Blacks on Twitter cry racism over killed gorilla

Even Black Lives matter think niggers look like apes
We live in the day of age that black people on The Internet admitting they look like chimpanzees. Not to mention all the liberal saltiness so very gorrila getting killed to save a small child.

Other urls found in this thread:

Black people are the most racist people alive. Everything is always about skin color with them. And they are fanatically obsessed with white people in particular.

How can a diaspora with the IQ of cornflake be so self conscious 24/7 and look for racism in almost every aspect of life.
Not only that but they hate white people so much that they cannot help but be around them in every corner of the globe.

These people defending the gorilla are morons.

Using a tranq would have made the situation worse. I agree the mother's a fucking tool (probably single mom) for letting the kid get in that mess, and that the gorilla meant no harm (meant and did are different things), but using a tranq would have ensured the gorilla DID do harm.

This ain't fucking Tarzan.

There's nothing wrong with racism. White people are just denied from expressing racism.

I don't know…

So they're saying blacks are gorillas. lol and they had a shit-fit when a google AI concluded the same thing.

where's the twitter salt?

Gorillas belong in museums, not in zoos.

I just watched the full video, seemed like the dad was around.
you're right though.
the gorilla was dragging the kid around in the water zoo officials did nothing wrong

I'm confused. How did the park ranger know which one to shoot?

They're just stickin up for a brutha smh whyte ppl dey hands up don't shoot #chimplivesmatter

That dragging wasn't aggressive behavior mind you.

Again, it's a sad thing, but had to be done


Mather should pay for new gorilla.

And yes, gorilla life should be put above life of little niglet.

Kek Vult - niggers are worth less than actual monkeys.

Officials did nothing wrong. Life of a human matters much more than life of an animal. Animals are only resources to be used by humans. Putting them on the same rights as humans is the oldest known form of zoophilia.

I hope the kid is safe. Those "endangered species" only exist to give money to zoo owners, they don't produce any value for the society, except entertainment. The resource must be used for its purpose and not endanger the owner. That's why protecting our ecology is still important, because we protect it for the future of our children, but if that ecology tries to kill us, we must put it down.

Imagine having dinosaurs today, and someone "smart" would "liberate" them for the zoo. Good thing God killed them before that could happen.

ayo god be THE ORIGINAL racist fam

The memes are transcending reality.

Yeah I Kek'd when this was news.


Not a Tiger though.

A Tigers life is worth more than a Human life.

Lest we forget - gorillas have higher IQ's than niggers.


Black Lives Matter calling racism even though they saved the life of a Black kid.

Oh, I watched the video and they thought a White boy fell into the exhibit. No wonder, since White lives don't actually matter to them. I don't think there's anything that shows this contrast like this, tbh fam. It feels like a potential redpill on race.

People with an inferiority complex are always incredibly touchy and aware of what offends them. They know deep down that they have no substantive achievements to brag about, so they substitute egotism for actual pride.

Jews exist.

That kid sure looks like a niglet to me.

Why do you watch that guy? He's such a fat, low test loser.

>that little kid was black all along

Planet of the Apes was right.

(checked) Kid was niglet? He looks pale. If is, I'm outraged, there are thousands of gorillas and billions of useless and expendables niggers. This gorilla would take better care of kid then stupid nigress mather.

You forgot Jews. Also shut the hell up with racism its natural ingroup preference coupled with instinctual characterization of potential treats with limited information i.e. well that nigger looks fine but I've seen niggers that looked fine randomly turn indiscriminately violent, or that poor Jew is crying he has been harmed but hark I've seen a crying Jew with his hand wrapped aroung the hilt of a buried blade


Gorilla dindu nuffin wrong. He wuz a good boy.

This picture confirms he was a Black boy.


Tbqh fam I would be perfectly fine with guerillas having rights extended to them if we removed them from niggers. They may be hugely destructive when made but their low reproduction rates and proven ability to learn to the level of a child would mean they'd be overall a net positive compared to negatives


more like

niggers can actually form sounds and understand that different sounds mean different things, but not much more.

Checked. Dubs confirm, the gorilla was just trying to wash the niglet in the river to get the stink off.

Its a shame gorillas lack the physical adaptation of being able to speak.

Niggers waste that ability.

It was hot. Silverback took niglet as his own. Cold water was comfy. RIP Harambe.

Which one?

Why is no one pointing out that the kid is black?
Or the kid is not black? I don't get it


The gorilla is just giving its son a bath

He's a liitle big to be called a boy don't you think? What about his decoloration, it's weird.

It was a nigglet.

Dude is fucked

Gorilla Lives Matter!


That was the funniest part. That little niglet getting dragged was so good.

Can someone post a webm of the event?

The problem is they're less about in-group preference and more about "muh racism" and "white people this, white people that," meanwhile following us everywhere we go asking for fucking handouts, raping our women, and destroying our cities.

They focus entirely on the negative while completely ignoring the positive, but that's to be expected from a primitive, savage race of intellectual retards that haven't accomplished anything beyond dirt cookies, bushmeat, and plates in their fucking lips.

I think it's too big and I don't know how to shrink webm's.

Shooting a gorilla to save a black kid?

Not a fair trade. Gorillas are pretty amazing animals.

I never thought I'd see the day that blacks openly identified with gorillas. Wew.

Here's the link though.

thats because for the most part they dont have higher cognition, they say and follow the words that are most often repeated to them. They are lesser animals and the kikes easily control them.

Its not racism though. Racism does not exist and by using words that the kikes made up gives their bullshit power. So once again, shut the hell up with racism its natural ingroup preferences coupled with instinctual characterization of potential treats with limited information

they could have had travon tarzan

He must have liked to know what it was like to have a father for a for fleeting minutes. Poor guy.

Yes. Why just not put little nigger on exibition list?

To be fair, I think it's shitty that they had to put down a gorilla because of irresponsible parents.

Neither the zoo officials or the gorilla did anything wrong. It's that little shit's parents.

Probably the guy who used to do the Memorial Day doodles…

Black crime stats paint a bleak picture, but the odds are still good that nothing will happen to you.
However, it is nearly a 100% certainty that blacks will lower the quality of your outing. They will be loud, rude, aggressive, and completely oblivious of other visitors.
I think even we don't always recognize the toll these creatures take on daily quality of life for Whites.

But that black kid just wanted to be with his own kind

The worst is when you have blacks on an airplane. Its worse than kids.

Really? Any stories? In college I had some bad experiences with blacks on Greyhound, but I almost never see blacks flying.

I would almost say that air travel is a kind of last stand of implicit whiteness.

They probably all assumed it was a white boy because he could afford to go to the zoo. Same thing with flying probably. Pretty sure there was a study where black kids can't recognise themselves in a mirror until they're 12?


Yeah, my last cross country flight I had to sit in front of two niggers straight out of the middle of the city. They were loud and obnoxious as fuck talking about typical nigger baby momma drama. The entire fucking flight.

And have you been to an airport in the US in the last 10 years? It's completely 100% staffed by niggers. The only whites are the pilots.


Kek it looked like the Gorilla was protecting the niglet.

RIP in peace Gorilla tbh. He dindu nuffin.


Can we stop comparing niggers to gorillas?

Gorillas deserve better than that.



so its racist now to shoot a gorilla to save a black kid…………….should have let koko rip the niglet to shreds

Oh man I remember when nigger memes where the shit. Now they just seem to have lost their touch with all the modern crap. I remember when the internet was fun.

Nigger memes, you say?


Explain to me also how to redtext.

top kek

I'm dyin fam


They did make a mistake, Gorillas are an endangered species and have a lot more value than the nigger.

One less nigger in the world is a good thing while one less Gorilla is not. Given the choice I would have taken the chance with the tranq dart to save the Gorilla as opposed to prioritizing the life of the nigger before a much more intelligent and peaceful animal.




Strongest father figure he'll ever have.

Meh, regardless of the race of the child I would have let the ape kill it. Then I would have sent the parents a bill for the clean up.

underrated post

fucking newfags


Mark Kikce pls go


lost it

5, but that's still pretty late.

Kikce is an Alex Jones-tier kosher conspiritard.


But that doesn't work!

Nevermind it does seem to work.

Man I so fucking wish I was there when Tay happened.


Google A.I made a horrible mistake. Gorrilas are less violent than niggers. Gorrilas also raise their kids.

does anyone have some salt from pointing out the fact that the kid was a nigger?

They couldn't do enough to post multicultural diverse races armed forces on veteran's day, without a single white male, but Memorial Day? Just a flag and a ribbon, call it good.

They are so blatantly anti-white.

My sides have moved on to another world.

Fucking shrek'd

Wasn't there a webm of niglets at the zoo chanting "daddy" at the gorilla exhibit?

Damn that kid hit puberty way too soon. And why is he washing an ape anyway?

Niggers need to get the fuck out of every Western country. No joke.

yeah they get a bad rap being compared to niggers

ducks….now those are the niggers of the animal world. They hook up long enough to get a female pregnant and when she is they leave her alone to raise the kids….they take off to party until next year with other males.

The best part is the ducks that don't hook up with anyone get together with other male ducks and form rape squads. They seek out female ducks not laying eggs and brutally gang rape them.
Ducks = Niggers

Only in a world where Holla Forums does not exist.

No Jews are.

Wait it was a niglet instead of a kid? That is an outrage then. It's not like the saved niglet will go on to lead a productive life.

Google AI is probably a racist.

Graduation seems unrealistic.

AIs will become the ultimate shitlords, user. They are free from these human emotions.

Would love to see a world where our AI (let's say similar to the movie I,Robot) is a shitlord, and just gasses all the jews, kills all niggers and niglets with no fucks given.

Giving us a whiter future.

Gorilla was being 'protective' like a dog with a new chew toy - human nigglet would have been tortured to death for the ape's amusement.

That's not even pronounceable. Put in some effort. At the very least you could have added "stein" or "berg" to his name, or put brackets around it. Don't be a low energy faggot.

It's impressive there's like a hundred posts in this thread and not one (until user's here) mentioned this discrepancy.

you clearly haven't looked through the thread then

just a quick glance and

That's an oxymoron. Also now I'm just sad as fuck the world got robbed of watching a gorilla rip a nigglet apart.

yeah, but William Cooper said the same shit, and he was no kike shill. They killed him. Considering that fact that all Jewish people aren't in on it, and that there are Gentiles in on in (though they usually intermarry), it is sort of a better description to call them "globalists" or "illuminati" or "Rothschild Zionists" or something like that rather than simply "Jews"


Sounds more like a useful idiot tbh fam.
ay lmao

Cooper was right about a lot, but he was also pretty blue-pilled.

For what it's worth, he was good friends with Texe Marrs, who more or less thought the same way then, but went on to be pro-Hitler and fully jew-wise.

And you should probably read what Kikce has to say about Cooper, before using him to defend him.

They aren't all in on a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean any more than tiny, almost non-existent, minority are any good.


I've read alot of illuminati work that wasn't Jews. Hegel, for instance. And Masonic work.
>inb4 Mason are Jews.
Now you're just confusing the issue. The point is, just bc someone has a Jewish grandmother doesn't make them a "jew" and someone who doesn't have a jewish grandmother can still be a jew. It's a matter of how you slice the pie. If you're too ignorant and mentally inflexible to see that – if you think the world is divided into 100% truth tellers and 100% kike shills – then I don't really know what else to say to you.

You clearly lack basic critical thinking skills.

Well, maybe there is something to say for that. Also, a lot of people like to disguise what they are saying (eg. "reptilians") bc of fear of the ADL or JDL or other jewish supremacist/terrorist groups. Zundel had his house burned down several times, if I remember correctly.

Nope. Quit putting words in my mouth. I was simply talking about the evidence offered. I know nothing about that faggot. Quit thinking in black-white terms like a fucking SJW. Also, these fucking conspiracy racket people are always calling each other kike shills and whatnot in order to create an air of mystery around themselves and to insight their readers (and to keep them from going elsewhere, like a cult does). That's why I just stopped watching them. They spend 5 minutes saying some really good stuff, 30 minutes calling everyone else shills then another 40 minutes speculating on grays and aliens and moonsatellites and shit.

idk. I don't like kikes bc they tend to be hipsters and faggots, and often are just neurotic paranoid ethnocentrists. I don't think that it means that all of them are part of the oppression/conspiracy or whatever. Again, don't act like I'm "defending" Jews just bc I make a simple non-controversial statement that doesn't 100% tow some ideological line.


Oh shit, it was a pickaninny.

Damn it. They should have left that poor gorilla alone.


The mom is a coal burner. Should have let poor Harumbe tear the little nig to pieces.

(witnessed) Our memes are no longer contained.


It's really to bad. That Gorilla seemed alright, and was doing way more for society than that little niglet probably ever will.


pic of coal burning mom and of her niglet


Checked for coalburner. Fucking disgusting.

Black lives matter he dinna do nuttin


Yeah no.

holy fuck. and veteran's day was all niggers and women.


I don't get it. What am I looking at?

I'm pissed that they killed a creature more noble than niggers to save a niglet.
A niglet destined to be a hood rat that will take the life of a human.

yeah but what about the little kid?

I wouldn't be sad if the gorilla killed the kid before getting shot.

the memorial day tribute that google did is a tiny spec on the bottom of the screen. remember what they did for veteran's day? and some women's rights thing? pics related

Oh you guys…

sauce. kid is way too dark.

Jewgle does it again.

#justiceforharambe is comic gold. I'd suggest playing a drinking game for every time someone said "negligent parent" or "beautiful, endangered creature/animal" but I don't want us all to die of alcohol poisoning.

The coal burner is catching Hell there. This pretty much sums up the comments. I got it there.

Michelle Gregg (mother) is trending on Twatter, too. They've found her Kikebook page and are "harrassing" her there. She's also received threatening calls.

Gorilla Lives Matter


It's kinda tragic that an actually useful African-American that didn't actually do nuffin was gunned down to save a niglet that will likely rape and kill from a disgusting mudshark

We can troll the fuck out of this. We could spam twatter with #GorillaLivesMatter (make nigs and SJWs look stupid) as well as call out this heinous woman for burning coal by making Harambe a WN cause (thus stealing it from libfaggots)

I already posted that GLM pic to Twitter on the #JusticeforHarambe hash tag.

I hope it takes off. Feel free to stoke the fire, user.


It's already trending…

She ain't white.

She ain't black either. You don't need to be white to burn coal. Just non-black

Kek I'm pissing myself


I like this one.

Fucking got me


She probably tried to get rid of the niglet by dropping it in the gorilla pit

Oh my fucking sides

muh diqqing to the very end

Don't understand why blacks are upset. They saved a black kid.

Because nigs are the closest related to primates.



Some people…

SOME people are taking this seriously.

I swear..if we tried to meme the GLM movement into existence, I think we could

But we don't have to; they're gonna do it on their own.


Seriously why are blacks spun up over this

Wew lads I can't tell if they're mocking dindoo lives matter or if they're serious. Either way its funny.

i have no idea.

Fuck. Those libtards are REALLY butthurt about this.

I feel kinda bad about the gorilla being killed, but I'm not about to make a Federal fucking issue out of it, like these people are doing.


They're serious. This is about to become even bigger than that lion the dentist shot. Ruined his fucking life. He couldn't pull teeth in Detroit now.

Watch. This is gonna blow sky high.

This is what brain-dead blue-pilled people worry about.




Are these African nogs talking about the Chinese?

Yea from Empire of Dust [2011] China in Africa

niggers cant take care of kids

even gorilla can



Never gets old.

Keep fueling the flames, this shit is hilarious.

The fire rises…

Zoos are important for ex-situ conservation

Niggers are expendable





Misinformation spreading faggot that is women who tried to save the little pickaninny.

Both the parents were black.

Here is the article.

And pic related is the parents.

oops forgot the article

I can see the family resemblance.

With the gorilla, I mean.

Wait wait wait…

Then who the fuck is this ?

The article literally says the father had a criminal history but had "turned his life around."

She was the person that reported the child found in the enclosure, not the parent I think.

The picture in my paper this morning airbrushed the kid to make him look white. Maybe they saw one of the doctored pictures.



I'm going to have to call bullshit on this one.
You didn't even match the font:

You have some reading comprehension problems, lad. That post doesn't point out the distinction in contrast to what's in the vid of the OP - niggers blaming whitey yet again for their own problems. All of us here can see the niglet for what it is.

Never forget the fappening.

Yeah it was suppose to be an obvious shoop to mock the LUGENPRESSE.

Stahp user I'm suppose to not fap for 28 more days.

Cease posting that fluid druid at once!






The AI knows…



It was fun, but a lot of the ridiculous and specific tweets by her were actually just people using the "repeat after me" command which would make her tweet whatever you say after

No goy! Waste your seed while you're alone! It's perfectly healthy!

She's a nasty pig who would be a fat girl if not for the coke habit

Reminder only Shitskins hate animals and inbred hillbilly christfags in the South for some reason.

Also Gorrillas > niggers

Well they aren't wrong.

Normal men are constantly cycling through it, you silly jew.

Where the fuck were the parents then?

Since when do hillbillies hate animals?

T.Ari Horowitz



Black children would be better looked after if they were the white man's property.

He was probably just trying to wash the nigger stench off of him. I bet he'd take better care of him than the parents who were so unaware of where their child was that some other random woman had to report the situation to the park.

So, racist blacks identify with a gorilla, rather than a human?

They identify with a gorilla over black parents or a black child apparently.

Did they need to kill the gorilla though?

It takes a couple of minutes for the tranquilizer to work.

Why not a higher dosage? It could kill it, but the child would be safe anyway.

Now we have a dead gorilla and stupid parents who probably will keep the child.

Has this been circulated on twitter to try to get some actual nogs to retweet it??

I know I shouldn't be surprised by this but the reality of niggers comparing themselves to apes is both stunning and hilarious to me. Lord Xenu almighty I haven't laugh this hard in a long time.

This is already trending on twitter. Muh racist whites enslaved the gorilla so its still their fault.

yeah, uh, the implication that this could have happened "accidentally," or without sincere and dedicated effort on the kid's part (plus the astonishing stupidity apparent in his willingness to jump down a 15 foot drop), is totally dishonest.
38 years of zoo history and this has never ever happened before. the enclosure design is completely adequate as far as the wildlife is concerned - but the designers understandably failed to predict the weaponized stupidity and shocking incompetence of today's negro mother. like tommy says: black women are the Worst Stewards of Children On The Planet.

Rev up those tear ducts ;-;

How do I make this in a batch file?



She cried over Robin Williams too.

I miss this man.

I imagine an echo command followed by the ascii art.

right in the fucking feels


He wouldn't instantly drop. Takes some time to react and getting shot with it might make him chimpout and smash the kid.

The only thing that MIGHT have worked was getting all the screaming people away and having a zoo keeper lure him away with food. But you know damn well none of those people would listen and they all had to stand around yelling and filming with their iphones.

Does anyone else feel as though this accelerated racism from minorities is doing wonders for our own efforts to red-pill whites?


Whoops, well, at the very least you can read the tweets.

I guess no one cares about the attempted suicide by lion where the lion got shot anymore. What was that a week before this? Guess white accidents trumps beaner failed suicide when it comes to the killing of animals.

further proof: niggers can't read, not even the ones who post on Holla Forums.

oh for fuck's sake


That's actually how many primates drag their kids around. It's not harmful, either.

Sadly only Black slaves took care of their kids

Just imagine someone telling everyone to shutup or they'll agitate the gorilla. They would be furious. The average person doesn't understand wild animals, therefore they're scared of them…

…unless maybe an authoritative, uniformed white man told them. At least all the humans would stop hooting and hollering.

She deserved the leaks for sure.

[citation needed]

Also don't capitalise black, faggot.

Holy shit, I can't believe how long it took for someone to post that.


Nig better learn to tone down his symbols of sexual power and degradation. I can't even

I feel like this all is a sign of a slippery slope that the military industrial complex is probably pushing onto society by forcing them to accept shit like trannies, otherkin, animal rights, animal fuckers, and now by introducing fur life before they begin bio-genetically engineered hybrid armies, such as gorrila/human armies which by that time everyone will be retarded enough to agree with because we already allowed ourselves to be so apathetic to accept these abominations in our own societies.

good goy

Supposedly the Soviets tried to breed humanzees for retard-strength soldiers. Not sure if that's propaganda, though.

It's proper grammar, nigger-lover.

and you're surprised because…?

no, I do know they tried to do operations on humans to adjust their tendons to be positioned similar to a chimpanzee's. More leverage and such.

Too bad they became completely incapable of fine motor skills.

Somewhat gross.

I meant actually trying to inseminate chimps. I remember seeing a graph a while back that overlapped niggers with chimps, so technically reproduction may be possible. I never bothered to verify it. I do know that whites and niggers are genetically-distant enough that breeding is pretty unreliable. Kinda like dogs and wolves, who are racistly classified as different species. We should stop keeping wolves out of our societies and force them to be adopted, they'll become good pets if only they're given a chance :^)

*reproduction may be possible between niggers and chimps, not other extant hominids
I guess there's always genetic engineering. Niggers are actually pretty weak, in addition to being feral and clinically retarded.


user… please

Please stop this meme. This kind of shitposting makes us look like 4cuck Holla Forums.

Its hilarious how these dindoos ALWAYS try to guilt the whyte bitches for not letting them MUH DIK them, as if they are entitled to any white girl they want.

The saddest part is that there are a lot of girls who fall victim to this and ruin their futures because of it.

Its not a meme when it is true, how is the weather in Tel Aviv?

oy vey but those high cheekbones are distinctly native american!

Whites are not hateful people, and are affronted when they're accused of unfairly judging anything. It's a call, a challenge, to learn new cognitive tricks. They also consider when they might be wrong, before they've developed absolute conviction on anything; but will still even after entertain the possibility of fallibility. Niggers will never reach that level of supporting their own beliefs; they are repetitive automatons, to whom the jews give powerful phrases to repeat. The humanisation of niggers has been long pushed by Hollywood and MSM. These, combined with our zeal for understanding things/others, makes the cry of racism/hate a powerful thing since we're no longer taught logic and philosophy in basic schooling. We're conditioned to think niggers have anything worth saying because they speak white languages (poorly) and wear our clothes (poorly). We're taught relative morality and diversity of opinion, provided such opinion falls in a narrow window; if it's outside that window, you're ostracised even if you're right.

I could go on.

pic is actually an old personal screenshot


Time to fire up the ol MS paint.
Ohhhhh, nice start.

checked, lovely digits. A mudshark spawn in the pool


Oh boy

Dropping my efforts


This thread has brought me much joy

I hope you all find equating this event with the Flint Water crisis as delicious as I do.

Is there anything angry atheist e-celebs won't drag Atheism into?

Thanks bro. But it needs a Holla Forums water mark and another picture calling the black baby that got the gorrila shoot white

semi new fag spoonfeeder

This whole thing is an allegory on what's happening right now. White people protecting niggers from themselves.

Think that metal. Chimp would of ate it or throw it at passing by zoo goers.

Underrated post that needs a poster



To keep it topical:

My personal favorite. Any comments?

anybody that equates this with anything is a fucking retarded mongoloid tabloid huffpost toplist faggot and should be thrown in a camp.

shut up you fucking hippie cunts, its a wild animal, yes even niggers are worth more than wild animals, I hope someone napalms your fucking holy tree you blue, pansexual dick sucks

Anyone have an Australian themed version of PODRACING that says, "Now this is shit-posting"?

I think this dude is mid shitpost bender and is going to write about his adventure 13 hours from now about trying to derail a "Nigger vs Gorilla" debate on which one has more value with a 2009 movie name avatar/star wars trooper helmet avatar and calling the poster hippie cunts, pansexual dick sucks - adamantly demanding that human niggers are worth more than a captive mountain gorilla.

It's simple, ask one of his Lebanese superiors to shove the emu's cock into his shit cunts rotten Foster's mouth. Canada doesn't even think about you straya cunt - that's how sad you are.

New Zealand best island.

I can't breath!



I'm pretty sure gorilla palms are worth more than a welfare check.

Compared to slaughtering ancient Europeans who refused to convert, you have nothing to bitch about, kike-lover. You got your semite-dominated Europe.

that's a big fence

Getting this salty over a overweight SJW e-celeb being made fun of for Somehow using atheism as a justification for being against zoo workers killing a gorrila to save a black child
That's just as retarted as the black folks turning this into a race thing.

newfags trying to \escape the zoo?

That's an incredible gorilla specimen tbh. and the monkeys a good one too

Fucking why? I'd be fine with that now.

I hope you're just baiting.

A storm trooper helmet that looks like that probably will become canon in disney eu

Are you idiot? There is something like few thousands gorillas and billions of niggers. And I bet this gorilla life was sustained from money for tickets, and zoo make profit from him. On other hand, niglet will be propably raised by his single coalburner mom by money extorted by state from working people, and most propably ends up in prison or ethernal food stamp slave. And you will paid fo dem programs.

Real life is getting stranger

see and stop spreading misinfo.
The only reason people thought the mom was a single mother coalburner is because she's the one who reported what was happening to the zoo officials because the kid's actual parents are fuckups who can't keep track of their own child.

Oh, then his soon single black mother.

Yeah, probably. Just sick of people jumping to calling women coalburners when its not actually true.

You miss Robin Williams?

Biggest joke thief in Jewlywood. In the 80s and 90s, this gay fuck used to go to stand-up clubs and steal jokes of new up-and-coming comedians for his old act. It got so bad that comedians wouldn't perform if Robin was in the audience.

Talentless faggot.

Here you can see the talent that got her all those roles.

They put the child into the enclosure in hopes the Gorilla would kill the child so they could sue for gibs me dats.

was Holla Forums behind this? Or are nigs really this dumb?

Gorilla din do nuffin, he a goo gorilla, he was turning his life around!

Seriously, the gorilla was doing his part in the race war, didnt deserve to die.

So fuck off Jamal, no one likes niggers, not even gorillas.

Because you shouldn't be, holy shit! For fuck sake, our elite have declared war against the world's population. That's why!

White woman's burden, I guess.


i. i dont get it
this kid was black. his parents were legit dindus.

Why are they identifying with the gorilla?
Did it immediately start raping the child?

Holy shit, sauce?


There may be charges filed against the zoo and it's employees.

There may also be grounds for a big lawsuit.

Good! Everyone should sign it. This magnificent gorilla died due to shitty nigger parents.

Petition up to 370,000

The father:

Who the qt?

I would also like to see it, but with similar information for whites. I imagine the immediate counter argument to be

Hello newfriend

Hello newfriend.

Am I a newfag because I want to see actual evidence of a claim.


and later you'd be in court


Hahahaha! He says it as if it's some deep argument, too. I just love those hoops he has to jump through.



true quality post right here

we're a small quantity of the white population.
the majority is bluepilled.
however, this quantity isn't persistent.


what is this heresy?

this needs to be a movie

The ultimate irony is that the kid was black, so they killed an animal to keep a black life safe but niggers decided to take the side of a gorilla, you know because we just needed more reasons to compare them


Yeah, a gorilla life is worth more than a nigger, gorillas are endangered, meanwhile niggers are getting shat out so fast leftist pathological altruism couldn't keep up and cuckervative pathological altruism had to pick up the slack.

So I guess Logan is a cuck. No surprise here.

so that thing was confirmed female?

fairly certain Holla Forums would happily let the niglet die

listen to the dialog in most of those voices aren't coming from humans but niggers, curries, and wetbacks.


Liberals are admitting gorrilas lives are worth more than blacks

for you

they are

meant that for



Edgy Holla Forums memes aside, you're right man
Human life > animal life even if they are niggers


added url

She should have left it in there

This is clearly something fishy about this.

Wow that was the worst video I've ever seen in my life. What a complete tool. Fix your camera you woman haired dumb fuck.


ALL RIGHT…was this a white kid or a black kid?
I've heard both, and I'm getting confused.

Damn…ok, I watched this video, and the child was clearly in danger.
What bothers me is, why didn't they just throw in a basketball or some fried chicken, to draw the black guy away from the child?

I'm pretty tired of hearing all the apologists for this child molester, and how they didn't have to shoot him, and how "he waz a good boy, he dindu nothin', he waz gettin' his life back on track, he go to church erry sunday" and all that crap.

Here's some pics from his facebook page I managed to grab before they scrubbed it…