why is he doing this?
why is he doing this?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's going to be the most entertaining president in U.S. History isn't he?
what are You doing nigger
the irony
he even looks like Patton
That's from yesterday.
Please stop making a thread everytime god emperor tweets, you faggots.
Patton: "It was here. The battlefield was here. The Carthaginians defending the city were attacked by three Roman Legions. Carthaginians were proud and brave but they couldn't hold. They were massacred. Arab women stripped them of their tunics and their swords and lances. The soldiers lay naked in the sun, two thousand years ago; and I was here."
You don't believe me, do you Brad? You know what the poet said,
'Through the travail of ages,
midst the pomp and toils of war,
have I fought and strove and perished,
countless times among the stars.
As if through a glass and darkly,
the age old strife I see,
when I fought in many guises and many names,
but always me.'"
Patton: "Do you know who the poet was?"
Bradley [Smiles slightly and shakes his head, no.]
Patton: "Me."
He's only saying that because Obama was at Hiroshima apologizing, while Japs never apologized for Pearl Harbor
80 cities were fire bombed throughout Europe and Japan. What makes these two cities more important than 80 cities?
Well that makes perfect sense then. I figured it was a swipe at Obama for being too weak.
What's MDW
What's with the whole deal with Pearl Harbor anyway? Only a few thousand lives were lost: I hate to say this, but that's not a big number in WW2. If surprise attacks are the most heinous thing in existence, what explains the American blockade of Cuba before the declaration of war between America and Spain?
Is having your country destroyed and turned into a client state not good enough?
It's been exaggerated via propaganda. Besides, the weight of the Pearl Harbor attack is the ships lost, not the lives.
On the contrary, I think Obama is deliberating this to try and weaken Japan-US relations. Hopefully Trump does the right thing and just fucking annex the country for fucks sake.
*2400 dead
Too bad he didn't have room for that at the end.
I'm a Trump supporter, but being mad at Japan over Pearl Harbor after we nuked them twice is silly.
We killed mostly citizens and they killed mostly soldiers.
They literally plead for protection from china, they need us and we'll soon need them.
Fuck sake.
Not only what said, but the Emperor went to Patton to present his apology, and was not allowed to see him.
No, he will be better than that.
I don't see how throwing US allies under the bus is going to help him get presidency
Japan is already getting buddy buddy with Russia. you can only take so much nigger rape and UN shaming before you start looking for alternatives
America:The Land of Dindu Nuffin
Very important point. Pearl Harbor was a valid military target, whereas Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Tokyo were not.
The problem isn't japan, it's traitors who keep bending over and lamenting the nukings.
Japan was a foreign imperialistic power who committed a treachorous attack on America and countless atrocities.
You're talking like any of that was a bad thing.
What a joke.
Fuck sake, Trump should be criticising the UN for shaming Japan (for it's migrants? or whaling?)
The attitude of many Americans is almost as bad as Jews and Israelis. Total narcissism, where you obsess over wrongs done to you in the past, but never confront your own bad actions, including ones that might have led to blowback.
The Jews have made an art form out of that, but damn if Americans aren't trying.
See my post in the other thread , they did nothing wrong.
Not only that, but they don't even touch on the blatant hypocrisy with KING NIGGER over there.
With also radio and shit bringing it up, they say "it's a message and concerns about nuclear weapons" and shit like that. Basically king nigger getting some message out for the US to stop using nukes, or greatly discourage nukes.
What a ridiculous idea, user. Why would anyone think that?
I think that's more to do with the growing threat of China and losing confidence that U.S interest align enough with theirs. Russia would be a useful friend to have if they need to leverage China diplomatically.
Man, I'm beginning to resent Trump.
But it's probably just oversaturation from having 2000 Trump threads in the catalog every day
I really liked him at first, but I'm starting dislike some parts of him. He's so close, yet so far. The best choice for America as of right now of course, nonetheless.
as a nationalist in europe, its bretty saddening to see trump getting more kosher by the day. Because if he goes full good goy its mean if he wins, we europeans not only have to fight jews and other subhumans in Europe, we also have to fight against United Goys of America.
I really hate how he makes it sound like America is doing us a favor by having 40.000 Troops on our soil and how we're ungrateful and whatnot, when for the past 70 years we have asked them to leave.
The war with Germany had no justification, but the Japs aren't white.
It's just populist blabbering, but if it's his plan for diplomacy to be ignorant on history then two can play this game. Japan already made Korea shut up about their feministcaust.
The best thing is that South Korean troops took comfort women during the Vietnam War
btw, ive havent been following trump for a while. Last time he spoke about NATO, he said that either the countries will start to pay up or they leave. Has he changed his mind about this?
So they should have accepted the ultimatum without even trying to fight?You would call them defeatists.Beside you wanted them to attack,i would have loved to see Japan accept that and see what America would have done to enter the war.Another Lusitania maybe,false flag is their national pride and strength
Nuke was unnecessary,but Project Manhattan was full of jews and so the White House,nothing changed since than.
I totally understand.
Well the problem now with Japan is that the government is full of traitors, and being right beside a psychopathic superpower is not safe.
I'm afraid Japan was recently inclined to pay another set of "reparations" to Korea. Absolutely disgusting. And yes, Laidaihan is a thing.
well we bought those junk F16 airplanes we can't even service and ever since russia entered ukraine we poles feel totes safe with those luxurious flying pieces of steel
Did it work out well for them when the yanks came knocking?
How so?
Abe is p. based, eh unfucks the economy and doesn't afraid of anything
So that's why you're trying to get integrated into our military, top cuck
If anything they might blow up Pearl Harbor by themselves.
My best wishes to Poland. You guys should set up an antipope and kick out the current shithead.
Obama specifically did NOT apologize for Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
Why do Americans still get so fucking triggered over Pearl Harbor?
The majority of the US's population isn't even old enough to actually have experienced the second world war, just get fucking over it, this isn't any different than those leftist faggots who have to bring up Hitler in every discussion they have.
Is the American media acting as if he apologized?
you mean the same government that fought tooth and nail for freedom of speech while previous government even considred banning loli and tokyo governor went full butthurt over oreimo
Well now there's actually hatespeech laws, it's fucking ridiculous.
They kept the Emperor,and there was a slice of possibility they could have gained better terms or retard the advance.
If we use that kind of reason we should never do anything we think would be impossible to achieve.See Europe now,what makes people think there would be justice when they rig the elections and have no plans to stop the immigrations but actively support it?
And put a giant swastika on the sky and say it was Hitler submarine.
What are you talking about? Half of them don't even know what date it happened on. They really couldn't care less about it.
I wonder if they're like their new child porn laws that ban cp but not really
ITT Fanny-flustered weeaboos mad Trump called Japan out
That said, Trump is more or less making fun of Obama but using Japan to do so since he knows Japan is too beta to do anything about it or say anything of worth about the issue.
Hi Moshe.
Imperial Japan >>> good goy america, and I don't even watch anime
Shit, this is the amount of ami jingoism we'll have to put up with for the next 4 years
Kill yourself nigger.
Why would you out yourself as such a beta cuck so easily?
It's like since Trump announced his presidency, the burgers forget that America is pretty much occupied by the jews since the beginning of last century
dont user, theres no point arguing with a burger. In their mind, everything they have done its the correct. Killing of nationalism and running Israel arrends is correct, because they did it.
they need us a heck of a lot more than we need them
they need to know their place
I'm a beta cuck for realizing America is a threat to our national interests?
Really? Or more and more are finally able to admit that. Continue D&Cing faggot.
Trump is a beta cuck. He shits on Japan for some minor shit that happened ages ago, yet always makes sure to mention how we must protect the Greatest Ally unconditionally
nobody cares fuck off to your own shitty board you fucking faggot,
Oh dear.
it would make quite a huge hole to the murrica in the pacific if japan would go under the sphere of russian or chinese influence just saying
Get out. This thread is being D&Ced hard by anime faggots.
None of us 'burgers' are okay with or make excuses for the US's servicing of kikes. We neither like it, nor support it.
He shit on Japan because everyone else wants the US to apologize, and Obongo does, for shit that happened "ages ago"
Your "power projection" in the Pacific is fucking gone if you're kicked of Okinawa lmao
But it's ok when Trump grovels at the feet of kikes, because he's only tricking them! The jews are unaware yet we here on Holla Forums are aware of that fact
Wait. You think that matters?
That only matters in so far as we keep protecting shit countries like Japan for free.
Once we become more protectionist and self interested we really won't give a shit about our global influence.
The US's global reach and influence through military is ONLY harmful to the US.
So we agree, then?
It'd be best for everyone if America would simply stay on their continent
50% of costs, actually. Yes, it's not 100%, but it's not 0%.
It should be like 1000% cost.
Oh, and do you believe the 50% number that Trump randomly threw out?
I have yet to see a source. If it's below 100% + payment for loss of life and "hazard" pay then it's 0%.
can you foreign bastards please fuck off back to your own language boards? you know next to nothing about american politics. you are just autistically shitposting with your german buddy showing how little you know about the state of the world.
american naval force projection is not gone in any way, america has a naval monopoly. its funny because you are resentful that you are being protected from china but when that protection is gone you will start crying for america to come back, just like the germans will.
So I guess that unconditional protection you speak of comes with the condition of paying for that very same protection, right?
Get better at your job, Moishe.
Top kek. You're not even trying anymore. He has caused nothing but trouble and created a rift in the jew community while making it okay to be openly anti-sememtic. You're not even trying. That said, again, there is nothing wrong with what he said and it is consistent with the stance of not playing favorites he has commented on numerous times and is also consistent with how he makes deals with people, that is, make the other person be off guard or in this case a country. You'd realize this if you weren't busy being a butthurt weeaboo.
I showed your last two posts because you cam back. Then I saw something cute. The first post you say shit about us agreeing, the next post you say shit about us disagreeing.
You're projecting something or struggling with how wrong you are and it's showing. Bye again.
Do you even believe that yourself?
Honestly asking.
you don't seem to understand US isn't doing volunteer work at their bases. those bases benefit as much US as the countries they're placed on
for years japan wants to be protecting themselves but mom doesn't let them
You said America would do best to stop "protecting" Japan and Germany, and I agree with that.
Where do you see a dissonance?
well, if you actually leave, but sadly i think trump will change his mind about nato and let them stay put because thats what his jew-handlers will tell him to do, its would be great for us to get attacked by russia or china. Then, we either rise up and fight back, uncucking ourselves, or we get conquered. What America is doing, is holding nationalism back around the world.
that's a pretty fucking stupid thing to say.
No goy, the US needs us more than we need them!
Go on…
Those bases benefit the US zero. The only "benefit" that those bases give is that the countries there in are protected, for free, by the US. They are benefiting the US through cost which isn't a benefit.
this tbh
you will lose to the russians again because germans suck ass at fighting, you are autistic shits who don't understand limited war and get blown the fuck out every time you fight.
How you can really believe this?If the only thing America gained from it was nothing for what purpose doing it?
Yet he's implied the jew dozens of times.
He has said that yes israel should pay for US protection at his first teleprompted speaking about US first.
Oh. Filtered JIDF.
I'll forever hate Japs for bombing my country and killing some of my relatives, but God damn did they build a nice air-craft.
Kek. It doubt it would ever come to that but these are strange times.
We know this.
We admit this.
We realized this long ago.
We've wanted change long before Trump.
Change of this magnitude can't happen quickly.
It just can't without a cause the likes of which would make WW2 look tiny.
All of the "the burgers are controlled by jews" is projecting Eurocucks, or deflecting kikes.
We know that OUR LEADERS are owned by israel. We also know change will come slowly.
You're kidding right? Everyone asked for America's protection. We did it because it gives us something to point to when everyone claims they hate America.
Other than positive influence with the country we are protecting and the creation of the petro dollar, but that is not related to Japan, we get 0 benefit from policing the world. Only cost.
that piece of shit was an explodamatic deathtrap
it was pretty good for crashing into shit, which is what the rice-niggers used it for
it was shit whenever it fought something that wasnt a buffalo
its so fucking funny how much the rest of the world feels entitled to america's support and money while they spend the whole time insulting americans and pretending they don't need the support
They did become shit after 1943 though
you'd need good peripheral vision for that kind of flying
this thread reminds me of might no.9 comments
Fake and gay.
Understand this simple concept:
We all gain.
We all getting fucked.
And what should Israel gain from having American base on foreign countries?They have absolute control thanks to the banks,as we saw in France and Austria election,they can do absolutely everything,even in China.The EU is their turf.
I could understand in Middle East,but in Europe or Japan?
I doubt a government ever kneeled down and asked USA for help except what Vietnam?Korea?France?UK?
But it's important for the question i asked.For what purpose doing it if you gain nothing from it.But you are gaining something.
bullshit you faggots have built a socialist utopia that is predicated on the fact that somebody else is protecting you, not a single one of you bastards is willing to take responsibility beyond random shitposting.
Pearl Harbour was allowed to happen so that the US would enter the war on the wrong side. Trump is wrong about this.
Flood detected
This is the problem: of all the stupid shit Obama HAS apologised for 'on behalf' of America, the one thing that could stand for an apology - namely the nuking of two major civilian centres - he pointedly didn't apologise for.
350,000 civilians died as a result if those bombings, there was no reason to drop them on cities. Military targets, Pacific islands where the Japs were dug in, etc would have sent the same message. Americans will still try and defend this though.
This is also the first time I've seen a Trump tweet and thought 'oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing?' - not only are the Japanese a vital trading partner but they're also America's staunchest ally in the Far East. Given how they seem to be suffering the same attempts to subvert and demoralise their country as we're seeing throughout the US and Western Europe and yet have largely resisted where we fell even in the face of (((economic))) ruin, it'd be smarter to build bridges than burn them.
He's btfoing Obama and libtards. The Japanese aren't gona get buttmad over this.
Why did I even think this discussion was going to be fruitful?
I was 12 once too.
fuck off foreigner, your race of squnity rice monkeys who walk with their hips thrown forward like they have no spine need to show respect for their betters. what about your bullshit samurai honor?
Then you already know about the petro dollar, and how it worked in (((our))) (((benefits))).
Like the other user said, Israel influences all of US foreign policy. You ask why they benefit from having US forces in foreign countries, but think for a minute man. What better way to tell someone to play ball than to point a gun at his face? Or a missile at his house?
He's showing his big white balls to the world for everyone to see. The Japanese will be able to respect that you shillnigger.
because you are a retarded autist who needs to be taken out behind a shed and executed by russians before they divide up your shitty half-turkish women for rape slaves
with you here people are just chillin and not loving their country, because they know someone else is doing the dirty job. WITHOUT you however, people would HAVE to love their country and uncuck themselves OR die off. I glady face death if it means a chance to make my country great again.
Why are you continuing the discussion if you don't think it would be fruitful?
dude nobody cares about your shitty country, you can try to virtue signal TRS memes for brownie points while you practice non-white entryism but a simple rule applies.
vae victus
guam tbh fam
nobody says chilling you idiot, you must be some 18 year old skelly fuck. the russians are going to eat western europe alive. not my problem though. sad!
Haha Speaking of this , any other non-Americans watching find the US election extremely funny regarding israel ? I mean , even I used to think Americans being controlled and cuck by israel was just a meme but looking at the entire election on both sieds it is just "muh israel muh israel muh israel" so badly there is literally this shit called AIPAC they must suck mutilated jew dick hard in front of the entire world for and constantly remind media about "muh israel" all the time . Their politicians do this for no other nation , not even Britain , their actual "greatest ally" . In any case , the sooner Americans get rid of them , the better . They are the greatest threat to US interests and even their CIA has stated such .
the krauts on this board are the definition of spergs, too bad they don't even make good OC like the brits do
Haha Speaking of this , any other non-Americans watching find the US election extremely funny regarding israel ? I mean , even I used to think Americans being controlled and cuck by israel was just a meme but looking at the entire election on both sieds it is just "muh israel muh israel muh israel" so badly there is literally this shit called AIPAC they must suck mutilated jew dick hard in front of the entire world for and constantly remind media about "muh israel" all the time . Their politicians do this for no other nation , not even Britain , their actual "greatest ally" . In any case , the sooner Americans get rid of them , the better . They are the greatest threat to US interests and even their CIA has stated such .
Another small point, your use of "you" is incorrect.
Israel greatly benefits from using the US military to influence policy around the world. The US and it's people do not gain anything from this deal, except better relations with Israel, and possibly the countries that actually ask for help. I want to reiterate that the people of the US gain absolutely nothing from the arrangement, at all.
are you a russian or what? why are you talking about russia, and how STRONK they are all the time?
I appreciate Kraut Autism, thank you very much.
Color me surprised. And you are falling for this.
nope burger, but you will be the russians bitch
It's a popular thing to do.
Useless patriotism will be your downfall
That's what i said.You are gaining something our of it,Americans benefit,even if little from it, so that's why those basis keep staying there.Israel and America economy are linked,even if they behave as parasites.American gain something out of it to keep this practice for so long.The fact Japan said that they will kick Americans off if they doubt their usefulness to keep China off is more of a threat than a plead.And why should they threat if they gain "protection" for free?
War is not the only mean to strip a country,economy plays a huge role too.
MacArthur believed the bomb was useless since the embargo worked thanks to the submarine.But Roosevelt and every other politicians didn't believed him:and then asked him help for Korea.It's another insight in America political situation back then.
I doubt America gain really nothing out of it,their economy is pretty strong and they have privileged route in EU and Japan,which contribute the Jews multinational and societies with base in America,and indirectly,the people who work for them.For the second part,i know don't worry.I do differentiate Americans from their government.
Wow, this poorly-written infographic sure told me! Boy howdy I guess I'd better burn all these books and mountains of documented evidence that the leaders of Japan were about to sue for peace anyway!
Fucking Americans. You deserve the Jews, frankly. You think and act just like them and try to hide it behind some kind of 'honourable cowboy' facade.
I'm white, and from a country with an actual history. There are walls in my neighbourhood 800 years older than your nation.
WTO, IMF, UN, World Bank etc. That's what. As can be seen with Qaddafi where him and his country were killed and invaded solely for not being a fiat currency controlled by the (((listed entities))).
ah more turko-germans in the thread
nobody cares really, nobody cares about your country and nobody cares about its future. cry more
Of course they're about to sue for peace in retrospect, just as Trayvon dindu nuffin and just as the Russians were never going to invade Germany, right?
Fuck off Jap, you can bitch and moan all you want but that won't make you any less of a pathetic people.
"Remember the Maine!"
'murrikikes, not even once.
The brits should've bombed more kraut cities tbh
Listen, because this is my last response to you. You claim that you separate the American people from the government, than understand that the American people hold no connection to Israel. It is the US government that holds similar goals to Israel in establishing a global regime, and the US government has been co-opted by Jewish bankers.
Do you see now? The will of the American people is not the will of the government of the US. That is why when you say "America benefits from establishing bases across the world" I disagree with you. Those currently in power are literally traitorous, and I no longer consider them American, since they hold more loyalty to Israel than they do their own country and it's citizens.
Obongo planted some tree at a Shinto Shrine to wish peace upon the spirits of enemies that America annihilated. Isn't that practically the same thing, even if he didn't issue a verbal apology?
What a shame. He's more bluepilled than I thought.
There a plenty of good Americans. Ignore the unreasonable ones without getting autistic about it. Let's not have any more white on white conflict. Besides, I think they might just be shills anyway?
It's always "Remember X".
no, japan is our ally
we will give them nukes
Despite you can prove it happened in your backyard with very little money.
these people are not interested in anything other than blaming everything including entropy and the collapse of stars in the andromeda galaxy on the united states of america
Clearly. I wrote that response on the off chance that he is simply ignorant.
I hope it was worth it.
Jews pay for protection? WTF are you talking about, Shlomo? I'm pretty sure we pay them…
Should be filtered.
It's cute how if you look some of the post, then "randomly" stop for a bit and then a different one appears. Then the second one "randomly" stops posting and the first one appears a short time later.
Pure (((coincidence))).
Trump has said that he will make Israel pay for protection. That's what I meant.
israel doesn't pay a dime for protection but rather steals US DOD secrets and sells them to Russia and China and others.
To that list.
Saw that coming, lmao
Read one post above your last, asshat
According to the declassified McCollum Memorandum, Pearl Harbor was a desired result that the (((US Gov))) made every effort to provoke.
Ahh. Glad I had to shit between hiding you and seeing that.
If that's what you meant you implied it poorly.
A part of me thinks people forget Trump will of course like any US politician be a cuck for israel . But he is supposed to be a pathway to much more , at least beginning of the end of PC bullshit . The right must have a long march as well , people strongly considering be extremely active in politics in all your nations in all levels of government .
I sure wasn't referring to the people when i say America benefits from the bases.I mean it's pretty known who really is in control of America.
Which is why me and other says we,outside,don't benefit form having american protection or bases.How could we if those are meant to help Israel?
To further that. If what's to be believed about the holocaust is true, the US would have nuked Germany too. They didn't. If that doesn't tell people something is off about it. Then they're retards.
USA is the liberator of Asia
Japs were shitty colonial masters
Don't let some filthy nips guilt trip you
You Americans did nothing wrong
Well the original post was about Trump, so that's what my post was about as well.
But yeah we both fucked up a bit
The most important thing right now is that Freedom of Speech can be gained with him… more opportunities for spreading the truth on the internet, and not being afraid of being locked into prison for "hatespeech". I really hope Europe doesn't get annihilated before that.
He's ditching Obama, not ditching Japan.
It wasn't worth it
I thought I read somewhere that his twitter and online presence was going to be shut down when he becomes God-Emperor and will roll down his internet presence. If true, I will seriously miss his bantz
I sincerely hope that the American people can get rid of the scum in their government.
Yeah he's going to tone it down after he becomes president.
What is wrong now? I agree with you,the bases sure as hell don't help us or the americans people.
Both are ESTPs as well.
(Some claim Patton is an ISTP, but there's no way of knowing if that's valid.)
Heh. I always thought those were a joke on 4/b/ way back when
I guess some people took them seriously enough to hold on for years
Allies cracked all the Axis codes. They knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor far in advance (not to mention they were provoking Japan for a long time before that) and they knew the Germans weren't Holocausting jews.
Fuck, this kind of true "evil" really pisses me off. Not to put it all on Trump, but Americans have a real claim for apology from Israel for the blatant attack on the USS Liberty. Of course I don't expect that to ever be brought up by him for obvious reasons. As of now, Trump is unfortunately flaming the ignorance already there in America surrounding WW2 and that's basically salt in the wound.
It reminds of 2011 and what happened then. Pic related. This shit has to stop: it's fucking nigger behaviour.
99% of this thread is total bluepill about P.H. and the pacific war, on Holla Forums of all places. We need to make some concise infographics on the topic for the newcomers.
What is actually so bad about that test?
Yes some idiotic people take it so seriously that they think it defines their entire lives, but it's just meant to be a broad assertion of your personality.
If you have anything to refute this, please post.
hes not attacking japan, hes attacking pussy obama who goes around apologizing
A broad assertion of most things is shit.
See, I did it right there. It's shit logic, and provides nothing except maybe for statistics.
I feel flattered that you used your coup de gras on me. But I just don't fall for your tricks anymore. Enjoy the day of the rope cuckshill.
Since when is talking loud about the USA hipocresy bad?
OF course japanese will be in favour of Trump comment
That's the point of my post.
Also check em you faggot cuck.
I know I'm just reinforcing that.
Yes, Japs were shitty colonial masters. Korea and Taiwan went from first Sub-Saharan Africa Tier to almost first world after only a few decades of Jap administration. Those Japs were just fucking terrible.
Wait. A 9.0 EQ hit Japan?
This reminds me of those facebook comments from Israelis that were laughing at what happened in Paris because "muh holohaox".
all for siphoning out the national assets to their home in Japan, never for the benefit of the people there.
their respective prosperity even after the end of vile nip imperialist clutches is the proof
it would be a pretty useless attack if you warned the enemy first
If the (((US Gov))) provoked the attack deliberately, and did nothing to protect its soldiers, then they were deliberately sacrificed and thrown away like pawns. (((Uncle Sam))) was just as guilty for killing those boys.
Where is that from?
This is truly the most insane thing . How on earth can jews try to blame allied nations for muh 6 gorillion when it was them who saved them from axis powers to begin with ? The jews should be kissing the feet of their saviors the allied nations like USA but only abuse and backstab them .
Trump pls
Is this not always the case ? Look at Gulf of Tonkin incident USA started … Sacrifice thousands of US and millions of Vietnamese lives over a false flag , lies . Possibly among the most awful things in all history .
Jesus Christ the weaboo plague is really quite a form of cuckoldry. Anime has really corrupted you faggots.
You don't remember the tsunami and Fukushima? March 2011. It was around 9.0, maybe a bit less. First time ever seeing a tsunami in real time. I actually watched people get swallowed up by it, one instance in particular: a guy came running down the edge of a cliff to try and save someone who was swept away and he got pulled in too.
I always get pissed when compassionless oafs barge on topics like that.
I wasn't aware of that but it's not surprising in the least. In fact it's expected behaviour from jews.
Here's some redpill for you.
I suggest you guys read this, it's not too long.
1) Checked
2) Don't end your sentence in a question mark, ever. It's not just grammar nazism on mine or anyone else's part either: all it does is make you look timid and unsure of your own statement, and thus terminate any weight you might have in a conversation. The only time you should ever use the mark is if you have a direct question, like asking why a jew's nose is goddamned big when they no longer live in windy deserts.
As far as white on white conflict goes, that's just what happens when the mods get lazy and allow untermensch to go unbanned.
Learn to history first before trying to insult people lad.
Truly America is a nigger regarding this piece of history
We need to start memeing this more. Too many shills try to put people up against eachother now they want to put you up against Japan. Fuck Op that Jewcuck.
WW1 also had a false flag to get America into the war.
The Lusitania.
9/11 was another one. This shit keeps happening.
this tbh
The jew fears the samurai.
Trump was having a laff with his mad bantz.
That pic is bullshit.
They were already trying to surrender after the first. Your pic is just someone trying to justify what he sees as right while paying no attention to historical accuracy.
I just read my post and was puzzled by the question mark, to be frank with you. I totally thought I put a period there.
Forgot the Spanish American War too.
I remember that I was just hoping it happened again.
Japan pretends to be beta. Meanwhile USA is cucked as heck. If it wasn't, a leader like Trump wouldn't be needed.
Nice pdf user,Thanks
No you're the one whos doing that. FIltered you fagshill.
Well, after seeing pic, truth is there are niggers in every race.
Hello chinaman, how goes life in the ant colony? Did the new order of dog meat reach your neighborhood yet, or were you forced to consume pets again?
Trying to put us up against eachother again.
Untermensch; it has a classier, more eloquent sound that accompanies the social points it makes. Saying nigger triggers too many cucks and shuts down any chance of un-cucking them.
No matter your position on this , posturing against possibly literally USA most valuable ally (GDP) is ridiculous . He could go after so much better things . What is he thinking ? Same with debate . It is like he is losing it as much as Hillary is . They are both senile .
This. The libtard has been busy trying to brainwash the people of the US into thinking the former. Pretty ridiculous imo. The latter is far closer to his personality.
If you don't feel those lives lost at Pearl Harbor were adequately avenged after dropping two atomic bombs on the Japs I don't know what more you fucking want.
Why not kill off the Jewish political class since they were the faggots telling FDR that the Japs would never attack knowing full well that they would?
Wow, thanks. As if there were ever any doubt, this book basically spells it out. "IT'S THE JEWS, STUPID!". Any one who shills for Pearl Harbor is in fact doing the Jews' work for them.
Bullshit, Hiroshima and Nakasaki were large industrial centers which were pumping out weapons of war for Japan to use. We had every right and reason to nuke those fucking Japs in those specific areas, and that action saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Off you two go, men are talking.
Japan would never accept that unless it had the same leverage as New England and Commiefornia in the Union.
Wow those "weapons of mass destruction" – I mean "weapons of war" certainly makes it all legitimate!
Fucking untermensch.
I don't know, this is a really un-kawaii tweet from Trump.
At the cost of millions of innocent people.
You know, I wonder why america even got involved. Japan was doing great work with fucking Chinas Shit up.
To be fair , Japan has population of over 120-130 millions and is the size of the US state of California . They would essentially rule USA with such a bloc .
oh we're resorting to number inflation now like the kikes?
They got involved because Communist jews had already usurped the country by then and they needed an excuse to take down Hitler and butcher Germany/rest of Europe, but also to hand China over to Communism. Then look what happened. Year Zero in Cambodia, the Great Leap Forward, etc. all this Communist madness would never have happened in Asia. The same can be said about what happened in Europe after the war, in particular to the Germans (see Eisenhower's Rhine Meadow camps for example).
Japan would have kept fighting until there were no Japs left - the only way to end the war was to prove to them that we were capable of completely annihilating them from the air, and it worked.
TL/DR: read some history Hiro
Well, how many was it then, user?
It was two major cities, correct; it was probably more then hundreds and thousands, surely?
And now we have to deal with China. I am actually genuinely scared of China recently, as they have been buying up businesses everywhere, from Europe, America and Japan.
66 Japanese cities were destroyed with conventional ordnance and fire bombs. Two were nuked. The deaths from the nukes were comparable to the deaths from conventional bombing. This was a display of American power for the Soviet Union.
But your right. After we bombed the fuck out of Germany and Japan, why apologize for just these two cities? Why apologize at all? It was war. "Sorry I broke up your imperial expansionist party."
Will he die in a car accident too?
But I thought historians and generals all say they were already ready to surrender ?
I even look up General Eisenhower's quote ( this is not even including MacArthur's statements about dropping them and this is the very same man that wanted to nuke Korea ) …
"In 1945 … , Secretary of War Stimson visited my headquarters in Germany, [and] informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act…. During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and second because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of 'face.' The Secretary was deeply perturbed by my attitude, almost angrily refuting the reasons I gave for my quick conclusions."
Source: The White House Years: Mandate for Change: 1953-1956: A Personal Account (New York: Doubleday, 1963), pp. 312-313.
Trump doesn't give a shit about Japan. This is about Obama running around and apologizing for shit that happened in history.
and the guy you quoted saying hundreds of thousands is a figure of speech, what's your fucking point?
few mirrion gooks died to save billions of gooks outside of those godforsaken isles
seems like a net gain for the gooks, imo
It was a figure of speech until I pointed it then, I suppose.
Lets not pretend any of the allied forces were the good guys in World War II.
You didn't explain how this in specific is shit though.
But it still provides something.
Another Trump tweets circlejerking I like the guy, hope he wins but having a thread for every tweet in which he doesn't simply do self-promotion is retarded. 2nd pacific war won't have time to happen before the US will have to face a second civil war.
if you lost the war then you're no longer legitimate in my eyes, really.
don't know why Holla Forums is so obsessed with emulating losers.
Have you not seen the winners, user?
>>>Holla Forums
I can tell you're a non-american because the only people who bitch about Trump threads are foreigners who want this place to be an anti-American circlejerk
yeah I saw them.
Jim is american, not a filthy nip
The fucking audacity…
Because they were fucking right and now we are suffering along with them in a jewish hell.
You're trolling aren't you? I refuse to believe my people are this retarded.
Look around you, user. Britain, France and America. These are not the face of winners.
Yes, Trump Will Make America Great again; Trump is not your Average American. He is a man with German blood running through his veins.
Jewish propaganda. It's always the Jews.
Check out this user's pdf.
God, you are a fucking retard.
Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote in his memoir The White House Years:
In 1945 Secretary of War Stimson, visiting my headquarters in Germany, informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan. I was one of those who felt that there were a number of cogent reasons to question the wisdom of such an act. During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives.[76]
Other U.S. military officers who disagreed with the necessity of the bombings include General of the Army Douglas MacArthur,[77][78] Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy (the Chief of Staff to the President), Brigadier General Carter Clarke (the military intelligence officer who prepared intercepted Japanese cables for U.S. officials), Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz (Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet), Fleet Admiral William Halsey, Jr. (Commander of the US Third Fleet), and even the man in charge of all strategic air operations against the Japanese home islands, then-Major General Curtis LeMay:
The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace. The atomic bomb played no decisive part, from a purely military point of view, in the defeat of Japan.
— Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, [69]
The use of [the atomic bombs] at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons … The lethal possibilities of atomic warfare in the future are frightening. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children.
— Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to President Truman, 1950, [79]
The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.
— Major General Curtis LeMay, XXI Bomber Command, September 1945, [80]
The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment … It was a mistake to ever drop it … [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it …
— Fleet Admiral William Halsey, Jr., 1964, [80]
Of course there is, that's why the end point of redpill ideology is traditionalism.
It isn't the skin colour/race/economic situation of a person that makes them a bad person. It is their reaction to the circumstance that they're in that makes them a bad person.
Hatred is not justified based on race. Race is circumstances beyond a person's control. Behavior always involves a person making a decision and is therefore contemptible when the person is not acting in accord with the moral order.
It's why we hate dindu nuffins like Lil Wayne and Obama, but don't hate black men like Thomas Sowell and Alan Keyes. The difference is in behavior.
It's the same with the term "kike". It's completely rooted with their rejection of Christ and choosing Barabbas. Christ was the Logos in the flesh. Rejecting Christ means rejecting the moral order, and that is the reason why Jews are hated everywhere they go, and the reason why they corrupt morals, and it is the reason why they spawn so many bad ideologies.
Nigger, it's known that the commie FDR, who was in the pockets of the Rothschild/Rockefeller) tried to find any reason since the 30s to goad the American people into joining war efforts against the axis. He did everything to piss off the Japanese. When he managed to block most nip oil imports that's when the emperor could not do anything but retaliate against the US. Roosevelt bet on them attacking US property in order to use that news to sway the American people's opinion towards joining the allies against the axis powers. Learn history instead of repeating patriotard brainwashing bullshit they teach you in school.
Autism is the bane of the white race
The only german thing about him is his bloodline, that's pretty much it.
a lot of Ashkenazim have more concentrations of german blood than him
There we go.
This site is hosted in the Philipines, Nong-Nong. Also, it was founded by an American and is currently owned and operated by Americans. You can't really trace Holla Forums to Japan in any meaningful way.
user, it was sarcasm. That is why I posted the image of Palpatine, who created a phony war to transform the Republic into an Empire.
I don't think they would rule in this hypothetical scenario. It's more like pandering to the interests of Japan to gain the delegates/votes there. Also the population is expected to decline to 80 million this century.
But in the future it's the Japan as a client-state to a power may it be Russia, China or US. Japan doesn't have the vitality anymore to be an independent great power. Rather Japan be a minion of Russia or China, tbh. Does any Japanese enjoy the idea of Japan sucking to the Bramerizilian-Braropean?
Fucking cucks if I've seen some. Hentai has truly fucked with your judgement. Anime was a fucking mistake and the Japs will pay for it one day.
I hate myself
Are you Crazy?
That was never their plan. Their main goal was to fuck up Chinas shit up.
I can't fucking believe this is happening here of all places.
that's what THEY say
Kike propaganda is one hell of a drug.
Probably a good million. Those japs fought tooth and nail for some islands imagine the mainland. Mind you we dropped 2 and they were trying to stage a coup to keep fighting
What a depressing trend. I'm ashamed.
samefagging this hard
I guess my country should've just surrendered and allowed itself to be invaded by the Japanese then.
All for the great honnorary ayrans.
Don't most people know that the government at the time actually knew the attack was coming and let it happen, to give them a tragedy to use an excuse to get involved in the war?
I clearly stated that he is "The best choice for America as of right now of course, nonetheless." you madman.
Goddammit, I didn't even look at the pic. I got used to so many fucking retards posting pro-US propaganda in here that I instinctively reacted. Then, I saw your long post about the uselessness of nuking Japan. Alas, it was too late i had hit the reply button.
user, I want you to take this in the nicest possible way.
I think you're batshit insane.
Well goy, considering that Hitler also wanted to take over the world, how would they have split the United States up? Maybe down the Mississippi river? Would Italy get something as a consolation prize, like Queens or Rhode Island?
When the men who were doing and leading the fighting say it was fucked , you know it was fucked .
Japan would have absolutely no future as a client state of China or Russia. It would have it's money sucked dry with corruption and reduced to a commie-block shithole if taken by Russia, and outright genocided if taken by China.
People fucking forget this. It was virtually a pure coincidence that these two wars happened at the same time.
Their goal was to fight and contain Jewish bolshevism, you fucking cuck. That's why the Jews were assmad at them and manipulated the US into going to war.
I hear you, friend. Also, the pro-US propaganda has gotten a little worse in the past 6 months.
I'm an America myself, but the actions of the US govt do not represent me in the slightest.
Yes, and they also spoke up while knowing they could get some flak for it. This was something they felt strongly about.
How embarrassing for you. You seem to know absolutely nothing and retain information worse than a wall retains the shit thrown at it.
and I think you're batshit delusional
you weren't there next door when the japs weren't leashed like they are now
How fucking cucked are you? Did you just get here from reddit?
the patton movie.
That's right goy, it was all just a coincidence. It has nothing to do with Japan's anti-Communist sentiment and nothing do with splintering the Axis so that we could control the world.
Japan wouldn't be a client state, they wiped the floor both with the Kacaps and the Chinks, they could do it again if only they wouldn't be fucked in the ass by the USA and all the treaties made after the pacific war.
Japan is not weak, not even now, were America to release it it would fairly quickly become strong again, they're good at that, quickly getting back in shape that is.
No, I wasn't. Nor Was America; The only had to worry was the Vile Ching Chongs.
Are you a Vile Ching Ching?
You know what Trump is going to do? He's going to give a 3D "waifu" as you call it. Her name's gonna be Annie-May, she'll be white as hell, and you're gonna drive a full-size four-door ford with your white family to enjoy a nice meal of all-american hambubgers.
No rice-paddy incest fantasies for you, faggot. Enjoy the American Dream, because Donnie's gonna get you to it, whether you like it or not.
Trump will tariff animey and the mango, and there's nothing you can do about it, xenophile.
Yeah fuck off.
How in the fuck was the pacific war a result of zionist meddling beyond Roosevelts kikery?
Japs dindu nuffin right?
nah just a salty peninsula fag
if america needs a warden for northeast asia then america should back Worst Korea
we'll keep tabs on both chingchongs and nips
just give us a good discount for your kickass weapons
Japan was all but defeated but they weren't going to surrender, that was the mindset of the Japs from the emperor on down. Never Surrender was the reason they invented kamikazee pilots; they didn't care if they died, they just wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and kill as many enemy as possible.
Thanks to the nukes, we convinced them that it would have been in vain, and they surrendered.
Why is Hitler holding a Thompson sub-machine gun?
In the truest sense yes.
Why aren't the 3 mistral-class the french have on pic 2?
Does it hurts that much to realize France has the biggest fleet after the US?
Does Trump ever discuss how the US destroyed the two only Christian cities in Japan without a reason?
Millions of lives lost or demolished.
This is the typical American. On the internet. Imagine how braindead a subhuman halfbreed Amerishit in real life is.
What a surprise.
Go back to chopping off your fucking jaws, you god damned oriental Jews.
pick one
Kirishitan was literally Shintoism with Christianity as synchretic faith
you should listen to your own kind at least, if you won't hear it from me.
It looks like the subhuman half breed need another dose of facts and truth.
The Russians have ceased to be commies sometime ago. I don't see the relevance of those four rocks north of Japan in face of all that will happen. Of course Japan shouldn't let go of it and be strong, otherwhise it would signal "Sup come and take Hokkaido! Do whatever the FUCK you want!".
Can it really? Because seems US and their connections are doing their uttermost to prevent that. Just now Australia backed on their Japanese sub buy option for French subs.
Fucking pathetic, tiny dicked subhuman gook. Always the whore to the Europeans and their descendants. Never independent.
What a subhuman.
and look here, m8
there were alot of fored laborers from Korea as well who perished in the atomic blasts
but we're not mad at americans for dropping the nukes, but rather extremely grateful
there's no reason to hate you people other than the fact you brought over the jewish degeneracy over here as well, which is supposedly something you folks had no control over
By the grace of god, this is one of the most mind-bogglingly idiotic things that I have read in a long time. I almost laughed.
we will side with whoever that can guarantee our autonomy, that is all.
nothing wrong with trying to preserve your own kin
pick one, faggot
You guys are terrifyingly cucked by your own government. Keeping tabs on nips and chinks would amount to making them feminists to your government.
So they are less dead now?
also they've never been denied communion by the pope btw
Found the clip.
They are in better shape than most of the Eu,except Poland and the eastern Europe ones.Japan went from bunch of backwards peasants to beat Russia,France and the UK.
Germany went from Weimar to Third Reich.We can do it again.i hope as a single compact front instead of separated belligerent nations.
Just imagining an European Union but full third reich makes me a giggling schoolgirl.I hope to live enough to see Europe become the center of the world again.
top kek they lost the majority seat count at the latest elections
their era is over as soon as the bitch is finished with her term
green seats are our "3rd path" party
blue is Abe, green is alt right, what's red? Lemme guess, socialists.
And they succeeded after the second.
Of course those rape-crazy, backstabbing grueling torturers deserved better you think, no? We should have just proceeded with the land invasion and slaughtered them all anyway. I agree with you there.
Have you never been in a fucking fight before? Have you lived a life of such ease that you don't understand the nature of conflict?
Me too user, me too
The steps for war with Japan were put in place as far back as the 20s, when the US broke the British-Japanese alliance
For Indonesian oil which they needed to even survive as a nation
The Japanese have never commited crimes of war. That was solely US niggers
Tell me this, do you still have to use a VPN in order to shitpost?
Let me get this straight.
Holy shit, I can't believe there's so many retards in this very thread siding with the US.
pretty sure thats Korea, not Japan
but goyim, the allies did nothing wrong :^)
this is worst korea, m8
Blue is Democratic Party (the party which were in good terms with Best Korea)
Red is Cuckservative Party (the bitch is from this party)
Green is People's Party led by one of us
like literally one of our forefathers from the telnet days
gotta cover all tracks m8
if I go bare while shitposting about current regime in ENGLISH no less then I'm gonna end up drinking bone soup through the nose
I wonder
it works for niggers, but Japanese culture is quite different
I'm an American and I could genuinely give 2 shits less about Pearl Harbor.
It was literally their job to protect against an attack like that and they failed.
If they want to nuke the Japs a 3rd time then go ahead. Don't bring up old shot to justify the aggression like some fucking whining bitch
It was an offense against Nationalist China, actually.
And they sure as shit won't be now, will they?
And then they made it unconditional.
If you're going to start a war you better be prepared to finish it.
why would anyone be interested in them? tell me about Japan
rly? Are they commies too or how come?
You don't happen to be informed about the politics of a superior people like the Nihonese, do you?
Japan will rule the pacific, no one will remember the US tbh
Never said so. Nanking is a jewish attempt at a weaboo holocaust, it's overstated, really. The actual horrible crimes japs did was with live experiments in Manchuria. Doesn't matter for the point of the previous post, tho. Your sliding attempt is pathetic.
What is the point of apologizing for things you didn't do? So cucked.
Are they at least planning to roll back some of the restrictions made in the past decade?
Perhaps he's wondering why someone would be interested in a broken shell of a country?
No, but the guy I quoted who said those exact fucking words did say that, now didn't he?
I was even nice enough to ignore the times they did cause avoidable civilian casualty and their horrific treatment of both captives and innocents, but I can go into them if you wish to get into them.
Japan couldn't rule a fucking straight line.
no let's not talk about the USA pls
I ve never done that tbh
Then they sent the Hull Note,an ultimatum masked as request.The request were similar to the final peace treaty except Japan could retain the Emperor.
And started asking for peace since 1944,sending treaty from Portugal,Sweden and Russia embassies.Every peace request was similar to the final peace treaty signed.Not one of them was even considered.
Roosevelt was really too far gone at that point,and much disconnected from the military:see MacArthur,Eisenhower and Patton.
You mean the thing that was first introduced in a horror fiction novel in the 80's, called "the devil's gluttony"?
The Japanese are shit at diplomacy and cannot rule the Pacific. This whole "east-asia co-prosperity" will never work out.
not even close, m8
they just lean more on nationalistic ideals while the cuckservatives here lean globalist
all the commies were rounded up in Jeju island and then slaughtered long ago
depends on what kind of restrictions
though all the kikery done by the women's ministry will be undone that's for certain
If I change the topic, would you be mad?
Stopped reading there. When did this board become full of illiterate iron-march tier faggots?
so they are national conservative?
who do you have to vote for if you wanna join Japan?
It would be extremely painful
That would be glorious.
You do not need diplomacy if you are the best. The eagle flies alone.
You're a man of large stature!
Can't you smell the obvious D&C?
This thread is about to crash
Fol yuu
Can't smell it over your rice-paddy stench faggot.
Can't you smell the obvious D&C?
You faggots turn on each other at the slightest disagreement.
You know people are allowed to have different opinions right?
How much of a cuck can you be, defending somebodies difference on the virtue of it being a difference.
Holla Forums is where different opinions come to die. There is no mercy.
Let's all mix and mash and forget our differences, right? After all, we are part of the one great human race.
Diversity in opinion draws out discourse and through discourse we become more informed and closer to the truth, each and every one of us has a different way of thinking which just by being different deserves to be understood and interpreted if one is in search for actual truth.
Holla Forums is where people come in search for alternative/suppressed opinions, not where ones die
1. Abortion
2. Fine arts
3. Technology
4. Economy
Holla Forums isn't one person either, but on those 4 topics, the general consensus here is seriously ignorant
All opinions are equal, right? Every thought is valid, right?
And as you wade through the varying shades of leftism, you spend so much time doing so you never express the right. And so the left wins by wielding your freedoms like a dagger and poisoning you from the very well you drink from.
You're willing to share the cupboard with rats, so don't be surprised when the larder is empty.
In other words "Holla Forums doesn't agree with me, and I'm a genius". I'm sure you're a Libertarian, aren't ya?
abortion is wrong. No exceptions. Checkm8
the current regime, ironically
wrong he is all 3 of their spirits in the same body
Why are Koreans the niggers of Asia m8? I mean China is already meh, but why can't you be like the Japanese?
There is no general consensus, every person here is different, some are simply louder than other.
Holla Forums is not one person.
Nobody is discussing the right or the left, do not constrict yourself by thinking it's all just black and white. Even leftism has some interesting points to bring and to simply consider it without accepting it is very valuable, if you are right then you will also make an example of them for others to see "'where"' exactly they are wrong.
the kosher spectrum and political labeling is all bullshit anyway
why would we want to be japs?
we almost became one during the colonial days and it wasn't so great
You are naive. Simple as that.
If truth were all that was needed or victory we would not have lost so much. You refuse to be explicitly right-wing, and so you will become left-wing.
I forgot to add this
Surely not equal but Valid or not they are worth considering as surely you are not above ideas and opinion, just considering them my help you realize that perhaps you are wrong, or help someone else do so.
Music inspired by Lohengrin
Just because you're wrong, that doesn't mean I'm a genius
Morality is supposed to be objective. If you don't realize this then you will get the same treatment as the Japs for your zealotry
Holla Forums is not your right-wing hugbox you shitlord!
In all seriousness though, I'm merely trying to be rational and putting reason above everything.
I also dislike political labels as I mentioned before and I don't see how the kosher 2d political spectrum could even apply to me.
Jokes on you, I'm a monarchist
The Japanese didn't suddenly invade China. They were already there, along with many Western countries, due to the Boxer Protocol.
The Zionists literally sent their agents in to spread the seeds of Bolshevism throughout China and incite war. The entire conflict between China and Japan in the first place was instigated by them. They encouraged anti-Japanese sentiment in China to ensure Japan would have its hands full and be unable to aid Germany in destroying the Soviet Union.
Of course, 'American kikes' were livid about Japan for opposing the spread of Bolshevism.
And numerous American kikes were at the center of anti-Jap propaganda leading up to the war. Jewish Soviet Agents in the White House were also the ones dictating the provocations to use against Japan that would all but guarantee war. Your anti-Japanese position is a kosher Jewish position.
By the way, there were no 'American kikes' with separate interests. There was only 'International Jewry'. In fact, since you don't even know that, you aren't even red-pilled. Now there are only two possibilities here. Either you're from reddit, or you're a shill.
randomyoko2 will not like that :(
I feel guilty we used the Japs as a pretense to get into WW2.
I really just hope he's catering to his audience and isn't so stupid to think Pearl Harbor was some fucking atrocity or something.
Oh shit, is Trump gonna make my dreams of a black market anime trade real?
I'll finally get to live my child fantasies of being a good mafia guy and give people offers they can't refuse.
Trading in animu, mango and merch. Shootout with the cops over the recent shipment of loli doujins. It's gonna be grand.
that's already a thing in worst korea
except that it's over digital distribution of the translated doujins
there's a reason why there have been an influx of korean translations on sadpanda
HOLY SHIT I did not know this. That's actually fucking insane. He firebombed Tokyo to the ground but thought the nukes were excessive?
I don't know if this is hypocrisy, fear of what the nukes could do or just a case of even the most evil son's of bitches having standards.
There never was a 'Nationalist' China. Chiang Kai Shek's party was actually dominated by Commie extremists.
come back with proper sources then we'll take you seriously
let me use this occasion to remind you all that english sources when it comes to east asian matters are highly dubious and questionable in nature, yes even the translations
Can't have Catholics converting Japan my boy. Hard to control, especially when they are born again.
Cry about it. Go make a slide thread about watching niggers chimp out on youtube or one of your faggoty fashion threads.
Nigger detected.
get gassed britkike
It's idiocy is what it is.
The Japs of the time were not the Japs you see today. They were ruthless peoples who wanted to expand their territory far and wide, and were willing to make as many enemies as necessary to do it. The US wasn't the only country they bombed.
so am I a gook or a brit? :^)
Bull fucking shit you pleb. Tojo was banking on his Kyushu pla, whihc would have drawn out warfare on the island, The idea was a sort of Asian "Battle of the Bulge," where once won, the Japanese could surrender on good terms, just like Hitler had tried to do. This would have costs millions of lives on both sides. Once Hiroshima was destroyed, the Japs thought that the Americans only had one bomb, so Tojo continued with his Kyushu plan. Once Nagasaki was destroyed, he realized that the Americans had more bombs and that his plan was nonviable. That's why they surrendered.
Get fucked.
Please tell me this is real
He's gonna police the internet. Remember?
Think twice before you commit heresy, cause it's gonna be that kind of world. The world we should've had a long time ago.
No, fuck that.
I'm fine with a European parliament (actually fucking able to do something and not just a show parliament with bureaucracies doing everything) and an Emperor. But they should be heavily checked, even more than the early US fed government.
Ultimately if it's more centralized that the high middle ages HRE, it's already fucked up.
There are no winners.
There will only be nuclear fire.
Ashes and Echoes
And yet they bombed a military station without targeting civilians on that station.
Meanwhile, America firebombed their gorram capital.
You roped them into the war. FDR needed an excuse to help his commie and globalist buddies.
I respect the God Emperor just fine, but I WILL fap to my loli doujins damn it!
I'm not even American. I'd have to move there
Legally of course
And of their campaign in China?
And of their bombings of Australia?
And their bombings of many small pacific islands?
World War 2 was a fucking mistake yes, nobody's denying that. But maybe, just maybe if those gooks hadn't fucking bombed Pearl Harbor, things would have turned out for the better. I hear people in this thread saying "the government knew about Pearl Harbor and let it happen", as if that excuses the Japanese for choosing to fucking bomb it in the first place.
Japan catholics are probably some of the most uncucked ones,considering Catholicism as a whole now.
And our lady of Akita reinforced the message of Fatima and the great apostasy of the Church.
False.Japan was already trying to surrender since 1944.I bet if MacArthur and the other generals knew they were sending good men to die for what was an already won battle they would have thought two times about FDR.
*Source: Chamberlin, William Henry, America's Second Crusade, 219.
Also this
We bomb the japs
Nothing we can do about it now, shit if anything it made them better. What do you want us to do? Pay reparations?
Then you're not even gonna pass the lie detector test at Angel/Ellis Island, after he reinvigorates the immigration system on all legals for maximum effectiveness, in order to weed out leeches like yourself.
Japan is just as shit as everywhere else. The POZ is innescapable. If you try, Samson Looms.
Ashes and Echoes
They were all completely wrong. Here are the words of the only man that did the surrender.
“Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should We continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.
Such being the case, how are We to save the millions of Our subjects, or to atone Ourselves before the hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors? This is the reason why We have ordered the acceptance of the provisions of the Joint Declaration of the Powers.”
Emperor Hirohito’s radio broadcast, August 15, 1945.
So you didn't read the article linked.
Gas yourself.
hang yourself
There never was a right side. Even Hitler lost.
And don't forget. Samson Looms.
Ashes and Echoes
How many of those were American positions (before Pearl Harbor)
Because if the answer is none, irrelevant. It was not your business to get involved in ANY CAPACITY WHATSOEVER (this includes the land lease you right cunts) with WWII.
You didn't leave them with any choice. You embargo'd them and delivered terms that can only be considered ultimatums. You asked for it. FDR got exactly what he wanted. He rattled a country of traditionalists that right fight wars than deal with political bullshit.
Nonsense. I'll be a fine member of the community and use my contraband money to reinvigorate the local economy.
I'll be the greatest Don since Corleone!
I bet you would be licking nigger feet if one of their shitty nations decided to put on a cute display for Hitler.
In the end, if they are not your race, then you're not meant to worship their ground. Even the Germans knew this.
With the pisser gang in charge international relations is a joke subject. Trump knows it, me too. Smarten up he's just laying seeds and he knows what he's doing.
And they asked for nuclear hellfire. And they got exactly what they wanted.
What evidence do you have for being able to escape his sight? All you can tell me is that you can, when I've been telling you why it's not gonna happen.
Do you even know how many active crooks there were during the time of the German Reich, in comparison to that of the Weimar Republic?
What else is there?
There is nothing. Samson Looms and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
Ashes and Echoes
Trump doesn't give a fuck about anime, loser.
Nothing CAN EVER be good. Not even you. ESPECIALLY NOT YOU!
Give in to your despair.
Ashes and Echoes
Faggot probably didn't even vote for him, like those useless "meme magicians" that spend too much of their time smoking weed to actually register Republican.
Aren't you an edgy good goy.
Yeah sure, they totally asked to have their cities razed to the ground, their populations cucked by LIBERAL FREE MARKETS and their military gutted TO THIS DAY.
Fuck you. Americans are truly ZOGbots to the end, the majority of you. Even Holla Forumsacks can't escape their ZOGbot tendencies. It's like niggers and friend chicken.
We'll see nyeea
Trump isn't gonna be policing what people do in the privacy of their rooms…you know that right?
Yes, lets start attacking our own allies over WW2. That sounds like a good idea. Over an attack that only happened because of your country's economical provocations.
How about attacking Germans for being spooky Nazis?
That should work.
There was a declaration of war, the FDR administration hid it.
Also war is only justifiable if the offending party really harmed you and your kin. America spent the entirety of WWII sabotaging the natsocs and the nips. If anyone reaped hellfire, it was the FDR administration.
And the chickens will come home to roost on that yet.
Do you doubt his power?
Seriously, though. Don't bother coming here, if you're just gonna get put in the camps.
The Black Pill is right. Nothing you can say can ever disprove it. You'd actually have to win to do that, and we both know that's impossible.
There never was any hope.=
Ashes and Echoes
If I did move to America I'd be a fine upstanding citizen.
Also I'm white, so it's fine
Whatever, weebshit.
Japan sucks. Deal with it.
Everything has always been shit and always will be.
Burn. Them. All.
Ashes and Echoes
Trump is the strongest embodiment of the spirit of the age,the hand of Kalki! The white jihad! Something that is all lightning and no sun. Something new, something unforeseen!
So what should have been done?
When they bombed American soil, you say we should have done nothing.
When they bombed Australian soil, you say we should have done nothing.
When they refused to surrender on the terms we gave them, you say we should have rolled over and listened to the losers.
Fuck right off cunt. If they didn't want their cities razed then maybe they shouldn't have pulled such a fucking stupid move. Nobody made them bomb Pearl Harbor, nobody forced them to terrorize south-east Asia and the pacific, but they did so anyway. And so I have no fucking sympathy for them, or you and your fucking closet gooked-ness.
Then the Japs have nothing to bitch about.
It says that it was necessary so Japan could seek a better treatment.And yet since the 1944 what they asked was to keep the Emperor.
It says it was necessary and yet,America embargo was working and the generals didn't thought necessary to keep fighting.FDR went out of its way to keep fighting.
Okinawan offensive was useful to kill Americans and Japanese,America didn't gain nothing from it,the same treaty sent by Japanese before the 1945,that's want America signed.
And if it wasn't for impressing the soviet and nor for winning the war,since the general thought it useless,then it was just to test the weapons and see that the Project Manhattan money were well spent.
weeb detected
go back to fucking your body pillows you unpatriotic traitorous autist
They were asking for it. They were asking for it by existing in the first place.
Life is Filth.
Ashes and Echoes
No you wouldn't. No you're not. You're a liar.
Ashes and Echoes
You will never escape.
Kaliki has abandoned you.
We are doomed.
Ashes and Echoes
The general is wrong.
Your entire argument is that the general regret it, but I don't give two fucks. The overwhelming evidence shows it was very necessary.
You literally gutted their ability to move their industry and then delivered an ultimatum when you weren't even part of the war effort. You left them with no other choice. The declared war based on that and your administration at the time (FDR, the gorram commie sympathizer and worst president in US history FDR) hid that declaration and pretended Pearl Harbor was unprovoked.
You're a disingenuous cunt considering this is Holla Forums and you know your administration of the time was utter crap
You asked for Pearl Harbor. Or rather, your administration did everything in their power to force the nips hands.
We aren't at war, Japan isn't the enemy right now. You don't need to pretend you didn't fuck up. Stop being a blind ZOGbot and agreeing with everything your STATE does.
I don't usually do this, but have an anime reaction picture. Just for you.
Yet you're willing to lie to and bring contraband into the country you so claim to love.
Not even here, and you already dream of being a leech upon the system. Disgusting.
Yeah sure, you know more about warfare than Patton or MacArthur.
Whatever. Anime is shit.
Japan is shit. Radiation poisoning forever, you nip loving fuck.
Life is Filth. Burn them all.
Ashes and Echoes
What else is there? There is nothing else.
Ashes and Echoes
Go fuck yourself, it is called nationalism, we have to avenge our countrymen by killing at least 10-100 of them for every one they manage to slay.
What bad actions, the actions of the CIA, State Department, and Neocohens? Believe it or not American citizens have literally nothing to do with any of that, conflating the American people with the ZOG confirms how stupid you are, deaths of my countrymen will be avenged with not less than 10 deaths of theirs, and if those stupid fucking terrorists want to attack neocohens, kikes, ZOG, etc. actually responsible instead of killing innocent Americans like a worthless stupid shitskin terrorist knock yourself out.
That's going to be your ONLY option after the US stops sending you money and hardware.
And yet we're still going to end up suffering for it.
There is nothing else
Ashes and Echoes
You must be new if you don't know me. I'm not an israeli.
I'm just a demoralized goy who has seen what is to come. And it's Nuclear Fire.
Ashes and Echoes
And that's why it must ALL BURN
Give in to your hate
There is nothing else.
No other answer.
Ashes and Echoes
If you get trolled by Donald, then you are not an ally.
How does that feel?
Well, Europe is only in this situation right now because of America. The Brits were the first traitors to western civilization, and the Americans were the second.
After raping and killing nearly 10 million chinks you absolutely fucking deserved it you nip cocksucker, we should have genocided your entire people, using only two nukes was excessively merciful and you are being a goddamn ingrate in addition to your pathetic bitching grievances, you are not only a worthless fucking nip and/or weeaboo but a weak piece of shit.
Central bank =/= liberal free markets, and the establishment of the Bank of Japan was due to certain (((internationalist bankers))), not America.
There was the choice not to try and fight the biggest kid on the playground. But they didn't choose that. I have no sympathy for those who make stupid choices. The gooks wanted to try their hands at war and they learned they were fucking outclassed.
So since you can't try and spin the bombing of Darwin as "le ebil Australian were still the bad guys!", you choose to pretend it was irrelevant.
As they did ours. It just so happens we had bigger toys.
We didn't fuck up in the slightest. The gooks put their fingers in too many pies and got beat by the older kids. Maybe if they had have surrendered earlier (and I mean surrender, not a half-assed attempt at saving face) then they'd be better off. Maybe if they didn't bomb America, they'd be better off. But they did these things, and they learned where they stand.
Patton was no Jap fan, kid
You know Hiro, screaming "ZOG" over and over again doesn't make you fit in.
After raping and killing nearly 6 million jews you absolutely fucking deserved it you nazi cocksucker, we should have genocided your entire people.
NO! The answer is OMNICIDE!
Killing everyone everywhere at the same time will fix it!
Ashes and Echoes
False equivalency, Japanese atrocities are well documented with physical evidence, unlike the holohoax.
The Japs were nothing more than muscle for the sake of muscle, like the Ottomans in the Central Powers, except obviously superior in terms of strength and numbers.
So MacArthur is wrong.Eisenhower too.
Patton was wrong in trying to fight the soviets too.
But even more,Roosevelt,of which every fucking one spoke as a jew puppet,was right.
This is what FDR was
This why thousands of American died for.
Apologies for war are a stupid thing,i don't believe America should apologize nor Japan,nor Germany nor Italy or UK.But those are errors that killed people,the last we can do is try to learn for it.I mean how many times America was "attacked" and had to go to war?
The oldest trick in the world and yet the american masses fall for it everytime,this is the use of the overpatriotism in America,to keep fighting war and dieing for obtaining absolutely nothing but a pat on the back by the jews.
And there are those who contrast it:
All that matters is that everyone dies.
So what? What if the Germans really killed the Jews? Would that be alright?
It's history. Shit happens. Get over it. They are our allies now.
You've gone off on a completely unrelated tangent you dopey fuckwit.
That's because this thread is a shit.
Then. They had their Aryanhood, or nobility then. Now, not so much.
Much like Britain, they can go fuck themselves.
I'm Portuguese. I have more respect for Japan because as far as WWII goes, us, and Europe as a hole, suffered from America and Britain's kike policies as much as Japan did. I have no sympathy for the American state, and any America that defends his ZOGbot state. That's the end of it.
There really wasn't.
More like outnumbered.
Are you Australian? Were you a military ally of Australia during WWII? No? Then yes, it's irrelevant.
What are you talking about. The FDR administration wanted in that war. This is fact. They forced Japan to attack because they couldn't force Germany's hand (too far away) and couldn't set up an effective false flag like the Lusitania in WWI
Sure mate. I'm sure you'll be defending your proud nation once you're bombing the nationalist uprisings in Europe and claiming we all deserved it.
You've a brainwashed ZOGbot. My question is what you're doing on Holla Forums
And yet he opposed the nukes
Do you even know where you are? This isn't Reddit moishe
No he hasn't. This is what this is about.
FDR and his administration wanted this war because the kikes wanted America set against German and Japan and the rest of the Axis.
They used your peoples and your industry (land lease) to help the Brits and the Soviets defeat the Germans and they baited the American nation by purposely provoking Japan to attack.
You are willfully ignoring these facts and defending not your nation, not your kin, but a corrupt administration that if they were able, would have had you all replaced with shitskins right then and there. It was simply too early then. But now their spiritual successors are doing just that.
What the chinks did to themselves after the war was far worse than anything the Japs could have dished out on them.
As far as I'm concerned the han are rats and rats need to be exterminated.
They were probably not very civilized back then. They are now. In fact, they are healthier than America, at this point. Anyway, my point is that I don't care about their war crimes. Everyone in WW2 did some horrible shit. What matters is how they are like today.
tell that to the vets face and see what happens you spineless weeb
You mean provoked attack, because the US simply had to join the war for the Chosen Ones.
Here's one for Trump; does this kosher faggot ever discuss the Kike Strike on the USS Liberty? Someone Tweet that to that shaboz goy.
You fucking weebshits need to evaluate your priorities. You certainly don't belong on THIS board.
I think I'm starting to see some correlation with certain shitposters/derailers here.
He's nothing like Patton.
Patton actively named the jew.
Japan didn't attack my country.
And even were I American, I'd defend Japan. Were I British, I'd defend the Germans.
They were the morally good party of that war. They were in the right. All fine and dandy to stand with your kin, but if your kin all follow Shadow, the time has come to either retreat from the conflict or take up arms to set your peoples straight.
And mind you, there were many Americans and British that did just that during the war. Just not enough, and just not in time, unfortunately.
During king niggers speech he pretty much apologized for droping the nukes to stop the war and said nothing about the AMERICAN lives lost, fucking disrespectful nigger.
There's the xenophilia. Grass greener on the other side.
You know how it is over there? It's worse than America, and you just hate your culture so much, like all the other spineless shits that you want to be what you aren't. Their money's becoming more worthless, by the minute, and their culture is slowly killing itself, unlike America's, which is currently going through what one would call a renaissance against the darkness of years before.
Embrace your fucking culture, and make it great again, you worthless leech.
The only correlation between shitposting and derailing here is Trump marketers trying to sell the idea that Trump isn't a kosher faggot, dodging every and all questions that expose Trump for the kosher faggot he is, never engaging critical Anons and never ever showing up with any kind of proof of their absurd claims that Trump isn't a jew pet.
I'm still waiting on an answer; why is this kosher faggot more concerned about Japan doing exactly what they expected to do rather than question all the lost lives of Americans aboard the USS Liberty when the kikes attacked them.
If Patton had been alive today he would've put that on Twitter.
Filthy Trump marketing scum.
Oh you're not even an American. Why are you talking?
You have to go back. Weebs are actually anti-Trump. Anti-trump is a codeword for anti-white.
Because he thinks he knows what's best for a country he doesn't even live in. Typical globalist.
I'm just asking because i am genuinely curios, what culture?
You mixed up your board cultures, shit marketer.
Then I guess they were destined to have their shit pushed in. Sad for them.
Yeh, we bombed them with numbers. Sure buddy.
Yes. Yes. Yes. It's very relevant.
Japan attacked everything they thought they could handle cunt. They staged air raids on Australia fucking hundreds of times because they felt they could get away with it. They were utter cunts, and they deserved every bit of radiation they got.
You know what if Hungary bombs my country tomorrow you can bet your fucking ass I'm going to support retaliatory action you cowardly little fuckwit.
Fuck right off he did you moron, this is the same guy who openly wanted to nuke the soviets into the fucking dirt.
Yes, the difference being I'm not paid to be here. Just screaming ZOG doesn't make you look normal, it's like you're trying to look like a Holla Forumsack by replicating surface similarities.
Weebs are by definition traitors to their people, and they will hang like the rest of them.
Of course they didn't Hiro.
As far as you're concerned the Japs were just an innocent little kawaii girl who was bullied by big bad Mr America. You have no idea the depths of fucking savagery the Japs are capable of, and given the chance to do it over I'd nuke them again.
Because what was done in WWII and the dominion of the globalists that the end of that war brought on affects me?
I have every right to be critical of America's actions in WWII, just like I criticize Britain.
Your administration fucked up and the people then in vast majority fucked up (rather they were fooled into fucking up)
I'm not telling you how to run your country. I'm simply refuting this erroneous notion that American "dindunuffin" in WWII
You fought for the evil side. Best you deal with that notion.
And i'm still waiting on an answer; why is this kosher fuck not questioning the attack on the USS Liberty? Who gives a fuck about Japan, at least they weren't on the wrong side of history you jew worshiping alt-cuck.
Also note
How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor
Acknowledging history isn't "throwing our allies under the bus," genius. What are you, a revisionist kike?
That is a ridiculous mentality. You have to leave the past behind at SOME point, americuck. Crying about MUH PEARL HARBOR and MUH 9/11 doesn't make you stronger at all. It makes you look like a bitch.
The Japanese are not the ones being replaced by spics or sandniggers, so of course they are healthier. I don't give a shit about their economy. I wouldn't live there because I'm not one of them, but they are still a healthier society.
White culture, and a lot better than anyone else's.
What's funnier is that Non-Americans tend to pull up the statistics of mud populations, when our 60% have less crime than their petty 5%. Guess who's better at taming their apes with lead and smoke?
Of course you basement dwelling anime faggots on Holla Forums are defending the little slant-eye monkeys. Fuck off, you little neet…
Even as a burger, I know that we were subverted during WW2 thanks to kike machinations.
It all makes sense now.
NatSoc leaders, of course.
Oh so you're just ignorant then
Not your business. WWII was not your business. You had no business getting involved either militarily or economically. Deal with it
No see, what's going to happen is that Hungary, or Poland, or whatever, will either leave the EU or tell them to fuck off over something important. Your ZOG administration (assuming this isn't Trump at the presidency) will then embargo them. Hungary and Poland will then seize military installations you have in their countries, and you'll think you're justified in bombing them to the stone age.
And you'd be wrong. Just like you were wrong in WWII
And mark my words,. if Trump isn't elected, that's exactly what will happen. Once the nationalists inevitably begin the revolt, some false flag or justified seizing will happen at US military installations and your ZOG administration will use that as justification for bombing your distant European kin again.
And you'll be perfectly okay with it because you're a filthy patriot, not a nationalist. You don't stand for your kin, you stand for your state
Soviets =/= Japan. The Soviets were by far the most evil thing in WWII (and FDR supported them every step of the way)
Yeah sure. Me, the guy attacking Franklin Delano FUCKING Roosevelt is the payed shill. Not the guy defending D&C against a country that stood by Germany in WWII.
Sure mate. You go ahead and believe that
Stay mad burger. People like you make it very hard to maintain a cordial tone with Americans in general. You're deep down all kike puppets, just like the British were. Perfidious anglo cunts, the lot of you
Lepalations when?
You think you're getting any reparations out of that? You're not.
Except they're full of emasculate pieces of shit, regardless, which arguably makes them worse.
In America, at least people have their guns to ward off gorillas and rats with. Because of that, Georgia, one of the niggest states in all of Dixieland is so tamed, that all counties turned out in favour of Donald J. Trump during their Republican Primary. Shows what a foreigner would know about keeping monkey trouble in check, when they're the ones getting punished for so much as even thinking of hurting an innocent "refugee" making his way into their home.
He didn't apologize. King Nigger said some liberal feel-good diatribe about human family. He justified the atomic bombing while giving a pat on the back of the Japanese.
Can we sue the fuck out of them for nuking the Pacific ocean?
We're not all bad. Best to stop talking to the Portuguese swine pretending he's an Aussie though.
Worse than basically extinct? How can you fix anything if you cease to exist?
Jesus Christ, I can understand that Hitler dindu nuffin, but Jesus Christ that doesn't apply to the entire fucking axis.
At least try to refute the claims m9
I don't need reparations even had my country stood against the ZOG allies (as we should have done, but sadly things weren't quite as simple for Portugal)
But eventually the truth will come to the surface and America, Britain, France and all the other states that participated in that unjust war will be made to face the consequences. If the peoples/nations chose to stand by their politicians, essentially successors of those that committed the crimes, then I have no sympathy for them either.
Don't fucking speak for me cunt, you're the worst of the lot. You have no animosity for a people who bombed your countrymen when they had no cause for it. I may hate the nips, but if I had one bullet it would be going straight to you.
Nope, you're a fgt!
Hey US has every right to do what it pleases.
Obviously sucks that the American gov let it's own people die though
Get the fuck out traitor.
I'm not pretending to be an Aussie
Apparently the Aussie cunt thinks America was a military ally of theirs in WWII.
Which they weren't.
America is Australia's greatest ally!
We dindu nuffin, we jus tryin save the wurld n sheeeit
Yes it does.
Japan was on the right side of that war and moreover this thread isn't about Australia, it's about America.
If Australia didn't want the bombs, they shouldn't have followed the British state (read, the perfidious Albion Jew slaves) into war.
At least America has the excuse that they didn't take MILITARY action, it was just ultimatums and embargos. It's not a good justification, but it's better than your bullshit.
You followed Britain into war with Japan. You asked for this. The Allies were the evil side in this war.
Are you fucking retarded? The US was entirely within its rights to do what it did in favor of its allies, who were at war with Japan. Japan was not provoked, and was entirely wrong for what it did at Pearl Harbor, and it suffered the consequences. Drop the Japan "dindo nuffin" nonsense, just because you like their stupid fucking cartoons, you dumb neet.
Also check out this Documentary on Japan AFTER WWII
This really dives into the cucking of Japan after the war…. but through the perspective of the currency and government manipulation
Damn straight, and it feels so good.
They're basically extinct, themselves. Zero Aryans, at that, and because of this, they're worthless in both regard, in comparison to the god-fearing states of AMERICA.
That is the most pathetic shit I've read all day. Very sad! Grow some backbone, and have a bit of bravado. Okay? Bye-bye!
As if we needed more confirmation that you're nothing more than a weeb defending your cartoons.
If Japan didn't want to be nuked, they shouldn't have started a fight they couldn't finish. Deal with it faggot.
You can't say that this wouldn't warrant a possible attack
Not saying that it was wrong, just a reality of the decision to change the trade contract.
The US wasn't an ally of the Soviets/British until the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor.
At that time they were taking gold for material, aka lend lease.
America wasn't in the war yet. Americans were making money arming both sides at that point. Staying neutral was smart. Joining either side was stupid, and of course, America chose the wrong one, because when did it do anything right?
Good job joining fucking Churchill over Hitler, americucks.
Get fucked mate. The USA should have nuked Australia rather than let this country be turned into a multikult shithole owned by the chinks. My "countrymen" sold this country to the highest bidders and have earned no respect.
Pretty sure that's Israel, bro.
Don't bother, you're arguing with the worst; those who aren't interested in facts and are just trying to convert you or silence you.
No, it doesn't warrant an attack. We're under no obligation to continue trade with a nation we don't want to. This is like white business owners pulling out of majority black areas. They're entirely within their right to do so, and niggers have no justification to do anything about it.
It was my understanding that the US was only selling to the Allied powers, any source on selling to both?
Well then maybe if your precious gooks hadn't allied with the chinks to dismantle the White Australia policy we'd be in a better position. The kikes may have done administration, but the gooks were the footsoldiers there buddy.
I feel like he's doing it to make us laugh at this point. My fucking sides.
Nah but seriously, he's going to start needling Obama anyway he can now that Obama is actively fighting his campaign. Obama's either going to end up politically skinned alive or he's going to leave Hillary to her fate and cede the white house to the God Emperor.
Thinking that starving a foreign war machine will just die peacefully….
are you living in spiritual land or do you have no idea of the physical reality we live in?
Australians let it happen, and have been responsible for selling the country out from under us for personal gain over national solidarity.
They've been in lockstep with degenerates and dissidents every step of the way in ruining this country.
We can look to Poland to see how it's fucking done.
Once again anything to excuse the fucking gooks.
I take solace in the fact that Japan has committed a near irreversible demographic suicide and they "just let it happen".
Then there is no sense denying arms and money to Israel, right Chiam?
Except Japan was fighting for the morally just side.
And Japan didn't nuke Australia
Honestly they should have, looking at Melbourne and Sydney
Only if they nuke Commieforina as well. We can take a small fukashima for a bit on the worst coast.
At least they didn't let themselves get swarmed with immigrants.
Enjoy your Muslims you Aussie cunt.
So you're suggesting, just because someone is acting big an mean, that we should cower and do as they desire? Don't ever go to an anti-Trump "protest," or an Antifa "protest," you'll be sucking the dicks of some verbally aggressive, yet highly effeminate and frail faggots in an ally. But they're being mean and aggressive, and to avoid any sort of lash out you need to obey their desires. That's what you're telling me, right? We should just concede Europe to Muslims and the US to wetbacks and niggers because they're aggressive and mean! Fuck what's best for us! We don't want to make them angry!
Great logic…
And you think the dual citizens of America/Israel won't go batshit and pull another 9/11 and drive America to fight Israel's enemies again….
do you just call everyone a jew?
Jesus christ go back to /a/ you faggot.
I'd be down with that.
Also London, Malmo and Stockholm, and most important Brussels.
If Trump had become a general instead of a businessman he would have become like this man. Maybe this life of success without violence was his reward for the last.
Enter the Paki…
I bet he'd defend the fucking kebab as well, for agreeing to fight for Germany in WWI.
It's part of the official history and it's absolutely everywhere. I can't prove it either way, but it is part of history that America was neutral and making shitloads of money selling to both sides. Nothing particularly wrong with that, but they were doing business with Germany and Japan during the war.
Both sides were doing their own thing. Japan didn't have much of a choice considering that they were relying on America, a country that was supposed to be neutral but suddenly decided to isolate them. They had their reasons to attack. That is just history. Shit happens.
This is what pisses me off about the plebs in this thread. People refuse to accept that history happens for a reason. Whether you like it or not, Japan had a reason for doing what it did. We can dislike their reasons as much as we want to, but they still had them.
O boy….
Yeah, just leave the closest Navy base close to Japan UNDEFENDABLE for multiple weeks at a time when you just said fuck you to Japan…
you seriously have a minimalistic view of what really transpired.
Which makes it all the more impressive that they STILL managed to destroy their once prosperous society.
Top Kek. I highly doubt Trump would attack the nips, I think hes just trying to stir up more tribalism.
So if a Nazi, who you deem to be on the morally just side, does something blatantly wrong and stupid, like raping a French woman (happaned), then it's fine because he's on the "morally just" side, right? Dumb logic. You don't get to attack a nation and drag them into war and claim "well we're on the morally just side, so we can do whatever we want!" Fuck Japan. they got what they deserved. I'd see it done again if they even contemplated attacking my nation. Fuck them. Fuck the "right and wrong" sides of the war. They attacked my nation. Fuck them.
You go back /n/ you faggot, clearly you don't belong in Holla Forums
WWI was murkier. There was no clearly good side. It was all a bunch of elites, on one side degenerated aristocrats and on the other side Jacobins pitting nations that had no business fighting against each other.
I wont defend the actions of the central powers of WWI, because they did plenty of wrong.
WWII is an entirely different matter.
In one thread almost all of Holla Forums will agree that Japan's attack was justified, meanwhile the same anima in a Trump thread gets assblasted because of the attack.
go ahead call me a shill, You know that calling me a name will make you win
Only dumbfuck hebes like you. Make a stupid comment, get called out. Don't worry, that fear of attack will keep you supplied in Tel Aviv for years to come.
It's what happens when you ban guns, and let emasculate fiction influence your youth.
Don't get much of that shit in America. If anything, killing a nigger purely in self-defense is the best thing you can do for your life, since if it's all legal, you'll be a hero to society for ages to come.
This truly is the greatest place on the entire god-blessed planet.
Clearly, "almost all of Holla Forums" doesn't.
The curious thing is that he doesn't realize this just means that they're even smarter than we give them credit for.
Debt is a concept, racial, political and social pollution is real and tangible.
It disappears as if it was never there.
Before or after you deport/kill the legion of hard leftist Australian citizens in your way?
No. I'm pretty sure Germany was still in the right, at that time.
So much for you being so "redpilled". Get the fuck out of here.
Their nation isn't destroyed. It's naturally correction. Birth rates dropped, the old will slowly died out and things will even out.
Non stop population growth is not sustainable and is hard GDP is not an indicator or wealth, GDP per capita is.
This still applies Try to impose unjust will on others, and you get what you deserve. Japan got what they deserved.
Then you would have to hate everyone, because everyone in WW2 committed at least a few atrocities. Hell, Japan never did it against America, but it sure as hell didn't stop America from burning them alive.
But of course, it's just history being history when America does it. Other than that, fuck them, they deserve to be exterminated.
Americans are fucking shameless.
The collection nation was on the just side.
Obviously there will be wrong doings
Incidentally, how many of those rapes against French women were properly handled by the German military?
In comparison, how many German women were raped with impunity and with express encouragement from allied high command both east and west?
Success breeds jealousy.
Look here: Until 1940 USA was selling shit to everyone.And he kept targeting Japan in 1941.
Why stop?They stopped because FDR chose a side.Churchill was damn sure he could drag US in the war,and how he couldn't know considering who was behind him?
But that wasn't enough.Japan preferred to attack English and France possession.And here we have the Hull Note,the final part of their master plan.Absurd request of which no sane nation would have answered yes.
People are fucking idiots.He is using American patriotism to stir shit and get more votes.He is smart,this has less to do to with Japan than with Obamba,and especially the Democrats.
Wilhelm I fucked up plenty.He undid all the good work Bismarck,never made a treaty with Russia and then let a jew handle the negotiations for than having a stroke of genius when in exile.But it was another war to keep Germany down and never let reach the point to contrast Uk/France
They really weren't. They stood by their ally sure but then they did wrongdoings like attacking Belgium without provocation because it'd make it "faster", resorting to chemical warfare and other such things. They even allowed the commies to coup the Russians to get them out of the war faster.
Which is not to say the British and French weren't guilty of a lot of things.
Like I said, the Great War was a sad affair where people that ought have been on friendly terms were brought to war over pity nationalism.
No, I don't need to hate everyone, because only one country attacked my country, and that was Japan. They got what they deserved. End of story. If you attack my country, then there are no depths too deep for how much you should suffer. In turn I will never support my country attacking yours if yours never attacked mine. I'm a non-interventionist. The military could have dropped 15 nukes on Japan and I'd be fine with it. You lose your humanity when you attack me, my nation, or my people. The Japanese are sub-human filth. Fuck them.
Until Trump condemns the attack on the USS Liberty, he's just another good goy.
While Europe is overrun with Africans and Middle Easterners?
While The US turns into Mexico 2.0?
It would be better to suffer a population decline like Japan than to be permanently changed beyond all recognition.
The best thing is that it hasn't even begun.
Lord knows how great this country shall become by the time Trump actually takes a seat at the oval office. At the rate things are going, it'll be a fucking glistening utopia, by the time he swears the oath.
You completely missed my point. Being on the "morally just side" is redundant if your actions are unjust. That's what I'm saying. I'm not trying to have a conversation about rape…
Well if Obama apologized to Israel, maybe he will. If Obama hadn't apologized to Japan, Trump wouldn't have said this.
I just hope when he's sworn in he calls them all out during his inauguration speech. That would be a great start.
Germany was already at UK and France's level in the Great War. That's why there was the Great War.
Also you mean Wilhelm II right?
You're not even American! You're an Aussie! The Allies started the war! You have no business saying anything given that!
By that logic, both Germany and Britain would be fully justified in exterminating every single American in existence.
Well, I will apply that logic to you and say that you are an irredeemable enemy of western civilization.
The German Reich of later would also make the mistake of not cooking Jews, and trying to trust dirty anglos.
What they wanted was ultimately just, user. If you count them by their mistakes, then nobody did right, at all.
Yes Wilhelm II.Wilhelm I was fucking great and has a pretty cool march in is honor which practically says "we want the old Kaiser back"
You can try.
I don't know how to anticipate the level of happening going on, by then.
It'll be too much for me. I'll die.
A nation/peoples can not be held accountable for the actions of individuals.
Yes, individuals compose the nation, but just like a man is more than the some of it's parts, a nation should be held as more than the sum of its individuals.
And again, another way to judge this is how that nation/army handles those that perform such actions.
As far as I'm aware, the German high command was fairly harsh on such actions committed by enlisted men. They encouraged that behavior of aggression in the east yes, but they tried to maintain a civil war, as best a war can be civil, in the west. The notable exception is the bombing raids on London.
In contrast, the western powers had no mercy to show the Germans (although the Soviets were FAR worse). They raped their way through the Rhineland and left behind niggers of all types to continue that trend, with encouragement from high command.
If the Jews were handled when Moses was rallying the rats we'd be living in a world-wide utopia.
You do realise you've basically said the synonymous equivalent to "Death to America", right?
That makes you a potential terrorist.
So at the point Japan declared war we were only keeping their enemies supplied with arms and munitions like I thought. Yeah, their response was fully justified then.
Calm down with the edge there.
The point is that you're stupid, user.
What Holla Forums means by "nothing wrong" is not literally refusing any mistake, but justification, you turd. Get it right, because Holla Forums is always right.
nothing wrong with that statement
It would probably be pretty easy considering that you are quite the big targets and can't win a war for your lives because you are too afraid to attack.
Russia alone could defeat America.
More like "Death to that American specifically because he is a traitor to humanity". At least that is what he would deserve, by his own logic.
America is part of western civilization too, you know? The thing that he is treasonous towards.
So you want America to step down, or something?
Boy, am I glad we're picking the "strong horse", this season. He's gonna piss people like you off every day, and all night with his rightful "edge".
Damn son that's a fine edge.
Eh you are probably right.Germans are too soft though.Rising Christmas tree during war,letting UK keep fighting instead of annihilating it,never left thousands of rape babies so to keep the German blood flowing,making camps with cinema,brothel,pools.
The blessing and curse of having a soul.
welcome to the real world, faggot
time to stop drinking that PC koolaid
It's America. God bless it.
Too bad. Grow some callus, because where we're heading, there's gonna be nothing but edge.
A shame. Good thing America's learning from Europe's mistakes, and not a moment too soon.
In case you haven't noticed, nationalism and proper European moral ethics are losing right now.
Does that mean the kikes are right?
Hello Ausbro.
Don't be on Nippon side. Tojo would totally do a Raping of Sydney. True story. :^)
Holla Forums memes aren't history
When we get attacked on our own soil we tend to handle business. Otherwise we get involved in pseudo-wars to make rich assholes richer.
Without Nukes, you aren't taking us. With nukes there won't be anyone left to take a fucking thing.
wut. The germans declared war on the US
Rearry sneaky.
they are on the rise, m8, I'd hardly call that losing
the pendulum is real
Well I'm not talking about individuals, I'm talking about a military complex backed by a majority of the nation's citizens. You can say the Axis were "morally right." Whatever. Doesn't justify Japan bombing the US. Japan's citizens are not exempt from the consequences because they're complicit in the actions of their government and military in such a large scale war. Not only did they support the war, but they are the ones that produced the machines and weaponry for the war. Same in the US. Most aspects of society were geared toward supporting the war machine (making the populace a part of the war machine). I'm sure it was like that in most nations. I will always contend that Japan got what it deserved.
Don't mind me. I'm just cruising threads and looking for digits.
What does that even mean?
"Sorry for serving you with such dedication for the past century?"
On top of that you'll notice that at no point has it been stated outright that Obongo has issued any apology.
The (((US gov))) was literally provoking Japan taking orders from Soviet Commie Jew agents. The allies were the bad guys in WW2. What part of that don't you get through your thick skull?
Easy now this is supposed to be his safe space.
I don't blame America for doing what it did, but I don't blame Japan either because they had their reasons to attack you. And it's all in the past.
The really big villains in WW2 (other than the kikes) were the Brits, and I don't blame even them, because they were just tricked into doing what they did. I don't like the current Brits because they are massive cucks, not because of fucking WW2.
That doesn't mean we'll win. And it's on the rise from a minority to a less minority
Look at the FN in France and Hofner in Austria. They failed to get elected.
I hope I'm wrong on this next one, but Brexit will likely fail too.
The majority of society is still a mess of materialistic and subjective moral degeneracy and that isn't likely to change. That doesn't make it right.
So now we're moving away from the German raping French women angle back to Japan.
And I tell you Japan didn't attack civilians or bomb major cities like what the Americans did to Tokyo.
Japan didn't start the war by being diplomatically aggressive with America and basically forcing their hand, America did that.
And as far as Australia goes (I honestly don't know who's Aussie and who's American anymore), you declared war on Japan along with Britain. You were the aggressors there. You're talking all this shit about Japan not finishing what they started, and yet turn right around and blame Japan when you were the aggressors there.
Even if that is true, the japs threatened the pacific sovereignty of the USA
that alone is enough justification
Oh look a fucking defeatist shill
Well Israel was brought into this to call Trump a "good goy," when no comparison can logically be made because Obama never went over to Israel, like he did to Japan, to apologize, or anything similar. If Obama went to Israel and belittled our position, I'm sure Trump would say something, the same way he only said something about this because Obama went to Japan and belittled our position. This stupid "good goy" shit has nothing to do with it. Trump is reacting, and in regards to Israel, has nothing to react to because Obama hasn't done anything in Israel.
But sure they are exact when they say korean are jews.Never saw someone suck so much dick since your mom become a comfort woman.Are you sure you are even korean?Do you have a talmud somewhere?I heard it's a bestseller there.
It's the parasitism to America something you learned alone or it's just the weakness and uselessness?Or your (((master))) taught you that?
Literally linking a bullshit Jewish article written today and rejecting the fucking newspaper archive from back then. What a fucking cuck.
Herr Trump does not like Japan? I don't know how I feel about this.
I'm not a defeatist
Fine, lets ignore this for now
Who was the morally righteous side in 1453? Because if you answer the Turks, you don't belong here. But if you answer the Byzantines, well, they lost.
So might does not make right. If you believe it does, then morality is subjective by force of arms, and it just isn't so.
American public does not want any war.
American leaders provoke Japan into attacking.
Years later Americans are still butthurt at Japan instead of their own traitorous leaders.
The American public wants dubs.
Germans raping French women was an example of being on the supposed "morally superior" side does justify immoral actions. It was never the topic.
Also I'm not the guy that said anything about "finishing what they started." That was someone else. As far as US starting the war, no, the US was justified in ending trade with Japan. We are under no obligation to trade with any nation on this planet. Ending trade does not justify attacking a nation. Should Canada end oil exports to the US tomorrow (even though it would hurt them more than us), are you saying we'd be justified in invading their country? You have to, right? You do, after all, want to be consistent.
If you are supplying a nation's enemies while refusing to sell to them you're already participating in the war by being part of their enemy's supply lines. Yes, that's absolutely justification for being attacked. Particularly when they declare war before the attack.
Pretty much.
Maybe it's because Americans are fucking horrible with history.
Kike detected.
I disagree. Again, we're under no obligation to trade with any nation. We trade with South Korea, but not North Korea. Are you telling me North Korea is justified in attacking us? No. And if they do, then they deserve everything that happens to them.
the resulting might dictates what is right, you retard
that's how its always been
and who gives a shit about right/wrong label crap?
as long as no one dangerous bitches at you for it then it's all good
South Korea isn't in open warfare with North Korea. When you're supplying the guns and bullets that are killing a country's soldiers its ridiculous to complain about being targeted.
Agreed. One power that didn't finish what they started in WWII. It was Italy, so I refer to this thread >>>6137417
It's not the same. Japan's entire industry was dependent on that oil and Japan didn't do anything to America personally to justify those embargos.
YOu didn't just end a trade deal. You ended a trade deal in a clear taking of sides. You didn't end the trade deal because it was disadvantageous, because Japan was skirting on it's side, because Japan was aggressive or diplomatically pushed you around.
You ended the trade deal because you sided against Japan and were looking to harm them. You then presented ultimatums to Japan.
America pushed for that war.
Gr8 b8 m8
So you're just another materialistic cunt who has no morality or spirituality to speak of.
Seriously, what you doing here? Reddit's more your taste.
Technically yes, they're still at war, and we have paved the way for the technological advancement of South Korea to a level far beyond that of North Korea. According to you it's justified for them to attack us now that we've given South Korea assistance.
I don't give a shit how you try to justify it. Japan attacked us. Right or wrong, they attacked us. So anything done after that, to me, they deserved. Don't want to get nuked? Don't attack my nation. Don't want to get invaded? Don't attack my nation.
Do you not know what open warfare means?
And that's okay because it's our product and we can do with it as we please.
It means you're off by one.
In fact, I would argue that the American government WANTED America to be attacked in order to justify its participation in the war.
Weren't the American people against joining the war before Pearl Harbor?
Americans were manipulated. Played like a damn fiddle.
Good goy
You know who else is attacking your nation? Those filthy nationalists far right neonazi populists in Europe! They're going attack your occupation fo-, I mean your perfectly legitimate foreign military bases in the country and kick you out!
OY vey! Is that not anodha shoa greatest ally? Go bomb Europe to the stone age so we can fill them with muzzies and centralize everything through the EU please. Good goy
Its funny that decades later Holla Forums of all places is still falling for that manipulation. 50 years from now in some mongolian VR space our future equivalents will be complaining about muh 9/11
I feel like it needs to be mentioned just how ballsy the Pearl Harbor attack was.
Japan knew it was their one chance to defeat America. If they'd caught the aircraft carriers it would have worked.
I believe it was Admiral Yamamoto who said, upon hearing the news that the carriers had been elsewhere, that in that instant Japan had already lost the war.
FYI no self-respecting Americans would want to get rid of whatever leash they have on anyone
It is their manifest destiny to become the greatest in the world, and if that means lynching fringe right mobs like putin does in his home then that's exactly what the USA will do
Remember we'd already broken their encryption. If the carriers had still been there the attack would have been prevented.
Fair enough, but don't expect the retaliation (against military targets) and a declaration of war after you so clearly force their hands to it. That's what happened here. You kept trading with their wartime enemies and they responded.
And they responded by hitting MILITARY TARGETS.
And then you firebombed their capital to dust
Besides the usage of nukes itself (which I don't agree with), Hiroshima and Nagasaki were valid military targets. There were better tactics, and there was a morally bankrupt "shock and awe" component to it, but at least they were military targets. Had you simply bombed them with conventional ordinance I wouldn't be bringing it up. Usage of nukes, I bring it up, but it was a legitimate target.
But Tokyo? There was no justification for the firebombing of Tokyo. Thousands died. You hit a major civilian center with no honor.
Pretty much yes.
I think the paganfags would take offense to that.
Pure coincidence, goyim. Murica never saw that coming. It wasn't expected and planned at all.
what would pagans know about such shit when they worship gods who sodomize each other
Oy vey, you truly are my greatest ally
Eh eh, this goy doesn't even realize I'll be soon replacing him with brown spic hordes oy vey moishe burgers are truly the easiest marks
You don't find it at all interesting that he's found something to pick at concerning pretty much every country of note except for America's greatest ally?
And Obama never went to Japan to apologize.
Trump's tweet makes it sound like he believed Obama needs to be visiting Japan to slap their wrists and tell them not to do it again concerning Pearl Harbor.
The same thing happened in WW1, the American people didn't want to go to fight some seemingly pointless war on the other side of the planet so the sinking of the Lusitania was used to rile the people up.
It's probably in part because of how awful it is to look back at and repudiate events that are so heavily pushed by the media and public figures.
The greatest cuck in the world, you mean.
That's right! Any religion even remotely associated with Europe is shit! Islam all the way!
What's that, the European religions follow fundamental moral truths that can better society and approach the absolute moral truth of creation? Nah bro! It's all subjective! Might makes right! Oy vey!
Out of arguments ZOGbot?
More than seemingly. WW1 was so pointless that history itself can't explain it. It's not even understood why exactly it happened. The only effect that it had is that it severely damaged Europe's faith in itself.
What is it with anglos and being involved in so much shady shit?
ALL religions suck
all this morality bullshit sorts itself out when you always act upon the interests of your fellow kin
But my kin is losing! Sure I should take the side of the morally superior (ie winning) side right?
I mean, I know that European pagan religions and Christianity encourage respect for your kin, worship of your ancestors and blood and soil (Christianity to a lesser extent unfortunately), but surely it's best to just take the social Darwinist approach and side with the strong horse right moishe?
your kin is not losing, it's winning.
stop being a defeatist shill
I dunno man, seems to be losing to me. I mean sure if we reject this materialistic society and return to the worship of our religions and thus regain our morality that so closely approached the moral truth of creation, we might have a chance to turn it around, but we're losing now so clearly I should just side with the strong horse since the option is being religious and that's just shitty right?
Read Thomas Aquinas,he has some right things to say about foreigners.
Also Dante,remember where the traitors went?
Christianity was fine for all those years.In the moment it got subverted it become a problem.
sure if we measure it with the amount of your weekly sunday donations, reverend. :^)
Which doesn't happen without guidance. The masses need guidance, from a higher power, provided by religion. Religion also protects the plebs from more dangerous ideologies and religions.
You can't win without understanding your situation. We are losing, and we have to change that or we are doomed. Pretending to be winning is not going to be enough, though it can be useful.
That well of degeneracy called anime that you love so much wouldn't even be a thing if Japan won or America didn't drop the bomb. How can you be so stupid?
I'll be honest, even if America really did land on the moon I feel this image sums up perfectly how they've achieved cultural hegemony for the last 50+ years.
Lying to the world via their propaganda arm, Hollywood. We've been led to believe that hyper-advanced AIs threatening to go rogue control their impenetrable nuclear arsenal, their troops are a ruthless yet compassionate fighting force greater than any other on earth and that, like gods, they can pluck incoming arrows from the sky with beams of light.
In reality their nuclear arsenal is running on floppy disks, their army is full of fat, useless transgender MREkin, and Star Wars was a flat-out lie Reagan cooked up to scare the Soviets.
Yeah but blood and soil, while to an extent defending in Christianity after it passed into Europe, isn't a part of Christianity initially.
I'm glad that there were those who helped rise Christianity above it's origins and truly make it European, but as far as relative to other religions, it isn't the most European thing we have
In my case, Portugal is Catholic going back to it's very foundation and it's national identity. Not much I can do.
Yeah sure, all those immigrants coming in and nothing being done, the degeneracy rampant through society, the abandoning of morality in favor of hedonism and individualism
Sure seems like winning!
guidance from who?
religion doesn't do squat anymore in this age when the religion has taken the backseat in statecraft
or do you want something as outrageous like theocracy such as ISIS on your homeland?
He's criticizing obama for kissing a foreign country's ass on memorial day which seems pretty valid considering the history of our fighting in the pacific.
all those shitskins flooding in weren't done in the best interests of the people in mind and you know it
stop muddying the source of the problem
Well that isn't necessarily true. You don't know how it would change or if animation wouldn't still make it big in Japan.
This guy was born before the war, and his major inspiration wasn't War but Walt Disney.
Perhaps the themes would have been vastly different, but animation would have still been a bit thing in Japan I think.
I want more nationalist and military themed anime, so I'd be okay with it
Anime would have happened without US intervention. There were artists experimenting with the style during the war.
Anime would be more awesome in fact.
Personally, I would say that Christianity was destroyed by its natural progression. It's flaws eventually caught up to it, and 'forgiveness' was confused with 'being a bitch'. It happens eventually to all religions, which is a consequence of the cyclical nature of history. We probably need a new religion, before something bad fills the void left by Christianity.
Anime is the one good thing that came out of WW2. Thanks, America.
Well, they did have to counter Soviet propaganda, to be fair.
Correct. Because Christianity is basically dead. Something has to fill the void, and Marxism is the thing that is doing it, and Islam is next, since Marxism is inherently self-destructive.
The source of the problem is amoral globalists and kikes looking to destroy Europeans and the West.
One of their weapons is the Enlightenment ideals of materialism and individualism over spirituality and morality.
If people were morally good, they would not sell out their kin to enemies. Part of being a morally good man is standing by your völk.
What part of this don't you understand?
Who gives a fuck about anime?
Hokusai and jizai okimono are where it's at.
I'm hesitant to outright state that, what with all the talk of Britain's meddling towards steering Europe into conflict for its own benefit.
The Japs were making cartoons before during and after WW2, the whole "Tezuka invented anime" claim is a complete myth.
It isn't a myth so much as a misinterpretation.
They had animation, but that's like saying America had animation before Disney.
Their influence is so prolific that the cultural impact it had makes them basically the respect fathers of their national animation medium.
More importantly. Tezuka was a bigger influence on manga, which in Japan is very closely linked to animation, unlike in America where comics and animation tend to be more apart.
Don't forget this guy.
Imagine anime made along these lines of thinking well, more of it anyway. Legend of the Galactic Heroes needs to be mandatory Holla Forums viewing even if you think anime needs to be banned, and they did a pretty fucking fantastic Starship Troopers adaptation in the 80's.
It could be implying the opposite.
Mishima wasn't influential in animation and manga right?
He is.
they're the "moral" ones here m8
they're the ones at the moment who decides what is right and wrong
they're the ones who claim bringing in shitskins will do wonders for the cultural diversity which is supposedly desperately needed in their socities
the morals being peddle right now are nothing but lies
why would you want to play by their own rules?
you never play by the enemies' rules to defeat them.
fuck morality
such things have only beget retarded shit like white guilt, political correctness, and cultural appropriation
I was looking into pre-war Japanese animation recently. I'm an artist so I find this kind of thing interesting.
Check it out.
And they are mostly atheists.
Now, were the crusaders atheists?
No they're not. They can repeat that lie a thousand times, it doesn't make it truth.
Morality is objective and it is independent of what we as humans say. We can order our own moral compasses as subcreations and we of course do that (different religions, different laws), but the one great moral truth of creation is objective and that can not be changed by man.
They can lie, they can claim otherwise, but they're wrong.
Good and evil are objective.
High beaut is objective.
To be a courageous, virtuous man is objective.
To be a proper, demure woman is objective.
These are truths, moral truths not just natural, that can not be changed.
That looks really cool actually. I see a lot of their own style there. Focusing on the animation of the characters and more static backdrops.
Or maybe I'm trying to see things as I'm accustomed too
Either way, bookmarked. Pretty cool stuff.
Miyazaki is hugely influenced by him.
it CAN be changed
it's been done right in front of your eyes
you're just refusing to acknowledge what's in front of you
what is considered taboo and not taboo changes constantly depending on who's in charge
this is why Trump/right-wing is gaining support
because everyone who cares about their self-preservation is attempting to shift back the overton window to the point where they weren't threatened.
If it is that. Not sure actually.
It changes for Man.
But we are merely part of creation. Our societies, our religions, it's all a subcreation within creation itself.
And the moral truth of creation does not change.
effectively yes considering the godless deeds they pulled with their money lending schemes
and that's all it matters in the end
because in the end it's always the man that gets the short end of the stick
There is high beauty in the world itself that is worth fighting for.
It's worth fighting for the moral truths and moral goodness itself, not just because it benefits you.
They weren't forced, they had a choice. Attacking us wouldn't garner them product, all it did was create and enemy they couldn't defeat.
As for bombing of civilians, it's okay by me. Whether in Western Europe, or the Pacific. It was done by both sides. Germany, the US, UK, Japan etc. almost in their entirety, were geared toward supporting the war effort. Civilians were cogs that kept the machine going.
sure, because the world contains things that man can use to further himself to greatness, nothing more
"White piggu go home" needs to stop
1. the US army is not even white anymore
2. no Japanese says that, they rise up a poster written "Go home"
Except Japan didn't bomb American or Aussie civs. In fact on the Pearl Harbor attack they avoided civ targets.
And Germany avoided civ targets too, except during the London bombings.
If you do not respect creation and hold to morality you are no better than your enemies.
He hasn't. He has only made comments about a few nations. He has also addressed the topic of Israel, claiming he'd be neutral on them and their conflict. All he says about Israel is "no one loves Israel more than me," or something along those lines. He doesn't gear policy toward their benefit like the other candidates.
As for Trump's tweet, I find it far more acceptable than Obama going to Japan to pander to them.
If their actions in China are an example of anything, it's that they'd be more than willing to attack, and even mass kill civilians for their purpose. They didn't because they couldn't.
If the antics of melanin-enriched US military servicemen and the UN forcing rapefugees on them are anything to go by, they've probably learned by now that a handful of white betas hooking up with their women, starting families and being productive members of society are the very least of their problems.
where did this meme come from that attacking a military base is a crime?
the propaganda sure was strong
A crime? You mean an act of war. No one calls it a crime.
What they did against China =/= what they'd do against America/Aussieland
Look at Germany's example. The western front was more or less civil (until America came in with their nigger pets). But look at the east.
You never got half the violence the Germans dispensed on the Soviets.
Well what they did in Asia and the Pacific is the only example we have, because they never did reach our shores, and they never would have. You can't say they wouldn't, and I can't say they would, but we only have their actions there as an example.
no one is never better than anyone
everyone is equally shit by your standards then
it's ALLLL about who ends up on that throne
You have different ways they treated China and America/Aussieland though.
How's that? They did reach our mainland.
Source for that screenshot?
Obama didn't apologize for America nuking the cities though. I mean, it's kindof ironic that he's apologized for just about everything else, but the one thing you could argue is a pretty legitimate war crime (nuking a civilian population) he didn't feel that way about.
Nice bantz, but aggravating in their falsehood.
The US was already involved in fucking with Japan, and we knew Pearl Harbor was coming and let it happen without warning our soldiers so that the governing elite could create the political will they needed to get the US into the war directly.
But, Trump can't go there yet, if he even knews, so oh well, nice bantz.
What about our soldiers? Those nips tried their best to kill as many as they could. Hell, they treated our POWs like trash. I mean, if you're making comparisons between them and Germans, look at how they treated POWs. If that's not evidence that they weren't like Germans, then I don't know what is. Nips are sub-humans.
Check this post.
That's silly. The population isn't telling Americucks to go home for these motives.
Who gives two shits about Pearl Harbor when Japan actually fought back against commies and killed one on national television
I think God Emperor jumped the gun here.
Yeah, this is my issue here. I don't expect a Republican to apologise for anything, but when you have someone like Obama - who has apologised for literally everything in American history - refusing to apologise to would could easily be construed as a war crime, and against one of the US's most valuable allies/trading partners because they're… not black? Who fucking knows any more what goes on in that man's head.
He seemed to be really off with the Japanese dignitaries and his speech was fucking awful too. He mumbled half of it like he was bored and wanted to be elsewhere.
I'd honestly be happier if Trump had hauled him over the coals for the blatant hypocrisy and double-standard, and complete disinterest he showed in proceedings.
*For what could easily
God and gods bless that man.
Shame they're not that based, anymore. Last I heard, their commies hold a sizable amount of their congress. Shameful.
Can you imagine if this had happened in the West?
We'd get a fresh BBC documentary every two years vilifying the assassin and celebrating the 'wonderful, compassionate human beings' he killed. In Japan they CELEBRATE him every year for saving them from communists.
So there you have it. A racial cuckold, subhuman mutt "empire".
I guess that it is somewhat comforting that they are now coming to term with the fact that nobody actually wants any muh freedumb, muh liberty.
Kennedy was a good guy though.
Oh yeah, you're really making us sympathetic to your cause, Eurocuck…
What, because we hurt your feeling, you are going to volunteer to come to Europe and destroy DA NAZIS again, spic?
Bad Goy! He didn't want us- er the Jews to have nukes! Oswald din du nuffin.
As of now, they've got 11 in the diet, and 21 in the house. Of course, that ain't much, but it's too goddamn much, that's what.
I have never heard anybody say Oswald dindu nuffin except for people that say he was the fall guy for the CIA
You need a hell of a lot more than us. You're done for as is. But driving a wedge between potential allies is incredibly stupid. You are European though, and European Nationalism is all about dividing up and killing white people. Dumb nigger…
actually it was the threat of a russian invasion, since everyone would rather surrender to americans than russkies since we treat them nice and allow them to shitpost on our websites using out 1st amendment
They're on the right side of history.
Low IQ mutts, as always.
Well, if the right side is being spics and halfbreeds, then they are home sweet home.
I am fairly ignorant about Japan besides their sweet ass cartoons. 11 and 21 out of how much?
Remember who started WWI and WWII, nigger…
Brits and Brits again?
worst post in thread tbh
it certainly wasn't petain and pershing and alexander who sent lenin in boxcar direct to russia with explicit orders to start communism
I think you understood my sarcasm.
Fuck you for believing early 40s roosevelt administration propaganda all these years later you little shit
You are welcome to try and prove that Germany started ww1, and that Britshits actually saved Poland in ww2.
The subhuman mutt is serious.
ausfags would have been enslaved or exterminated if america hadn't raped the japs
Well, not many people actually think that a color blind, multiculti liberal leftist globalist empire is a good thing :^)
Remember that your savior still has to sell his children to kikes, and pic related :°)
ITT: supposedly red pilled Americans revealing their true selves.
Europeans and Asians take notice.
We have always know about this.
Nothing can come from the engine of liberalism. An American said that himself.
In war you don't do what is morally right, you do what is best for your country. Barack Obama basically stated we showed follow some retarded morals on what is right and wrong rather than do what is necessary.
you mean like when john hinkley did exactly that?