last night I dreamt that Totalbiscuit had succumbed to his cancer, and everyone on Facebook was posting their condolences to his wife and her son
it was a beautiful dream
last night I dreamt that Totalbiscuit had succumbed to his cancer, and everyone on Facebook was posting their condolences to his wife and her son
it was a beautiful dream
can't find a pic of the kid right now
he's appeared briefly in some travel vlogs
I dislike him quite a bit, but he's still one of the only people in the vidya scene that I could have any respect for. As much "respect" as you could have for someone in the video game scene.
I don't really give a shit about that stuff anymore though, so w/e.
his wife and her son? meaning the child is not his, but only hers? is TB a cuck?
Oh look, it's that optionfiddling videogame cancerman again.
k e k
lol, I don't even know why you'd compare the two.
What's a meme? To be retarded? If so, it's the oldest fucking meme around.
Get out of here Totalbiscuit, and take your butthurt with you.
Yes, because only TB would defend himself on the internet.
You're retarded
r u grouchy because bum cancer?
week or two ago i was looking up Nu Male's Scam youtube videos
TB's were head and shoulders above anyone else's in the serious commentary department
as for wanting him to die, dont worry faggots
the idiot buys the medical industry cancer treatments jew hook line and sinker, so he's not going to do well with that, noone does
he might survive it but… he's basically eating rat poison so there you go
Sadly, he won't survive.
It's pretty much certain at this point, he just want's to try and survive as long as he can.
I've been following the dude since WowRadio, and he constantly cops shit from faggots like OP for no reason aside from wanting to look like an edgy faggot.
Just leave the guy in peace dude.
But he is absolutely right here
I'll leave him alone just as soon as I've spat on his grave
I found a cool picture of you OP.
stay triggered, Totalbitchcuck
Lol, i'm triggered yet you're the one who bothered to shit post on a dead website about a dying E-celb.
You sure are childish.
it's always worth it to post stuff that triggers people as much as this has triggered you, John