Why isn't trump in Jail for sex slave trafficking?motherjones.com
Seth Myers said he is the Law and Order SVU candidate.
Why isn't trump in Jail for sex slave trafficking?
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Maybe he'll go to jail on the child rape charges later this month.
Go back to BBC
No too many rich people are looking forward to his tax breaks for them.
And the Russians will hide all the little girls from there he trafficked.
Nice picture of the Possible First Whore,
Definitely no lady.
Who would have ever thought we would have a Slovenian Prostitute as First ?Lady?
Jews, liberals and SJWs
why isn't Hillary in prison for war crimes? Why isn't Hillary in prison for whitewater? Why isn't Hillary in prison for money laundering?
So many questions, so little answers.
The Clintons have been followed by a string of suspiciously convenient deaths, and have been implicated in various other sorts of corruption.
obtain a clue pinhead
It's just a coincidence tho
Reading through the article, I can't help but notice something.
These women are stupid enough to give up everything and to chase some bizarre dream of "making it big" solely on the grounds that some dude told them they were pretty enough to be an ornament. Holy fuck, how can a person be so stupid? Why on earth should anyone suppose that modeling is a decent profession?
Yeah, I am sure they are completely unbiased.
Because he committed no such crime.
At least he didnt kill them and they are already 18+.
Perhaps you should read some articles all the way through instead of making assumptions.
I read the entire article. Am I supposed to collapse and accept your narrative for reading a bunch of contrived bullshit?
He is above the law, that's why.
I know life can be hard when confronted with facts after living in a fact-free world, but I have faith you can make it :)
Because Hillary isn't either and it would lead to too much unrest if either of them went.
Girls as young as 14 were housed in apartments in midtown manhattan.
8 to 10 girls to an apartment.
"Modeling" Sometimes nude sometimes just eyecandy for conventions or Trump friends private parties.
Of course that is according to the 3 women that were interviewed for this story.
Today it is said that 5 more came forward.
I don't know if they were that different than the millions of gullible fools that are Trump supporters.
The boy do have a line of bullshit for weak minds..
I think they're projecting
Listening to Faux Nuz and Alex Jones will warp your fucking mind..
War crimes?
Girls as young as 14 were brought here for nefarious purposes and told to lie on their visa applications.
Trump sex parties and Convention whores nude modeling and confiscating their passports until they paid him back.
Sounds like trafficking to me.
Thank you Pajeet, thirty-six cents have been deposited in your account.
Not a coincidence just bullshit.
Absolute bulllshit.
Do you not think that after the longest and most expensive congressional investigation in history (longer than 9/11 commission, Longer than both the Warren Commissions) do you not think they would have found something anything to charge her with?.
People have been lying about Hilllary for years.
And big lies are more often believed than little ones.
About as unbiased as Fox.
Actually I think they are more believable than fox..
Some 3 yo on the corner is more reliable than fox.
Sure that has been reported by all the respectable news organizations in the world.
Oh Wait.
Because there has never been any evidence to link her to anything illegal.
So you afraid of Jews liberals and SJWs?
Is that what you usually pay your 14 yo whores?
How to tell if something is a liberal rag: it can show it's work.
We don't know if he didn't kill any poof them.
They find bodies in central park across the street from Trump tower.
And as much as he claims he builds
they could be in poured concrete..
Cuz they got proof unlike conservative leeches.
even my conspiritard libshit moore-fellating media professor thinks motherjones is trash
And we should believe that a person with such (shall we say) limited language skills attends any kind of school?
I couldn't give a fuck what you believe you retarded samefag, we've been expecting your shitty Redditposts for weeks, I'm just calling you out for being a paid shill.
Oh wow guys CTR ramps up and just coincidentally everyone on all of the major 8ch boards hates Trump now and he was le pedophile XDDDDD
Absolutely gas yourselves, not even a hint of subtlety, just hatchet "efficiency".
Try that again in English.
i dont have screenshots setup on my arch system but ya not same fag.
I dont really care about your political opinions or really have a opinion thats really political. I actively avoid politics. I was just teasing you because you used the "my professor said" funny how it triggered you so much.
So are you claiming to be me?
I am the author of
I guess you need validation..
jesus you are retarded
My name is not Jesus.
Not even Mexican.
Writer of the article, he looks like one of those nu-males that lets his GF peg him with a dildo while he cries
Sounds like you are expert in this doing this.
Looks like we discounted the trailer park vote
Looks like he even married one of his hoes
What is this meme about how all Trump supporters rely on Fox? I support trump and haven't watched MSM in over a decade.
Seems you are stupid enough on your own.
You don't need Fox's help.
There is plenty to charge her with. The fact is, she is above the law, her crimes don't mean anything to the supreme court and her crimes aren't followed by the DOJ. She is above the law. The Clintons have gained so much money via the Clinton Foundation (an illegal foundation) that they can do what they want. The Clintons are also funded and protected by George Soros.
yes MSM. I am stupid for not watching MSM? I wish I was enlightened like you and watched it every day.
All the time I hear the gubments currupted.
And Hillary owns the gubment.
The republicans have investigated her for over 5 years and found nothing to charge he with?
Supreme court doesn't charge people with crimes.
Plenty of Judges out there that would love to bring a charge against hillary.
The gubments out to get me. Grow up..
What the fuck is an MSM
My Sucking Mother?
hello newfag.
this has to be bait, it looks like a poem written by some retard from Holla Forums.
Also funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Who have a lot more than Soros ever thought about.
SO what?
Trump Is funded by Adelson And Putin.
I appreciate the poem reference.
Seems like your post was inspired by /bbc/
[citation needed]
I guess that you are just a regular fag..
New fag you so funny..
are you pretending to be retarded or are you actually retarded?
Do you not read?
Do you not have a tv ?
I know you have a computer because your silly ass is here.
So instead of debating you would rather call names?
Do you post like this?
Do you believe everything
You read on the internet?
You don't even know what "MSM" means and nothing you have said so far has any relevance.
Do you not believe anything because the media is owned by Juice?
If a majority of the media outlets post it
You can usually count on it being true..
I know right wing fringers don't trust the media.
But is is news.
Do you understand that term??
I guess I am not an idiot eneough to know what MSM is
Why don't you enlighten a poor lil newfag.
Do you not know how to construct a paragraph?
Is english your second language?
It means Manly Sado Masochism
Sorry, didn't know this was a composition class.
I thought it was an Image board.
I understand
Something you are into?
So, this has just turned into attacks instead of a debate.
I mean somebody criticized paragraph structure.Do you not know enough to talk about the facts of the case?
Those of US out side the MSM don't use that term.
We use RNO
Do your own research, faggot. First, read about whitewater and how Hillary hired private investigators to intimidate Bill's rape victims. Then read about the Clinton Foundation and how they use money from suffering countries to turn it into a valuable commodity. Look how only around 10% of the Clinton Foundation is actually given to charity. Then look at Benghazi. The Clinton corruption runs DEEEEP, all the way back to the 80's. Do your own research you lazy faggot.
White water
Very funny.
She hired a PIs to intimidate?
Do you think it might have been to investigate?
Maybe you need to do some research..
The investigation lasted for 4 fucking years.
Longer and more expensive than the 9/11 investigation.
And they found?
Nothing of any value?
Do you remember the attacks on the embassies in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam?
How many were killed there?
The way you right wing fools make it sound is that Hillary and Barry and Susan Rice were the ones that attacked the consulate.
The Clinton Foundation is a charity like any other.
Except they don't give money to the governments they pay directly to the people that need it.
10 % where the fuck did you ever get that Idea?
To be a charity like The United Way you only have to give 3% but all monies raised by the Clinton Initiative goes to Doctors buying drugs and shipping drugs.
Do you remember that Bush is a partner in this?
Seems somebody would have found something to charge her with as long as this witch hunt has lasted.
A commodity?
Yeah Aids vaccines and INH for tuberculosis.
and you wonder why I don't respond to you seriously?
It's well documented information, look it up.
Big Lies are more likely to be believed than small ones.
And they have been telling lies about Hillary for decades.
Why are you pretending to be two posters? That lack of grammar is shining through in every post.
Cuz your an idiot?
Well documented?
It is well documented that monkeys fly outta my ass with backpack too.
Pretending to be two posters?
Is you high nigga?
Now you are pretending to be retarded to prove yourself right. You are going overboard.
Fucking Grammar nazi is back..
I really wish you would use some semblance of logic and reality when you post.
It would make it so much easier to understand your silly slams.
Why did you capitalize "grammar"? Kill yourself.
Reverting to name calling again.
How quaint.
Got no real arguments?
Yeah, you
are a
To emphasize the word
nazi wasn't capitalized.
Did you even Think for a second before you start criticizing grammar instead of having a Real argument.
Notice the T and R capitalized.
Do you mean?
did you even Think for a second that you are Retarded
Notice my Capitalized letters
I understand now.
In love with an anime girl because you are too beta to either come up with an argument or find a real girl..
Keep with your ad hominem attacks
Shows your intelligence.
Because he's busy telling people to go back to Africa.
at which age did you realize you were gay?
Since no one has come up with a cogent argument for a while.
I may have to leave you to insult by yourself.
But you faggots would miss me.
Just the other day when you were sucking my dick..
read the DNC leaks you fucking fag. Read about whitewater, read about the Clinton Foundation.
You are relying on a bunch of random anons to prove you wrong when you can just do the research yourself. Stop being so lazy.
If you wanted to prove your point you should have linked to those items.
But you don't have links because they don't exist.
I am old enough to remember when Whitewater was happening.
No charges no valid accusations.
The DNC leaks?
So the democratic party thought Hillat would be a better candidate than Bernie?
And Trumps friend Putin sent his hackers to find that out?
Then they gave it to Assange?
Job well done Vlad.
I hope you feel you cot a good deal..
I have read about the Clinton Foundation.
They are very highly rated charity organization that has bee attacked by Right wingers with no realities just accusations like every thing else they do..
But if you lie about it long enough people will believe it.
And they have been lying about Hilllary for 30 fucking years..
Or are you too fucking lazy?
So you want to be spoonfed, just like all the rest of the newfags that start browsing imageboards.
Then you are like me, only you decided to run with the MSM narrative instead of hunting for the truth.
Anyways, I'm done with this ridiculous conversation. There are things called "search engines", you can use them to find out stuff.
Pro Trump =anti American.
MSM has no meaning to me..
I refer to them as RNO
That is Real News Outlets
Not Alex Jones or Faux nuz or Breitbarts.
Anti-isolationaism and pro global interventionism is something the founding fathers would've wanted
So can you.
If you wish to prove something …PROVE IT
Otherwise you just run along with your tail between your legs because you didn't come prepared with a valid argument..
He is selling Hitler brand Ice cream?
Does it taste like Jack boots and burnt Jews??
i feel like he should be in jail. he is a bigot who is trying to start a race war.
Three quarters of the shit he says is fiscally irresponsible Politically dangerous and besides he wants to build a wall?
Worked for East Germany..
Nukes for Saudi Arabia?
What could go wrong?
Nuclear 9/11?
Ignoring article 5 of the NATO Charter?
Leaving our friends to deal with Russia on their own?
But Trump likes Putin
"He is a strong leader"
Just like Saddam.
Round up 11 million people for export?
Do we have that trillion dollars to spare?
But the Pro Trump folks were the same ones that were telling me 2 years ago that Obama should be stronger against Putin.
And since there is a negative illegal immigration now. Do we need to worry about non threatening people who work and pay taxes?
A carnival barker with world domination delusions.
If we elect him then we deserve him..
The Muslims are peaceful. what your saying is just hateful. You should be in jail also for all that hate.
But it would be funny to have a whore in the white house.
The dignitaries might just forget they hate us when she blows them
Trump said she was good.
Most Muslims are peaceful.
In the US they have a lower rate of criminal activity than Irish Catholics.
Why should I be in Jail?
Because I pissed you off with the truth?
true but it is not worth it.
what your saying
your saying
As funny as it may be, I don't think it would be good at all to have Hillary in the White House.
there is a reason the nazis lost its because they are faggots.
Fucking Grammar nazi is back.
I know how he hates when I capitalize Grammar..
I see what you did there.
Hillary is a long way from my first choice.
But when I listen to Trump for 5 minutes irealize we have to elect Hillary..
She would be the first woman but Trump would be the last President.
really makes you think fam…
You made an identical post in a different thread.
I have a feeling you are an agent of Correct the Record if not a Useful Idiot
And what makes you think Hillary is any more competent?
If anything the way her campaign has been going alone is enough reason to do everything in your power to make sure she doesn't get into office, not to mention the innumerable shady or outright illegal things she's been involved in.
Hitler had all of Europe it was his own stupidity and lack of empathy that lead to the fall of Germany.
If I did it in another post it wasn't today.
I have said that before,
Correct the Record?
Useful Idiot?
If it helps defeat Trump then I wil take either.
Hillary understands politics trump does not.
but i also wanna vote trump just to watch the world burn
no compassion for your fellow man…
Correct the Record is a company started by the Hillary for President campaign'
it is a company consisting of viral marketers and "Reputation control" agents
They are known to have been targeting alt-right websites, including Holla Forums
I have a feeling you are very misinformed on just how horrible a person Hillary Clinton is. We have to stop her from getting into the white house at all costs.
how else are we gonna end the capitalist system with out tearing it down first comrade? we gotta make the world burn and build our glorious revolution on its charred remains.
Are you a fucking idiot?
not even Holla Forums likes Hillary, they all agree she is a neocon piece of shit
the people cherish a true leader.
That isn't the question.
Being intent on taking America down is the question.
Maybe Hillary would fuck up and do something stupid.
Trump has plans to do something stupid. Several things.
Several irrevocable irresponsible dangerous to the existence of the nation and to every body that lives in it things.
It is a matter of hate and incompetence
I choose incompetence..
The irony that Russian parades are far better than Soviet parades ever were.
And the Republican party thinks Trump is a dangerous fucking clown..
As does any sentient being on the earth..
the economy was good under the first Clinton why would it not be under the second?
i disagree
Judging by how you post it seems you have a mental disorder. It reminds me of how MikeeUSA and the namefag TP types. Both of which are known to have mental disorders
I don't think you are in the position to judge anyone
And Trump is the man for that.
Is it just me or does Hitler resemble Robert Downey Jr.
A forensic typing Psychologist.
How utterly stupefying.
a true comrade wares a full mustache
Hey Grammar nazi. Aren't you gonna jump on that??
There was a recession in the 90s but okay. And I don't understand what Bill has to do with Hill
The Republicans gladly gave Trump the nomination at the RNC
Meanwhile there was open and violent protests by Democrats at the DNC against Hillary Clinton
Your political opinions come purely from the media and the media only. It is painful how purely shallow your understanding of either candidate is.
Friends of yours?
Or do you just blow them?
half the party won't even vote for him.
There is a record number of Republicans voting for him.
Seems Alex Jones and Fox Shillls are everywhere..
They're partners in crime.
Facts don't support that.
show me the polls
So you get your political opinions from Tumblr right?
Have you seen the primaries?
How long have you been deluded?
If you can't get info from media then where do you get it from?
I didn't realize mainstream media was the world's sole source of information
Please read the Washington Post tonight for your test answers class!
i saw some white racist trying to suppress the black vote.
Yeah, no. This is laughable. Is MotherJones like The Onion? It's supposed to be a joke. Cause not even liberals are stupid enough to believe this horseshit.
You deserve to lose.
Teah I watched them.
Nothing happened like you say.
Sure there was some protests for Bernie
But there were protests outside the convention for Trump because they weren't allowed in.
And never have so many people from one party stood up for another party's candidate.
only money can corrupt you to think such evil
I actually saw someone desperately trying to get the black vote since they're natural democrats and their vote matters, so I don't think excluding them will do him any favors. He's praising niggers all the time. I don't in which reality do you leave, maybe in the same universe the media people live.
The protests were all Democrats you idiot. The Democratic party is significantly more split than the Republican party
In most the primary elections Trump was third in the number of votes to Hillary and Bernie.
Places like New York.
Fuck my self.
I have a link
You have arguments by assertion
Good night
all the white cops shooting blacks is not praise.
Several democratic senators said they can't support Hillary.
Oh Wait.
I never said anything about protests you retard.
did he not say he was gonna take New York. what a crooked lier he is.
I never realized Trump was the Nation's Police Chief or whatever.
Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Like I have said
We discounted the trailer park vote.
the entire republican party is split with half thinking they are cockservatives
Seth Myers said Trump was the Law and Order SVU candidate.
Your brain is too far rotted I'm afraid. Really sad you have to be such a mindless sheep drone
The poor whites are democrats.
I wouldn't call it half. Maybe a big slice of the idiots who form the GOP, certainly not half of the electors. But I see no reason why most people who voted Cruz or some other no-name wouldn't vote Trump.
Such fine debating skills you have.
You retard.
He's a funny guy for you
when you use rotten sources like chans and twitter to get your news there is not fact checking. 0 proof from these sources.
Are you seriously implying the Democrats are left-wing? You are literally dumber than Holla Forums and that really says a lot. The same pieces of shit that lobbied southern interest and funded the KKK
Did you run out of "facts" to argue so you just revert to name calling?
But you are a retard though. You're defending voting for Hillary if I got it right (correct my record if I'm wrong). I can see why someone wouldn't vote for Trump (would be questionable but debatable).
But voting for Hillary Clinton? You have the downs.
The republicans are not gonna vote this election. They have to real candidate. Just a orange clown.
that sounds like health debate to me.
Standard brain-dead media sheep drone
What a shame
Calling people names won't cloud the truth. Your worldview doesn't affect the pyhsical world. You might think he's an orange clown. Guess what? You're not most of the electorate, and certainly not part of the minority with the most power.
We have the power of the people.
You don't.
After Brexit, and after all the success Trump is getting, something tells me Marxists have less power than they think they do
I gave my opinion on the matter and explained why I think that it is that way. Sounds like sound debate to me. You're just saying he's an orange clown and SVU candidate, and republicans won't vote for him because reasons, even though he's got record numbers and every time that happened the GOP nom won in the general.
Lel, enforcing oligarchy by means of communism sure is the way of the people, "comrade".
china is a great example.
it really irritates your that I see him for the truth.
This is how I know you aren't even a true leftist. Holla Forums fucking hates stupid pieces of shit like you.
China was never true Communist. Go ahead and tell Holla Forums what you think. They'll call you a fucking idiot for wanting to vote for the war-mongering neocon Hillary too
The people know what they want and they get it, comrade.
I vote with the people how ever that leads me.
I don't even knows what that means.
i hate to see the people in such a uneducated state.
Pic related?
Do you have reasons?
Or is just a hunch you have?
Do you listen to the crap that comes out of his mouth??
There is a difference between someone drunk and stupid that might hurt someone
It is different if they intentionally are trying to injure people.
When they say they are going to hurt someone
When they say they will betray the nature of our Republic.
If a candidate has a campaign manager that quit because (or was fired,it isn't clear)he was an agent of a foreign government.
Namely Russia and the pro Russian ex president of Ukraine.
If a candidate's assistant press secretary is a
Russian national.
When a candidate says that he would ignore Article 5 of the NATO charter.
When The candidate says that Russia had the right to take Crimea and support the terrorist in Ukraine.
A candidate that says that he likes Putin.
A candidate that says he admired Saddam.
A candidate that courts White Identity groups.
And is supported by the KKK.
A candidate that says he will ignore the constitution and make laws on his own that violate said constitution
A candidate that supports a Saudi Arabian nuclear weapons program.
A candidate that says " What is the use of having nuclear weapons of you don't use them"
Yeah I support Hillary.
She doesn't plan on causing other wars.
She doesn't support selling out our government to Russian interests..
She hasn't stated that she will break our international peace treaties,,
She knows what the nuclear triad is.
She doesn't have companies that have outsourced overseas to avoid US taxes.
She is not a type S corporation to keep from paying US taxes.
She hasn't screwed workers by filing bankruptcy to save from paying for construction costs.
And finally she has not run a modeling agency that brought eastern European girls, some as young as 14 and tell them to lie on their visa application and then take their passports until they pay for "services rendered" or send said girls to mingle at conventions to entertain clients.
Yeah I think I will support Hillary..
sure, the chosen people
Where do you get your information?
The Democrats funded the KKK and the KKK leader is pro-Shillary
Tsk tsk…sad media sheep drone
Yeah Fascist are gaining aren't they..
All the people are the chosen people.
There is no reason to think that all the people believe in the kkk.
I dont know if I should even grace your idiocy with a post.
But here goes.
The KK was funded by the Dems in the 19th and early 20 century until 64 and the equal rights amendment.
The KKK does
not support Hillary
In fact if you can read read this.
Not try to be real or at least halfway correct.
People are able to do their own research and fact checking you faggot shill
nah fam just whites.
dubs confirm.
I should think so but when there source of information is a twitter feed. there is no facts.
all people every where.
And I used to vote republican too because they were good for business.
The Reagan betrayed the workers with his trickle down (piss on you) economics.
Since then they have been sending jobs overseas to make more corporate profits and screw the US worker.
Yeah I guess parties change,,
You're like the migrants. Shit up your home with your garbage culture so badly that you have to move to someone else's, and you immediately start shitting it up the same way.
there are still a lot of misinformed people that are supporting Trump.
If they did research they might become more educated.
Not even Holla Forums supports Hillary though, these people are literally just Correct the Record shills
So, afraid of immigrants, are you?
*their sources
*there ARE no facts
Learn english before you join JIDF, kike.
Of course I am, they're a fucking invading army. Who wouldn't be?
All the boards are so full of racist misogynist fools now.
So you are native American?
I am sure that the native Americans said the same thing.
SO why don't you go back where you came from pale face?
Nationalism knows no side my kike shill friend. America will have its nationalist day by next year when the wall is complete
They said the same thing about the Irish.
With out immigration there is no growth.
I thought that a song or poem at first, but it seems you actually wrote it yourself. Let's see.
Yes. She's a criminal, and she serves the interests of the powerful. Besides, she's a fucking nutcase, but let's say that's subjective territory for the sake of not discussing pity things.
Such as…
I don't understand what you said. Are you implying he wants to hurt somebody? How is he betraying the Republic?
I'm out of the loop here. Care to explain like I was watching CNN?
Again, didn't know that one. All those Russian spies man, it's like cold war shit going on here.
They didn't?
So? (not true btw)
I'll give you that one. I find it shady that a democrat organization supports him (do they? do they even matter anymore? they're basically FBI nowadays)
Such as…
The same candidate that calls them out every chance he gets (never directly calls out Israel though).
Anonymous sources strike again.
"Russians are to blame for everything" surely won't cause any repercussions while in office. Also, she was never secretary of state, it seems.
Because Russians are the most powerful lobby in the US. And she never sold out to the most powerful lobby in the US.
Of course not, Foundations need money you know. Speeches ain't free.
I heard she went to school, yes.
That's why she'll set them higher than ever.
She has a construction company?
Tell me more.
"Think" being the keyword here, I think you're lying.
A former KKK guy. This pretty much confirms the KKK is behind Trump. And even if it was, so fucking what?
I wish.
GOP=DEM, unless you're talking about non-issues.
As opposed to when? When you weren't here before Correct The Record? How would you know
You spelled that wrong.
it is spelled Nazism.
Brilliant and original.
You do realize you're actually supporting his argument, right? Invaders went there and fucked shit up. They should've been scared, but we shouldn't?
Hillary Clinton is so bad at handling important data the military doesn't even trust her!
You don't even make sense.
The Irish didn't put us on a course to be a minority in our own country. Suck gas, Rabbi.
It's actually spelled National-Socialism, but it's a rookie mistake to make.
Actually, no, don't fuck niggers. They're disgusting animals.
Like the future of our country?
This entire post is just full of you saying
Gee I didn't know that or so what if he wants to destroy the US
I am Sure that CNN carried this story.
All respectable news organizations did.
Poor baby
Did some evil black person fuck you while you were in the slam?
Actually the Irish came here in a lot higher numbers than any other group..
And if you think I don't make sense maybe you should get an education of some sort.
Nah it is Racist Fascist style so it is Nazism..
All I see in that link is the news that he resigned, which I know about, and then some speculation at the end. What about that?
And no, "so what if he wants to destroy the US" wasn't a part of my post. He's on a nationalist platform, which is directly in opposition to destroying the nation, and he's been very consistent with such a platform. And just in case, that doesn't mean he will or won't do it, that means his message is contrary to what you're saying. Whether he will respect it or not, we'll see when he gets in office this January.
Not really, no. Although that happens to a lot of White women, hell their own women suffer from that too. Weird thing you bring it up. These animals are also known for killing people too much as well. Figures.
So Nazism = Racist + Fascist?
Nice to learn about SJW algebra.
counter bump
Pay attention to the things he says.
He isn't a nationalist he is a Trumpist.
There is nobody who will profit from this but him.
Here some other links that explain.
ANd there are more from more radical sites than the NY Times.
Blow me Adolph..
Do you not read history?
The Nazis exterminated Jews
You are not one of those idiot holocaust denier are you?
And Fascism was part and parcel of the Nazi creed.
Do they not teach WWII in grade school anymore?
itt: shills trying to bury the truth
So in your opinion that is all black men do is rapes white wimmens.
Would it surprise you to know that more white women are raped by white men than by any other race?
But that doesn't matter does it.
You are afraid of the "others"
Blame everything on black people or even liberals or any other person who dosen't see things like you. Or even those of any other color.
It is easier to blame all the ills of the world on the others.
Will that make you feel better?
Parts of your posts were cogent and thoughtful.
Then the degradation into dark racism and hate takes over.
It has already been buried by hate and racism and fear.
I paid attention since day one.
How? Why? What about his opponent?
I was going to say that I was not reading the NYT article since that site is all just propaganda, but it asks for a login so whatever.
Look, let's say he's guilty. First of all, it doesn't prove anything about the current events. It just proves that Manafort is a shady guy, which isn't a big surprise. But it doesn't say anything about Trump, other than he picked a shady guy. It's not like the whole area of politics is fucking contaminated with shady figures. And even then, that doesn't prove in the least that the guy's an agent, so I don't know what your point is. That Russians are bad? He said he liked Putin, that's it. That's all it took for the media and its sheep to go wild. Now they're the go-to boogeyman yet again. Meanwhile, there's someone willing to sell their country right now, and she's broadcasting it in broad daylight. Not a reaction.
Heil Hitler, faggot.
Yes, I see you're very well informed. Jews are the good guys, no bad intentions at all. Why would they have them? I mean, they see themselves as totally different from us and they are right in that respect, but they just want the same as us, don't they? Not like they're the 2% yet they're 90% of the so called "1%".
This is what I like about you guys. It makes it so easy to tell you apart. First of all, you were the one who started with the raping stuff. It's your imagination, not mine, that created this scenario. And second, no, "that happens to a lot of White women" doesn't mean "all black men do is rapes white wimmens. A large percentage of them do, though, but not all of them, obviously. That'd be pretty fucking impossible, seeing that many of them live in Africa and all.
Even though I doubt that's the case (at least in America and Western Europe, don't know about slavs), no, it doesn't. Why should there be a single ape raping a White woman? Let alone a significant part of them.
Yes, you are correct, Sigmund.
Yes, "everything". The complex problems of this world are obviously caused by stupid niggers and idiots that don't want to accept reality.
Except I didn't? Things going to shit and niggers running around is our fault, never said otherwise.
It would make me feel very good, yes. I'm sure it does make you feel good already, to shift the blame.
Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
You talk of those words as if they were somehow negative. They're only natural. You should watch the movie "Angry Birds". Teaches a lot about human relationships and nature :^)
The New York Times the most respected daily in th e world Is propaganda?
It asked for a login.
Didn't ask me for one.
And that he hired a shady guy?
Cory Lewendowski
Paul Manifort and Now
Stephen Bannon
All shady guys all campaign directors for Trumps campaign
And his Assistant press secretary
Boris Epshteyn.
Russian and worked for RT
I suppose you trust RT more than the NYT?
Seems all Trump knows are shady guys..
I should base my ideas on human nature on a fucking cartoon?
I would rather base it on South Park if I was to base it on a cartoon.
But I think I will just rely on the sociology classes that I took..
And I suppose you are the latter?
[by whom]
Looks like a good guy.
I've heard good things about him too.
I can say the same things about Hillary, but here we are. Look, I'm not expecting Jesus telling him what to do, but he's the best there is right now and in a long time. The 2-party system is obviously a fraud, and running as an independent is just being silly. So of course he's going to get shitty material to begin with if the political class is all shitty. I don't think good of any politician in the US really, and that's why I think he's the best candidate, along with what he's been saying. He basically fucked the GOP like the whores they are, and everything he did until now has been a huge win in my book.
I believe this is a decisive moment in history. If he wins, at worst he will just set back "progress" a few years and change some stuff, but giving more nationalists movements some time to arise. However, if she wins, it's a done deal.
By the way, if she wins, what do you think will happen to this site? Just curious.
Nice omitting the last three characters of that quote. You should really watch it though.
That explains it.
Yes, I indeed do not want to accept reality. That's why I'm calling you names with no meaning nor explanation to them to avoid discussion. You racist.
Please don't leave, I was only pretending I swear!
Nothing she is not pro censorship like Trump.
Ah one of those that are afraid of educated people.
We are alright
We don't usually fall for stupidity like the Trump campaign.
So Trump is pro-censorship and Clinton is pro-free speech? Had I known that before this thread I wouldn't even have posted. #ImMentallyHillNow
I can't even get around the mental gymnastics necessary to reach such a conclusion. Is this because he said he didn't like porn? Now I'm genuinely curious.
Because educated means just accepting what a teacher tells you at face value, right?
New TV show.
Da Orange Pimp And His Whore Wife Natasha Fatale.
You really are frightened of educated people aren't you.
While I realize that in the hood or the trailer park or where ever the fuck you are from, that they have shitty schools.
But the university I went to isn't known for having shitty instructors.
Knowledge is your friend.
Most women don't like porn.
Is this a porn site?
Even if it is.
Trump is worried about the second amendment
He doesn't care much about the first.
He has been the one to sue people to keep them from saying things derogatory about him.
Hillary is worried about the first amendment.
No matter how many times you say it, it won't just magically become true, freud.
Talk about a delayed reaction.
That was posted over 7 hours ago.
Are you retarded my slow friend.
I'm not who he was talking to, my slow friend.
No you certainly weren't, retard.
Yes, they know how to bait.
OW! Sick burn man! You're going into dirty, racist stuff here, please stop.
Yes, I did go to a shitty school, Mr. Upper Class guy. That's why I'm not educated, because going to school is all you need to know about the world you live in. You should tIn fact, you probably will.otally believe everything your teacher says. Don't ever think for yourself. Surely the people who want to teach about sociology are a greatly diverse group of fellows with no common features at all. And surely the ones in charge of education don't have any interests or bias neither. It's a perfect world, after all.
Just shitty lessons and shitty students. And probably shitty instructors too, I mean it's social "sciences" we're talking about here.
Knowledge is not a thing which is learned, it is earned (actual quote from Angry Birds btw).
If you really want to know more, be open minded but also very critical. You can go to the most expensive university and still come out an idiot. Read a book sometime.
Of course you're just pulling things out of your ass. Suing people to keep them from saying derogatory things about him is within the bounds of the law and the constitution (and he can win or lose depending on whether the laws say he's right or wrong, there you go a legal system who would've thought). That is one thing, but being opposed to people expressing their opinions and wanting to control the flow of information (i.e. the Internet) is another. And you know exactly which side the witch is on. This very thread would be considered hate speech under her reign.
Since I'm an uneducated piece of filth, this post was meant for
That is only 2 of hundreds.
Maybe thousands
You said it I didn't.
I still don't understand what's so wrong about making use of the legal system. He sues the fuck out of people who deserve it and no self-respecting American should have any sympathy for. I mean, it's not like he's the president or that he can't lose. Yet the cunt is making threats against the constitution as part of her official campaign and she's the Fredrick Brennan of politics. Something doesn't compute here, comrade.
Not my experience in school at all.
Seems you have a tainted view of education and for the life of me I can't imagine where that comes from..
It is like my mother 81 years old and doesn't want to learn how to use a cell phone.
I bought her a real nice electronic picture frame and it scared her when it changed pictures so she put it in a drawer
You seem that foolish with your hatred of education.
There is a difference between using and abusing.
Like I said there are multiple law suits filed by Trump All for defamation..
All with out basis.
All aimed at intimidating the person to not say things about him or his illegal immigrant prostitute wife.
So you are afraid of women too?
Do you have any citations to prove your claims?
Or is this just an opinion of yours.
Maybe you heard it on Faux Nuz.
What the fuck is this with you and the Angry birds?
I base my life philosophy on education and you base your life philosophy on Angry Birds?
This post should have ended with a "WTF"
Do you realize what you're saying? You're saying your mother was scared of some thing because it conflicted with her world view, and particularly, with her bringing up (and education, presumably). She doesn't think outside the box, outside of what she's been taught, and neither do you. I don't say do go to college. I say that the real learning comes from yourself and your own research and self-determination, not some professor who might (and probably will) have a bias. Let alone the institution, which has its own interests. Go to college and fact-check every single word you hear, otherwise you're just another fool who thinks he's smart; such a huge problem in today's society.
Poor powerful people on TV! They tell lies and outright slander people on national TV to an audience of millions and get paid big bucks for it! How can he sue them, the meanie bully? You can actually see the consequences of their power when you scroll down this thread. Something about Russian secret agents and slave wives.
HAHAHAHA how did you even think of using namecalling in this situation this doesn't even make sense?
No, banning hate speech obviously doesn't count.
Do we fight for who watches the best propaganda now?
Do they not teach sarcasm in sociology class? Or is it just part of the "Pick the part of the post with the least substance and ignore the rest" lesson?
That is really funny.
No it is because she suffers from dementia.
I'm really sorry. My argument is invalid now.
You called her a cunt.
I took it to mean that you hated women too.
Hatred is a byproduct of fear.
There was a part of your post that had more substance?
Point it out to me and I will reply to it.
No that was just agents of Russia and illegal immigrant prostitute wife..
And all are based on facts that have come to light despite Trumps lawsuits.
There is a certain thing about satire of those in the public domain..
When you are a public figure people can make jokes about you.
Protected by the first amendment.
If he freaks out about a joke how will he react when he is really insulted by someone.
He is unstable and dangerous.
Like Bill Maher said " He is a whiney little bitch"..
That wasn't what he was sued for That was a joke about Trump's father being an orangutang.
Just because one woman is a cunt doesn't mean all of them are, silly.
You can't fear what you can control. If everything was in control, we wouldn't have to hate people like you who are so devoid of hate they lack the ability to react. It's not like hate is part of the human instinct or anything. Of course to you, hate equals violence and dumbness. To you, humans should follow the way of the machines and base emotion only on reason, when reality demands that you use reason by harnessing your emotions. And while I hate weak-minded idiots for their selfishness and willful ignorance, I don't really fear you, I fear the grim future of this civilization that the idiocy of you people will help create.
All right. Here it goes:
Not that hard actually, now don't ask me to do that with your posts or else I would be in trouble.
"Facts" that have come to the light of the media and useful idiots that repeat it.
As long as it screws over the power of the media and doesn't violate free speech rights, I'm ok with it.
If he's accomplished all of his success and have now won the nomination against all odds, all of that while being unstable and under extreme pressure, I certainly hope he becomes POTUS.
Except that one is a joke in every way shape and form
In the words Of Bill O'Reilly " This is not a news program it is entertainment"
Brian Williams was forced to resign after making falsestatements.
O'Reilly made "misqutes about being in the war zone in the Faulklands conflict And another about some one he accused of being involved in the JFK assassination
In the falklands
He said he was in the war zone.
But he never left Buenos Aires.
And he said he ws on the step of the guys house when he heard the suicide gunshot.
The Gunshot was in Florida He was in Dallas.
Brian Willams resigned Faux nuz said "We stand behind our correspondents".
Real news?
Not according to Faux nuz.
As opposed to one of the oldest most respected News organizations .
And you ask by WHo?
The only real answer is "Anybody that knows news"
ANd we shall not speak of the other silliness of Alex Jones and Breitbarts.
Absolute rubbish
Keep reading/watching entertainment you agree with, then, I guess.
As I said in a previous post.
Just because you hear it on Faux nuz don't make it true.
ANd if it comes out of Trumps mouth then count on it being a lie.
You hate anything to do with information or free speech?
Most of the time the respected news shows are absolutely true.
No matter what Trump says.
Politifact did a story about one of his speeches and Said "Since we only have 10 column inches we can only print the top 15 lies told at the Trump news conference"
Trust worthy?
If you believe him, believe me when I tell you I won't cum in your mouth and I will respect you in the morning.
Okay. I thought your writing skills would improve but why did I.
I do not watch Fox News. I do not watch any network. I do not read any MSM outlet. In short, I'm not an idiot who thinks one channel is shitty while disregarding the actual reasons it's shitty (think false opposition and neocon propaganda, not "the good media told me so") then goes to say NYT is reliable because it's "the most respected in the world (by anybody that knows news)". Disregard their obvious bias and propaganda.
Okay, master.
The media spreads disinformation like no other apparatus before. I don't like the media. Therefore, I hate information or free speech.
Okay, master.
Why should I care? Do they even report on the countless Clinton lies?
Hahaha okay, master.
It's been a pleasure correcting the record with you guys.
I am not much into cartoons and obvious lies on TV or The Lardassians
I am really pretty much a news junkie..
And the Real News Outlets that I watch are varied.
I alway say that the big 3 News channels in the US are Faux MSNBC and CNN.
CNN will jump to a story before it is proven too often.
MSNBC has too much of a liberal bent.
Faux nuz lies as a matter of pride in their ability to do so.
The old respected news organizations are reliable news.
API, UP, Tribune, NYT, And actually something surprising is AL Jazeera is a straight news channel as long as you stay away from the editorials and opinion pieces.
BBC is pretty reliable Financial Times is too.
RT is almost as flakey as Faux.
RAI has always been more entertainment than news.
And AFP is usually reliable but too much of a socialist bent.ANd if you add all this together and understand what they are saying then you get a pretty good Idea about what is happening.
That explains a lot.
No wonder you are lost when it comes to reality.
You are saying shit about my writing?
That is funny.
Yeah they do but it is usually not the 25 to 30 that Trump does every day.
Well it was interesting connecting with you.
It really is too bad that you don't understand what ius happening aroud you because you don't listen to the realities thay come from dedicated journalists and serious news organizations that just wish to bring you the facts..
Listen to Trump when he speaks.
Put aside your racism and look and see what his policies actually mean to you.
Hillary is not the best choice but she is the only choice.
Why do you put sage in your title line when your posts are anything but..
New Just in from AFP
Merkel and Hollande discuss removing the US from the UN security council if Trump becomes president.
He is not safe or sane. Hollande says.
I started this thread over 15 hours ago.
I am going to bed..
Fuck all you people that think Trump is a real person who cares about anything but himself.
Arsenio Hall, a friend of Donald J.Trump, Said,"Donald Trump doesn't want to be president, Donald Trump wants what he has always wanted, World domination".
What do you think I do on my free time?
Was that the "You should learn to live with terrorism" guy? Oh wait no, he's the one who's done nothing to provide security to his citizens.
Sage goes in all fields.
I hope you get fucked too.
Guess what you Leftist faggots? If we ever get into power, we're coming for you. And we won't show mercy. Your entire family will be lined up against a wall and shot. Trump scares you? Good. He is NOTHING compared to what you will unleash. You'll wish Trump was still here to save you when we come for you. Because traitors aren't people, they're vermin, and will be exterminated like vermin. So you better do the best you can to make sure we NEVER get into power, do all you can to stop it, because once it happens, there will be no saving you. TENS OF MILLIONS in the US will perish, and the rest of the world won't even do a damn thing to stop it. Perhaps China will even help if we throw in a couple new trade deals. That's how little your lives matter, you're worth less then cheap, dime-a-dozen plastic toys mass produced in some Chink factory. So hold on to power, hold onto it with all your might, because once you lose it, it's over.
kek checked