Burn rainbow flags for art
Run over veterans' graves and do contemporary dance for art
Burn rainbow flags for art
Run over veterans' graves and do contemporary dance for art
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Holla Forums edition
These commies deserve to be shot
It's the jew runes at the beginning that really brings out the true meaning.
What the fuck
Also, tell me this isn't the US
Is that swing music supposed to be a part of the act?
It's france, most of the graves are from WW1 vets cause they got steamrolled there.
(Samefagging because I submitted too soon)
Whoops, my mistake. But why didn't these kids just do their anti-war art somewhere else?
I know what you mean, at least at Arlington Cemetary at the US, they would never allow this shit
"Video not available"
A Metapedia page to balance it just because:
I'm so rustled right now. If that was my grandfather in one of those graves… I'd have such a bone to pick with them. How the fuck do they think it's okay to disrespect the dead like that? This is INSANELY disrespectful.
throw me in a fucking dumpster when I die. Why the fuck do you care about a corpse you fucking loser?
If someone ran over my grandfathers grave, i'd fucking drop the cunt. Fuck all of those pieces of shits. Fuck everything. FUCK MODERN ART.
Yeah, same here.
Fuck off faggot I hope you die in that dumpster too.
don't cut yourself on that edge man
Found the Kike
Video unavailable. Can somebody webm it?
This is it, we can't expect many more years when this is the type of shit a major European heavyweight is producing.
They are all fucking white too.
Makes perfect sense. I mean really we should be spend as much money as possible on our dead. Constantly morn our dead, and reserve 99% of the world's space to the dead. Seems reasonable.
How about. Some context, you cunt?
The fuck am I even looking at here?
Is it not fucking obvious? Do you need the SUBHUMANS AND TRAITORS LITERALLY DANCING ON GRAVES OF PATRIOTS part spelled out for you?
No, because there is LITERALLY NO INFORMATION provided here, and I dong speak frog.
I don't know myself.
It's the ceremony to honour the fallen of Verdun. It's 100 years ago, that the most brutal battle of the first world war was fought.
They chose to commemorate this anniversary, not with grandeur or silent grief for the lost. But by having unkempt fuckfaces beat oildrums and let people run over a graveyard, to then dance their deathscene to some lone gunman.
I love the French for being the backbone of European culture…
But holy shit the mighty have fallen….
Burying the dead is perfectly fine. It's tradition. Doesn't harm anyone or anything. It's a business in and of itself. The one thing that could change are coffins. Bodies rot fast, coffins remain for a very long time, and in two centuries when the land may be needed, and hundreds of millions have died and been buried since, there could be some problems with ground filled with coffins.
You must be a special kind of shitter.
However shit France may be today, they offered more to Western civilization over a far longer period, than any other people or nation. The half-brown pieces of shit we have today, are in no way comparable to the people who built and maintained the mightiest hegemon of Europe.
Shit, this was an official ceremony?
Wait, the fuck is that on the wall?
Are those mudslime runes or Jew runes?
This gave me an idea:
Why not start doing art-installations or whatever they call them when they are out in public behaving like morons. But you do a /pol twist on it, like burning a Rainbow-flag during a Pride-parade dressed in a Nazi-uniform. Police gets called to your place and you say it was just an art-installation or whatever and you should be free to go.
Unless you live in Europe of course…
Gotta agree with this user, funerals and graveyards are hocus pocus bullshit.
If you want your corpse to inconvenience your family after your death, you are acting like a selfish kike.
this too. Nothing wrong with sending a rotting corpse back to the earth where it belongs, but no reason to cordon off real estate for a $5000 lacquered box.
It's called respecting the previous generations before you user. Something you should be grateful for their hardwork and whatever they did in life. Otherwise you wouldn't exist.
It's a really old conservative thought, respect the past, live in the present, prepare for the future. They all connect to each other, just because someone died, doesn't mean they should be thrown to the wayside like it was some broken toy or something.
Does anyone have the original webmed?
Definitely. It'll be a while before fine art is back in vogue, the least we can do is Holla Forums style counter-art
Well, we gotta do something with the ashes after you're ovened Mordecai. Dumpster is a fine place, or soap for the camp "showers"
Where was this located?
Next year I'd stand guard with rifles.
this guy.
See: (first reply in the thread)
Yeah I thought that was just an edit, that's the actual video?
Always one ancuck there to shit things up, unwashed Jew style.
I can't fucking stand all these shitskins all over the world who pretend to be all sad about those who died in the World Wars as if their race or people had anything to do with it at all. These fuckers, being globalist pieces of shit act as though the World Wars were just as much "theirs" as the people's of Europe. Look at those fuckers involved in that disgraceful parade. Although the whites are just as disgraceful, at least they have a genuine reason to care about the war and honour their dead. All the shitskins EVER seem to do is use the war to promote their universalist bullshittery in white countries.
I don't exactly know how to perfectly describe this, but I tried my best. It's like those shitskins are trying to appropriate the suffering and history of our own people to make themselves feel morally superior and push their degenerate agendas.
That's just an edit. It's a funny edit, but it's an edit.
A body isn't a person, everything about that person existed in his mind which is now gone.
Separate your good memories from the meat attached to them. The body is a tool. I consider people fetishising my corpse after my death as though the corpse was me to be an insult to my accomplishments, which came entirely from mind, will, and spirit.
This looks like a scene from a 1960s arthouse film symbolizing moral decadence or something, but no, it's real fucking life… what's with the 10-foot-tall scarecrow raising its arms? And the French military approved this?
Blocked in the US, it seems.
I can still shitpost from europe.
Everyone involved deserves to be in a mass grave.
(((They))) stopped being subtle a really long time ago I guess, it really shows you how much power they have
Only an idiot can't see that disagreeing with the premise of a war does not validate the desecration of the graves of those who fought in it.
Fucking vermin.
Underage retard detected. Once you grow up, you'll realize the value in respecting and honoring dead family members.
If people are forcing the living to pay for extravagant shit, then yeah, I agree. Personally, I don't care about my burial but I know my wife will want something proper. In the US at least, there is more than enough space to allow graves for everyone.
True. If you don't understand modern art you are uneducated and probably a bigot.
On our WWII remembrance day (may 4th) the bureacrats (most of them goyim) only talk about the 6 million gassed jews.
Notice they only have them run over the graves with crosses.
There's rows of non-christian headstone graves which the children purposely avoid at 1:12 onwards before running over christian graves again.
French-bros. I feel for you. One of my ancestors is buried in Belgium and his cemetery looks just like this. It would kill me to think people were running over his grave like this. Has this spectacle caused an uproar in France?
Fucking why?
I put up a comment on the youtube video saying this (that they were only running over christian graves and avoiding the other graves) and its has been taken down in LESS THAN AN HOUR
What cemetery lets fucktards pull this shit?
can we get a campaign to make this the most disliked video of all time
The one that's located in a jewified zombie nation.
Nice observation, it's nothing but hatred against Christians.
The fuck happened with respect for the dead?
Do these fucktards not have a shred of human decency?
Nope. Not even a shred.
Sometimes i wonder if they even qualify as human.
Shit like this makes me wish ghosts were real.
real and vengeful.
Being able to emphasize via putting yourself in someone else's shoes is one of the earliest signs of intelligence, which often leads to eventual wisdom. Does it surprise you that stupid people lack this?
In my opinion, people haven't gotten more stupid, but stupid people have been emboldened by the Jews to act out instead of being forced to acknowledge their inferiority like in the past when none of the special snowflake shit would only be incurred in a comedy club
Nationalists wouldn't have had to kill each other if good goy USA would've just stayed out.
WW2 was fought for jews, just like WWI.
This is so far beyond disgusting. I hope every one of those 3,400 traitors goes home with a fucking curse.
They just can't help it, do they? What about the other religious groups, you propagandists pieces of shit
They claim French and German kids but I saw a shit ton of shitskins.
Not everything is about sex, kike.
It's because Jewish graves can be defiled by walking on them, while Gentile graves cannot be defiled in the same manner, according to the Talmud.