Halp Holla Forums


get a job

I feel you user. Summon some courage to go to the interview.

Put on a suit coat and tie and sweatpants on the bottom to show off your bulge.
The dress equivalent of a mullet.

It's just one interview, OP.

The day before the interview check for everything you need and do something that relaxes you, so you can get some good rest. NO drugs though At max a bit wine or whatever.

If you want it bad enough you'll go.

get a haircut like this

Yeah I have long hair, do drugs, and my mind is full of memes and video games.
I need to go now other wise I will be late, but not sure If go.


I want it, but at the same time I don't I am conflicted as fuck, I think I am not terrified of being rejected, I think I am terrified of being accepted.

5 years of Neetdom, can change you.
I used to even despise wage cucks.
Now I am supposed to be one of them.

Did you at least learn something useful during your NEETdom?

1 advice. don't act like yourself.

yes , I write books,poems,play guitar, do drugs and play vidya, I also practice chaos magick, do rituals, practice yoga…etc

Anyways, it's pretty late now, No job for me.

just tell them you got trips. you'll get it guarantee

Also I am interested in the occult, and read and learn about it everyday.

wow, yes, great idea, man I hope everyone was as cool as you guys.
Love you Holla Forums



no not goth shit, I just wear whatever, don't give a shit about dress codes.
I have a suit but the time is late, I missed it.

My body is ready

if you get the chance, you should probably kill yourself

Can't. Capitalists control the means of killing myself

mine too, oh wait, no I need to shit first.

How do I kill self?


anyways, I didn't go to the interview, so officially still a NEET.

NEET brotherhood forever.
stay classy Holla Forums

Know how you feel man.
You can overcome the fear step by step.
You are already on the right path.

Keep making progress, the next application will be easier, and you'll be more confident about the next interview.

Watch Arnold's 6 rules of success,,it's on utube.

Think of how you can apply the rules to your own life.

Next time,,treat the interview as a game and a learning experience. Go to it out of curiosity, make mental notes of how you can improve the next time.

Don't let thoughts build up, When they come, ignore them and just do it automatically.

Dress without thinking, walk without thinking, go to the place, wait without thinking, and so on.

Treat life a bit like a game, it takes the pressure off and you can enjoy it more.

None of that matters. Your job won't be your life or your personality.

Try a job for a couple of months to have a good feel for it. If it doesn't suit you, change jobs.

It isn't a permanent decision, you have to remember that.


OP here. It's a job collecting semen from the homeless.

Good luck, OP.

Know you can do the job. And even if you don't get it you can always hide in his car and garrote him.

His pissing and shitting pre corpse will regret this decision in hindsight so strong he will give you the job and the cash and his daughter.

The only job you will get with a haircut like that is a hairdresser for the blind. /any job.

Should have nuked Vietnam or helped Pol Pot kill everyone.

Anoher day another wok wearing waste of rice.