almost never know anything about the history they talk about because all of their knowledge is from 3rd party sources or from just hearing it through the grape-vine.
Also really? Fredrick Douglas and Jefferson? Are you shitting me? Not saying Fredrick Douglass was a bad dude but come on now, you can't compare a man who was part of creating the United States, principle author of the deceleration of independence, a guy who basically made this nation, to a nigger slave
Those comments are a good sign: People are getting tired of this anti-white bullshit constantly shoved on them, and fast.
I can't stand this channel, it's ground zero for normie half-wits
I'm actually glad these libcucks can't form a logical thought
I would like to see a single example of them getting let go with their genitals intact. Also where the fuck is that webm you promised us faggot?
I honestly wonder if this kind of shit gets shown in elementary schools. No really, I can honestly see it. Ms. Applecuck starts off the 3rd grade history lesson with a "fun little video" from youtube, displayed on her Smart Board. I fucking hate our education system.
If they ever make a video with swears, then your theory will be confirmed.
This on their twitter
What's the point of criticizing the content of a channel that's expressly based around a nigger art form?
It's called "epic rap battles of history". It's already 100% trash. Why bother looking further?
color me surprised if this is true. some of their videos have been politically incorrect. guess it shouldnt be surprising though, got to show your a good goy to the masters
At the very least I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed profane rap so long as it was sung only by blacks and it being about "kill whitey". Then it becomes authentic black culture that must be viewed by whites to enhance their feelings of white guilt. Think someone like Immortal Technique, I'm confident that a number of liberal professors assign essays and reports about his music to white students so they know more about black culture and how "oppressed" they are.
Video related; they're already incorporating nigger music and dance in white school choirs. From what it sounds like this "Whip and Nae Nae" shit is basically today's Soulja Boy's "Crank Dat" song.
he is/was an intern for Mccain. kek. looks like a shitskin.
Who is Fredrick Douglas again? Lmao.
This is the most stupid shit I've ever fucking heard. What happened to being called video editors and artists? Vloggers? When did this dumbass language come to be?
That's a good question. I can't remember a damn thing the schools tried teaching me about niggers.
Nigger slave who gained his freedom and then wrote a few books. That's about it, not even joking
A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845)
"The Heroic Slave". Autographs for Freedom. Ed. Julia Griffiths, Boston: Jewett and Company, 1853. pp. 174–239.
My Bondage and My Freedom (1855)
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881, revised 1892)
Douglass founded and edited the abolitionist newspaper The North Star from 1847 to 1851. He merged The North Star with another paper to create the Frederick Douglass' Paper.
In the Words of Frederick Douglass: Quotations from Liberty's Champion. Edited by John R. McKivigan and Heather L. Kaufman. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-8014-4790-7
"The Church and Prejudice"
Self-Made Men
The Hypocrisy of American Slavery, 1852
"Speech at National Hall, Philadelphia July 6, 1863 for the Promotion of Colored Enlistments"[105]
"What to a slave is the 4th of July?"[106]
He also owned a bank that failed as soon as he became President of it
Not even then could niggers get their shit straight, can't wait for November
People still watch this shit? I thought it died in 2013 or something
Look at his books, too, they're all about him. That's it.
That's his entire collected works.
this one wasnt bad tbh lads
We are day by day getting closer to the reality of Idiocracy. Younger generations of /polfags will be hailing to Charlie Chaplin.
That would've been a fucking slaughter if Ceasar's fores met that nigger's forces on a battlefield.
Exactly. Matching them up in a rap battle implies there is some level where they can compete, but one's a Roman Emperor, and one's a nigger.
That's why it's shit. It's just like Thomas Jefferson vs Fredrick Douglass, one was a President and a Founding Father, the other was a worthless nigger who liked to write about himself, except this new one has more obvious white guilt.
Jefferson was based as fuck.
Caesar vanquished (almost 2000 years earlier) worse barbarian savages than the Zulus while being severely outnumbered.
Oh yes, he also won a prolonged civil war against all the roman republic.
He was also an engineer, a statesman, a lawmaker and a writer.
Remind me again what Shaka did? Killed some careless and overconfident redcoats before getting done with easily as soon as the English Empire got its shit together?
Half-caste that was articulate so everyone though blacks weren't retards.
I mean, if it were "Caesar vs Subotai" or "Caesar vs Napoleon" or "Caesar vs Alexander", I could have understood…. those would be reasonable paragons.
But surprise, none of those was a WE WUZ KANGS from africa.
fucking CRINGE
Epic rap battles is so bottom of the barrel that the barrel in question needs to be deeper than the Mariana trench.
Of course they will adopt however political position is the most popular with absolute retards.
Shaka never fought the British, it was his successors that did.
He created the military system the Zulu used, which before him more or less engaged in nothing but ceremonial warfare and conquered the tribes around him which also didn't know shit about how to fight an actual war.
The Wright Brothers vs the Mario Brothers was the high point of that channel. Everything since that point isn't even worth watching.
Cringed hard, I hate shit like that. I just imagine me performing that and my parent's watching, they would have no idea wtf was going on. If they did somehow know what it was, they would have been pissed.
Sorry, need to go to bed early tonight.
So even more worthless?
Cool, thanks for pointing that out.
Well it portrays Shaka correctly, wearing nothing but a loincloth and some stick huts behind him on the savannah. Also his nature is shown to be savage while Caesar is portrayed as a great ruler.
Pretty much.
I believe he was catapulted into being some sort of negro strategist genius when the British lost ( most of which at their own fault ) to his successors.
Sort of like how the Soviets swore the Fins were god-like gorrila warfare warriors after the fiasco that was pic related.
Of starting a war inside the arctic circle in winter? Yeah, sure.
In fact, just going past the arctic circle on any sort of trip, war or not, in the winter is retarded.
ERB is owned by Disney Corp. What the fuck do you expect from the Jew?
That was a complete waste of Caesar.
Not as bad as this waste of Jefferson
Well, first, I meant to type "withOUT swears" in my earlier post. Please excuse my low-energy proofreading.
While your entire post was horrifying, I can at least thank you for guessing that I graduated high school right around the "Crank Dat" era. Put everything into (sad) context.
This is the first Epic Rap Battle that has ever rustled my jimmies. Normally, if there's a time period mismatch, it's because the two people were famous for doing the exact same kind of thing. Harry Houdini vs. David Copperfield had two magicians; Cleopatra vs. Marilyn Monroe had two female sex symbols who slept their way to the top.
I groaned when I saw this one because I knew that Jefferson would only be allowed to brag about his accomplishments as a statesmen and maybe equivocate and apologize in his second verse (he did), while Douglass would be allowed to fully embrace his role as "guy who complains about slavery"
It all seems like an attempt to cover up the problem here, which is that the only thing these two men could realistically argue about would be slavery, something that cuts out most everything Jefferson accomplished. Jefferson brags about inventing a swivel chair, while Douglass basically gets to go Moses-style and say "Let my people go". None of their other videos have someone starting out this hogtied, with such a clear predetermined outcome.
I mean, look at . I thought it treated both men pretty fairly, and even here it sparks further discussion.
Embed related is probably the best video ERB has ever put out (maybe it's even… redpilled? … you be the judge, just wait for a third man to appear).
Also, I would encourage Holla Forums to watch the Darth Vader vs. Hitler series. I think there are 3 of them. Adolf's lines are priceless.
they should have had jefferson "rap" or to put it properly, in the white man's tongue, debate with an anti-liberal statist like lenin or trotsky, that would have been a magnificent debate. or they could have had him debate Georges Sorel or Carl Schmitt or Alfred Rosenberg. such a waste of one of americas few thinkers.
"great rap battles of history" is one of the reasons why the west either needs a heavy dose of eugenics or a very strict caste system regarding cultural works and venues for discussion
compare it to vid related
All I remember is
These things have caused me immense cringe since their inception. A friend of mine whose sense of humor I definitely respect even liked them at some point. I don't understand. It's painful to watch these things.
What pisses me off the most is that the founding fathers set the foundation where it created the greatest country on earth and they decide to talk shit about them because X reasons. Bitch you would be still under monarchy and follow the kings order if you lived back then, you would probably be a red coat synthesizer. Fucking fags.
The founding fathers pushed for the 1st world. We're there any other countries that were becoming democratic at the time? Wernt all countries at the time pretty much non existent Indians/tribes or monarchy?
And they have the right mind to bitch about the people who brought them to the 1st world? They dismiss the greatest achievement I'm the past 300 years and still cry muh reasons.
If anybody at least compare him to a decent nigger.
I gave on it a while ago. I couldn't get into it anymore after the Christopher Columbus rap.
These fucking "epic" rap battles were so fucking corny and stupid I fucking hated this wigger shit since back in high school years ago.
Fucking hell I'm surprised they still are around. Their rapping skills are mediocre at best.
Friendly reminder that jewgle hides and censors Youtube comments. It turns the comment sections into hugboxes.
There is probably an entire slew of "this is so le epic! fuck whitey!" comments being hidden.
Point being I bet the comments are a lot more horrific than this.
Rock was nigger music initially and Whites co-opted it and improved it. With guys like Eminem, Moon Man and Benny "SIX MILLION MORE!" G we're taking rap as well.
Not just us.
Japan has really taken stuff like hip hop and jazz and kept them good.
Nope. He raps like a nigger. Dresses and talks like a nigger. Uses beats produced by niggers. And is being pushed by the same kikes that push niggers into white homes.
I will never understand why whites cling to him like he is some saving grace. To say he co-opted anything is laughable.
Maybe if you brought up rap used in rock I could maybe start to see your point. Like what happened with Nu Metal in the late 90's. But Eminem?
Also, it's nice to see someone else here bring up the fact that rock is rooted in black American music. That's not a fact many here are willing to admit.
Polite sage.
Wow, the joke really flew above your head.
They start talking about Hitler now in the 5th grade. So that is when the red-pilling must begin as well.
Because the real men are kept in pain, agony, economic depression and spiritual depression, fueled by spite and chained by anger and responsibility I'd wager.
blame the billionaire whose only joy in life is watching the world suffer under his influence.
Why don't we just Ben Garrison them?
An aristocracy furthering High Culture at the expense of an inferior class of laborers? Oh my it almost sounds like Civilization.
They receive massive government handouts. We saw this in gamergate with Silverstring. Given their production values, there's no doubt they're part of some organization on the gibs. Youtube shekels don't pay nearly well enough for that.
I'm not shooting this down, but they do shill shit in their behind the scenes videos.
pick two
Some days, being part mongol feels pretty good.
Because they don't get banned for their speech all the time and get promoted by the Jews at Google?
Very likely. Though it would be something that some individual teachers do. Not part of the actual system.
Dude, ERB is a group of Israel Art Students making propaganda, and sponging off of google adsenses redirection of goy dollars to them.
Come on now, try to keep up.
cringe too hard to get past a few of the first sentneces. Literally can't watch.
God damn it.
Douglass was actually a pretty cool guy in all honesty. Taught himself to read, was educated and advocated for education, worked for the administrations of Grant and Garfield. He was a good black and probably would've hated most of these BLM faggots. If any nig deserves to be on our money it's him, not Harriet Tubman.
He actually worked for the Grant administration as an ambassador to Haiti. Grant also sent him to Santo Domingo (the Dominican Republic) to gauge the possibility of annexation which Douglass was all for. He actually hated Charles Sumner, who was the mid-1800s version of an SJW (Sumner was the guy who got beaten with a cane in the Senate in the lead up to the Civil War) for opposing it since one of the reasons that Grant wanted to annex it was to expatriate the blacks to protect them from the KKK.
Some fags nominated him as vice president on a gimmick election ticket without his knowledge and his response was to basically not even acknowledge what happened. There's also this:
So he was definitely one of the good ones and blacks would be better off if more like him gained prominence and were held up as figures to admire and aspire to be.
goddamn it
I knew they had a liberal bias (I could tell)
but their videos seemed to be somewhat impartial/neutral, most times. like the Caesar vs Zulu one or the Western vs Chinese Philosophy one
fuucking damn it. they used to have some really good content and raps.
No nigger deserve to be on our money. Nigger-lover.
this was actually one of my favorites. Niggers, during the victorian age, were as technologically as greeks and early romans had been over two thousand years earlier.
So this paring of 2000 year old white guy vs. victorian nigger was surprisingly fair.
I'd like to see a proper "scientific" investigation into the origins of rock and jazz. sure there are niggers involved but I bet there were many white influences at the origin. for starters, christian religious music certainly must have influenced it and that didn't come from niggers (unless europe was filled with kangz back then)
the only thing I see is that Walt Disney was redpilled, it's after (((They))) took over it that it started being the breeding ground of shit it is today, but I guess they had to use someone to represent Disney and using Mickey Mouse would be weird…
The red pill about Walt Disney is that he was the only goy-owner in Hollywood, hence why the kikes still slander him. The jew never forgets.
And what about rap? What kind of art is that? What kind of talent do you need to rhyme to a beat, it's not even like they come up with the rhymes on the spot either, it's heavily memorized.
Better rap battle
Jew vs Nigger
Watch the privilege fly
No, they weren't even close to being that advanced.
He invented the standing military force for africans south of the equator, something the akkadians did a good 4000 years before.
Fucking lobotomized cunts
fucking jews in everything that demoralizes
This. The people who never invented the wheel WERE NOT as advanced at the people who built the Colosseum.
You seriously can't answer this? Any form of media is swarmed by jews and leftists, because the only way their doctrine spreads is through brainwashing. Not only that, but they collude once they're there. There are surprisingly many examples of Jew/leftist youtubers helping eachother to become popular and dropping others if/once they show any right wing views. The fine bros were a fucking machine for this, and quite successful, this is why they get stellar treatment from the youtube head honchos.
(((content creators)))