Text editor of choice

What do you guys use for your text editor?
I used atom for a while but felt like it was too bulky,
I want to learn vim but it seems like a lot of work.
Also have any of you heard of slap, it seems alright.

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Emacs here. The main reason I use it is because I have to switch among several OSs and can't be bothered learning tools for each, Emacs is a wrapper around each OS. Almost everything I've looked for is there, email client, IRC/IM client, MUD client, lightweight markup langauge, text-mode Web browser, an equivalent for any feature I've bothered to look for in IDEs like Eclipse. Oh, and it also edits text.

Emacs: Slowly becoming it's own operating system

Atom, you're right, it is too bulky, but the bloat is worth it for me.

it only needs a kernel

It's pretty bad at editing text, thankfully there's evil mode.
Indeed, all it needs is its own kernel. Year of the Emacs/Hurd desktop when?

I like Vim. It's lightweight, extendable and really fast to write with. Requires some plugins and settings to personalize and help with larger projects though.

Some plugins I think I couldn't manage without when coding are:
- vim-ctrlspace
- Syntastic
- YouCompleteMe
- DelimitMate

vim, gedit, notepad++, notepad2, because they're already on my computers and they seem to be able to edit text to some extent

nano and notepadqq. Notepad++ if I'm ever using wangblows

Learning a new (decent) text editor is definitely a lot of work. But if you use it for more than just occasional edits, it will be a worthwhile investment.

Like the others, I too use emacs. I have to move around between too many computers, and it's very convenient to just carry the config directory with me, rather than install and configure a half dozen programs on every computer.

Since atm almost the only reason I edit text outside of shitposting is while writing C++ on Linux, I do all my editing in Juci++.

Moved from Sublime with vintage mode (still a great editor and would use again if I need to) to neovim exclusively, R8 my plugins:

Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' }Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'Plug 'scrooloose/syntastic'Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'Plug 'fatih/vim-go'Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'Plug 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'Plug 'zchee/deoplete-jedi'Plug 'ervandew/supertab'Plug 'guns/xterm-color-table.vim'Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'Plug 'Yggdroot/indentLine'


Emacs, because it can do everything I want. Writing your own extensions is a natural result of writing your own configuration. You have the result of decades of thousands of people adding features they needed, right at your command.

Vim has something similar going on, but its extension language evolved from an editing language, which is awful for writing complicated things. Emacs' extensibility is better.

When Vim can offer the excellent facilities of libclang and it's realtime AST and code analysis directly in the editor, then I'll consider it. Till then I'll stick with juci++. BTW, they are also planning to integrate Vim editing features directly in the textview.

It didn't take that long, and it's pretty much there

joocy m8

Am I the only person in the world who uses ed on Linux and sam on anything else


It's remarkable for an open source editor. The devs wisely just used libclang to offer code-completion and code analysis in real time. It's easily the equal of Visual Studio in that respect even in this early form. And as a small team they don't have to burden themselves with effectively having to create their own language parser and compiler. The Clang project has far more resources to throw at this problem than they ever will, and are practically guaranteed atp to stay current with the ISO standard too. Bright lads, and a win-win all around.

VS and Photoshop were two of my only final reasons for continuing to defile myself by using Wangblows. Now, with Juci++ and Krita 3, I'll never have to look back heh. Heh, even AD 0 is coming along nicely.

You can use emacs as init if you statically link it. Emacs/linux can be your operating system, if you'd like.

Calling something bloat doesn't stop it from being useful.

vim with a fuckload of plugins. It's basically an IDE at this point.

jed, or we if I'm doing something simple


Learning Vim is like learning a language: start with the included tutorial (type vimtutor in your terminal) and learn basic competence. From there on it is all about practice, keep using it, read tips and slowly find the settings you personally like. Don't copy-paste someone's vimrc file (the settings file), a vimrc is something you have to build yourself over time and finetune it to your personal needs.

If you want auto-completion there is clang_complete or deoplete-clang if you want it to be asynchronous:
There is a very good reason why these features are plugins and not built into the editor directly: in Emacs you can add anything to the editor without recompiling or bloating the code of the editor itself, instead you have a set of core functionalities and drive them via a scripting language. In vi on the other hand every feature had to be coded into vi itself. Vanilla vi is a nice general-purpose text editor, but the more you add to it directly, the more specialised it becomes.

Vim (and Neovim) has an extension language like Emacs which allow one to add any domain specific feature you want without bogging down the editor code itself. So if you have your awesome language that can use all these cool libraries but only five people in the world use it you can just write a plugin and load it from Vim.>I want to learn vim but it seems like a lot of work.

Yeah, they've built an entirely separate support library libclangmm which they currently link into the project. When they adopt a plugin architecture to support Vim ala Neovim, then I'm pretty sure they will move libclangmm use into that same framework for support. Even if they don't it would be pretty straightforward to do so at that time regardless.


I do something feel a little bit ashamed of using this.

...no bully pls


if it works you learned vim well enough to use it, if not you cocked around on a nifty html5 game for a few hours.

other than that grab a plugin manager and fuck around grabbing vim plugins off github till you get it set up how you like.


in what universe is this a reasonable expectation

the Holla Forums universe motherfucker now go install emacs

I use IntelliJ IDEs most of the time for work, vim at home for ricing config files and other useless shit.

Has a paywall almost instantly, just use vimtutor

70% of vim users these days have it running in iTerm on their macbooks with a 1k SLOC vimrc, 300 plugins written in javascript, and they tell everyone they know about it.

Still a good program though, and useful to learn if you SSH into servers and get nothing else to edit with.

just get back to work normalfag

There's nothing better for handling horrible codebases. And i don't give a shit if i could theoretically recreate the functionality with a gazillion plugins. I want to

and whatever kind of function i'll need tomorrow, this bloated monstrosity will have it.

You can do literally all of that with vim and terminals though

Read my first line. 3 days spent setting that up is 3 days too many. There's no disadvantage to IDEs except for making RMS sad.

the lightweight one made in node.js and webkit/webgl.

you cannot. i've used intellij for years, along with emacs & vim for years. nothing comes close to intellij for handling "enterprise" java codebases. you self-righteous faggots can keep preaching, but when the everyday man wants to get payed, intellij is there best bet


I've used vim and emacs for years. I can't stand emacs, I've tried to learn to love it for a very long time, but so many things shit me to tears about it. I use vim out of habit, because its everywhere, but I don't particularly love it either.

At the moment I use vim and geany, but keep an eye on sublime text, VSCode & Atom.

If sublime was opensource it would be my main editor

Can you name a few?

gedit for general shit like todo lists , atom for coding.

I used vim for a couple of years, but some irc dude recommended emacs. So i switched. After getting used to emacs, it reveals its greatness.
Still use evil-mode when I feel like it, because emacs seems shit at text editing.
E.g. copying a line in vim is "esc Y" or "esc yy" (for autismos: if you're in insert mode ofc, if in normal mode it would be just Y or yy. If youd want to go back to insert mode you should type i or a or o or whereever the fuck you want to reenter insert mode. But why want that with a yanked line doing nothing now?), while in emacs its "C-a C-Space C-n alt-w" (c-a is beginning of line, c-space makes emacs selecting text, c-n is new line, alt-w is copy)
I do like C-l (lower L) a lot & i like the fact that it doesnt really have modes like vim. Hitting esc to go back after a sec to insert mode is something i loath. Ofc theres C-o for fast command use, but who the fuck uses such badly allocated keys to do something a remap like jj can also do but doesnt cap you in command use. Another problem that i have with C-o a lot is that i first have to go to the correct spot where i want some shit, which sucks dick, because moving around in insert mode sucks dick.
Some thing that fucking disgusts me in emacs is when autocompletion hooks in on my typing & im at the end of the document, the lines keep growing & shrinking. Havent looked it up yet, but its annoying as fuck.
Vim keybindings is masterrace, but if i should choose between emacs & vim id go for emacs. Its an OS, but its fucking fast & buffer listing & seitching is less annoying than with vim. Tabs are unnecessary. I also like that everyrhing is a command. Makes shit highly customizable.
With vim the work is done for you, with emacs you need to put some work in to make it a text editor

vim and neovim, it is perfection once you get your config down

yeah, that's probably the best reason right there to master vi or vim. tmux is great for server mgmt as well.


Emacs has an excellent system for editing remote files over ssh without Emacs on the other side.

Enjoy carpal tunnel you qwerty pleb!

Bring it in fellow edbro.

Try 'inoremap kj ', that way you can use kj instead of ESC to exit insert mode. I find that much easier to type than to reach over to the ESC key and kj never appears in any text, so it's pretty safe. I don't really get the problem with C-o, it's intended to be as a one-shot key. If you spend too much time in insert mode you are using vi keys the wrong way.

insert a kernel in it and it will become one

it already is pid1 so its a matter of time until it can live alone

Emacs/Linux when?

Ctrl-C takes you out of insert mode already so there's no need to remap it

gedit/nano/whatever for text.
Usually visual studio or jetbrains stuff for code, as I'll happily ignore all principles if I'm getting paid.

Fucking lol! Emacs is a great text editor, except for the fact that it seems shit at text editing!

Is this the first time you read the most common text editor joke on the internet?

>Emacs/LinuxHurd when?

It's not a joke, it is the reality of using emacs

Not quite. The defining quality of Emacs is how customizable and extensible it is. if you don't like the default editing style you can replace it, and it won't stop being Emacs - it's exactly because it's Emacs that you can change that editing style.

I use mp.



you could also use Neomake, which uses asynchronous job control.

is it any better than airline?

seem cool, but also not really feasible for me to remember all these keybindings..

Is there any point to these language plugins if the language already has syntax highlighting?

oh wait, you're a python programmer, ok

why don't you just add a line to your vimrc to call deoplete?


Don't you mean DHTN?


I find kj easier to type and exiting insert-mode is something I do very frequently. The pinky is the weakest of all typing fingers, so you want to use the CTRL key as little as possible.

No thanks, I prefer programs that will be finished in my lifetime.

Not that user, but I have some points to make:
I like how lightline give you just a framework and you customize it yourself. Airline feels too much like "just add water" where doing what the author intended is dead-simple, but doing something out of the ordinary is a pain in the ass

Depends. Usually language plugins included with Vim are not the latest version. Other times they also include things like omnicompletion functions, although personally I don't like it when a plugin does too many jobs at once. That's too close to trying to turn Vim into an IDE or Emacs.

This should happen, I'm dead serious, I'll look into it when I have the time


setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps

And what do you click on Capslock with? Yea

I already have caps-lock mapped to ctrl, I never use caps-lock anyway. But please tell me what finger you use to reach caps-lock, because that's exactly the problem I'm having.

Its like you want an inferior text editing experience.

Slackware comes with elvis. A plain old vi clone.

By not running Vim, I never have to see that "Help poor children in Uganda" bullshit.
Feels good man.

I've been trying out Atom for the past 3 weeks and bulky is exactly the right term for it.

Even on my i7 it's slow as fuck, it's quite buggy and shits itself regularly, and even though it should be easy to customize given it's all js, html, css, well it isn't any easier than emacs even though I don't know ELisp nearly as well as I know JS.
The fact that the keybindings file is just json makes it unnecessarily tedious to add custom functionality, whereas with Emacs I can put the function and its bindings next to each other (or even directly inline with a lambda).

Don't waste your time with it.
I'm going back to Spacemacs even though it too has a lot of kinks of its own.



The question is, can emacs be used as a musical instrument?

You sure can.

Neovim vs Spacemacs, you can pick only one. Which do you choose?

Spacemacs. Neovim is good, but it can't catch up with the level of possibilities Emacs and Spacemacs offer.

But since it's not open source, you can use a cracked version and not feel guilty. There's tables of hex values to flip that'll give it an unlimited license.

Why haven't we spammed RMS's e-mail requesting this yet?

I just started using this and I have to say it's dope as fuck. It's so god damn lightweight and fast.


dude you would be better hammering your bits directly into the RAM itself



Nano liberated itself from the GNU overlords. Just to be able to host the source code on a proprietary site. May GNU/emacs destroy them.


Do you have more information? I can see they're no longer part of GNU, but nothing about their reasons.
