R8 my daughter

r8 my daughter

Post moar

9/10… impregnatable. Therefore, acceptable.



shes cute, please dont rape her and fuck her up



Alright, except he dad is an asshole for posting her pic on "b"


with friend



See no tripfags, hear no tripfags, etc.
She's cute, I'd love to meet her.

She seems like a sweetheart. Hope her parents treat her lovingly, with kindness, care and respect.



This pretty much, I know I will, I hope OP does too.

She's cute but looks a bit brown in some of these photos. If she has any non white ancestry whatsoever she's an immediate 0/10.

sorry to inform your. but shes a very famous child model

doesn't mean her parent don't love her ;_;


I don't think she wanted to be famous

low resolution picture, can't see a shit and too poor to go to optics and buy glasses

but glad there're programs that can resize it to bigger so i can see

let's see… looks like she can use phones so she must be techy, 4/10

Better off without you.

To prevent girls from developing into braying raped yes men for cowards they should be raised elsewhere. Maybe by left material. Filtered through women.

Men make things for women. When women tire of them they pass them onto girls. Girls can grow to better things. What women don't like discarded and repaired. Same for girls. Women discards improved until they aren't thrown away. Same things being improved repeatedly. Things including places.

Ageless girls/women the same, just seperated, maybe one likig what the other doesn't. Repaired improved things given to the other afterward. Know males by their constructs and males by female choices.


