If anyone would like to risk the potential to lose whilst grooving, give me a sign…
If anyone would like to risk the potential to lose whilst grooving, give me a sign…
This one's for all you autistis out there who thought the film Drive was directly speaking to YOU…
The bassline actually isn't too bad.
Here's another one for the autists…
Anyone out there?
This song is pretty corny, but what do ya think about it?
That's next-level retarded, user, but I actually kinda enjoyed it.
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preddy gud
She (Vincent) has a serious case of Dyke Face, and for some reason, I felt you should hear this…
inb4 tripfag posts euroshit
Let me know what you think about this badass Canadian
Who do you think you are, user??
Too early…
Ah shit, embed…
we're all right for now
Uh huh
this is best tho
Stop. This cunt is a pretty girl who makes pretty things and that's pretty much it…
that song always reminds me of high school, when I still had hair and friends
oh wait, nvm. I thought it was the Lucky Star intro song, but instead it's some crap