It's Labor Day!

What the fuck are you celebrating?

If there's a labor day, there should also be a NEET day. That's only fair.

The fact I'm one day closer to death.

Getting $3k from trading shitcoins so I can buy a gtx 1070 and 1440p monitor while being NEET.

How does that shit work anyway?

The triumph of Islam in Afghanisan and Iraq.
The demise of America as a significant world power.
My wife's panty drawer.

You allowed neoliberals to take power, and then continued playing cheerleader for them while they ruined the economy.

You have no right to complain.

There are a shitload of different coins (currencies) and their price varies just like the price of the Yen, GBP and USD vary.
When one of them drops in price you look at it and try to figure out if it should go up again, if you think it will you buy it cheap then sell when it goes back up.

As for how to tell what's going to go up and what's going to go down that mainly comes from experience, I have put over 500 hours into learning this shit over the last few years.

either you have a fat wallet or you were patient over this op. or you've found a means of trading btx on margin. 556/607 is only 50 bucks.
Which is it?

every day is neet day

Patient, I got a heap of BBR in Feb when it was around 6k sato and refused to sell when it tanked because Feb looked like the acquisition phase of a pump to me. Turns out I was right and I made 300% on the BBR and another 50% on the increase on BTC.

congrats. very noice.

>>>Holla Forums

so you're basically gambling.

That's a fine suggestion,, let's waltz over there and troll the shit out of those pinkos about how they abandoned unions to fight for gay marriage and other irrelevant cultural issues.

life is gambling, get over it loser


Celebrating the deindustrialization of the first world and the importation of cheap labor to suppress the wages of that which couldn't be offshored.

Now if only we could automate the latter we'd be in a true utopia, without any consumers at all.

That might be what makes people realize that we can't take millions of refugees in and then we move to Greenland.

Yes, unions mother-fucker. They probably didn't teach the history of it to you in school because they too busy telling you niggers aren't responsible for anything they do, and that sucking cock in a bus station is completely normal,, but if you don't organize and fight for your rights, the big companies will exploit you without mercy.

The engine of American prosperity was created by workers who could afford to buy what they made,,and the multinational corporations are dismantling that as fast as they can for a quick buck.

But keep drinking the kool aid, dumb ass.


What the fuck does labor have to celebrate in 2016?

Why are people so stupid to deny the power of unions?

because the powers that be want them to.

Same thing I celebrate every day

The glory of God

and putting money on a random event you cannot control doesn't generally end well.

Life is risk,, put risks can be minimized.

But go ahead and lose your ass on speculations.. we all need a giggle.


More like playing poker than a slot machine because skill plays a large part.
Seeing I started with $20 and have made a few grand I can't see how I can get burnt at this point.
