the majority of creepypasta are formulaic, boring shit. have you read any that are legitimately scary and good? share them below
Spookynoodles thread
Jose Kelly
Blake Jones
cheek out reddit /r/nosleep
yaya inb4 blahblahblah
Brayden Peterson
nosleep is even more shit than creepypasta
Tyler Barnes
no sleep is shit period, reddit or not
Julian Cox
This one got me when i first listened to it
Joshua Reyes
cat's cradle was pretty spooky.
James Morris
nosleep is a repository of creepypasta
Christopher Moore
Barbie.avi and normalpornfornormalpeople kind of creeped me out the first time i have read them
Jaxon Williams
take a good story, and run it through a shit youtuber, and it becomes shit
Jack Brooks
is anyone else here a littlefears fan?