Proof your and oldfag.
Proof your and oldfag
this is now a statler and waldorf thread.
See the guy with an afro?
That's me! I was fucking there man
you're part of the cancer that killed Holla Forums.
4chan/b/ yes
It deserved to die
but it still hasn't.
it will never die
m00t selling out killed it
Its not the same as it ever was. Its mostly kids who are too young to remember the history of the place. Then redditors, then normies.
It'll stay up and keep getting posts, but its always going to be shit now. Its moderated confusingly, it's mostly porn, and the rest is copy paste thereads. So honestly, there won't ever be a good reason to head back.
I didn't keep files from 12 years ago.
1000 internets for you good sir!
Moot is young enough to sodomize in that photo.
Football is srs business
glorious cripplefag, the high water mark of fullchan
There we go.
Whatever happen to based swatcity?
Did anyone ever write bankanon?
Can we post nirvana albums again?
We should go back to a text only board.
I miss BO