Mfw people here are actually unironically racist


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More like it's
you filthy indian shitskin

Horrific, isn't it?
And you've come across these people in real life and never knew it.

Aziz Anazari makes Parks and Rec unwatchable.

Not even the character he plays; him himself.

On a side note: the IQ scores of most African Americans is below the mental retardation threshold.

fuck off curry nigger

I see someone blew in from the most recent rash of news articles. Chew on this. Lurk for a few years. Try to debate people on Holla Forums legitimately.

You'll be a Nazi soon enough. Unless you're non white. In which case, literally hang yourself.


Newsflash faggots: science already proved that GENETICALLY we are all the SAME species.

intelligence varies with persons

Milo's pretty fly for a gay guy.

They're not niggers they're wogs.

Same species but race splits us into different sub species due to different evolutionary pressures.


News flash.
A daschound and a bulldog are the same species as well.

Sub species are a very real thing in every other animal group. So what makes you think evolution only occurred in humans from the neck down?

Intelligence also has a genetic component.


You're right there's no difference between humans we all look exactly the same with the same skin colour and the Beefalo and the Holstein Friesian are exactly the same species too.

skull size is irrelevant. any biologist with a phd can confirm

irrelevant and none primary source from a right wing website

you have an elementary understanding of genetics. take a biology class or anthropolgy while you are it

Didn't prove me wrong. You lose!

BLM,Black panthers ect are only a reaction to oppression. action creates a reaction. thats physics 101

stop oppressing people and those groups wont exist. simple

You have and elementary understanding of physics. Take a physics class or an astronomy while you are at it

blacks are superior to whites get over it

I'm not racist. I hate all jews equally


The Klan was a only a reaction to oppression as well. (no, seriously. Read it's history)

Someoneā€¦ with common sense.. on Holla Forums?

No I've seen it all.

By now you should realise that most of these people are so utterly inferior and beta IRL that they have to resort to racism in order to feel somewhat superior. They're desperately self-delusional.

You think if any of these faggots had a lfie they'd still be racist?

Hey bud. I'm working on a masters in anthropology actually. Human speciation is a real thing, and while a lot of sociologists don't want to admit it, many scientists (real ones that don't use critical theory) believe that race is a real thing. Now, race is an extremely complex subject. But you can use racial profiling in order to determine health problems, crime statistics, general intelligence, and quality of life in a broad sense with them. In fact, Napoleon Chagnon did work with the Yanomami and demonstrated that in their culture, aggression and violence is rewarded with higher sexual partners. Thus increasing the survivability of those tribe members who were more violent, which in turn produces children who have violent tendencies. Now, it's difficult going into kinship groupings on Holla Forums, but suffice it to say that Chagnon proved that certain traits are inheritable.

That classic mistake you're making is believing in the tabula rasa school of thought. As nice as the theory of the blank slate is, it has no place in modern academics unless it is studied to understand how it affected certain areas of study.
I highly suggest reading the book "The blank slate and the modern denial of human nature" by Steven pinker.

My pajeet friend and I growing up would make fun at non integrated pajeets, arabs, slavs, asians, fucking anyone that wasn't in line with Aussie values, I know a fair few Chinese that are probably even more Aussie than me at this point. Racism gets results, when the other side leaves their shit cultural ways behind they do indeed find the grass is greener on the other side, anyone else should be shunned and ostracized until they fall in line for the good of everyone, but cunts that come to your country don't come to make it better they come for welfare and fuck everything else

My parents are Russian immigrants, have a steady job and contribute to society. I live in The Netherlands.

The problem is that people like you don't differentiate between good and bad immigrants.

You like to think the world is black and white, because that makes thngs easy doesn't it? You hardly have to think for yourself. ALL foreigners are bad. Period.

In reality though, things are much more complicated, but in order to understand that you'd have to actually think, god forbid that ever happens, right?

Did you not read the first words in my post? I was friends with a whole group of pajeets, I do know the difference between good and bad migrants and I've even lived with them as well as a muslim family for nearly a year, I've lived it mate and as a result I can see the societal rift its created as plain as day here and so can the other good migrants that have been here doing the right thing

Oh, I apologise. Your post got kinda confusing towards the end.

Yeah, and it's a sad thing that society is well on its way to becoming polarised to a point similar to what we've seen in 1930's Germany.

People are both ironically and unironically a lot of things when you don't carry an identity around.

everyone is racist you dumb cunt. the worst are the lefties, because they can lie to themselves about it.
ingroup preference is natural and healthy, the people denying it only do so as a tool to disenfranchise and hurt people.

You fucking bastard


lol, it's funny because it's an inferior race to whites.




A little-known fact: semen can make Lolis pregnant.

If skull/brain size is the determinant of intelligence, why aren't sperm whales the dominant species?


race is real, whites are just the best you jigaboo

I concur

depends what you mean by 'racist'

it seems to cover just about everything these days (as long as you're white lol)

Poor mistreated white bois being so oppressed by society today..

case in point

Albino niggers are fucking terrifying

bottom right corner looks somewhat normal
