ITT: general Heavy Metal Mag. thread. Post stories how you acquired it in your youth, first saw it, favorite comics or artists , anything related. Hey Holla Forumsmrades.
Does anyone else enjoy this magazine? I personally like it a lot for quite a couple of reasons (the nostalgia, old school scifi, lots of one shots etc)
Also i recently gathered an almost complete scanned collection if anyone is interested in a certain page or issue or special just lemme know and i will deliver.
Anything, except issue 258-262 (from may 2012 to may 2013) Does anyone by any chance have said issues? I have searched far an wide for them and cant seem to find them anywhere (freely), even noticed that these were the only ones missing from the comic DB.
Jackson Mitchell
I've never read Heavy Metal magazine, where should I start, dubs ?
Ethan Lee
The movie. If this song isn't on repeat in your head while you're reading, then you're doing it wrong.
Jeremiah Price
I used to read it a lot when I was a kid because boobs.
Then I got older and I actually really got to appreciate the varied styles of art and stories. One of the few enjoyable anthologies you can find in NA. A lot of the time the stories are shit or needlessly edgy, but it still has enough really good stuff that you can enjoy it. Sucks having to follow one single story that you like for five or six volumes when everything else is pretty shit.
I am actually surprised that they are holding on in the digital age. I figured they would have gone out of business by now.
EDIT Oh shit
I just found out Grant Morrison took over as editor recently. I don't know if that will be bad or good, but I have misgivings. Scots fuck up everything.
Carson Roberts
Got it
Any specific Issue or story that you could recommend ?
2000AD went for a digital subscription alongside the physical release and they're doing just fine I would assume Heavy Metal has taken the same route
Leo Foster
Heavy Metal has always had the kind of niche audience that actually likes to have physical copies
Bentley Reyes
As another user said, the movie is a pretty good starting point, from there you could start with the issue "made for the movie".
If you have a problem with dipping your toes in the proverbial cold water of the older 70's style comics i'd suggest the 80's or even 90's issues.
I would suggest either one of the "Best of issues" or if you are looking for a specific story either "Den" (if you enjoyed the movie) or "Requiem the Vampire Knight" A story about a nazi in hell "reincarnated" into one of hells highest ranking demons (I even have the never realeased in Heavy metal, last issue scan if you wish)
Jeremiah Perez
When was this published? I have a vague memory and it seems real familiar.
Owen King
That was one hell of a ride Now I want to read some motherfucking Heavy Metal magazine
Please do this
Christian Nguyen
I'd love to see a story time or two. I'm reading a lot of early 80s X-Men right now, so if you have any early 80s stories you really like, I'm curious how they compare to mainstream stuff of the time.