Muslim immigrants stone several piglets to death and mutilate another with wooden stake.
I thought the left hated animal abuse?
Muslim immigrants stone several piglets to death and mutilate another with wooden stake.
I thought the left hated animal abuse?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's their culture you fucking bigot. Reported.
Is what I would say, were a Redditor
the beauty of the multicultural world.
they hate themselves more, so anything a shitskin does is alright by them
That sort of shit is just going to get worse. Sand niggers just acting like niggers in public.
We must get the vegan animalists to co ona crusade to defend the pork.
If we meme it, it can happen.
Oh and here's the original (Danish language) article
Instead of doing anything to the migrants who din du nuffin, they authorities made the farm protect the pigs and then remove them once they could no longer keep the pigs safe from the subhumans.
Great culture and government.
When is europe going to do something about their mass extinction that is looming over them?
Why not remove kebab?
Nice digits.
I hope someone coated their bullets or knife in the piglets' blood in preparation for the next time a refugee attempts to rob them.
The worst part is that those pigs were probably more intelligent than the muslims who killed them.
How the old boar would grunt if he knew how the little piglets suffered.
So, these sand niggers can decide what people can and cannot own, without a single vote or property right in said land? Fuck this.
Muslims should drown in a sea of pig blood.
Why aren't these brutes being killed? I just don't get how an ENTIRE country can be so cucked to the point where not a single person dares to rise up and stab a fucking shitskin
Bread and Games to keep us in a comfort zone, Drugs to keep our instinctual responses in check, the police and Antifa to hurt us if we protest,
The NATO-USA army to kill us if we resist.
I support these actions, pigs are disgusting
I didn't hear about this in the danish media.
suidae are some of the most adaptable and intelligent omnivores on planet earth, they were revered in ancient indo-european societies up until the christian era as extremely brave and fatal warriors. boars will fight a losing battle to prove a point, they have almost no fear and are incredibly dangerous. show pigs some respect. the celts venerated the boar as a totem of taranis and hercules defeated the eurythmian boar as one of his ten trials.
plus pigs are always comfy
thats like cp for them
sick fucks
sub-human detected, kill yourself
they removed the wrong animals
boar piglets are so comfy.
And sheeeit, would've never suspected a sow with a litter could be so human-friendly.
Europeans becoming beast masters again when?
Check your priviledge
You're fucking retarded bro. Pigs are more intelligent than dogs, and cleaner too. If they didn't taste so damn good we'd probably keep them as pets instead of livestock.
I thought the muslims viewed them as some divine creature or some shit. So they refuse to eat them, but they're fine getting their hands and clothes dirty in pig blood slaughtering them?
lol no
No, muzzies see pigs as unclean. They refuse to eat pigs for the same reason civilized people refuse to eat bugs.
They also hate dogs.
We need another Inquisition
Are you fucking kidding me? How new are you?
4 hours later…
I'm sorry user, I don't study sub-human all too often.
You keep using that word user…
well they seem to like abusing animals in general (and fucking them) even though they don't happen to be "unclean"
there are multiple cases of cats being abused and having to be put down after being taken by refugees here in finland
how do we know of this you ask? they film it and put it on facebook
they shall be avenged.
maybe the bodies of the fallen piglets could be taken into the local mosque so that they can have a religious send off :^)
What? Of pigs?
but guess who's gonna defend them?
Animal cruelty always gets me, especially at the hands of these subhuman cretins.
Has.. has anyone seen Josh user? Cause I haven't seen him around lately…
Fair enough. Ironic lulz would ensue ofc, if the left actually got their way in this 100%
They no joke try and genocide dogs in certain countries.
And the reason is because somewhere in their book the word "dog" was used as an insult at somebody.
What a waste. If they were the least bit civilized, they would have just eaten the piglet.
Minn svartr.
Into the ormgarth with the gibbering sandrats responsible.
Care to share it with pol and your friends to redpill?
Put a barbarian in modern day clothes, clean their hair up, and knowledge of your country and infrastructure; You just have a barbarian that knows how to take down your country better.
– Michel Houellebecq
sleep tight oinkers
Animal abuse, Women abuse, Homo abuse, Tranny abuse,
How much more does the left have to contradict themselves until they stop asskissing these fucks
Literally smarter than some many kebabs.
I went into the video expecting cute pigs and comfy, you didn't mention the feels.
I hate these fucking mudslimes.
Youre thinking of Pajeet in the shitting streets with cows
its from 2013, old story
How is "eating like a pig" a phrase?
This fellow actually chews pretty thoroughly before swallowing. More thoroughly than most people I know.
B-but Bacon user.
Despicable. Only shitskins.
No, user. Muslims are extremely radical, far-right pedophiles, but because they have shit skin, they are protected 100%.
Why would anyone hurt a pig??
They're smart, cute, they taste good, why hurt them?
Literally until they die.
>they taste fucking GREAT
ftfy user.
It's true. Pigs are smart and cute, but goddamn do they taste good.
Most of the stereotypes we have of pigs come from the way pig farmers have historically treated their pigs. We associate pigs with gluttony because farmers would overfeed their pigs to make them fatter. We associate pigs with filth because farmers just didn't give a shit and never bothered cleaning the pig sties. Pigs actually prefer to be clean and only cover themselves in mud as a way to shield their skin from the sun. As for the eating, pigs really aren't too different from most animals in that regard, as most animals will eat everything you put in their bowls and be either fat or healthy as you feed them.
So the rumors I heard are true. Holla Forums is literally being cuckolded by SJWtards.
Sad day tbh lads smh.
Shit damnit. Masa wouldn't have died if not for that camera crew. When you teach an animal that humans can be a source of food and affection, that animal is going to approach humans without fear. In a world where hunters exist, that's a death sentence.
Ahmed pls go.
K is for Koranimal
How is this news worth ?
They're coming for the dogs next. I think that may be the final straw.
since they're the only sandniggers who can use internet and be comfortable without worrying about blowing up every day.
Kill yourselves and/or go back to reddit tbh
Would you say they're–dirty animals?
hi moshe
Did they kill pigs or did they kill BOARS???
Because FUCK BOARS. Those things are pests and are regularly shot on site in the US.
this would be better if it said, "when life gives you arabs" but it still works.
You forgot turkroaches
I hope these boys receive the same future as the ones they just killed
except for the turned into bacon bit
Pigs are extremely useful. They were used for clearing a plot of land before plowing it since they'll eat up all the crop's competition (other plants) and dig up the land as well, also they add manure/fertilizer to the land. Best part is being able to eat their tasty flesh.
I was thinking the same thing.
Sure, it's cute and all, but it's hardly a "natural" life for a boar if they're handling the litter and feeding them. Poor guys were doomed from the start.
Or, get this kid.. You're wrong.
Pigs eat anything you offer them, they will down anything short of metal and they're naturally husky fat looking animals. Hence eating like a pig.
Yeah, that seems about accurate.
they're the same thing. pigs that escape into the wild quickly become feral. and these were piglets.
dont let all these people who've never seen a pig turn fool you, they can be vicious after their hide thickens and they grow tusks.
and the article clearly says piglets.
while its true animals gorge themselves on food for survival purposes, pigs wont just each niche things. Pigs will eat anything and everything they can put their mouth on.
Including pork. Delicious pork.
This. Only goats are more prone to eat any.effing.thing. than pigs. They are also nasty, and will make no effort to avoid wallowing in their own shit.
Even dogs are more cleanly.
Sleep tight, porker!
Problem sir?
yeah, feral hogs are fucking vicious assholes. you also aren't goin to kill feral hoggs by stoning them or hitting them with a piece of wood.
there are crazy fucks who spear hunt boar, but fuck that.
Every time i see pictures like these, id automaticly
think of that disgusting shovel-dog vid.
Kinda really sucks.
Holla Forums pls. Achmed and his little buddies couldn't handle us.
I support this remark.
When animals are killed for the intent of producing food, the ones that kill them normally murder them in a merciful way, these faggots fucking tortured them and gave them a slow, painful death.
Fucking vegan cuck.
ITT retards that have never been to a slaughterhouse
Fact of the matter is that your pet Muslims and jews slash the throats of animals and let them writhe in pain until their dead.
Go bitch at a place that they congregate. Oh wait, that's racist right? Fuck you.
look at all the retarded fallacies you keep spewing and see how embarrassing you sound
Children, please
Wow that is so tolerant, I'm sure the Danish are pleased to have other cultures enriching them.
To be fair, Muslims killing pigs is just animal on animal crime.
Poor little oinkers though. Fuck muds.
Never fails. The last resort of a cuck that has been cornered and has nothing left.
I guess I'm done with you then. Have an adequate day, faggot.
cats are the worst for me, I can't even go into some family members homes because it's so thick with the shit.
go in for two minutes, clogged up for two days. shit isn't worth it.
Sleep tight porker.
I understand. Brother had a cat so I couldn't go visit him and the wife like ever, even when they vacuum the place. One hair and I'm fucked.
I thought mudslimes didn't dare to go near pigs?
They stoned them from afar.
Thats pretty redundant. You can just say humans.
Animals are the livestock of humans. They should always be reminded of that.
Libshits always end up destroying whatever they touch.
The fact that Muslims hate dogs really just seals the deal with me.
Porker doesn't like animu weeb shit.
Enjoy your nightmares.
I have always wondered that if the bathtub in the second gif is toilet or a baby bathtub. Probably the latter but Im not sure.
Only domestic pigs do that.
And? Was that a slaughter house to you?
That was on the same level of going to people's farms and kill their cows.
Only shitskins do that.
Let's be honest, pal: You have no idea what Porker thinks about anime. Besides, even if Porker didn't like anime, he would probably make an exception for Youmu Konpaku (for reasons that should be obvious).
Dogs are tasty too.
Have an old classic from /new/.
ehh never felt bad about eating pigs, treating them badly sure, but not eating them. I reckon they'd happily do the same to us if they could
pigs will eat humans especially dead humans, they are super adaptable. feral pigs can kill you very easily if you are unarmed and stupid around them.
I love eating pigs but I respect them and they are probably my favorite animal
the dog and the pig are probably man's best friends. its too bad we couldn't train pigs to pick cotton in the south, they usually have better personalities than blacks
That's from deviantart you shitforbrains.
sleep tight porker :c
Moslem genocide fucking when?
To harvest their delicious bacon.
If you're hurting your animal to harvest it for food, you're a fuck up. An animal in pain has meat that tastes terrible. A quick blow to the head dispatches it painlessly, makes the meat taste better, and pisses off both muslims and jews who insist their animals must suffer in order to be kosher/halal.
poor piglets. Even if you do so for food this is just barbaric and cruel. You make it as quick as you can if you must kill. That is the difference between a man and an animal.
sleep tight porker
“They were our most popular animals for most visitors. And we were happy to be able to show how the pigs could live a natural life, “he says and adds that also rabbits, chickens, lambs and sheep have been abused.
MIDF detected
There's a faucet in the back, so sink.
sleep tight porker
Does anyone remember the boar meme-banner we were making for Holla Forums/WhiteNationalism? We even managed to meme a pack of feral pigs in Constantinople with it.
I don't get Muslims they seem to be incapable of behaving like normal people. Same with Jews really where all those kikes in Jew York slaughtered a bunch of chickens.
Go fuck yourself, Gurmeet
Welp, not anymore…
I see no fallacies there, Mehmet.
sleep tight porker
Don't feel bad about it. Mudslimes hate dogs too.
sleep tight, porker
Fucking disgusting muslim pieces of shit. Pigs are top tier animals. All the more reason to remove all kebab.
These are strangely relaxing.
Sinks are pigs' one weakness.
/Comfy/ Boars
Is it possible lads to farm pigs in a good environment? Without needing factory farming and to still be competitive?
in the old days you would put pigs in your fallow fields to turn the pasture and shit all over the place to fertilize it, you would then eat the old fat pigs during the winter. factory farming pigs for meat is kind of a industrialized world type thing
at least this is what they did in burgerica with piggies
I fucking love burgers tbh, but only homemade and on the grill, gotta rub them with cayenne and brown suger and squirt some lime on them
You should know, in the Balkans t*rks eat pork like mad when they get the chance.
serial killers always kill animals first
Pig looked like he enjoyed the hell out of that.
Every dog I've seen eat just swallows the shit as fast as they can,it's like why should I give you good food if you're not even gonna taste it.
pigs might be smarter than dogs,they probably taste better too.
They definitely do. Ever have horsemeat? Protip: If you went to a public school in Burgerland and ate cafeteria food, then you have. Kinda like that.
You should try dog's meat, even better.
It's fucking hard man, I love these animals way too much. I legit wish I could go vegetarian if it wasn't for the fact I need fuck tons of protein everyday.
You will need a lot of herbs and a very high fat tolerance.
And beer. Lot of beer.
Now that's pathological altruism.
Horse sausage > pork sausage
sleep tight porker
hey man I do eat wild pig, as they're pests all throughout the U.S.
But again I just don't care about harming life in general, only in the need for survival will I harm another thing.
touhou is not an anime you retard
sleep tight porker
I'd rather have piggies than mudshits.
Cuck central. I want to blame the police but know they are only acting under orders. Maybe they will become sick of this injustice and be ground zero of the day of the rope.
Semites and niggers are subhuman. They are literally a different species to us, lacking in higher intelligence, empathy, and gratitude, as well as long term planning ability.
A mark of a man's character is how he treats animals.
Just kill the muslims and give their corpses to the pigs.
sleep tight, porker
Nice D&C shilling. It'd be a shame if someone were to post clips from Legend of the Galactic Heroes, wouldn't it?
sleep tight porker
sleep tight porker
Pigs will be able to replace up to 75% of all Indian tech workers within the next three decades.
Save this post.
They are not great house pets, regardless. They are very territorial and needy.
You haven't been to Reddit in a while, have you?