Hey guys come check out my alt-right gaming stream.
pls no bully
well, since you said pls, whatever that means…
Thanks for being considerate!
Hey, I'm no normie.
pls fuck off
That's mean though
Dude, don't be a bully to my best frend. Don't make me get our school frends to find your ip
Sounds just as bad as Gaymer, OP
I've always been against the idea of splitting any crowd of people into political categories. It's one of the cancers currently killing gaming
Your the gay
So, how many dicks do you suck each day?
None, homos are bad.
and i did say pls no bully
You're alt-right; they're all about the race-mixing and homofaggotry.
As much as you're mom, niggerface
Your the race-mixing homofaggot
Shit nigger at least put some effort into it. Fuck, you could have at least done the obvious and stream Moon Doom.
What's the shockwave mod? And what's Moon Doom?
Is that the MoonMan game?
Nigger don't advertise your crap here.
Judging from OP's replies, since when do we let 13 years old in here?