Civil War 2 USA: fucking when?

I've been watching horrifying footage of anti Trump lunatic intersectional leftists, and I must say there is now no doubt in my mind: some kind of fucking massive civil conflict is bound to erupt. The left is just so crazy, and so committed, and so hateful.

Take a look at these clips and please post any others you can find

go to 9:16 on this one

this whole thing is instructive

this guy with a Trump hat walks through a crowd of violent and angry leftists and barely makes it out without being assaulted a bunch of times

I'm sure there are a lot more clips, guys. What the fuck is going on? I can't believe how radical and crazy the left in America has become.

Trump is the flashpoint of all of this. Please post more footage if you have it


Other urls found in this thread:

In the first clip, a guy literally mentions Holla Forums, around 9:30, pretty amazing

I'd say mid 2020s
The US has entered terminal decline

footage from the same day as clip 1 guys

This is in Portland btw. Fucking makes me want to take my own life, it's so bad.

seriously this topic should be exploding right now, what could matter more?

Pretty much everything else.
When you going to lead FBI?
If you want people, surrender some of that dank gov land and setup a commune.

but the alt right arm of the CIA is underfunded right now, need mo money fo dem programms

the second civil war will mostly just be riot police vs. rioting leftist scum. if you really want to participate in the war you should start preparing and training to be a law enforcement agent. if you're a fat sack of shit or weakling you will just be put behind a desk sorting dead nigger photos so you better bulk up and get yourself some CQC skills.


Still looks like a race war to me. All the liberals will go running once the shit hits the fan.

fuckin saging? why?

This is liberal politics.

Satan is disappointed at how dispassionate Holla Forums has become at the prospects of gas the kikes, race war now.

not within 1 day of Trump being announced the victor in the general election. The liberals will collectively go full bolshevik, the mexicans will go full insurgent terrorist because they know it means they are going back and the niggers will nig because nigs, all while the kikes prod the fire with a stick.

DOTR soon bros.

All that liberals that are not being throw from helicopters.

This are dark times my fellows..

No, the work was put in upfront years ago. The smart game now is waiting to gather the spoils while distributing knives and matches amongst the leftist hordes.

There will be massive chimpouts when Trump is elected. Not by blacks specifically, but by all manner of leftists. They will burn buildings, destroy cars, and attack police. It's going to be Ferguson all over America. Obama, still in power for a few months, will fan the flames. He may even declare martial law due to the unrest, and prevent Trump from taking office. That's when the half of the country that voted for Trump start fighting back. I hope it doesn't come to this.

November 2016 no matter who wins. Trump wins Beaners will go full terrorist, lefties will try to take over through revolution and niggers will chimpout. Troops and cops morale will be high though so they might be able to squash the rebellion. If the cunt wins, part of feds, cops, the military and intelligence agencies rebel, most rural whites will join them and they all will probably try a coup. Subhumans won't be trained properly enough to face the rebellion but they might be able to suppress it by wasting a ton of money, insuring quick economic collapse, using hordes of low IQ shitskins as cannon fodder and being backed by the USSN and its paramilitary force. Either way, shit is about to hit the fan, get ready Americans.

Trump explicitly supports political violence

His toxic rhetoric creates an unsafe atmosphere

White people have a history of silencing PoC with violence so now equality feels like oppression to the privileged

We need Batman


Seems like this has been going on in USA for a while now . Does not help USA's president keep race baiting over dumbest things and causing the most divided country in a very long time .

The only leftist that might fight may ba the Holla Forums nigs. But most of them are just keyboard warriors or anonnymoos guy mask wearing college fags. The rest will just bitch, complain, and declare to the whole neighborhood that theyll move to canada.

Pretty sure this is the most likely happening. Just some comfy 1960s radical hippie beating stuff with the occasional molotov tossing.

Still. get a gun faggots.

I lead that rally. Small world lol.

Won't happen if Trump gets elected and he is who he says he is and appears as. I fully believe he is, just covering that scenario.

Will happen if it gets stolen from Trump.

Will happen twice if Hillary gets elected.

Will happen if Biden gets elected.

Won't happen if Sanders gets elected. He's a globalist kike and will just drain the life out of the US even further to (((globalists))).

There are more antifa leaning faggots in US colleges than you think. If they get instructed and paid to fuck shit up because of that racist, fascist Trump you will be surprised at the number who will do so.

I still think nothing major will happen until the economy crashes and people begin to go hungry.

I just hope Trump doesn't usher in an American Indian summer–where he fixes America just enough so that it can limp along as a super power for decades longer.

They do so long as the police still effectively have their back.

The moment the police say "screw this" and turn on TPTB it's over. That moment will be a civil war.

All it takes is a few hardcore SJW types rioting in several cities to give Obama an excuse. We see them rioting at Trump rallies already. They are more than capable of making a big scene.

Trump supporters are so woefully ill-equipped to defend themselves in a proper debate that it's sad. Obviously this doesn't apply to most Holla Forumsacks; I mean the normalfags in these videos.

Mass, unchecked illegal immigration kills labor demand and keeps wages stagnant. This hurts the poor working class almost exclusively. Most non-whites are part of that class. Removing illegal immigrants will provide jobs for American working class citizens and wages will rise. Proportionally, this will help blacks and latinos far more than whites. The only people who are hurt by this are criminals who shouldn't even be here in the first place.

Well, Mexicans are partly European, so their claims to the land is dubious at best. In any case, the territory that Mexico lost to America was mostly sparsely-populated desert wasteland that the Mexicans didn't care all that much about in the first place. The land did not become valuable until white people settled it and created thriving industries and economies. The land will go back to being worthless if given back to Mexico. I mean, just look at Mexico itself if you need proof. There's a reason those fuckers are fleeing their shitty country. Half of it is controlled by warlords.

This is completely made up. The only violence has been from lefties who are too cowardly to name the Jew and target the bloodthirsty Zionist elite who are actually deserving of violence, and instead go after working class or middle class white moms and white college kids.

What other talking points do these faggots even have?

That's a useless and irrelevant point. You don't send your average Joe in a debate if there's a potential war or civil war on the precipice of happening.

Plus at that point those of us who have supplies could redpill masses easily.

Generator + projector + shitty computer + "mein reich" folder.

It wouldn't take long.

I have a bit of experience in this, my budds and I put up "thug lives dont matter" posters and did everything we could to provoke them. A few took the bait and one actually is actively trying to have us assualted whenever, but its been relatively low considering how balls deep we went into it.

Its not like anyone has beat us yet or anything like that. They are all talk and literally no action. Their worst is "rip up the sign with the bad words and push him around"

This is what we've been doing

This is unfortunately nearly every voter . Have you seen the supporters of other candidates ? Terrible .

Keep in mind , this is not exclusive to USA either . Same in my country and all others . This is the reality of the average voter .

So much this.

It's why nogs always fight in packs.

If you can get a nigger alone, they won't fight you. Regardless the size difference.

A nigger just can't fight alone because that would be fair and niggers don't know how to handle equality.

yes there are exceptions

Well they're debating morons that have no arguments except to scream "racist!", so I don't think it matters that normie Trump supporters aren't equipped as long as they don't back down when the buzzwords start flying. What good is being equipped with arguments when you're dealing with people who don't listen to reason? This is a propaganda war, not a reason-based one. This is going to come down to leftists looking like crazed lunatics flipping over cop cars and yelling incoherently about fascists while Trump supporters stand their ground and act with civility.

This too.

Their rampant over and improper use of the *ists only kills the word and meanings.

Then your leftists are even weaker sacks of shit than Canadian leftists. Why do people still listen to their whining if they're so puny? Oh right, like kikes, they slither their way into positions of power to compensate for their femininity.

The left will be autocannibalizing because their nigger pets they fawn over aren't doing what they like.

They'll be doing the work for us and dragging the jews into it for a YUUUUUGE blood bath. Meanwhile the right will clean it up.

ah yes, the Persons Of Crime have been silenced for so long

meanwhile, king nigger exists

My friends and I were terrified with antifa since the organization doesn't do muc and we thought it was bigger than it was. But nah its just a bunch of young pricks and a few big guys. Literally can't even tread water against a serious counter organization.

For fuck's sake. Keep your diapers on.

Yes, there will be violence. There will be no race war. Trump will win. People will be butthurt.

Speaking of this , why don't we just make them destroy each other ? Remember that progressive stack bullshit ? It's all a victim Olympics and leftists are nothing but full of hypocrisy . Hell , leftists are already starting to turn on the mongoloids and Hispanics . An easy and basic thing is how much minorities hate one another for one and how much blacks and muslims hate homosexuals to the point basically nearly all the countries in the world who execute gays are African or Middle Eastern .
And look at this for example
Worst offender nations against women in all the world ? All black and muslim . And their culture even in America and Europe is all the things leftists claim to despise .

Way to help them destroy each other just seems to be easy as going up and asking "so among you, which is the most oppressed?" .

They already are destroying each other user.

As their cliques continue to clash, so do their absolute ideals, and then they end up at eachothers' throats and crumbling each others' castles.

The main approach is accelerating the rate at which they are going to clash with themselves.

Virtue Signaling is a nice way of pushing shit back in their face and getting normies to see them as they really are.

For everything else, the niggers going for killary over bernie is a great turn of events that shows how the left are turning against niggers because they aren't voting for who they liked, thusly making them more open about their true nature.

The victim olympics too also showed how the totem pole hierarchy runs with them in being a special snowflake victim, GG back in its prime showed this. For what it is now, it did a favor in making the sjw play their hand earlier than intended.

So the left are doing themselves in, you just need to be the devil's advocate and escalate the rate further if you want to see the kind of blood bath you're hoping for.

I mean this sarcastic video legit made bernouts upset. (linked because it already exists in another thread)

The best hing to do is to make the SJWs turn on the Marxists.

They already did it at AIPIC.

Keep dropping red pills about how the holocaustw as a lie for jews to illegally steal Palestine from Palestinians.

Go from there. Soon after that we could have SJWs pushing TGSNT

Best idea

But I feel we can go much further.

Like this


Then start getting rid of all the women's divisions in sports. Remember all the sex change trannies? The SJWs do not believe in science, even after all the male>female scandals. Make gender testing illegal and call them bigots, etc. Women will no longer have a place in sports or they either that they turn on the trannies.

There are many more ways to go about this as well.

If they question anything, just call them "bugot", "racist", and everything in between.

But seriously, I fear strongly for white women. They need to think very carefully about what happens once white men "check their privilege" or stop existing or check out of society completely because guess who is next on the list? White women. Why? Because they're white. Just because they are white like us.

this post is hilariously accurate btw

Nigga there were riots all over the country for a solid week straight after Marchin' Lootin' Koon' was offed. There were even more riots before and after his death too. None of this shit will be comfy. I expect Aztlan faggots, lefties of all stripes, niggers, and other gutter fucks to riot in every city while the riot police and vigilantes fight back.


can't hump the trump

If trump wins, I expect mass low intensity violence. At that point we better be ready to respond and remind these fucks actions have consequences. We are going to give Trump the reason to suspend Habeas corpus and send these shitlibs to the permanent summer camps.

You're a degenerate

I don't want a civil war. Well, I mean, I love the idea of it, but you have to realize, niggers, wetbacks, Asians, and Leftie whites will all be together against us, plus the government, the military (those on our side would abandon the military, not take control of it), corporations etc. A civil war would be a way for them to exterminate our ideologies for good, and they have the ability to. We don't have the ability to do it to them. Every single power structure is on their side. All the money is on their side. The best we can do is keep pushing the cultural shift until our types co-opt power positions.

OP here,

I DO NOT want it either, I just think it's very likely. I mean look at those fucking videos. These people are insane and motivated. What the fuck are we gonna do when they get louder and angrier and bigger?

I don't know if this is worthy of a post but I feel like sharing my story. I named the Jew on facebook, while using mkultra as a cover story. Much to my surprise they literally poisoned the water. I tasted it myself, if I had to guess it would have been arsenic or something of the sort. But I think we can use this as a weapon against the lefties. Just my two sense.

As much as I talk abut wanting to kill Communists which I do, I do still worry about Obama, Clinton, or Sanders having their own Red Guards or their own Northern Virginia Human Relations Council. They just keep getting angrier.

This is the best case scenario, and even this has a negative outcome. The leftists fulfill their destiny as useful idiots and are rounded up and put into the camps. The police state is officially ushered in.

The bad goyim will be next on the list.

Either your roleplaying is too on the nose, or you lack basic D&C training, Greenberg.

Your thinking is the reason that we're in this mess to begin with. It's easier to subsidize the rabble rousers isn't it? The problem is that every generation the problem will just get worse and worse until it's no longer manageable. Soon, these degenerates will be the majority and we're all fucked because of people just like you.

Secondly, minorities are much more tribal to their own tribe and they aren't as inclusive as us whites. Hispanics and asians hate blacks more and harder than most whites do. Blacks hate them just as much. It wouldn't take much to have them completely at each others throat.

Some people are beyond help.

Nah, look at the '68ers. They claim they changed the world, but all they really did was create a huge shitshow and then tear each other apart. Most of them ended up Yuppies in the '80s sucking the Corporate Cock and being good little wagecucks.

That's what they said in '68

Sure soon, user!

In 1968, the nation was still overwhelmingly White and most people were traditional. Things are falling apart at a much faster speed, now.

My advice to you, and the rest of us anons is to prepare. Here's what I'm doing for the "just in case I need to help save my country" plan.

Gotta meet up with other right wing anons and bunker down.

God bless you Texas.

Ready for round 2?

If by some hellish chance globalists take over we have to go full Fahrenheit 451 on them and preserve the TRUE history of our country.

McCarthy was saying very similar shit, even in the '50s - and I'm not using him a boogeyman, but just as an example. Older people in the 50s thought it was shit. Likewise, in the 20s. And, I'm sure it goes back farther than that.

I'm not saying things aren't bad or even that they aren't downright disturbing. But, as Orwell said, people tend to think when certain pattern is happening that it is going to go on forever, but that's not true. Who would have thought the New Deal was going to fall apart in the 70s? Who would have thought The Donald would whip the Cuckservatives? no one.

Now, its what we do from here. We need ground-up organization, and we need to push for an economic and cultural - a national - renewal. Let's not be too pessimistic. Let's not buy in to this unscientific "cycles" Kali Yuga shit. Let's Make America Great Again (to borrow the phrase)

In 1968, the nation was still overwhelmingly White and most people were traditional. Things are falling apart at a much faster speed, now.

ELection Night.

WHen Trump is declared winner, the entirety of the left will chim right the fuck out and those who supported Trump, emboldened by victory and knowing that Trump will return their support, will fight back. Finally.

It couldn't have happened in a better place

It'll be tens of thousands of Trayvon Martins, and just as many acquittals. Over and over again until the opposition is gone.

Not while there is still plentiful electricity to power of lives of distraction.

Why the fuck would you try to debate protestors and persuade them on the merits of what they're protesting against?

If they weren't that passionately opposed to it, they wouldn't be protesting in the first place. Throw in the "mob mentality" effect of being surrounded/supported by like-minded protestors and it just degenerates into a screaming match, each side starting a chant, or scuffles.



lol at this kike


All of these videos made me angry. I think if I ever go to a Trump rally I'll pump myself up by watching videos of leftists being leftists.

Nah, it was worse in the 60s.

There won't be a civil war unless we have a disastrous economic collapse. Something even worse than the great depression.

If Trump wins, the left will be going crazy but the right will feel satisfied and lose their vigilance. America will then become Mexico after Trump is unable to get rid of sufficient numbers of immigrants (because it was already too late a decade ago).

If Trump loses, then America also becomes Mexico.

So, unless economic collapse saves us, we are Mexico either way. Thanks Christfags.

there is a third option

3d printed houses and robots

Which doesn't really solve any problems.

These people have made up their minds. There`s no reason to "debate" them anymore unless you want one of them to chant "racist" in your face.

Have some infographs to pump up your vacant op.

This right here. A lot of people will just say, "Well than you can't debate them!" It's not that I can't debate them, but it's more of the fact that they believe in relativism to such an extent that they refuse all reality presented before them. You can't argue with someone who can't even agree with you on what is objectively real.

I don't know, the primaries have exposed the complacency (if not outright cowardice) of many mainstream conservative figures, from Ted Cruz blaming Trump for the violence of anti-Trump protestors in Chicago to cucks like Glenn Beck advocating for Trump's assassination in a way they never dared to say about Obama.

Also Trump is confrontational in a way I don't think the Republicans have ever seen. Could you imagine Cruz, Kasich, Rubio or god forbid Jeb attacking Bill "wandering hands" Clinton in retaliation over being called a "misogynist" by Hillary?

It's still too early to say, and I don't think anyone concerned should just wait for Trump to fix everything (he won't), but the days of "go-along-to-get-along" conservatism are probably over

thank God

This gets me hard, but also makes me worry about the WW3 diversion. Say Trump is the greatest trick the merchants ever pulled. If WW3 came at his behest, it would be easier to swallow than if it happened under Bernie and most certainly Clinton. It would help thin out the patriots that would be more of a threat during a civil war by sending them overseas to fight Russia and create animosity between the two, severing any bond that could form in a civil war. It would leave the complacent left as the majority of the country who are nogunz, big government, and beta consumers who will open the floodgates for diversity.

The moment WW3 kicks off between the US and whomever, the revolt needs to start pronto.

gets you HARD?

wow just wow

join a shooting range

That's just my inner-accelerationist speaking. I know that in reality shit will be fucked up and won't be fun when the happening starts.

I'm just gonna be in Idaho and hope I never have to fight haha. I don't want to die.

if a civil war breaks out it wont be leftists that cause it. it will be because right wing red blooded americans have finally had enough. american leftists are cowards who vote for gun control.

Figure of speech, which you could substitute the word "excited" for (if you weren't a completely autist). …and yea, same here. It needs to happen for a lot of reasons. It wouldn't even take an all out civil war. There are many here (including me) that understand the economic situation we're in is very bad, and the death of the dollar is not so far away. The repercussions of this will land us in the same place, and could even spark the civil war if Trump's election doesn't.

Starvation is one hell of a motivator.

- People need to be reminded about how hard living has historically been.

All of this wealth handed down to us from our ancestors has been a gift and a curse. It seems to me, at this time, that it is more of a curse than it is a gift… as it has allowed us to disconnect from the harshness of reality that grounds us, in ways that are incredibly unnatural. Wealth allows you to ignore a lot of problems and avoid confronting or solving them. We're in bad need a philosophical enlightenment to get us back in touch with reality, but it won't come easily. The hedonists won't loosen their grip on their lifestyle until reality rips it from their grasp.

- Civilizations are either flourishing or declining, and we are in decline.

Once you comprehend that there is nothing to save or help by maintaining the current political paradigm it makes what is coming easier to accept and prepare for. The only thing there is to be maintained at this point is the status quo, and the only people that benefit from that are the corrupt elite… and all of the muds they hand out gibs to.

We're just waiting patiently for the flashpoint. The people who are too ignorant to prepare won't survive, and it won't even require rwds or dotr. The natural order is an incomprehensibly perfect judge and jury, and so shall its eternal fascism once again wash this all away.

vid very fucking related.

No one actually believes in that chemtrail shit right?

I always assumed it was just real life shitposting.

is your ai broken shlomo?

watch the fucking video retard, the dude at the end goes on a tangent about chemtrails.


the answer is simple user, you enslave them to your own subjective view of reality and thus make it objective through their terror and dying


Holy shit, you guys are scared? I'd wreck them. I'm not afraid to lose. I'd do it for me and for you guys, for my family.

Shut the fuck up and hit the gym

once these people gather an army of ghetto thugs behind them to "fight the powa" and a democrat administration lets them rampage, you won't sound so tough.

shit's scary out there man

Don't be afraid to die. Be afraid of your side losing.

Also, be realistic, these people ain't shit. Most of them don't own guns, Just let them agitate on their own, the race war is inevitable between the niggers and the civilized.

If you're not confident, it's absolutely because you aren't being trained, and you don't have experience in petty conflict, because that's what these videos depict. Get on Nofap user. it's only gonna work if you get to day 20+ and really stick to it. More important than that, get a gym membership. Start shooting guns at a range too. Make a plan. Read "The way of men " by jack donovan, I'm reading it now and it's really good.

Not going to happen. The left is composed of niggers, and white cucks. The latter are too cowardly to actually risk their lives and will most likely flee to Canada if Trump wins, while the former are divided on Trump and lack the organization to pose a credible threat.

Most importantly: ZOG needs the US. They can't afford losing their power projection to a civil war, which would give Russia and Iran a MASSIVE geopolitical edge. The second they lose the US, even if just temporarily, the kikes will be effectively defenseless against sovereign nations and rival powers like China.

They'd rather kill Trump if they can't control him like they've done with previous presidents, it'd be a much easier solution that has historically been proven to work.

If someone killed Trump then Americans would flip their shits. He represents that Americans are fed up and is attempting to reconcile that, if somebody killed him then no more reconciliation it's 1933 Weimar Republic in this bitch. Killing Trump would do us a favor.

This user is 100% right though, whites are better at weapons/tactics/prepping than any other race. Period. Blacks and other muds won't be so tough once the EBT stops, just look at Katrina, they all got scared, tired, and hungry and ran to Whitey. They only live so well because we allow them to, it's only our misguided benevolence that makes them think that they are anything at all.

Did they flip their shit when Lincoln was killed?

Did they flip their shit when Wilson sold your economy out to the kikes?

Did they flip their shit when JFK was killed?

Of course they didn't people will swallow any bullshit excuse the mass media feeds them, and that was BACK THEN when the goyim weren't constantly distracted by porn, drugs and videogames.

He was a northern tyrant who pissed a shit ton of Americans. One of the worst presidents ever, he should have been killed on his first day of office.

That's not assassination.

A liberal papist who's VP helped enact Civil rights.

Horrible examples tbh. Trump represents white people's last grain of patience. He dies and I guarantee you shit will go down.

Contributing with crazy commie college students shutting down Students for Trump gathering in Portland.

Shut it down!


They've all been programmed with the right material. Look at his eyes, empty and drained of a soul.

Hopefully not until I get a few thousand more rounds of ammo. Kikes, niggers, prairie niggers, coconut niggers, pineapple niggers, spics, meth addicted white trash… there are many things that must be erased.






There will never be any civil conflict in the west in next two centuries. Even when the purchasing power of a common man is slowly declining, iut is sitll way higher than in the rest of the world and common man is smart enough to want to keep it that way.

It's good to be recognized by random cucks on the street. He probably doesn't know anything about us besides what he read on some blog.

Most wont do a thing. Even if they tried they don't own guns because they are poorfags or morally opposed to them.

I agree, but normalfags are always going to be retarded. When they go against professional protesters which can run circles around them with buzzwords it just becomes more apparent. As long as they hold their ground its fine but we need to remember to be the people to keep people on message online. Let it trickle out to people that way.

I agree, I think whats far more likely is wide scale rioting.

This is important to theorize about

Its ok, take your time.