My name is Rick Deckard. I have reason to believe that among you lies a Replicant. Please submit to a Voight-Kampff Test at once. This test is mandatory. Failure to comply will result in arrest.


Please be aware that time between responses is also a factor in determining your humanity. The slower your responses, the greater the likelihood that you are the Replicant.



wtf that makes no sense
A human would take their time to consider and answer while a robot has 100x the speed of brainpower could answer instantaneously

'fuck this new forced namefag shit fuck you jim

I am beginning to suspect you are the replicant.

Also, If you didn't want to namefag, maybe you shouldn't be logged in as a janitor?

What is a tortoise?

Here's how it looks after I took time to consider each question for 8 seconds before selecting an answer.

Holla Forums has a new thing where if you are on the mod page it forces you to namefag and ## fag. The mod page is identical to the normal page except has a few buttons.

Probably to stop impersonation but it still sucks yo.
nah, I got 47%, so I'm in the clear.

Is this a test to determine whether on not I'm a replicant or a lesbian?

OP, let me tell you about my mother.

did anybody else think this film was over rated?

i mean some of the visuals were stunning particularly the establishing shots, but the sets and wardrobe could have been from any genre of film and the replicants had no effects except for makeup and that thing they did with the eyes.

the plot is a mess, what ever excuses are made i don't think even begin to explain the absence of any substance to the plot

Deckard is bland, no motivation, badly acted

the romance is unconvincing, and the relationship is unprofessional given that it is tantamount to having sex with his clients toaster

the replicants can be directly compared to objects because their motivation isn't fleshed out for them to be relateable. the love interest has some memories implanted, this isn't explored other than her getting upset at the fact being revealed to her.

the bad guy replicants are all supposed to have their own quirky personalities but none of these are expressed other than one of them wearing makeup.

their motivation isn't properly explained, if they had some redeemable qualities we might have cared for their plight, but there isn't, so we either don't care about them being killed.

the whole detective aspect of it is tedious and not even properly explained, it's like watching a postman doing his rounds, he just goes from each target to the next, with no continuity and nothing driving him other than his work obligations.

theres supposed to be some twist that Deckard could be a replicant but the only tell i could see was his wooden acting.

and that whole deal with the puppet guy that went nowhere. are we going to get some awesome visuals with the dolls? no. are the dolls going to become a vehicle to explore humanity? (at what point did Pinocchio become a real boy?) no.

the fact that the film didnt even explore the plight of the replicants properly reduced the film to a 2hour long crime drama that was needlessly set in the future.


Its official guys. Holla Forums has given me the autismo.

who ever your name is and what ever your mission get ready for the big surprise, around 50% or so of everyone on this planet we call "ground / dirt " is a copy of another planet similarly we call "ground / dirt " (Earth), yes it is a shock indeed and i blame Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, and the 3 desert Sagas, including the secret of Gaia.





shit graph.
