I think my GF is a slut, she just sent me this.
I think my GF is a slut, she just sent me this
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I told her to crop my dick out
Anymore pictures of your dick?
That's a bitching mankini.
which one is the dick
got this one
Glad my dick looks normal.
That fucker look like the end of a Vienna wiener
It looks to me like your girlfriend is well hung. Who is her friend underneath?
I don't see the problem. It looks like a fairly standard uncut dick to me.
How the fuck is it normal to be erected and still have your head covered in skin?
That dick looks at least partially flaccid to me.
if your complaining your GF's a slut
I have bad news for you user
……your gheyyyyy
I think she just confirmed that thought.
Face it she is better off with him anyway..
Silly Jew
tips are for dicks.
Thats right, defend your snuffaluffagus dick
Oh my fucking god, do we really need to have a circumsized vs uncircumsized discussion again for the millionth time this year? I mean seriously how many times do we need to have the same conversation before people get tired of this? There will always be those who support one side and those who support the other. Nobody fucking cares. Why can't we just focus on the thread, nobody fucking cares about circumcision. At least half of any penis related threads end up talking about this and its the most annoying fucking thing ever, give it a break and fucking get over yourselves.
maybe you should stop posting on here you fucking queen
There never is any discussion you retard, there's only ever shitflinging and nobody walks away thinking differently
learn to read moron
Slut , by definition, means she gets around with anyone and everyone.
found the faggot.
They're all too insecure and think they have the wrong one so they have to fight so they don't feel bad about their dicks. Too bad no girl wants the dick from anyone who comes here anyway except retarded girls.
That's got to be the longest forskin I have ever seen.
holy shit, so silky smooth, Looks like a sensitive piece of sexual stimulation instead of a ramming rod when it is uncut.
Does it look like that guy is shocked that Problem-Glasses man is trying to snake a finger up his ass?
another slut
Nah, they're just hanging out.
Doesn't mean anything.
Oh, thank you for reinforcing the doubts of my paranoia of my girl cheating on me, but not so much my true deepest desires of watching her being fucked by someone more alpha than me.
Hold on there, big boy. Just because his penis is out in the open, does not mean he's trying to have intercourse with her.
Not all men are like that, bigot.