Living in a nonfree world

So how do freetards deal with the fact PoS machines, phone switchboards, infrastructure controller firmware for things such as traffic lights, modern vehicle powertrain control module firmware, medical devices, automotive head unit software.etc all use nonfree software?

Hell, while we're at it, there's modern TV firmware, DVD/Blueray player firmware, some soda fountains with touch interfaces, information kiosks, digital camera firmware, firmware for devices plugged into your PC you might not even consider like HDD/SDD controller firmware

We take every bit of freedom we can get.

Having freedom takes EFFORT. That's why most people would rather be slaves.

Being truely free would mean having a shitload of money, but you can still be more free if not completely free.

eat clean, exercise, and drive defensively.

You cannot avoid using traffic lights unless you live in a very rural area, you can avoid using nonfree cars though by driving a motorcycle instead or using a bike

I live in a rural area. The closest traffic light i s 20 miles away. The only part that sucks is the slow as shit internet speeds.

and speaking of which, according to people I know who test drove modern Ford cars, they say the throttle response is fucking awful. Back in 2000 the ECU and TCU were very rudimentary and just controlled engine revs, gear switches, and fuel injection for fuel efficiency. But modern cars? Fuck no, now the ECU and TCU are a single computer, the powertrain control module, and it needs to control smog emission now, which adds a major layer of both complexity and thoughtput required just to open the throttle. Basically when you push on the gas pedal, the computer has to run through all these calculations and the engine needs to set itself to reduce smog emissions before you finally accelerate

tl;dr; you have to shell out for a sports/luxury car or get a motorcycle for a decent driving experience in this day and age. The days of the cheap and sporty 1st-7th gen Honda Civics are over


If I don't own the computer being proprietary is a different issue, because if the software were free I wouldn't have those four freedoms either. It's the owner's problem, not my problem.

I wouldn't have the freedom to modify the software traffic lights run even if the license were libre, and being libre wouldn't mean I can demand a copy of the software.

To argue with the modern TVs that I think the LG Smart TVs are fully gpl'd mit'd and mpl'd all the way through in terms of software it's running

I literally do not care about the four freedoms. I only want to see the code because once I do, I'm going to do whatever I want with it.

Unless you can replace the filmware or at least verify that it is running the free software it's not free

Jesus. You shills sure do love the nirvana fallacy, don't you?

Why would anybody care if that stuff isn't free? It doesn't need to be free. Unless I'm storing valuable data in there then it can be proprietary. It's not like I'm storing all my personal information and dogecoin private keys in my toaster or the traffic light control box.

avoid buying stuff, and use cash when you do. check your reciepts
bike. I bet, just like every other analog I've seen in software for the past 10 years, ECUs are complete bullshit, and other than that they probably put your life on the line for $$, regulatory compliance, and The Enviroment. most likely people are being killed by them much more often than is reported. all software errors are far underreported
avoid getting injured. hope you don't have any predisposition to something that makes you need one. make your own (ideally we'd be able to do that by the time we need it)

wtf kind of toaster do you have? are people in Holla Forums already using toasters with shitty-proprietary-linux-distro on them? wtf?

great, how do I remove everything from their TV and just make it play the HDMI signal?

No, you don't need an expensive-ass car to get a decent driving experience.

I drive a 2015 Corolla and the experience is light years away from what I had on my previous 2004 Civic. The engine is stronger and has a way better response, the handling is perfect, and the grip is rock solid to the point that I can take a corner at speeds that were daring on my 2004 Civic and outright dangerous on my old 1997 Pontiac Sunfire.

You might also want to get off your lazy fucking ass and learn to drive a manual transmission. In my country they're held as the "good" kind of transmission, the one that shows that you actually care about your car and your driving.

Of all things I'd imagine there would be a demand for open source voting machines.

What for if the government puts you in jail for pointing out failures.

I use cash
I use no phone
I have no car
I haven't gone to hospital in many time
I use no TV, no DVD
I haven't seen soda fountain in my life, or information kiosk, only in pictures.
Only I use computer, and I try to have all free, but I'm working on it.

how is what OP said any different from the "100% of servers" shit that freetards like to scream every chance they get?

Who fucking cares? Jesus fucking christ, you freetards are pic related.

Your computer and internet are "non-free" things. I guess you should stop using them now.

2016 Chevy Volt in Sport mode. No emissions to care about, 120KW right to the wheels instantly.

proprietary as FUCK though


I'm not the one bitching about the fact that expensively developed technology is proprietary. GM threw a ton of cash into the design of this thing, and it shows, Volts have shown zero battery degradation due to the proprietary battery cooling system, as opposed to the Leaf, which is a cheaply engineered POS that loses over half its range and regenerative braking by 150,000 miles. That said, Tesla opened up their charging system patents and nobody's biting, which is a shame because their charging system beats the shit out of the current open standards. Also I actually own said car and paid for it in cash because I have a well-paying job unlike the NEETs on this board.

Also, speaking of Tesla, there's a perfect example of a company using mostly open-source software to strip users of their freedoms. Everything is Linux-based, and they have SSH access into your car and can disable features at any time. Not even OnStar is that powerful.

The fear suddenly got real

Now the reality of that will be dumbass kids getting in to the car's open wifi and send the "lock doors" command.


I do appreciate some of Tesla's deeds, mainly because the industry will be forced to move forward with electric engines and alternative fuel sources, but they're still a company at the end of the day (and no one should expect otherwise) and there's also that sketchy NDA accusation (dunno about that, there needs to be more info). Still, my main concern will always be proper open standards, those guarantee customers (to a certain degree) that important features won't be exclusive to a particular vendor.


or getting older cars

>nobody insults him for being a brony
Here's your classic Holla Forums response:
"Go back to >>>/pone/ you fucking degenerate, please guzzle on a gallon of bleach too."

The invasion by Holla Forums has successfully slid the Overton Window :^)