I have panic attack i forget to breather and chimped out hard. I feel like hands arent mine i probably got braindamage in sleep.
Send help talk to me pls/
I have panic attack i forget to breather and chimped out hard. I feel like hands arent mine i probably got braindamage in sleep.
Send help talk to me pls/
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So what pill did you swallow?
I have not smoked anything
Them quads are smokin tho
No pills nothing i just woke up because i forgot how to breathe.
ty bby
Okay, you catch your breath yet?
Dem quads checked.
You had a shitty dream and the first place you think to post is Holla Forums?
Right now im in manual breathing mode i cant switch to automatic because lungs wont fill with air. Im chimping out more and more.
No dream starting to forgeting words im panicking more and more. SHIT should i go to doctor.
Maybe you should be heading to the hospital then.
Not sure what they are going to do for you honestly.
Listen to some music dude. Maybe that will help. Whatever it is that is stressing you will pass. Let go of your anxieties. If you cannot get help yourself, then go to the doctor.
Do you have any medications or drugs that would help? A little alcohol maybe? Anything?
Don't worry.
This video didn't help at all there is so much logical fallacies.
They can give me sleep pills or some dank drugs. I hope
No hospital i will rather die in home.
Ever read flowers for Algernon? Its a good book.
cant read too long afraid of death hits me hard
some are waking up.
They would get you a muscle relaxant most likely depending on your past medical history.
You aren't dying btw, you are just getting dumber. Nothing wrong with that at all. Plenty of people are tarded and live kick ass lives scrow.
Of course.
I dont care about being dumb as brick i just want to keep living, my arms are confused and dont feel like they used be. I have all sings of braindamage and panic attack isnt helping either.
It's because you are a dreamer waking up. You are half a sleep right now. What do you remember before you went to bed?
I had no dream i just had closed eyes for 30 minutes when suddenly i forgot to breathe then opened my eyes searched whole fucking google what does this mean and appareanely i have some kind of virus or something fucked up in my back which can fucking kill me because later it will cause heart attack.
Just fuck those informations they were as useful as getting fucked in my ass because after that i ran into kitchen aimlessly opening my fridge then realized i am panicking hard.
nope still cant breather automatically.
Your body is in terrible shape, you are in a full blown panic and you are doing google medical searches.
Go to the hospital. Don't be posting on here. Get your ass to emergency.
it's night they wont open
There's no general emergency that's open 24/7 around your area?
there is but they end in 4am and for next 4hours until 8am is closed until normal doctors start to work. So if you get fucked between 4am and 8am you have to go 20km into nearest hospital.
Oh i have been writing this and didnt realize i am automatically breathing
im ok now
Your welcome.