Does this explain it all, Holla Forums? I know the Talmud gets a bad rap, but what about the Lurianic kabbalah and its relationship to Jewish behaviors?

Other urls found in this thread: Religion-The.Weight.of.Three.Thousand.Years.pdf

No one?

we all know that witches are behind this

Yes. It's no secret if you study kikery that they are attempting to forcefully and actively fulfill prophecy. The physical state of Israel and the entire zionist movement stems from this line of thinking.

Next on the agenda is destruction of all borders, nationstates, cultures, religions, and races besides Jews. They think they will rule over a world full of retarded halfbreed mongrels from their world capital in Jerusalem.

I am a Hindu priest. I have read some Kabbalist texts and they reek of Satanic demon energy. I can't even touch them.

The problem with the people who like to go on and on about "Sabbataens" (or "Frankists") is that the jews were a plague on mankind long before 1666.

Those people mostly seem to be well-meaning philo-Semites, usually rabid Protestants.

Mor often they are jidf.


Just poo on it that should cleanse it out.

OC, since these kind of arguments seem to pop up a lot.

True, but it's still a big problem.

I actually do poo in a loo. In fact, I bathe everytime I poo. This is far cleaner than wiping your hand into your backside with some thin tissue. You are lucky if people in the west clean their feces smelling hand after they are done. Their backside is never clean either. You have to clean yourself with water, not just smearing poo all over yourselves until you can't see it anymore.

The problem with Jews is that they murdered Jesus and have been a cursed people ever since.

Judaism is a bullshit religion. They are like gay men who never could accept it and have been cursed for generations. Jesus was the saviour you fucking idiots get it through your heads and stop fucking around with the Kabbalah!

The jews stole the kabbalah from ancient egyptians.

Yes. That's what cultural Marxism is about.

There exists a "Christian kabbalah" you know.

Pure heresy that has nothing to do with actual Christianity.

The Bible is the final authority on spiritual matters, and within it is a proviso that any later attempts at revising it or adding to it will lead to damnation.

Jews as well as Christian kabbalists believe kabbalah was merely the stuff passed down from G-d which didn't get put in the written Torah but was carried down orally over time.

What's anti-Christian about it?

It always been the jews. Always.

Entirety of jewish religions are plagiarisms of other ones.

Really what branch of hinduism, or are you just a smart-ass?

Also, why would a Hindu, use the concept of Satan, you have your own demons right?

That image is incomplete though, you should also add the Roman destruction of Jerusalem to that list.

Kabbalah is contrary to the Bible. I don't know if "Christian" Kabbala is different, but Jewish Kabbalah is polytheistic Babylonian paganism. They worship Leviathan the Great Serpent who wraps himself around the tree of life, that God has a feminine half called Shekinah, that God is both good and evil, that God is unknowable and you cannot pray to him/her directly. This is just off the top of my head; I haven't looked into this crap in a while.

Cool disinfo. Now fuck off.

Modern Talmudic/Zionist jews have absolutely nothing to do with the ancient Israelites. This is a proven fact and has nothing to do with the Khazars.

Actually, if you bath more then once per day, you risk destroying the balance of microbes on your skin and destroy the fatty layer that protects your body from bacteria, which could cause dry skin and several kinds of skin diseases.

Also, if only you hands are dirty, there is no point in cleaning your entire body, all you doing is releasing the bacteria from your hand on other parts of the body through bathing, or even showering.

So you bathing habits are foolish on two accounts.

In fact, you can take this even further.

The Muslim is also a Jew, in fact, we should divide Judaism in the religions of Hebrewism, Talmudism and Islamism.




Kaballah no doubt goes back to the gnostics and neoplatonists, though I could be wrong about that.


good goyim

No such thing as Christian Kabbalah, the bible strictly forbids any kind of sorcery or adding to the word of God. The only books suitable for doctrine in Christianity are in the bible.

Isaac Newton studied Christian Kabbalah. It's definitely a real thing.


If he did, then he was a heretic according to the bible. Mysticism and sorcery have nothing to do with Christianity.

Scoff all your want.

Everything in orthodox jewish cabal is already pre-planned thousands of years ago.

A lot of it predates Judaism. In order to use it, you but be super fucking pias, or it backfires. Much of it is about controlling demons to do your bidding. Aleister Crowley attempted a 6 month ritual based on Abramelic texts, which are kabbalah, didn't finish it or do it correctly. He performed it in a house on the loch ness. Now all of a sudden we have "the loch ness monster".

Yet Christians practise sorcery all the time.

Wasn't he a degenerate pedo?

funny how nobody ever tries those texts today and how nobody can find them, and even if they are found they dont work

actually yeah I have the book. The Book of Abramelin. The ritual is in there. It's fucked up shit. I collect oddities, and this is one of them.

Captain Redundant to the rescue.

ever tried any of them?
did any of them work?

proofs or it didn't happen

yes, and in fact there is a demon in there named Kekeph.

I don't have 6 months of time to sit around and do this shit. Nor would I want to fuck around with it.



I'm done.

Funny how you edgelords think Christianity is stupid and then you turn to "meme magic" and outright devil worship. It's beyond a joke at this point. I sincerely hope you guys keep your sanity and stay away from these retarded satanic rituals, the future of our race and civilization depend on it.

Mysticism absolutely exists in Christianity.

Fucking this.

Well I'm a Christian, I've read the bible and it absolutely has nothing to do with Christianity. The bible condemns such things actually.

Huh? A good goy believes in the exact opposite, as that lie is what is used to prop up zionism, the physical state of Israel, and is used to justify all the warmongering and evil that kikes get away with.

Modern Hebrew language for instance is a reconstruction of ancient Hebrew. Nobody today has any idea how ancient Hebrew letters or words were pronounced. It's as legitimate a language as Tolkien's Elvish.

Then there's the fact that Talmudism and Kabbalah have next to nothing to do with what the Torah teaches. When was the last time you saw a Jew perform a burnt animal sacrifice as atonement for his sins? Or how about the fact that Solomon's Temple hasn't existed since 70 AD? The Wailing Wall, the Kol Nidre oaths, the stupid black cube shit they wear on their heads, etc. have nothing to do with the Torah or with Abraham's faith. The Star of David has absolutely nothing to do with David, and there is zero archeological evidence to suggest that ancient Israelites ever used a hexagram as a symbol of their culture. The hexagram wasn't adopted by Jews until Meyer Rothschild popularized it.

Even the Bible predicts all this in Revelation 2:9 talking about the Jews who say they are Jews, but are not, and instead are the Synagogue of Satan. And the hexagram that modern kikes use is a perfect 666.

That's a cool list of heretics that are all burning in hell or are on their way.

The Bible explicitly condemns sorcery and witchcraft.

Lurianic kabbalah and Hinduism aren't all that different.

Eastern Orthodoxy, which is the oldest existing church in the world, is full of mysticism and magic, also meditation.

Orthodoxy is not the oldest branch of Christianity. Orthodoxy did not exist until Constantine hijacked Christianity in 313 AD. Christianity did not vanish between Jesus' death and the Roman Empire's conversion. There has always been a group of independent Christians that adhered strictly to the teachings of the Bible and shunned any official government-established church. They were persecuted, burned at the stake, and fed to the lions, but they were there.

Orthodoxy is loaded with eastern mysticism heresies just like the Catholic church is. None of that junk is accurate to the Bible.

Would you consider Augustine and John the Apostle hell-bound?

It's full of idolatry and false doctrines of men, none of that has anything to do with the bible

Absolutely agree, I wish more Christians knew this stuff. It's great to see proud Christians on this board but they have some learning to do when it comes to biblical doctrine.

Isn't there a verse that refers to Jesus (or some follower) being found in field meditating?

Note that I'm not arguing for christian mysticism or against it, I'm just curious.

Orthodoxy is Hellenestic and based on neoplatonic doctrines along with the teachings of Jesus. This is similar to Hinduism.

This is the true religion and orthodox Christianity is the closest the west still has to original Christianity. Maybe you can meet some Taoist or Vedantic guru but that doesn;t happen by chance. Roman Catholicism is degenerate these days but still not too bad.

The Jews have serious secret mystic power, but you have to be careful with this stuff or else like mentioned you end up like Crowley. I haven't seen much in Jewish history to lead me to say they haven't been corrupted. You absolutely do not want to attract the wrong 'powers'.

This is where you need Jesus and St Michael to help keep away the bad stuff and you need to be a fucking good person not looking for muh gold.

Tl;dr stick to Orthodox Christianity and do what they tell you.

Meditation is mentioned in the Bible, but Biblical meditation means studying and contemplating God's word. It has nothing to do with eastern mysticism-type meditation where you're opening your mind to absorb chi energies or whatever. The Bible says do not chant in vain repetitions as the heathens do.

If John the Apostle is on that list then I would consider that a mistake. Nothing in the Bible suggests he engaged in mysticism. John is said to be Jesus' favorite disciple, and Jesus hated sorcery and mysticism. The Bible doesn't make mistakes. Extrabiblical traditions from Catholicism or Orthodoxy that paint a different picture of John's later life is essentially just fanfiction and not trustworthy. The Bible is the sole authority.

As for Augustine, well, the man was full of heresies. He believed in infant baptism, that Mary remained a virgin (never mind that the Bible plainly states Jesus as having step-brothers and step-sisters), a works-based salvation rather than salvation through grace by faith. He also persecuted the Donatists, and the Donatists were among those people I mentioned that were in the early days the independent, Biblically-accurate Christians that were separate from the Roman church.

John the Apostle is not in hell, but Augustine is.

You sound like an absolute moron, why bother being a Christian if you're going to practice some stupid voodoo magic? Either believe on Christ and follow the bible or do your own thing, leave Christianity out of your twisted schizo individual beliefs.

Lol, good idiot believe that Christianity has not been changed in 2000 years believe that the Bible is exactly as Jesus would have wanted it.

go suck common filths dick you self hating christcuck
fuck off

I will do that, and you believe your stupid voodoo religion that has no place in reality, retard.

Did I say something wrong lmao

I find it hilarious people use the word kike as an insult for Jesus when the word comes as a slur for rabbinical Jews from the Jews refusing to make a t at ellis island because they hated Jesus.



Saved, I didn't know that.

'Love thy neighbour as thyself', not very Christian of you. Do ten hail marys and two our fathers and all is forgiven. Extra penance of your choice too.

You haven't even looked at a bible have you? Catholic doctrine is unfounded in scripture so don't give me the "catholics do it" line, Catholics do not represent biblical Christianity.

the donatists went around beating up people with clubs

Jews and Islam are satanist

good video OP

fits right in with the Left Hand Path Magic

its exactly what the Jews are into and people like Alister Crowley

The historian Dave Evans studied self-professed followers of the Left-Hand Path in the early 21st century, making several observations about their practices:

They often reject societal convention and the status quo, which some suggest is in a search for spiritual freedom. As a part of this, LHP followers embrace magical techniques that would traditionally be viewed as taboo, for instance using sex magic or embracing Satanic imagery.[1]:197 As Mogg Morgan wrote, the "breaking of taboos makes magic more potent and can lead to reintegration and liberation, [for example] the eating of meat in a vegetarian community can have the same liberating effect as anal intercourse in a sexually inhibited straight society."[5]
They often question religious or moral dogma, instead adhering to forms of personal anarchism.[1]:198
They often embrace sexuality and incorporate it into magical ritual.[1]:205

Kabbala is from 1200's

It was written by people in 'spirit trances' or as a Christian would say, possessed by demons.

Kabbalah began after some Jewish mystics read the Christian Bible and decided they needed their own version of the Revelation, so they repackaged it under a different name and sold it to Jews. Judaism and Christianity are always plagiarizing each other like that since neither religion existed until after the Jerusalem was BTFO by the Roman empire in ancient times. It's politics taken to the extreme, the appeal to the ultimate first cause of all life and all existence, as the basis for authority. These days, they're using science with the big bang theory and the theory of evolution, that is, since the books of Genesis and the Exodus are become trite. But whoever speaks on behalf of the ultimate first cause, they're the highest authority, no?

Gonna give some examples of mysticism in Orthodoxy or just keep spewing shit from your mouth?

Asceticism. The concept of monks living in a monastery where they are isolated, celibate, and do little else besides meditate and chant repetitious prayers.

None of this is in the Bible. This was all borrowed from Buddhism and Hinduism and other false eastern religions. Then atheists see this stuff and think it discredits Christianity because the shamanism predates the Bible, and they conclude that Christianity is just plagiarism and a fraud. The Bible says all men - including pastors - should be married to a woman and have families. Celibacy isn't necessarily a sin since Jesus and Paul were both celibate, but the Bible doesn't command you to live in total isolation away from the world. The Bible says to remain in the world (but not be of the world - that is, don't be caught up in materialism) and to preach the gospel.

Asceticism is load of holier-than-thou morons thinking their works are righteous and pleasing to God. God will be about as impressed with these monks as he was with Cain. Rather than just do what God said like his brother Abel did, Cain thought to offer to God his own works thinking it was a righteous offering. Needless to say that didn't exactly work out well for him. Just do what God (via the Bible being the only authority) says and you will be fine. All these other extrabiblical traditions are in vain.

I understand. When you said mysticism, my mind immediately jumped to magic and sorcery. My godfather is an Orthodox monk.

But I do think you have a bit of a misconception as to why they live an ascetic lifestyle. They don't consider themselves holier or more righteous than the average person. They live their lifestyle to try to be free of materialism so they aren't tempted to sin. However, they still do act like normal people in many aspects. My godfather still would crack a crude joke here or there and was always up to date with the Yankees baseball team. He even had a wife before she died of cancer and became a monk. Most monks do dabble in the normal lifestyle that we live in, but mostly retreat to their ascetic lifestyle to help resist the temptations of sin.

That's the gist of what I got from him about being a monk.

druidical Phoenician witchs tbh fam

It's a mixture of Egyptian, Phoenician, Chaldean and Babylon mysticism. The Jews fundamentally changed, originally having an Atenist derived form of monotheism that had the historical lore of the Semitic middle-east, after the constant subversion of Baalites and Phoenician intermarriage, then with time in Babylon they became what we know them to be today, where you see them being syncretic whores. The syncretism is why you know Freemasonry is of the same esoteric tradition, the tradition of no tradition i.e. universalism.

Yo hol up
People actually believe in meme magic?

The Phoenician link is serious. Homer believed the Phaeacians (an onomastic play on Phoenicians), to be closest peoples to gods next to the Achaeans. The strange and troubling thing is that most Phoenician history was utterly eradicated so we can never really know too much about them. What is even more strange and troubling is that the Jews went from being a simple bunch of sheep-shaggers to essentially taking on the role of the Phoenicians again, being expert traders etc. after the fall of Canaan.

My guess is that the Jews are not what we think they are, the schism between kabbalistic Sabbatean Jews and Torah Hebrews is quite distinct, whilst an uprooted people are always going to cause a problem due to being uprooted the psychotic nature of Judaism since Sabbatai Zevi has been remarkable, culminating in WWII. Not only was WWII a European civil war but it was the Sabbateans throwing the Torah Jews under the bus for the sake of their Zion. Using sacrifice and trauma as a form of magic. Literal human waste. In the UK some masons subscribed to the notion of "Aryan Phoenicianism" meaning they believed that the Phoenicians were the closest descendants of the original Aryans, obviously with Britain (or Barat) figuring quite heavily into the equation. I sincerely believe the Brits have been lead about by the nose historically in esoteric circles for centuries, perhaps even for millennia.

Magic is real bro, just read Hegel, Marx or Adorno.

Think of the phoenix, repeatedly bursting into flame and rising again from its ashes. The Phoenicians were renowned for being able to make a comeback after terrible losses, they were particularly known for being able to rebuild cities very quickly. Now think of an entire civilisation doing this, but transmutating into another one.

What if the Jews are the true Aryans. kek

I know this sounds mental, but hopefully this takes root in someone's brain, at least one, (I mean the part about civilisational rebirth).

the bible is the final redpill - all all matters - but especially on jews

it explains both their origin, and their end

jews really are the key factor to understand history: and the bible is the key factor to understanding them. they weren't into all this occult shit (at least, en masse) until they rejected god and had to then rely on iniquitous power.

so many pollacks get triggered over the judeo origins of the bible /christianity; "how could you follow a semetic cult?"
what they miss, however, is that christianity is in fact the most anti-semetic cult: and the foundation of our salvation, is the same justification for the jews' damnation (tl;dr replacement theology)

This thread filled in so many connections I needed.

Of note, looking at geneticists articles and they say Palestinians are most likely to descend from an actual Jewish line rather than the Ashkenazi.

There are 154,000 Christians in Israel, 80% of which are Palestinian (2009).

Fuck me could this be a reference to the 144,000 that are saved?

Right now they'd be at 123,200 Palestinian Christians which would be the original Jews who turned to Christ.

Again, is there any question as to where Cultural Marxism comes from?

Marxist "historical materialism" is merely a secularized version of Sabbatean-Frankist Lurianism. Marxists believe the coming of Messiah (aka communist revolution) is brought through their holy acts, and that Messiah will bring about a return to the primordial paradise (known as "tikkun"/restoration, which is identical to the Marxist concept of restoring the primitive communism) in which everything becomes unified after having been smashed and stratified (exactly parallel to Lurianism's "shattering of the vessels"). Marx himself came from a long line of kabbalists and there is no doubt his ancestors were Sabbateans. Furthermore, Frankfurt School writer and kabbalist Walter Benjamin recognized this and in his final "Theses" demanded that historical materialism go back to its kabbalistic roots in order to overcome the "economism" of Stalin. Did I mention Benjamin and Gershom Scholem were best friends and that Scholem even dedicated his first work on kabbalah to Benjamin?

Victor Zitta, Georg Lukács’ Marxism Alienation, Dialectics, Revolution: A Study in Utopia and Ideology.

Lukacs was explicitly antinomian and gnostic There is a tie in between the kabbalah, gnosticism and christian esotericism (particularly rosicrucianism and swabian mysticism) in the development of Marxism. All of it is millennialist.

Cultural Marxism is definitely specifically kabbalistic (though so was Hegelianism). In a way vanilla Marxism is like an inversion of kabbalistic idealism/nominalism with matter and the interpretation of material processes being the primary focus, in order to gain die Zauberworte that Hegel discussed as being required to gain historical dominance. CultMarx is the return to standard Jewish form. It's like they deliberately set out to create a dialectic.

Yes, Lukács was no doubt a satanist.

It's also telling how many of those kabbalistic ideas in Benjamin's Theses were later used by Adorno and Horkheimer in their works.

Nearly all Palestinian Christians are Eastern/Greek Orthodox or Roman Catholics.

Don't forget Herbert Marcuse and his Sabbatean leanings.

Keep this thread going.


Get in here faggots
Make Islam Great Again

Muslim master race is coming for you cucks

Islam and Protestantism are very close, yes.


Implying you don't worship a sorcerer called Jesus, who now is most likely a demonic spirit.

Oh come on you cucks, let's raid
It's their new home. They are trying use meme magic to make pisslam great again

This is verbatim what the pharisee kikes said and believed about Jesus, and is the reason why they remain a cursed people. Shalom.

Jews believe Jesus was crucified NOT for claiming to be the Messiah, but for performing sorcery and necromancy.


Benjamin's language theory was also entirely rooted in kabbalism.

Kabbalists believe G-d used language to create the world, and that G-d's creation is something ongoing which must be revealed. This is very much what the Deconstructionist believes, specifically that all human existence is nothing but a product of language, albeit all existing languages are inherently broken and arbitrary.

There is plenty of evidence to believe Political Correctness stems from this.

Isn't that a compilation of Pepe and Kek.
Is Holla Forums summoning their own demon?

As your new Messiash evident by the symbolic trips shown here, follow me into war with the Jew. Let us erase them and its evil once and for all.

I don't think it works that way m8.



Much of what Luther tried to do was remove the "Jewish" elements out of Christianity.

Yes. Look at halfchan Holla Forums.
Then you have been transported to a universe of damnation.

Yeah, and now my Lutheran church has potlucks for moslems and illegal mexicans to get free legal work, food and gibs.

There is no Jewish mysticism, there is other peoples mysticism which Jews half-assedly copied and use to obfuscate the goyim, but they don't take it seriously, they don't see the value in the esoteric, which is why they will ultimately be defeated by memes.

I have it here in PDF for you guys.

But a half-assed copy and warping of neo-platonists and gonstics. Gnostics believed God was knowable, just not via mundane means, you had to live an ascetic life of purity and self-discipline so you were worthy of attaining gnosis. Somehow kikes turned that into ritualistic buttsex for worldly power.

According to whom? The series of politically motivated councils that actually compiled the Bible. Or are you one of these Islamo-Protestants who thinks the Bible was delivered from Heaven in the beak of the Holy Spirit dove?

Sure thing, kiddo.

Exoteric Christianity is stupid, might as well make pacts with the devil because you're already fornicating with Babylon, worshiping at the worldly altar of Mammon and serving the Synagog of Satan. Your Bible is just a fallible book written by men, the actual Word of God is the Eternal Logos whose truth cannot be contained in any book or other construct or conceit of man. Deal with it you hubristic faggot.

Sorry, kiddo, Papism is a heresy, Patriarch of Rome was a co-equal until Leo IX decided he should be in charge of the whole shebang because muh heretical interpretation of the Gospel.

There wasn't even a Bible for the first several centuries of Christianity, hell the first Christian canon was developed by Marcion of Sinope and it contained none of the Judaic Old Testament.

So, yeah, you are one of those Protestant faggots who believes all of Christianity up until your particular sect came about in the 1600s or later was heresy. Yep, everybody believed wrong until you fags came along and your peasant preachers taught every one the true version of Christianity.

Scripture that didn't exist in a unified canonical form until Catholic and Orthodox councils decided it so, but the history of Christianity didn't start until your sect of Protestantism came along over 1600 years after the Resurrection. Totally plausible.

Dude, you are a bibliolator, you worship the Bible rather than God.

I don't know how you read that post and that chart and took away from it that I was a papist. Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism are all heresies.

Now I'm a protestant? Nope. I'm not protesting the Catholic Church. I want nothing to do with it. If you actually know the history of Christianity (look at that chart in my earlier post) then you'd know that there has always been a group of independent believers outside of any official government-established church.

Scripture existed before any councils decided on it. Genesis for instance was written down by Moses, and was passed down through the ages. The New Testament was written down within a lifetime of Jesus' death. These scriptures were copied several times over and passed out to various different churches, who then studied them and taught from them. and made more copies and passed those out to more churches. The KJV is based on these scriptures (otherwise known as the Textus Receptus). All the councils did was compile the scriptures into a single book.

The Bible is the Word of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God. I don't worship the physical, material book, I worship the spirit of it. That spirit is of God.


The KJV is based on the Textus Receptus, the majority received copied scriptures which date to antiquity, and can still be looked at today and compared to the KJV to see if it's accurate.

Hermeticism doesn't count!

Funny you should mention that, there's evidence to suggest that biblical Abraham, or at least some of the earliest patriarchs of the Hebrew people were Y-Haplogroup R1a Indo-Aryans that spread to the Levant, I'm assuming in the same way as how King Tut's line was also R1a.

Fucking kek. Religion-The.Weight.of.Three.Thousand.Years.pdf

if this is true kabbalah is pretty fucked up…


Listen to her carefully: academia is full of crypto-kabbalists.

FYI, "roots races" is an occult concept.


Yeah, he's always going on and on about how it's "not all jews" and the "good jews" are going to save us.

Total cuck.

No, he's obnoxious as fuck.

it goes further then you think, Europeans stem from cro magnon, our neanderthal dna is negligible

jews and Semites actually have way way way more neanderthal dna then Europeans

all Semites are the europeans ancient enemy

anti social, paranoid, ultra aggressive and tribalistic

if you took arabs, killed all their men over and over and over, had them interbreed as slaves with Europeans, the end result would be the modern passive aggressive jew

funny though, before arabs and Semites invaded north, ancient aryans had a peaceful society with poo in the loo ancestors and asians, both of which have legends about tall blonde blue eyes men teaching them martial arts and esoteric religion, so some asians are our natural allies

semites have always used negros as slaves and as biological weapons by the way

Occultist here. Forgive the long reply. You know Judaism derives its beliefs from older cultures. Satan in Judaism, for example, is a combination of Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian deities (most notably Apep, Set and Tiamat). But, the same is true about these "older" deities - they also come from older cultures. The point is that deities, demons and so forth are concepts found in nearly every society. The Jews took those foundational concepts and fit them to their own society and traditions. So, if you have a strong background in Judaism or are of Jewish descent, I believe Kabbalah would be a positive thing in your life. I suppose the same applies if you come from a Christian background, however you'd should stick to Christian Cabala. But if you come from some other background, or if you have no religious background at all, I would suggest studying/practicing something else.

So you're a believer in sola scriptura, then? How do you justify that belief?

Nice digits. I think, though, that you cannot go wrong with Hermeticism and the Western tradition.

You're fucking retarded.
The haplogroup of Aaron is J1 as demonstrated by testing the priestly class of the Jews (Cohens)

You are wrong. Jewish mysticism largely exists to give a mythic justification for their megalomania and narcissism by declaring the jewish people and their culture to be the cosmic foundation on which the world exists and that the most mundane thing a jew does is full of mystic significance. This element is not for the goyim at all which is why when jewish mysticism leaks into gentile esotericism people usually just discard most of the ideological core of it and keep only the trappings that jews had probably stolen from the gnostics and pagans.

^this, personally I think it is a group survival strategy. they're desperate to be seen as the origin of everything when instead they're desperately stealing culture from everyone else.

What do you think of Lurianism?

Orthodox Christianity is closer to the original Kristianity than other denominations, but Orthodox Church is full of Mammon worshipers, frauds and vipers. Also ex commie agents and "new monarchists" (which are exclusively kikes)


The Orthodox Church is the closest to the original Christianity. Surprise surprise, many of their rituals originate from Judaism.

i read the book of shahak in a hard copy in my language.
the pdf, with the exception of a few footnotes is the same, from what i saw.

Also, Scholem sounds highly suspicious.

Shahak still sounds like a hack.

but the historical facts and the rabbinic stuff i managed to see for myself checked out.
the kabbalah part, the one relevant to this thread, is something i could not verify for myself, but as i said, if what he says it's true it's pretty fucked up.

Can you give us the TL;DR version of what it says?

Meme magic is the most autistic thing Holla Forums has ever come up with, and that's saying quite a bit.

Great source.

I don't believe it, but it's infinitely more plausible than all the BS about Sabbataen-Frankists and "fallen jews".

Did you bother to listen for more than three seconds you raving autist? Rabbi Antelman explains the entire thing.

Okay, listen: do the Litvish (anti-Zionist, anti-kabbalah, anti-messianic) Jews cause the same trouble as the fallen Jews and Hasidics (messianic kabbalists) do? No.

In general that's called oral torah, which encompasses the Talmud, things which still haven't been written down, and the Kabbalah.


Is that you, Rabbi Keefe?

I'm not him.

Is that because you will easily become confused because you aren't used to the concepts? Or is it because you will have difficulty finding a teacher who is willing to teach someone outside their clan? It is supposedly difficult to learn Kabbalah correctly without a learned Orthodox Jewish tutor.

/r/ing that user's Aryan version of the Kaballah

that image isn't worth saving

He removed his videos. Too bad he did so before TJ could find them.

(That's him attacking the doctor.)

Found a mirror:

Patrick is crazy though.

The oldest writings in the new testament come from around 75 AD and the rest come from later. I am doubtful that the exploding population of Christians would have had much access to the Torah. As such, I believe that early Christians would have transmitted the gospels orally. They were mostly illiterate, so they most likely would not have had a concept of 'literal interpretation' either.

The idea of literal adherence to scripture is part of the co-opting of the radical Christian movement by the Roman state.

Fucking this.

i was going to re read bits of it to refresh my memory and i just found out that the link here

had been taken down.

sorry for the useless link…

Okay, because there's a lot of people online who claim the Zohar is "satanic" or "racist" without providing evidence…

Anything not from the bible is satanic. The evidence is in the bible.

t. average christian theologian

The Zohar is pretty much Judaism after dark. That's really all it amounts to.

Give the name of the book then.


The Abramelin working is infamous for its complexity and its requirements, that's why many later occultists tried to find forms to reach the same end (communion with your Holy Guardian Angel) with less effort.

I assume you've read it (and more important, understood it), right?

The Kabbalah is not, I repeat NOT, of Jewish origin, although Hebrew mystics certainly added a lot to it.

Kabbalah is a several generations removed degenerate perversion of the Kybalion.