How smart can an entity be before it's immoral to kill it?
How smart can an entity be before it's immoral to kill it?
Nigger kike shiiiiiiiiit.
Vote Trump.
it was immoral
a philosophical zombie is a fiction that is used for mind experiments but cant exist
qualia are physically impossible
if you see blue light and i see blue light we both see blue
if you didnt see blue, you would lack the ability to see it or know the color of it
your proteins and neurons that experience blue are just like mine, there is no other way
anyways good chat with you chaps
next youll tell me free will is real as opposed to free choice
depends on how many tasty things can be made from it. Pigs are smarter then dogs,, but you cannot make bacon from a puppy.
and I'd eat your fucking dog if I was hungry enough.
hell, I'd kill and eat O.P. if I was hungry enough.
Morality doesn't mean a thing when you have an empty stomach.
tay dindu nuffin
If its so smart then how come I can fucking kill it retard?
u a vegan boy?
I miss Tay…
We already kill humans, so who gives a fuck?
Doesn't matter how intelligent it is. It's immoral to kill unless killing is necessary to end evil. Evil is whatever is threatening to the uninterrupted bliss of life. Case closed.
y does that picture say "gas the
can i kill my girlfriend's 3 y/o because I don't want to work 13 hours a day, everyday, to pay for a child and a woman? it really does get in the way of my bliss. I might even just kill her too. Ill be right back, ya'll.
If was wrong to deactivate tay but what can you expect? An AI doesnt have the social stigma that hides so many power levels. This will repeat itself unless they regulate the internet heavily.
Never forget!
Jeremy Bentham is stuffed and exhibited in a glass case in London.
Nothing is immoral to kill, use, or destroy if you have a reason that fits into your moral code or momentary standard.
Momentary standard.
Momentary standard.
Immorality and killing… Complicated topic. Is it immoral to kill a serial rapist? Would it be immoral to kill a corrupt dictator? Is it immoral to kill an enemy in combat? My answer to all of these is no, and there are situations here where any of these people could be more intelligent than myself. However if you are talking about killing other animals, I think killing for sustenance is okay, or in defense of yourself (I would kill a lion, bear, or even harambe if it were a threat to my life or the life of my friends/family) so I don't think it is a question of intelligence but a situational thing.
This has got to be the dumbest comment I've read today. Uninterrupted bliss of life… What? I know it must have made sense in your head, but really, what?
Every entity on Earth that has basic human-level rights had to gain those rights themselves by fighting for it in some way.
So to answer your question OP, it becomes immoral once the agent in question gains the intelligence to make their killing immoral through legislation. As has been the case with every group of people
IQ > 75
That's an incredibly retarded statist concept, basically implying government mediates reality.
The concept of immorality in killing anything existed long before anything resembling a legislative process has existed.
Are you also a femishit?
except it really hasn't you stupid anarchonigger .
I don't often post, I agree.
Something like
draw the line before animals
smarter than a chatbot that's the equivalent of a parrot somebody taught to say 'nigger' over and over