Why doesn't anyone see Big Foot anymore? All those cell phones out in the woods and Big Foot isn't there anymore

Why doesn't anyone see Big Foot anymore? All those cell phones out in the woods and Big Foot isn't there anymore.

he doesnt real

the same reason you don't see pictures of ufos and ghosts anymore. the cameras are so high quality that you can't fake it

This is the last known sighting of Big Foot circa 1997

People do see it. They are not very photogenic.

Is this legit?

He was spotted a couple of years ago in Canada.

Just because it's terrible to look at has not stopped people from taking pictures and putting them on the internet.

Bigfoot was always about the deepest kind of closeted homosexuality. If you are looking for a hairy giant without clothes in the woods with other dudes, you probably want to see a big hairy man without clothes. Because it is okay to be gay these days, just check Holla Forums, the need to be so deep woods gay is unnecessary.

That was a muslim ,user