Snoop Dogg Asking Fans to Boycott Roots Remake

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I thought it was Snoop Lion

Never realized Snoop was so based.

So he wants people to boycott the program because he believes it's racist against blacks.

What an idiot.

Good. What he fails to understand is that the Jews are purposely doing this to incite Blacks against Whites. I was going to make a thread about the Roots remake, it more of the same incendiary nonsense like Django Unchained.

Snoop couldn't pass a 3rd grade math test.


I think he's trying to get people over the victim-complex thing the kikes are pushing on minorities.

That was before he realized reggae was degenerate.

'Roots' Reborn: How a Slave Saga Was Remade for the Black Lives Matter Era


Oy Vey ! This is supposed to show how the evil white men oppressed you, you ungrateful nig- I mean black man.


To be honest I actually had the same thought when I heard they were remaking Roots. If I were black, why would I want to see demoralizing content about my people 24/7? Surely seeing your people as perpetual victims gets a bit long in the tooth?

That said, I think Snoop will struggle to find a high point (no pun intended) for his people. He might have to go all the way back to "We wuz kangz" fantasy.

Nice fucking digits.

The only reason snoop went down the reggae path was so he could continue smoking weed under the guise of religion. As a rastafarian it's against your religion to have your dreads searched. It's also part of your religion to always smell like weed.

You're giving him too much credit.

"They" being whitey, not the Jews.

I think that he believes this is just another example of whites showcasing their past dominance of blacks, and desire to do so again.

Did Snoop Digg name his dog "Jews"?

No, that was Rakim.

Wow you're so racist for thinking every Person of Color looks the same. Check your priv

Stop singularizing us, shitlord. In our headcanons, we are a distributed organism that has experienced the most oppression in any dimension.

tbf you can tell the women apart by their weaves since even they don't think their nappy brillo is worth a shit

forgot pic

Why you postin my GF m8????


One can only hope snoop can figure out it was the juice division of whitey that did the slave trade.
IF only he could read we could send him a copy of the secret history of blacks and jews

fireup them twatters and instas and redpill the man and his fans.

he's indirectly calling out the jew. we should be supporting this.


Maybe he's already read it? (page 312) (page 14)

40 percent of all Jewish families in the USA owned slaves, compared to just 8% of white families.


hell id watch shows of niggers gunning each other down in the hood……….sounds like wholesome family entertainment to me

I guess no one but self hating whites and you know whos actually enjoy these slavery movies.

Oh he knows, user. He knows the whole rotten industry inside out. Dude's a legend.


It would look like that at first glance but look at all of his recent comments. He's gone full "fuck whitey we waz kangs".

sometimes they have their good parts


I agree with Snoop on this one.
If blacks focused more on the present and becoming decent people (as they were in the 1950s and before) instead of eating up this victim mentality bullshit then BLM and other horseshit wouldnt exist.


Damn right, do something now instead of crying about shit that's already done.

Already been done. It was called The Wire.


I kinda get that vibe… But only after making a couple of significant stretches. At the end of the day this is half a step above we wuz kangz. That being said the majority of niggers are far too r-selected to ever be redpillable. Maybe getting simply twisting their 'revolt against yt' towards the machinations of the Jews is the best that can be hoped for.

Go away Jew. Slavery obsessed blacks and "We were Kings and Sheeit" supremacists can both get fucked. These movies are made on purpose by Jews as anti-white propaganda. Snoop dislikes this for the wrong reason and doesn't realize that the slavery narrative is what gives his people political power and victimhood status.

african niggers figured that out a while ago,
production and acting is super shit but its a start

now if all these rich niggers who keep moaning about hollywood started investing they could have their own gollywood in no time

I have barely an idea who he is, but for some reason he is sympathetic.



This user gets it.

Even in the OP, it shows that he's still pushing the "WE WUZ (in this case, it's: IZ) KANGZ" with:

This is conspiracy theory (i know Holla Forums hates it) but, I don't dwell on it a lot but where there is smoke there is usually fire.
A long time ago 2 famous rich niggers were a scheming to start their own network (cosby and jordan) and they were openly talking about it as well.
Cosby's son was shot in brood day light just as Jordan's father was as well.
Now what are the chances? 6 million to one? or 6 gorrilion to one?

Considering the Kikes destroyed Cosby with the rape scandal I'm thinking its highly possible.

Or you're not giving him enough? Who has more experience getting the shaft from Jews? Snoop Dogg or you? I'll go with Snoop has more experience with Jews making shekels off of him than you do.

And I forgot the network plans kind of never got off of the ground and now all the date rape on cosby is coming down like a duck on a june bug.

What? You mean the kikes don't just want to destroy white folks? They want ALL of the goyim to serve them? Pfft where'd you get that idea?

He has mentioned before about how race relations were good in America before Roots came out. Then it was like "what the fuck, that is what it was like".

Kikes want blacks to hate whites so continuously show blacks being abused, raped and massacred by whites.

What he is saying is "we should make our own shit relevant to us and about 'the struggle' today, movies about Freddy Gray and Trayvon Martin". If anything, he would say the kike narrative avoids talking about today because the kikes want to keep themselves off the radar.

No goy. Its because those who against Gods chosen are destroyed by God.

Do you seriously think he differentiates between whites and Jews?

> I don't understand that you have to sell it to blacks like its racist against them for them to even listen.

Very good question user, I don't have the answer to it but a cursory look at SD's record label and his affiliations with producers could shed some light, but then he would have to be able to distinguish that they are 2 different peoples.
Could be a stretch for a slum drug rat made good.

There are actually quite a few black rappers that are speaking up against the Jews.
They say that they are not allowed creative freedom because the Jews that own the record labels force them to rap about killing other blacks and drugs.
Just look on youtube.
I was noticing this a few months ago.

I have said it once, I have said it a million times.
If we could get the blacks to differentiate between Jews and Whites we could use them.

There is long history here that just never seems to change. Picture related
Chess Records
(((polish immigrants)))


Yes, I do. I think blacks who have spent any significant amount of time in the entertainment industry learn the difference between Jews and Whites.

my nigguh

Jerry Heller and the ADL actually sued him for that single line about their jewish ways and actually censored the word "jew".

Is Snoop Dogg a black nationalist?

Most of the imagery that blacks have of slavery comes from fictionalized, oversaturation abuses, rapes, and massacres by whites in TV and film, just like all the poor oppressed Jew imagery presented in Holocaust-themed TV and film

*fictionalized oversaturated abuses, rapes, and massacres by exaggerated white characters in TV and film

He's right

This is awesome. Exactly its definitely worth the effort! Sometimes I'll go black sites and drop a few redpills.

user I think some do but a lot don't just like white people who look at jews and think they are white.
Pic related couric and stahl

This meme kinda doesn't work when the example is a negro, because every negro has that emptiness in their black, soulless eyes.

Wow, it's almost like Rome gave citizenship to conquered foreigners who joined the legion and served in a war for 10 years.

He finished highschool with burbian splendor. Dont ever take 'strait streeit talg froh NObuddy' who made a million, and kept it for 20 years.

Poop Dogg dont know. Aint not much white liberals round to do shit fo his sorry ass no mo. He gots to stop smokin that shit and do it hiself.

we wiz soup n lampshades n sheit?


That's a waste of stock, think of the shekels lost. D:

iirc BET airs Root every week or so

Is that Amistad? Awful lot of white sailors on a Spanish slave ship…

Sure, regular blacks can't tell the difference. We are talking about negros with decades of experience dealing with Jews. They can tell the difference.

My dream is to fund a film about blacks enslaving blacks in Africa. Niggers killing niggers. The big thematic element is to foreshadow Detroit.


Uhhhh, no.

Much more like this.

Why do some people (who are probably shills) think that every statement that somebody makes have to be a COMPREHENSIVE redpill to be identified as not being pozzed?

THERE IS A REASON why liberals flip out when people contradict even the smallest part of their grand "Narrative": because once you fall out of complete lockstep, you can start tearing chunks out of that house of cards.

As for

There are no bluepills in the media. They say bluepilled shit because they're PRETENDING.
That motherfucker's been surrounded by jews his whole career; he knows who runs the show.

Whoa whoa there now cowboy!
Lets not do anything rash and potentially degenerate…

Go back to cuck-chan.
Posting videos with out audio.

Sometimes I don't have the source to remake a webm from scratch. Sorry.


He probably knows how many grams to a QP tho

I'll t-take two

I know he does. Most potheads have to deal with them, and after a few ripoffs that always seem to come from tribe members, you get wise.

He knows. Snoop is a lot smarter than he lets on, guy is good at hiding his power level.

Answer your question with a question:
When is a nigger ever NOT as race-aware as any white nationalist?

You gotta realize that all these black activists and media types are funded by jews, so they're going to publicly forget jews exist because that's where their bread is buttered.

For real, I feel sorry for black folks. They may actually be bigger victims of international Jewry than even WASPs.

Poor bastards need redpilling fast.

Top Kike

Haha! Oh no, stray negro! Get that negro back on the plantation!

Speaking out against the kikes' denigration of his race and culture?

Prepare for Snoop to be Cosby'd

He definitely threw away his gibsmedut card. And he's encouraging others to do the same. That being said, he's the DUDE WEED LMAO type, so…

Mr. Williams, an economist at George Mason University, is contrasting being black and poor in the 1940s and ’50s with today’s experience. It’s a theme that permeates his short, bracing volume of reminiscence, and it’s where we began our conversation on a recent morning at his home in suburban Philadelphia.

“We lived in the Richard Allen housing projects” in Philadelphia, says Mr. Williams. “My father deserted us when I was three and my sister was two. But we were the only kids who didn’t have a mother and father in the house. These were poor black people and a few whites living in a housing project, and it was unusual not to have a mother and father in the house. Today, in the same projects, it would be rare to have a mother and father in the house.”

Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women.
“The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family.”

Just saw the sneak peak. I know why the fuck am I watching tv but it was basically " he wus gettin his life on track, going to Timbuktu to study"

Snoop has always been a subversive kike puppet (and is possibly one himself).

Maybe there's an angle to this, but it does feel like he wants to join the winning team now. So welcome Snoop!

Only dealer I've ever known to sheist his customers was a Jew. No I am not some drugged out degenerate, but when you grow up and live in diverse areas you come across these folks.

he was always kind of red-pilled he just never expressed his opinions that much. Bet your ass he's voting Trump.

i wonder who could be behind this???

I've commented on this thread a few times, possibly under different IDs (changing connections), but I can tell you I know a guy who is an acquaintance of his and he is definitely "woke" as niggers would call it. He has become something of a black nationalist, but not of the anti white variety.

Not sure where he stands politically. He seems pretty fond of Obama, which isn't a good sign.

What a surprise.

I've been thinking about this in general, and the best answer I can come up with is it's Jewish cultural influence seeping in. Only Jews want to be victims, and they project it onto groups they influence. Hence why all the SJWs try to be professional victims. Blacks, and other groups don't want to be victims, it's just that they're under the direction of Jews, who tell them it's good to be one for publicity and shit.

What are they doing, here? Hiding the evidence or killing off diseased stock?

when in rome user, when in rome.

I watched it just because Snoop Dog said not to. I don't take orders from niggers.

The real reason he didn't like it is because it CLEARLY showed in the beginning that it was niggers selling other niggers to white people rather than the old white kidnapping myth.

They tried to make Kunta Kinte and tribe seem much more advanced than they were and than the original movie attempted, even making Kunta want to go to college in Timbuktu (I lol'd).

Stuff like this is slavery porn. People get off on the beatings and rapes and they get to pretend that they were enlightened by the anti-racist message and it was "art".

I would listen to that doped up nigger over you. You sound petty and kinda dumb.

Fuck off with this cuckservative myth.

In 1,551 U.S. cities, according to the FBI tally for 1956, Negroes, making up 10% of the U.S. population, accounted for about 30% of all arrests, and 60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm—murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. In one city after another, the figures—where they are not hidden or suppressed by politicians—reveal a shocking pattern. Items:

New York (14% Negro). Of the prisoners confined in houses of detention last year to await court disposition of their cases, 44% of the males and 65% of the females were Negroes.

Chicago (15% Negro). In 1956 twice as many Negroes as whites—1,366 to 679—were arrested on charges of murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape and robbery.

Detroit (25% Negro). Two out of three prisoners held in the Wayne County jail are Negroes. Last month 62% of. the defendants presented for trial in Recorder’s Court were Negroes. Of last year’s 25,216 arrests resulting in prosecution, excluding traffic cases, Negroes accounted for 12,919.

Los Angeles (13% Negro). In 1956 Negroes accounted for 28% of all arrests, and 48% of the arrests for homicide, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny and auto theft.

San Francisco (7% Negro). The victims in 896 of last year’s 1,564 recorded robbery cases reported that the assailants were Negroes.

LA is not 13% negro, I don't know where that Stat is from. It is more like 9% negros and dropping fast. /autism

Why the fuck do you have my pics saved. Last I heard I made ebaums, but nothing notable.


I fucking miss you Duke.

I think he made it fairly clear that he's referencing the demographics of L.A. in the 1950's

Why are you so retarded?

even a retard like snoop says something intelligent every once in a blue moon, I guess even from his hot-boxed ivory tower he realizes all this shit is designed to foment divisiveness and make a negro act a fool over dumb shit instead of looking forward

your music still sucks snoop, youre a fucking cartoon character, please for the love of god dont make any more, especially not your sad attempt at reggae lawdy that shit was fucking painfully awful


He has been enlightened by Kek

He dohn care about dey communities, gnome saiyan? Whitey need tuh bow down 2 da blacc man cuz it aint 1918 no mo'! Rich rappa's r part of da poor ghetto nigga community.

Holy shit

I didn't take it that way at all. More like, he gets it the way liberals elites are doing their best to make blacks obsess endlessly over every past wrong and act like victims instead of standing tall and moving into the future, taking care of themselves and living for today–not dwelling on old bad shit from 100 plus years ago.

I think he gets it that keeping them victims is a way the elites control and make use of them. And it's true. The fact being that nobody is more truly racist than the elites.

I agree with him.

This pic right here is great. "Rappers should know better…" there it is, right there, the huge red flag, the telltale racist liberal Jew elite superiority. Out of one side of their mouths comes "we're all equal, ni–I mean, blacks. You're just as good as we are and white people have done you wrong! You should hate them! You should listen to us though and do as we say because we are your better–I mean, because we truly have your best interests at heart and are fighting for you!"

If I were a black man I'd go find a gaggle of upwardly mobile, college-educated, liberal white/Jewish academics and I'd blow their fucking heads off.

I believe you could make some really cool conan the barbarian style films set in a historically accurate, precolonial ivorycoast setting.

please be real

Sorry, Schlomo, nice try. He wants blacks to get over the victimhood complex and make themselves into something good, like any good nationalist would want.

Shoo shoo, Mr. Jew.

He's right for the wrong reasons, so not really based.

He's acting like slave shit is made to make blacks feel oppressed rather than make whites feel guilty.

He's not a shriveled up White "feminist" woman, an old Jew man, or a Whitebread Cuckservative. He's an East Coast billionaire who has a supermodel White wife, doesn't police his tone, and is the only Alpha Male candidate in the running.

Could you say more on this? Anymore details?

Propaganda can do more than one thing.



Spam his Twitter with redpills on the Jews' weaponization of blacks against whites.

I'm missing the image I want, a Jew talking about intentionally teaching blacks to hate whites and to constantly trump up their history of oppression.