TFW there are people fucking right now and you're not one of them
Why do you guys put so much value on sex? I don't get it.:^)
I'm ok with that tbh fam.
I can get laid any time but I value my shitposting time.
but seriously, a lot of you guys seem to think that life only has meaning if you're able to get pussy 24/7. That's just unhealthy tbh
There is a difference between a fuck buddy and a girlfriend believe it or not and after you finally fuck again you figure out it really isn't that much of a deal. Don't get me wrong its nice but unless shes a porn star the hype isn't real you have better things to do with your time like learn how to get the fuck off this site
Fucking non-virgin detected
You fucking asshole, losing your virginity at least makes you feel normal
Our society makes us feel like shit when we have our v-cards after 18. I'm fucking 23, and yes, there are many fucking depressed and sad, lonely anons WHO DO NOT imply that their lives are going to be 10x better.
Losing your virginity just makes you feel at least normal and good and it gets it out of your system. Being surrounded in a world that constantly brings up sex when you never had any makes you feel sad, depressed, less-than, and a loser.
Don't fucking forget that.
Keep telling yourself that, frogposter.
I am a virgin user, and I don't give much of a shit about sex.
Why the fuck are you letting other people govern your value system?
Because I don't want to be a fucking 30 year old virgin one day
People should do it when they are in their peak age
Not fucking old and fucking with erectyle disfunction.
Along with that, it decreases your chances as you age you will never get to experience wet, dripping, young 18 year old pussy or taking a girl's virginity.
We are just to accept growing older and taking up the old dried up angry women who are pissed because their 36th boyfriend dumped them and EXPOCT US X-DDD to take care of them like the cucks you want to be?
My manager is one of those.
She has a nigger's baby, married a fat white cuck who would take care of her baby, and had two babies with that fucking cuck.
She is now preggers, always angry and depressed, and I enjoy her suffering.
Is the word
A meme
23 isn't that bad. I wouldn't get this concerned about it until you hit the 25 mark.
Honestly, if it means that much to you, just save up for a hooker and get it over with.
males don't have a peak age. Our dicks work pretty much all of our lives, and erectyle disfunction is more psychological for most guys, plus there are always pills for that shit.
top kek
first off, I don't personally care if I ever experience that, second it is called having money, pretty much any girl from any age will date you, especially young one, because they don't have any money, or a good job
see comment above
our eggs don't rot, and as long as you have money, you can be a 4'9 manlet, needledicked, that has medical problems that could full an entire textbook of disease, and still get a hot gf.
I got money and a v8 2016 mustang and no gf and 2: look at elliot rodger. He had money too
3DPD aren't mindreaders.
You have to show your wealth, or be around long enough so they know you have money.
Well Elliot "Supreme Gentleman" Rodger was an egotistical faggot, so I wouldn't compare myself to him.
I just chugged a ton of whiskey so dont expect any serious replies in 10 min
What if you tell em your rich
Who gives a shit?
Society is already abundant with sex and it's so easy to get it loses any value apart from hedonistic passion.
I'd rather save myself for a true waifu, and if I don't find one I can go without sex.
If they're hookers, sure. But if you're planning on picking up just any random chick, you pretty much have to do one of two things.
First is to look at least moderately attractive, have average to above average social skills, and be entertaining enough to woo a girl the first time you meet her. [spiler]le "chad" mee mee :^)[/spoiler]
Second is to start talking to a girl you have things in common with, become friends, and eventually move things up to romance when and if both you and her feel that way. This can take anywhere from a few months to over a year. most people, believe it or not
I don't expect replies ever, to anything I post.
Most 3DPD don't like being called out as gold-diggers, basically lets them they won't be able to manipulate you.
user, you should be on SOME path to wizardhood other than master or shitposting right? Pick any hobby other than vidya.