Jewy voice

The memes are becoming real lads

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there any explanation for this besides Stefan being in on us?

lol. he's wrong about the Academe not being market-driven, at least in the Natural Sciences. Physicists after their first year or so are almost all grant-driven (which could be government, but much more comes from private companies)

oh yeah, also, "shekels"…. Stefan has definitely been browsing Holla Forums hahahaha that cheeky bastard

The specific caller was in the medical and telling him how a lot of the funding was basically given to the lab he works at, without the results being scrutinized.
In a market driven environment funding would be applied to those researchers that can produce the best results instead of, as the caller described his boss, to handsome guys who can schmooze with the donors.

It is good to see people becoming un-cucked I guess.

An "e-celeb" who doesn't get his threads deleted.

Stefan HAS to know about the jews and how they are the root cause for a lot of the bullshit in the world today. The guy just researches so much and is wicked smart.

My guess is that he doesn't want to scare the normies away from his channel by touching on the jewish question. He certainly skips around it and makes hints like this. I assume he is trying to bring normies to the brink of it and understanding socialism and cultural marxism without scaring them away with antisemitism. Which is better than nothing I guess

Stefan already named the jew in pushing multiculturalism recently, and in another video saying how they want immigrants to white countries but not Israel.
He doesn't need to explicitly say that jews are evil because the whole point of his show is that people do what's in their best interests and that people should look in the longterm. By pointing out how jews are hypocritical and confirming jewish stereotypes he is redpilling people on them more so than if he made a video explicitly criticizing them.

Socialism and cultural marxism are synonymous with Jewishness anyways.

It's fine.


Look, I share your disdain for shmoozing donors, but that's how you get funding, private or public. Also, that's not how research really works; R&D is a very, very high-risk investment. I'm sorry that you don't understand how the real world works, kiddo.


Hi Holla Forums, Stef here. Just wanted to let you know I hate kikes and niggers now. :^)

In a market environment bad research would result in the company being liable to its customers so bad R&D results in direct loss of profit.
With government there is pretty much no liability and money just gets shoveled at whichever research supports the government narrative.

He misses the point sometimes and wants muh shekels , but he's pretty gud at dishing out RP's nonetheless

Stef is a pretty cool guy, eh says "not an argument" and doesn't afraid of anything.

editor = bitesize (not 30minutes-1hr)videos when?

s.moly webm thread?

Now that's an argument.


His most recent video where he has a doctor explain about genetics and crime and how it is not based on how they are raised or their environments was pretty elder god tier red pillage.

Basically stuff some of us already knew/suspected explained by professionals.

Also it's important that it's exposed how research into these fields is actively being suppressed by senior editors and universities.


I'm scheduled to call in to his show.
The question is "Two people are on a train track as a train is coming, and one person is on a maintenance track. You can save the two by pulling a switch, but the one will die. It's an old analogy that's important for my question: if you, Stefan Molyneux, could improve the world by taking decisive action in the form of a violent, coercive takeover, followed by a reign of correction, and then a noble abdication, would you?"

The point is to talk about how he's a retard for thinking it's alright to allow others to be wrong when the future of humanity is on the line.

Got any arguments you want me to throw at him?

Stefan IS a Jew, he admitted it.

He also uses Holla Forums tas a barometer of the youth, adjusting his rhetoric base on feedback here (within limits).

If you think he is "becoming red looked" then you're very naive.

Stef is just a Jew doing what Jews do, adjusting his patter for maximum profit.

Stefan says he's jewish from his mother's side of the family.
He really hates his mother.

Nice. Hope Steffy isn't reading this thread, though.
My favorite examples are environmental. Chemical dumping, while it's technically force against the public, is difficult to trace back to the dumper. It's a good argument for regulations. Nuclear, too. Shit lasts for years and can leave water/soil poisoned as good as forever.

How can you be certian tht you're right?

The perfect formula.

That's not really true at all - most government funding of R&D is through the DoD. You have a firm grasp of "economic theory" but not a firm grasp of how things really work. Also, most funding to the natural sciences, like I said, to R1 Universities, is actually private, faggot. Nice retarded images, though. You're not really making a point, but just being an asshole. If you were truly living the spirit of molyfag, you wouldn't be trying to argue, but would be trying to have a rational conversation where we both learn something. That's clearly not what you're doing, which is why you're a niggerjew

Why the fuck would I be posting on a phillipino korean cartoon internet chatroom instead of getting laid in college right now if I didn't know that White rule is the only way?

Because getting laid outside of serious relationships contributes to degenerate culture.

He'll throw at you something to the extent that he can't know the result of such actions and it's against NAP so it's a no-no. Probably will throw in that even if he's not corrupt that he is one man and the ones he rely on probably will be to some extent.

With Stefan it boils down to moral arguments, and this is the major difference between us and him (and any group for that matter).

To your point, you would be taking that right the same way you take your right to kill and feed on animals - because you are a higher form (and by extension, might makes right). But he puts a distinction on humans.

Stef's dealt with that a million times. I agree with you, but he'll just laugh me into submission with an approach like that.

lol butthurt poo poo pee pee redditor.

At least Stefan does research for his arguments.

Wait, where's this country of 120 IQ white people?
Littering is one thing, I'm talking about chemical waste dumping.
You could easily argue through the NAP that these people should get punished if they mass pollute, but if it's all reactionary, even the heftiest fine or whatever won't undue the environmental damage and mess.



is this for me, like what I think I should do, or are you asking us to give a suggestion for you? …because tea is for hipsters and those that live in the United Muslim Kingdom

He himself makes the argument to callers that if they're intelligent, they have a duty to convince dumb people of the danger of their actions, and lead them toward the correct, more prosperous path. If he's willing to say he, and select others, have the moral authority to rewrite other's moral codes, then I don't see much difference between pulling that lever on the train track. Changing a person's core beliefs inherently lead to some lives being lost/taken, and others being saved. If the train is heading toward his child, and tied to the other track is a communist, he better damn well pull that lever.


Steph is a pussiiiie. He's a fucking vocab queen who got famous off of Jon Stewart's "challenge to Libertarians"… No one who is a true philosopher is famous in this day and age without the Jew demoralizing and PC moralizing and controlling you. A real philo is damaged as fuck and on the street telling everybody you meet about the freak cult reaping the world like the inbred cult creeps from Adam to Even steven…… cunts and bunts and fronts and poser runts


i'll bring that up, thanks

You can repay me by dumping your Molyneux memes. My folder is low!

"E-celebs" belong at Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums


Could be Stefan is just playing to his audience.
You guys want to hear memes about jews instead of lolbertarian philosophy or whatever the hell Molyjew does these days so that's what you get.

Red pill material is valuable especially baby's first red pill like Stefan puts out so I don't care where it comes from but beware of putting your trust in Stefan his crusade is not your crusade. You're merely on the same road at the moment.

Yea cuz she was nuts and abusive not cuz she was Jewish.

Longer version, use this:






Sloppy and low energy
The bare-bones are there. Definitely could use some sprucing up. Could use more untermensch in the bubbles.
2/8 would not save

holy shit this could have been great, but somebody was drunk

fucks sake man I don't even have a mouse, I did that shit with a trackpad and ms paint

you do better, faggot

download gimp and spend the 30 mins it takes to learn how to photoshop. It's a good lifeskill to have man.

what part of "I don't even have a mouse" do you not understand, you filthy goyim

Ye're right, m8. I should not be casting the first stone.
It's the thought that counts. thanks for your OC.

hey dude, that was fantastic, but if you could do this you could make it like one of those original ones (done i think mostly by that psychotic kike). I suck at art, or I would do it. If you can make those colors look pastel and shade them, then you could be the one who has created one of the "original" Zyklon-Ben's that gets passed all around the internet and passed off as the original. If I could do it I would. I would take personal satisfaction in that: think, your art is being spread around the world.

gimp it is

So one of his things is not smacking children? I personally feel 'spare the rod spoil the child' is true but I'll have to see what he's talking about.

Hurting children, let alone your own, is nigger-tier.

cutting off baby foreskin causes permanent brain damage caused by extreme shock and trauma

hitting a 4 year old on the ass after yelling at him does something similar, but to a lesser extent.

It's not really up for argument, it's just a fact.

Eh how to punish then? Not that I need to know now but some time in the next five years or so.

Children who don't get punished or have stern parents always end up as trash human beings. I genuinely believe just by a man creating a stable traditional family unit and parenting properly that there is no chance the kids will be losers.

lurk moar

You can't get childhood trauma from anything you feel as a newborn. Maybe if you were one or two but that's still stretching it.

Stefan realizes that his Libertarian dream isn't being picked up by the people, so he's hitching a ride on the winning wagon. But his plan is to subvert it in the end to be more Libertarian, ultimately recreating the exact conditions which brought about this circumstance to begin with.

Beware the Libertarians. They're marxists of a different name.

Or maybe he's just realizing that libertarianism doesn't work.

He talks about him previously being a Christian Socialist then changing over to AnCap.

Is it time for the rise of Holla Forumsyneux?



Maybe. But devout Libertarians don't usually abandon Libertarianism. They just become anti-people.

When a Libertarian realizes the nature of man hinders Libertarianism, he seeks not to change his ideology but to change the nature of man.



I and several other anarcho-capitalists all became far right over the past several years after realizing freedom is unique to white DNA.

Liberty is a duty, not a right.

Liberty is our birthright, and defending it is our duty.

Everyone I have ever met who worked in fundraising capacity from hospitals to charities to foundations have all been hot women.

I posit this hypothesis: is there correlation between hot women and men of wealth and large sums of currency being exchanged?

Myself included. Idealism is fine, but reality is the crucible of ideology

I posit this hypothesis: there is a correlation between hot women, men of wealth and large sums of currency being exchanged


Stefan is literally the answer to Jon Stewart.

That pernicious kike is going to be coming back to HBO soon and Current Year British Man is reaching several million per month through his youtubes and HBO outlet.

The more you make Stefan viral the more you counter Jon Stewart style subversion amongst the viewing audience.

The majority of libertarians on the right side of the spectrum remain our temporary allies.

They at least have no fallen prey to the degeneracy of legalized drugs and open borders that the Libertarian+ people seem to be espousing.

Used to be a conservative libertarian myself till I realized what the rest of the libertarians actually believed.

Yeaaaa I'll stick with my pseudo-fascism thanks.

exactly. There is no such thing as NL. By definition, lolbergtardians are Internationlists, which makes them pawns of (((the globalists)))

By Kek! I have become a nationalist anarchist…aka amongst a group of homogeneous, high-IQ people voluntarism would be possible. However, we don't live under those conditions. Thus, we must do what it takes to make those ideal conditions possible (assuming I'm still being idealistic).

That is my argument.

But that's just civic republicanism

This is my rebuttal

Men have grown tired of Liberty. If it failed them so spectacularly recently, they'd rather the prosperous order of a nationalist government.

Yet. But keep an eye on them. They are Libertarians still, and when given the chance they will abandon the group for their own benefit.
A good quote to remember: "Libertarianism is all well and good until you realize it would be preferable if your daughter wasn't a crack addict".

Why is voluntarism an ideal condition though?
If authoritarian nationalism is needed to make voluntarism possible, why do we go to voluntarism instead of sticking with authoritarian nationalism?

you are fixating on a word rather than understanding what it means. So, let me say this: that's not lolbergtardianism, that's republicanism. And, you cannot mix the two.

When are you going to stop shilling for this guy?

I dispute this equation of terms.
Defining terms is literally (actually using the word properly) the first step of a philosophical debate.

Great question, worth exploring
I never claimed that it was. I said:
You might be right, but your assumptions are clouding the debate.
Pic possibly related

Also, I have no idea why some people on Holla Forums attack him so vehemently. The amount of quality content he puts out is staggering. He is one of the best normie redpillers and his talks about genetics/racial differences are great.

What I'm saying is that undoubtedly, freedom is not going to bring about freedom. For voluntarism to be possible you and I both agree you would need a racially and culturally homogenous society, but to bring that about you must use authority to get there. Be it removing elements working against it or setting up framework where it is possible.

What I'm saying is that since this is the case I prefer Authoritarian Nationalism, since it sets up a great society while simultaneously preventing it from devolving into the same degeneracy we see modern society falling to today.

that's not voluntarism, you stupid fuck. why don't you just look up the terms that you're using. that pic simply shows that you're too retarded to realize what you are saying. You are using the state/community to "socialize" society or to "create conditions friendly to republicanism in the classical sense (which includes, sort of, lolbertardianism), so therefore you can't be a libertarian. You are a republican.

And, you're a fucking retarded faggot. I'm starting to wonder if you aren't a troll.

daily reminder that you should never trust lolbergtardian that claims Nationalism; its always opportunistic bullshit

It's not Holla Forums user, it's the same faggots that have spammed Evalion threads. The only reason they haven't
this thread into oblivion is because Stefan is a good boy who brushes his teeth twice a day.

Not an argument. You are obviously stupid and not worth further engagement. Sorry
(well checked)
This is a tautology, and I like it in spite of it being a pseudo-fallacy. It's obviously true. So your argument is that if it takes authoritarianism to bring about voluntarism, there is no need to change it? I suppose my rebuttal would be that the original authority perishes with time, and the authority that replaces it may not be as high-quality. Of course, the people might not be high-quality by the end of the original authority. So maybe people can't achieve the state of self-reference or self-definition.

This is a fucking quandary faced by humans since time immemorial

Although, is it really correct that freedom can
t bring about freedom? Can heat not bring about heat? If we were free to make cities that said no niggers, spics and queers, wouldn't that be a bit of freedom that could help homogeneity?

It's fallacious, but correct. Life is full of fallacies which nevertheless hold truths. There are slopes, and some are slippery.

Not necessarily. My argument is more along the lines that if authoritarianism is able to create positive change and is able to bring about a racially and culturally homogenous society through its own merit, then what benefit does voluntarism have over it that warrants a change? A particular critique I have of voluntarism is that its defense of culture and race are weaker than those of authoritarianism, but you are correct that the authority's quality will change after a generation.

True, and we'll likely not see the end of it.
I just posit that men raised solely under liberty begin to forget the need for authority every now and then, whereas men raised under authority are able to value both authority and freedom.

In the end, valuing realism, I think you are right. Natural authority is the fascism of nature. I suppose this is what our founding fathers meant when referring to a constant revolution. The cream should rise to the top. I'm a Radical-T adherent–if it's true then the strong version of the theory must be true.
Have you tried NOT being gay?

You fags should probably read The Republic. It's covered pretty extensively.

Harmonious order produces Liberty as a byproduct. It is not a virtue in and of itself but something that comes out of having a society of virtuous people who all know their place and those who don't are dealt with by righteous authority.

A society of people who only value freedom and value it as a virtue in and of itself only beget tyranny as there is an endless spiral of finding new forms of oppression to combat as these are the heights of immorality. Where every instance of authority is a form of "slavery".

bamping with crisp OC

This is why it is important for the government to be set up so that it is in their best self-interests to protect the homogeneity and long-term growth of the society. This is why I personally am hesitant to embrace a system where such leadership is based on zeal, and am more in favor of monarchy or a pseudo-feudalism with free exit, where such self interests exist due to the need to keep the country prosperous for your descendants to collect taxes.

Bingo. This is what really started to open my eyes up to why libertarianism can't work and push me to the far right (which might as well be called the post-libertarian sphere)

Holla Forums don't ever change.

Stef has been slowly shifting the overton window in the last 6 months.

He's too smart to not know whats really going on and who's a the top. He will prrobably drag the lollibs slowly toward us.

then it starts to get really interesting.

the fire rises.

Well he's actually smart, not austistic, and a lolbertarian, so probably he's come over or is coming over to our side at least in some capacity. I doubt we'll see him being 14/88 anytime soon.

Honestly though, if he can keep red pilling normies, I'm fine with it. The guy makes a living off Jewtube, we can't really expect the man to go on video and say "gas the kikes, race war now," even if he did earnestly believe it.

Fucking hilarious meme!!

The last thing this world needs are more "look how dumb everyone else is" rabble-rousers. I can agree that he puts out good content but the snarky, know-it-all disposition is a gigantic red-flag and not something to be glossed over.

and "several million on YouTube" for Oliver when his videos are promoted on the front page and in national papers here in Cuckanada isn't nearly as impressive as you might think

the libertarians are infinitely better than civic nationalists

Libertarianism is a jewish analytical philosophy based on what is naturally northern european structure of society (less centralized power, more autonomous, recognition of inherent rights) but took it to far too abstract levels to the point where they lost sight to why such could work and why they are so great.

As someone who personally spammed Evalion thread, it's more that those threads were shat up because every single one was being used as a vessel for freech propoganda rather than Evalion and whatever the fuck drama she's in herself. I don't give a rat's ass about e-celebs and whatnot, but the shilling was real and they weren't about Evalion in the slightest. Classic /int*/ tactic of dressing up their posts to fit technicalities, and cry like jews when seen for the painfully obvious gambit they were running. Stupid wedge issue serving as a distraction from better things we should be doing/discussing, honestly.

You sure? I can only speak for myself but I didn't mind Evalion, she was just a girl who wanted attention. I found it revolting when she was silenced though.
I didn't watch her content, it's baby's first natsoc full of non-arguments and feelings. Not engaging at all

Forgot the on-topic part of my post. Molyjew's been hanging out with the goyim at TRS a bit lately. They're definitely rubbing off on him and not in the sexual way. Libertarianism is definitely a good area to practice entryism these days, even libertarians recognize that the free market can't fix cultural problems, and that societal decay is becoming more apparently important to fix every week.

Yeah I'm sure of everything I posted. Those threads were a real shitshow because of outside influences. I wouldn't mind a thread about her and her content itself, but instead the threads were spamming the exact same D&C images and spamming random images to slide the D&C shit off the board. As I've said before, the best thing to do would be to let the situation calm down for a couple weeks and start a thread without any meta garbage tacked on. Especially with a disclaimer to avoid meta issues on either side of the shit-flinging.


I'm a massive faggot that's blind from horsecum.

I understand then. Regretful since I could stand her existence. Ecelebs like Sargon disgust me now even though I enjoyed some of his content in the past.

Regarding Moly, I met him back when thunderf00t made that video about him completely disregarding context. Glad he's coming to our side, really enjoy his ancap perspective on our natsoc and natcap

Yeah. Basically what was happening is millions of youtubers were reeling back in shock at Evalion and talking about her content and forming a narrative about it among their collective of cucks.

You basically had a bunch of white, Internet savvy teenagers part of a community that is hostile to us asking "Won't someone explain this worldview to me? I don't understand!"

While this was happening we were here and on DS and TRS discussing how yellow her teeth were, or rather or not her phenotype was Jewish or babushka.

The narrative solidified, she's banned, the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with a captive audience is gone. Just trolling the shit out of them would have had some portion of right-wing ordinated people become interested in us just by virtue of us being the aggressive party. But we weren't. We basically got one of our channels banned and took it like a bitch instead of running an op.

An op got run on us successfully. Unfortunately this is no longer a productive place for any productive ops to happen because they are going to get shut down by the mods who obviously have a back channel open with SJWs who pretend to be their friends. A guy who spends 14 yours a day moderating an imageboard for free is in desperate need of efriends.

That would be pointless as the event has passed. Opportunities need to be exploited to maximum effect in the moment. There was no real desire to discuss Evalion. There was the desire to have a constructive discourse among ourselves and analyze what was going on so we could have a much larger group of people have a consensus on a narrative we would want to push. That isn't going to happen now. The narrative is that we are loser faggots who can be shut down by a youtube child molester and you won't even hear from us when explicitly being asked to explain what our opinions are. We don't exist outside of our containment board.

That is factually true henceforth. Hopefully TRS et al can carry the torch because nothing can happen here now really. The board culture is dictated by the mods who are apparently extremely stupid and have much smarter people than then whispering in their ears as to what the board culture here should be.

Start up a chan then. The one true Holla Forums chan with no moderation, and free visits from governments when you don't follow the law. Come on, brave Holla Forumsack. Show us the true way to do a Holla Forums board and chan site.

Forgot to say - no moderation, and SHIT POSTING, GORE POSTING, GORE POSTING, PIZZA POSTING GALORE. That's how OPs get done!

Stef isn't a lolberg anymore, he's an anarchist.

For me it's the other way around. I became quite authoritarian because of pol, but Stefan changed that. I'm all for a white country, but with personal freedom. The problem is that, as of today, a white country can't be archieved without authoritarian force. So maybe get a strong power to make Europa white again, and then give us back our freedom.

Well it's inherent that the more white the country is, the freer it is.

More whites = more freedom. More 3rd worlders = more authoritarian government.

Exactly! Because they're the ones who are pushing for more socialist programs, which leads to a more authoritarian government.

right, that makes 100% sense

Fuck off with your paedophillio-cannibalistic tendencies, kike. No children's foreskin to eat around here

I didn't say "no moderation". Obviously what you want is good moderation, which would ban spammers from being able to shut down threads because a youtube e-celeb commanded his 2 million subscribers to do so.

What happened here was purely the cause of bad moderation allowing their eFriends to run an op on the board which just created a Streisand Effect. The obvious and predictable effect.

Well vice creates the need to combat it as it produces negative externalities and impedes productivity. So you the presence of brown people necessitates the presence of countervailing forces that keep them in line.

The issue you have with your "give us our freedom back" is that the Libertarian mindset is one forgiving of vice. The externality of vice just isn't measurable by stupid people and isn't cared about by selfish people. They aren't as overt as caving in someone's skull so the bad side effects of a licentious population cannot morally be combated in ways that would impinge upon anyone's freedom to engage in vice.

The presence of Libertarians will foster vice as it is within their "freedom" to do as thou wilt. The spread of their ideology will foster resentment of the necessary efforts to curb this vice as being "authoritarian" as 'freedom' itself is seen as a virtue. Given that freedom is itself a virtue to libertarians, such people will be inspired to find an ever expanding category of "authoritarianism" and decry it as a kind of slavery. We are in the position we are in because of the promulgation of the licentious mindset which is the cornerstone of Libertarian thought.

There is very little conceptual space between Libertarians and SJWs, which is why these groups are growing closer together. They simply focus on different kinds of oppression, both believing they have found the ultimate, ephemeral kind of "slavery" which must be opposed implacably, but both of them have very similar first principles. These first principles are wrong and only exist as an outgrowth of successful, old civilizations that have grown decadent and see the byproducts of their own success as the Good Itself to be pursued rather than as something to be reaped by traditional virtues sown in the past.

Liberty is neither a right nor a duty. It is a load of anti-civilization bullshit.

those arent mutually exclusive, thats a tautology

his brainwashing antics are kind of annoying tbh

I know exactly what he'll say in this case:
its not a philosophical question, its utilitarian. When you're confronted by a guy in the street who wants to mug you and he has a gun, you don't have to wait for him to draw it or point it at you to fight back, you don't have to try and reason and argue with them about why what they are doing is wrong, that in a situation of coercion an individual can't be expected to act with complete moral and philosophical integrity.

When you arrive in a situation where violence is necessary, philosophy has already failed. He has talked a few times about the pinochet method of attaining the free market, that it works and its better than communism but its a last resort mechanism.


Is this guy even a lolberg anymore? Every video I see of late is Holla Forums level and moreso European nationalism.

stale moly OC incoming

