The Fairy Children

What will the new generation of kids raised by liberals grow up to be, Holla Forums?

We've already got furries, pedos, gender fluids, otherkin, trannies, and all manner of degeneracy, and those all spawned from relatively low rates of child abuse. What happens now that purposely fucking up your child's mind and body is now common practice?

I'm calling it the fairy children generation. These kids will be strange folk. They will live completely outside conventional human experience. They will be gender confused, devoid of critical thought, devoted to the strange religion of progressivism, have high rates of autism, and be completely incapable of being functioning members of society. They will be like fairy folk or elves, and they will never integrate into society, let alone reality. They will live in a world in their own heads totally different from the outside world, and have this delusion subsidized by government programs so they will never have to face reality.

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Our bitches.

This. They will be without spine like a bunch of jellyfishes.

Dear God! Is this MKULTRA at work?!

The next generation will live in a society that's a combination of 1984 and A Brave New World.


They will easily be manipulated into being the first reborn version of the Hitlerjugend, don't worry user we will fix this shit before these grow up fucked up, or if they grow up f'up, some of them with atleast some balls left will be bloody mad about what society has done to them.

I do however expect the suicide-rates to rise like hell. Holy cow it won't be pretty.

My next timeshare customers

How can he identify as a female yet still use the pronoun "he"? Is the kid fucking retarded?

Also, doesn't it look like it says "Jewed in the classroom" instead of "served". Quite apt.

He probably doesn't, but his mom is trying to make him think he is. The kid knows he's male.


I used to be one of these fucks but not nearly as bad. Just had a single mother who constantly told me all men are bad and that women never lie and other bullshit like that combined with a cuck male role model and teachers shoving lgbtqrstuvwxyz^2 shit down my throat 24/7, I'm still recovering, odds are this kid will levels of pissed off we can't comprehend once he grows up and will become a stark raving anti-faggot.

Maybe it would be better that goverment takes babies and raises them Hitler Jugend style. No more white trash or liberal queer kids.

Maybe if the government wasn't owned and largely staffed by genocidal jews.

My mother sort of raised me like this, not the gender fluid shit but to be more feminine.

I have kids of my own and my 3 year old son watches murdoch murdoch while he eats his breakfast and I put on some blink1488 for him, so there is hope.

Pre-school Teacher here, sometimes I work with kindergarteners after/before school, but mostly preschool

That being said
They all explain how their kid is special and unique, and go on and on and on. This lady is just pushing her shit to the extreme, and
=I can guarantee you=
since I know 4-5 Kinder teachers here in California, in probably the most prominent neighborhood in the north bay (fucking pro-athletes raise thier familes here), that NO public school teacher is going to fucking care or coddle this ladies science experiment. They do not have the time.
Sleep well on that knowledge Holla Forums

Fuuuck I cant bold text today

Holla Forums needs to develop a better understanding of meme magic. If Holla Forums only bothered to say "I believe in fairies" each day, fairies would be revived and help remove fairies with us.

You're either a faggot or a woman. Admit it. Then show your tits or hang yourself whatever applies to you.

I hear Iceland still believes in fae folk but only their spergs talk to us outsiders about it.
Of course it's hard telling not knowing about an island that speaks a language so complicated I'd be better off learning Jappo moonspeak

This man, they're preparing a whole generation of fascists, at least of the ones who don't kill themselves out of gender madness.

can confirm, but they will also sit idly by as the parent brainwashes her child.
guaranteed faggot.

Of course I believe in fairies

Harsh words for someone who is doing their best to instill nationalism in 4 year olds. It's actually easier then it sounds.

I do what I can, I was born here, and I see how bad it is here. Good thing I can tell you is there are no niggers in my class. We get some japs or koreans, but its 99%, blonde white children. No niggers, no spics. They can't afford it.

I don't think faggots browse here, and we don't allow them into our school.

Wrong. lol

what else, but dead

you think hardcore third world immigrants tolerate gender fluidity and such weaknesses?

half way around the world gender fluids are necklaced and tossed off of buildings


do you believe in rabbits though?

Not until the first day of each month.

Sup newfag.

My children will make fun of and bully little faggots like this child in the OP. I'll encourage it.


I take back my harsh words then. I'm also Californian and a little too quick to judge I guess. Out here in the desert it's easy to throw stones at the bay.

Heh, yeah, if we were to let if happen (Read: not happening)

I don't think they're particularly interested in human affairs, user.

A sacrifice for the birth of the new world


I think that whimsical pranksters would be extremely interested in funposting, user.

What this guy said. These children will be raised into a world that they'll be flat out told does not accept them, and as they become adults and their charm wears off, this world will not accept them, and they'll be the biggest failure of parenting that's ever been witnessed.

I would LOVE for these failures to connect over the internet, establish their own new community on par with furries, and then become the next incredible laughingstock of fail and depravity.

Sort of in the same boat.

I don't have anything to say about the "genderfluid" issue specifically, but I think any family that makes their own personal politics the focus of their child rearing is going to raise a fucked up kid, who will either embrace it like a blind sheep, or rebel against it at every opportunity, even to the point of extremism where rebellion isn't necessary.

Let your kids know what you believe, and let them know why, but don't decide for them what they are like these fucking psychotic regressives.

They'll rebel.

The world is going to go to shit in a big way, and these kids will be forced to abandon this time-wasting bullshit in order to survive.

Once I have kids, I'll teach them how to mess with these special snowflake faggots

They will all die from natural selection.

How do they acquire these strange, unsettling eyes, this outward expression of the delusions they believe?

Faeries are part of classical European folk culture. They represent a literary motiff that is associated with traditional culture and the age old beliefs of our forefathers. I hate to see that term used to describe faggy 21st century renaissance men.

Three options, as I see it.

1. Their parents writ large
2. They will crash and burn and end up as persons who need to be institutionalized
3. They will reject everything their parents stand for and embrace everything "problematic" as a form of rebellion.


Californian here too, not everyone in this State is a leftist cuck deserving of the firing squad. There are plenty of h'wites that understand we are being pushed out of the State our people built.

Corpses. Thats what they will be. Look at the suicide rates among trannies and far left wackos. They mostly kill themselves in their 20s to 30s. The kids of SJWs are still young or preteens.

Give them time.

These kids will be some of the most helpless and hopeless to ever occupy a generation. Born to starve.

Its the look of the 'Drowned'.

When one enters into trance the eyes become watery, in the trance state one is easily lead like a child through life by whatever makes the strongest suggestions. Often so many competing suggestions are accepted unquestioningly that what arises is the modern liberal, having many stances that are entirely opposed to other stances they also hold.

The eyes of the drowned exhibit their natural escapist tendencies, a person who is dominated by the flight response of fight/flight/freeze, any stiff opposition, any threatening thing immediately provokes an escape mechanism hence the 'Amygdala Hijack' where the liberal loses control of their mind to the various competing delusions in their head. Notice how when a liberal is triggered they inevitably and highly emotionally jump into a tirade of repeating the exact same talking points? It is like these people are living Memes, zombies operated by a shallow mixture of ideas, because for them the alternative is too frightening, too alien. Their low self esteem prevents them from ever reaching towards real understanding of reality, they deign themselves incompetent and thus cannot defend their positions through their own knowledge. Like a herd of animals, when any of their memes are threatened they converge, shriek and attack completely ignoring any refutation for they trust themselves not to refute it.

Nice try

Yeah because that is what they need.


It's the parents that need to be beat, not the children.


The way things are going most of us won't even have pensions.

Obamacare covers cock mutilation surgery, user.

Only a small percent of kids rebel because of independent thought. The majority rebel because they their parents' values don't fit in with the values of their friends.

If you were right, then the children of baby-boomers would have rebelled and we wouldn't have so many faggots alive today.



is is bad that I have the same eyes?
but in a more "angry trance" kind of way

like a war-face/charlie manson look mixed with complete calmness and content

Oh, Christ.

There is NO way that could end well.

so what happened to all those indigo children, remember them?

How about changelings? Our ancestors had a rich tradition of fairies leaving us their horrible mutant children and running off with ours.

Brain doesn't really differentiate between emotional pain and physical pain, that kid is in anguish because of his warped liberal upbringing and I hope he can find a better fortune soon because that sort of thing can really mess a kid up permanently.