I can feel seasonal depression coming on at the mere thought… how do you guys deal with it?
Summer Weather Is Ending
I love autumn. by far my favorite season
fuck summer, with the 30°C indoors temperatures and the constant sunburn if you leave the apartment for more than ten minutes
Well autumn is fine by me. But the fact I can no longer go swimming is what sucks. As well as winter comes right after autumn, and where I live, winter seems to take for-fucking-ever
I'm with this guy. Winter doesn't really start to get me down until well after the solstice.
why not?
At the moment I'm going through speed w/d's, basically feel horrendously depressed as fuck. I feel much better than the first couple days, but not quite all the way recuperated
And I mean I'll go swim at some point before the summer ends. I'm just dreading the end of it and worrying myself
I'm just not understanding why you can only swim in summer
Cause Im not a polar bear
so you're a bitch-ass nigga
I just let things happen. Try to be near blue light and buy some natural light lightbulbs. Stay warm, user.
Being a ginger who lives in the south where it gets up to the 110's, fuck Summer and good riddance.
Winter wonderland, come insulate me and my house in a thick blanket of snow for cozy the shitposting weeks to come.
I would approve of this message if you weren't a ginger
I went to Florida for a week for summer vacation. Granted we rented a house near the beach, it was fine as long as we stuck to the shade or went indoors.
It felt perfect at the beach cause of the wind
I deal with it by not dying from heatstroke in my roof apartment.
Summer is fucking hell because all the heat builds up just under the roof, i.e, where my apartment is. You sweat rivers just by sitting at your desk, and god forbid you do anything with your computer that is takes even the mildest amount of surplus effort from your graphics card.
I for one welcome our new winter overworlds. It's comfy time, perfect to snuggle down in a blanket and have a good cup of hot cocoa or grog at hand.
seasonal depression is for fucking losers
winter is the best season, and you are all gay.
fucking finally, I hate the summer
I can wear my sweatpants
Good fucking riddance.
t. vegas user
I just fuck my girlfriend, it makes me feel better.
Fuck yeah winter! The colder it gets the better. Snow and freezing temps are normie repellent. Then its just me and my snowboard all winter. Only dudebros I have to deal with are the ones swilling down IPAs in the lodge talking about how hard they're going. Meanwhile, I'm out enjoying the silence.
if dubs will do it.
a charm
I live in Florida, so my seasonal depression is opposite. I feel like shit as long as the outside temperature is above 75 degrees.
It's a mixed feel. On one hand I imagine living somewhere seasonal might be nice. But you really can't beat year round warmth at times.
St. John's Wort you fucking autist, of course, whats wrong with you? Also go outside and get some exercise.
Fuck you I can't help muh genetics
Embrace it. I have seasonal alergies and seasonal depression. Fuck weather.
only people sad about this are normalfags. where I live, it's rainy season.
Perfect weather to stay indoors.
This. Fall/Winter are best.
Summer is the worst season
Fall has October. I'm pretty good with that.
I had that once and it stopped me from having erections for a month. It worked, but I genuinely think that the only reason it did was because it stopped me from mastrubating.