Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him Do it for him
Trump propoganda in need of likes
Other urls found in this thread:
Posting. Bumping. Voting.
Great video.
People are assblasted in the comments cause this guy usually makes sports highlight videos.
Trump is a Zionist shill.
Fuck this guy.
Can't wait for the tidal wave of libcuck tears to flow over the world in November
We have IDs here
slurp shit intl
When exactly are the elections in november anyway? My fucking birthday is in november.
Don't be a lazy faggot, find out the date yourself. Takes less time than posting here, you dumb faggot.
U w0t m8?
Goddamnit I'm getting good at spotted them.
"when are the November presidential elections"
You must not have two halves of your brain.
Oh you're one of them yellow people.
Do you even know how sage works?
It doesn't bump the thread.
He said;
And saged. Those are opposites.
If he was implying something he should have greentexted it.
Filtered and didn't even read the date. Don't give a shit what noseniggers have to say. I'll look it up thank you.
That YT account is full of nigger worship. Trump video was great though.
Go back to Holla Forums, kiddo.
Done, have a bump.
He refused to go visit and kiss the wall you dirty fucking kike.
All these people falling for the obvious intl shill
filter and report, don't respond
Pretty good
Solid find OP.
Needs help against brigading cucks.
Bump for visibility. We must counter the cuck tide.
Ha,well cucked your holiness.
There's low effort and there's whatever the fuck you think you're doing
Why so many sub-humans visiting that video? Was it advertised on reddit or something?
Pretty weak finisher, though.
Where do you think all the trump shills are from? Of course it's kike loving reddit. Home of Milo, the Greasy Greek.
I'm voting trump, but want nothing to do with those faggots.
webm of this please. this video ask me to get the latest flash plugin. I'm not installing this bullshit.
I stopped watching once the nig started talking tbh, but I gave you your upboat anyway.
I am bumbing right now
That's literally the first second of the video.
Anyway, the guy who made the video made a comment claiming that he just did this to test his "trailer-making skills" as opposed to being a statement of position (lol), so take that for what you will in terms of the likelihood that he'd be pushing this video on Holla Forums.
Do you?
You don't bump a thread by saging you fucking Autist.
But it doesn't matter now since it's stickied.
Upboated, fuck liberals.
I've only done 5 sets of squats in my whole life.
Let's increase the memes and start doing frog squats every day from now on.
Have a bump.
Berdy good!
This is all one person.
B-b-but he's a racist! B-b-but he's a Nazi! B-b-but muh immigrants!
I love this video so much.
Trump supporter
Trump haters
As nice as the internet is, the majority of it is composed of faggots. Unfortunately reddit/4chan hold that majority.
This video got raided hard. All of you faggots should go over there, like the video, and leave a couple of counter arguments to the flood of leftist butthurt comments.
Its your duty to Trump as his Internet People.
Liked and spread bantz plus shitposting
What the fuck does that even mean in this context?
How the fuck does a negative probability work?
Statisticfags help me out there.
>>>Holla Forums
video gave me chills. MAGA
I-is this real?
If yes, sauce?!
Isn''t Milo jewish?
He says he is.
He says a lot of things.
I'd upboat this if I was retarded enough to actually have a Jewgle account.
Milo is a false prophet.
He's a faggot who enjoys taking black cock. I'm not making this up, he's gay and prefers being a bottom, meaning being fucked instead of doing the fucking, and he has a fetish for blacks. Milo literally enjoys and prefers being fucked in the ass by black men.
Yeah the initial dislikes probably all came from his core subscribers before we got wind of it. Gotta show them there virtue signaling is not receiving the positive reinforcement they expected.
Yeah. I've watched him say something about it on video.
Kinda makes me want to throw up.
No shit. He's cool as far as gays go, but making him some sort of banner is fucked up. He's gone on record literally talking about how much he enjoys sucking black dicks. Props to him for being a fag who's not a totally liberal pussy, that's something. But it's a whole 'nother deal making him some sort of figurehead.
Mion Sonoda
imho we should stop giving milo shit. Sure he's a jew faggot and a lot of the stormfags here say he's not on 'our' side, but you need to remember that the only way a candidate can win is if he gets a massive amount of votes from all demographics. Milo has been a corner stone of the reddit community to bring Trump to presidency. Say what you want about reddit but the fags over there will talk to their friends and family to get them to vote for trump.
Milo is more necessary than you think.
super shitty bait, try harder
no e-celeb is necessary and he hasn't convinced anyone to vote for Trump, we did that on our own. Leftists don't listen to reason.
There are thousands of independent voters who are unsure of who to vote for. Events like the milo/depaul controversy only help to persuade them to vote for Trump. You are naive if you honestly believe Milo hasn't had any effect on getting Trump votes.
But normies see insanity and are repulsed in the right direction which the faggot kike is good at triggering.
White the fuck do white people do this?
It's virtue signaling from "conservatives"
"Look at us! We're not transphobic. We got our own faggot."
In every interview I've seen, Milo seems to be uncomfortable with being a figurehead for the alt-right (defining alt-right as right wing by US standards outside of the standard Republican party). He seems to agree with at least some of the positions we endorse here, but is aware he doesn't embody them in the least, given his degenerate habits.
As you said, the biggest utility that Milo serves is as a bridge from our message to the mainstream audience. Degenerate black cock sucking faggot he is, his mind/heart seems to be in almost the right place.
This is why any realpolitik user should support Milo, at least in theory. Even the fag himself seems to realize he is a poor figurehead for this movement, but I also suspect he sees the utility he can serve. It's readily apparent how unfit he is as an example for the ideology, given his taste for sucking and fucking black dick.
But he also serves as a bridge between us and the mainstream, and I think he sees that. Every time I've seen him speak on this subject he seems mildly uncomfortable with the link between him and the new right. So I think he is intelligent and practical, but also a fag and a black cock bitch.
It's silly to us, here on Holla Forums but he can serve as a useful tool to reach the mainstream crowd, and I think he knows that.
wew these comments
liberal parroting at it's finest
at least Brandon seems to understand now
I'm not saying he doesn't serve a purpose. He isn't useless, he simply isn't fucking necessary. Think of him like fire: it's useful within certain constraints, but if you just allow it to do whatever the fuck it wants (i.e. following and believing everything some faggot kike says just because he's made a few good points in the past) your neighborhood burns down. It's like you guys don't know wtf controlled opposition is. Some of his points are correct and he's useful in that capacity, but he SAYS those things to gain a following so he can shift opinion on other matters, like being a "fierce supporter of Israel" as he himself says.
YOU are fucking naive if you think Milo is totally okay and nobody should worry about him or his ulterior motives. Guy's obviously in it for the shekels.
For one thing, you have zero substantial evidence that he was able to swing anyone's opinions toward Trump. For another, Trump didn't fucking get massively successful in this presidential race by having fence-sitters, a very small minority of voters, choose to vote Trump. Trump is forging forward, DESPITE all the establishment's war tactics against him, because of the literal millions and millions of people who hold the beliefs in America as a nation and are furious at the past few decades of political corruption.
At BEST, Milo contributed a fingerprint worth of paint to a gigantic mural of Making America Great Again. You are severely fucking overestimating his contribution and you know it. We the people put Trump where his is, the fence sitters hardly scratch the surface.
Any more webm's like this? I want to believe.
Ironically, memeposting in response is not an argument.
You lose.
You're autistic. Just because something is in the email field doesn't mean it's sage. Go back to reddit newfag.
Fuck that faggot Milo god damn no one cares
just keep repeating it
it just keeps getting funnier as the months go by
I also thought he was an irrelevant fag until I saw how much mainstream support he had.
I still don't much like him, but I do respect the pull he's demonstrated with centrists and other indecisive pusses.
bruh, if you wanna argue about Milo, fucking do it. right now you're just "i'm right you're wrong" and running away with non responses. if you're not gonna have a discussion go have your boyfriend pump his pozz loads up your ass and enjoy your AIDS stew.
What if the entire thing is an act? Hear me out: what if Milo isn't actually a faggot, a Jew, or a nigger lover? What if he's just saying that he is, and creating a reputation around himself that makes it seem like he is, so leftists can't play the "U RACIZT TRANSFOBIC SECTIST HOMOPHOBE" cards? Hell, he even called out Jews for controlling the media in an interview on The Rubin Report. Granted, he immediately back peddled, but if he's trying to prevent the identity politics cards from being played, he would need to keep that barrier up. Just a thought.
dude it's absolutely israel.
No such thing as double-ethnicity.
His mother is a jewess, you can't un-jew anyone that has the blood.
It could absolutely be an act. I highly doubt he's actually straight (you know how oppressive it would feel to pretend to be gay with no slip-ups? no life or love with a woman ever because you're too focused on trying to keep up appearances for your goals?), but it's not impossible.
That still doesn't change my points about him. If it's all an act, it still makes me think he's in it for the shekels, because I think half of it is ALREADY an act, this would just make it all an act. The only reason he's gotten this popular is through using shields against homophobia, racism, antisemitism all the while taking positions stereotypically associated against those things, also while utilizing his position as a columnist as a soapbox.
Like I said, the guy has his uses. Even if it's all an act, some of the things he says, even if he doesn't believe in them himself, are true, and so it's good that those things get out there regardless of who or how. However, he comes across as way too disingenous all the time, like he's trying far too hard to project a persona, for me to really take him at his word. Among a host of other things, of course.
Bottom line, it doesn't really change much.
What is mixed race faggot for $1000?
Damn good video.
I know the mods already have stickied the thread but have a bump anyway. We're starting to overtake the cucks.
No, Milo's first job was to sabotage gamer gate and stop them from digging deeper into cultural marxism. He's a jewish mercenary from the manipulator caste.
Right now he's doing a fantastic job of handling lefties and deradicalizing them, but he's a snake that will have to be watched carefully.
new fags detected
not the best or worst vid. i suppose it sheds light on old footage most people haven't bothered to see.
i lost my trump playlist. halp
Make America Great Again
4:22, Niskey , Published on Oct 18, 2015
Lynne Patton "The Trump Family That I Know" - A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks
5:15, Defending the USA, May 2, 2016
Greatest SUPPORT VIDEO - The Real Donald Trump
8:27, America For The TRUMP, Jan 31, 2016
The Trump Movement - The Real Story Behind the Chicago Riots
2:05, Defending the USA , Mar 13, 2016
== full footage
Donald Trump: "I don't want to be president" - entire 1987 CNN interview (Larry King Live)
19:21, CNN , Published on May 9, 2016
Donald Trump on Economic Recovery (1991)
54:33 , Citizen Of The Planet, Jul 19, 2015
== great heart
Something is Going On (#CallBrussels)
3:38,Can't Stump the Trump,Published on Mar 25, 2016
== fun
Trump Loves Mika Brzezinski
1:34 Vovin5
Donald Trump MAGA dance
1:30, Uncle Rico, Mar 19, 2016
The Donald Trump effect… *mass effect parody*
300: Making America Great Again [Donald Trump Parody]
6:10, Aryan Wisdom , Published on May 3, 2016
You should post this sort of shit through archive links so youtube can't tell as easily that it's coming from sites like this and subvert it.
He could be talking about 2:16 in
This video was the top recommended video. Make sure to dislike and leave a comment telling Tim Wise what a jew he is
Gets under my skin how the mainstream media pushes their obviously outlandish premises with a question mark.
They know "Did press miss 'racial anxiety' in Trump's Rise' is bullshit. So instead, they say 'Did press miss 'racial anxiety in Trump's Rise?" because that sticks in your mind. The fucking bastards. That was all the press was about during Trump's rise. But they can imply any unfounded bullshit they want as long as they put a question mark after it, those dirty sons of bitches. It's like making a "re-enactment" of an unconfirmed event. It puts the idea in the public mind without having to provide any evidence at all. It's a dirty, subversive tactic and its practitioners should be punished.
tbh can't wait to drink all the freshly tariffed gook tears and yurokike tears in november