Bro, this shit ENRAGES me.
Not just in and of itself, mind you, but because nobody ever makes the appropriate argument against it.
The number of people killed by firearms in the US is miniscule, particularly in light of the sheer volume of firearms - of all types - in the hands of the people in this nation.
We're talking in the realm of 10-15,000 each year, from a population of 300+ million, and even less than that in terms of the people who will PERPETRATE such conditions (ie who will use their firearms to harm another human, or several); and, importantly, it must be noted that mass shootings contribute relatively little to these numbers, and that (given the black population represents upwards of 50% of the murder each year in the US, and Hispanics likewise over-represented) a VERY large contingent of the folks who WILL used their firearms to harm another (and who will be thus harmed) are part of a non-white community.
The people who die each year, particularly those killed in these 'mass shootings' wherein some deranged individual engages in planning and employs an 'assault weapon' or 'high capacity magazine' or the like, are American heroes.
These people sacrifice everything, whether willing or not is irrelevant, and their sacrifice is the epitome of patriotism.
The firearm on the wall of the average American citizen is the only - THE ONLY - thing inhibiting the US government, ANY government, from becoming, gradually or rapidly, a tyrannical state.
And here we have this old Jewish crone, saying - WITHOUT HESITATION - that the US citizenry does not need 'weapons employed by military for close-combat engagements', the possession of such weapons, for EXACTLY THAT PURPOSE (combating agents of a tyrannical state, who WILL be in possession of such firearms), was the entire purpose of the 2nd Amendment in the founding document of this nation.
The people who die are sacrifices, and fully justified sacrifices at that, who are sacrificed upon the alter of ensuring tyranny does not flourish.
The idea that a US representative would stand upon the bodies of those so-slain, employing irrationally emotional rhetoric to bold-facedly claim that, for the sake of not having to see such people sacrificed, on such justification, we ought permit conditions which further the capacity for and/or ease in pursuit of engagement in tyranny on behalf of the state, is outright disgusting, and akin, in my mind, to treason.
The firearms in the hands of the people, specifically such firearms as would allow them to effectively combat tyrannical military or police forces bearing military-grade close-combat-engagement firearms, create the conditions which inhibit tyranny from emerging; and the notion of arguing that such conditions ought be degraded, for the sake of creating conditions wherein those (comparatively meager in number) who make such sacrifice are not subject to such sacrificial requirement, is nothing more than the words of a tyrant, spoken through the Semitic mask of an old Jewess preying upon the emotions and fears of the common man.
Absolutely disgusting in the utmost.