Post the deepest, darkest, and most fucked things you have
Post the deepest, darkest, and most fucked things you have
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i have a katana and iam not afraid to use it
This is the most disturbing thing I could find.
A Russian who tricks boys into hanging themselves and masturbates to their dead bodies.
Why do I always click those link?
It's like I want to go to jail.
I'm not gonna post my anus, OP.
I don't know what is more disgusting that vid or the idea of Trump as president.
Will not connect.
What kind of game?
scan drivers license to continue…
You really are an idiot.
I am sure you are used to it.
Nigger rapes dudes wife n gets tortured
It really is upsetting that so many mentally and moral deficient people exist and they are supporting Trump'.
The rapist deserved to die lol
Niggers getting tortured by niggers.
What else is new?
Most fucked up thing I have ever seen
Still, juicy.
/r/ing more torture
This was poorly written/translated but the video didn't really shed light on how this went on either.
Dude must've had a real talent anyway.
That's original
Posting that is against the rules. Sorry.
reached level 100 woodcutting in runescape
yeah, but at least i dont have to admit that i also did it for smithing mining agility and dungeoneering. or that i was rebirth 2 on legend of martial arts, and started a petition to bring it back or that i made pic related #1 or that i have a deviantart or that im top 1% hard mode score on cytus or that pic related 2 is "my artwork" or that i spilled the spaghetti with pic related 3 AND 4 or that i made pheldaraffe
I've seen this around and I never saw the story behind it, I know what to do if anyone ever rapes one of my friends/family
just kidding i dont have any friends
a little more editing and you just descried the 21 centaury
I look at it this way. The United States has devolved to a "choice" between a deeply corrupt, ethically bankrupt political dynast (Clinton) and an egotistical crony capitalist with very little charisma and very little intelligence (Trump). The system is intentionally rigged to prevent any third-party candidate from ever being able to secure the presidency. Things are so broken that voting for the person who's more likely to cause serious damage to the system isn't actually anywhere near as illogical.
Clinton has no intention of shaking anything up. Voting for her will be America, Business As Usual: corrupt lobbyists, crony capitalism, insincere political correctness in the name of currying favour. Despite painting Trump as a racist, she'll do nothing that will actually fix the social issues plaguing America's minorities. She won't disrupt the plutocrats that are fleecing America's poor and destroying its middle class. She's Wall Street's president. She has no intention of making waves. Nothing will change.
Trump has every intention of shaking everything up. He'll a complete moron and he'll ruin the country in the process, but to a lot of people, negative change is still better than the status quo.
If the only choice is "allow America to continue as it is" or "initiate its collapse," the latter might actually be the logical choice, assuming you think something better can be built in the rubble that Trump's presidency will leave.