So Bongs did it again

Think I'm going to leave sooner than I expected

I wonder if the DNA they swabbed of me when I was 16 and taken to the station for the crime of being out “suspiciously late” has been “accidently destroyed”. Something tells me it probably hasn’t.

I'm shocked.


Vote for Brexit before you head out.

Where are you going to go OP?

He should sell all his shit and travel around the world enjoying different cultures seeing as he doesn't have one anymore.

Those "refugees" that were hired recently just happened to destroy all that info.

If you are white then it's probably still there.
It will be planted on a scene of a fake hatecrime one day.

After reading the reports on Belgian and French police and intelligence in the last six months this isn't that far fetched.

There are several European countries ripe for overthrow due to internal security incompetence, which is good for us once SHTF.

I'll go rape and colonize a small part of Africa, it's my calling in life.

Holy shit, since when did Africa have such gorgeous women?
I think I'm getting a case of jungle fever.


Then again remher obammys obamacare website was a huge accident, so govts do fuck up

What a (((coincidence)))

Doesn't seem to crazy, hell, a Pastor went over there and is basically Big Boss in his down time.


yeah, they are very serious about hate-criminals hate-posting their hate-facts and they can come in and tactically fuck your life up but the second a muslim terror cell activates and slaughters people in the street it becomes a case of the three stooges "I dunno how those 4 ISIS members made it into our country and i don't know how they were able to amass firearms and explosives but we caught a hate- person who said he wanted more background checks on those poor refugees!"



bong here. God damn it. God fucking damn it. Why are these cunts such useless fucking cunts

It's done on purpose.

So what. I don't need DNA to identify a terrorist.


Insert into the nearest oven,done.

Gross dude spoiler that shit.

The point is you can guarantee those white hate speech criminals and young white males who got in one little fight when they were 16 are still on record.

Sure, maybe her face. But that body is 100% woman and I would definitely stick my dick in it.

If I got her pregnant I would kill myself though

Strom Thurmond that shit (but throw an abortion in for good measure).

t. Schlomo Shekelstein

Burn the coal, pay the toll. you nigger loving faggots.

The day of the rope. When?

Sure it was "accidentally" destroyed. Probably covering up a double agent who got ID'd/swabbed by being careless.

Far from love, more like lust.

99% of the time I think niggers are gross, but sometimes they pop out a looker.

Sorry we're gonna have to put you down boy. Can't run the risk of having your hell spawn walk the earth,shits fucked enough as it is.Where do you think you are.

Give me some credit user

Sorry we're only giving out ropes today.

I'll tie yours if you tie mine.

shhhhh, it's ok


for what, idiot?

First i laughed, then i realized how fucking sad this is and now it's just terrifying.

No tears now, only rope

I could never love an African woman and they kill my boner. It's like this for most races.

Something is wrong with you.


No i think he meant being out late. Britcuckistan is notorious for nannying.

Now i wonder who could be behind that…

True, but not in this way. America is the nannystate when it comes to curfews and alcohol.

Must have been some racist mysogyknest.

Aids yourself

Congratulations on healthy sexual attraction.

No sane person could ever love something with a skin that looks like shit, the facial features of a monkey and the intelligence and behavior of a monkey.

What, did the jew tell them all the dna portfolios had grape drank in them?

No one is getting fooled by this right?

Someone post that webm of the sheboon shoving a gas hose up her vag while other niggers are whooping and fleeing the scene.

And who "accidentally" spoliated this info? Officer mohammedd, lab tech burka? Some cuck?

Guess again.

it could have been a british woman you know.


Where did these fuckers come from?


(((pure accident he-he-he)))

People are catching on that shit like OP isn't a coincidence, so JIDF is sending more people to destabilize forums.

Why are you so mad, fledgling?


That's the crime.

yeah, look up the story of the Machine Gun Preacher. Guy's a badass.

nah he's just a bullshitter. probably got caught vandalising or something.

Reminds me on how they repeatedly loose all evidence in to the rapingham scandal

Sounds good to me. Nigger pussy was made to be destroyed by white massive dicks (wmds). Who wants to bleach the dark continent?

who wants to end the fucking derail?

There is hope lads. We are doing gods work.

I do not doubt this was done on purpose . Remember Rotherham ? Even little girls are not safe , the fucking pedophile sickfucks .

Idk, user. How can I respond besides, "bongcucks btfo again?" Africans took London, raped 10,000 girls, self defense is illegal, speaking of it is illegal, kowtowing to the supreme governor of the national church is mandatory, etc.

It was as accidental as Churchill declaring war on Germany was accidental. Bongistan is ruled by those terrorists in the current year.

this was almost certainly a communist plant. this is going to continue to happen, people, until we RWDS cleanse the West

so a burka?

UK 9/11 inbound.

Oh fuck. Those are not the trips I like to see.

I hope it doesn't happen, but goddamn will that be a wake up call.


Nothing close to the death toll of 9/11.

If 3k brits go down, that were brits in heritage, those that are left will get angry.

I hope

the terrorist attack that killed the most brits was 9/11.

But it wasn't in the UK, or even Europe.

The "attack on home soil" really drives it home for some people.


Kent Brockman here, Springfield International News, broadcast from local Bristol.

Forensics info on "Hundreds" of "terror suspects" that "actually existed", is now tragically lost in a freak recordkeeping accident, along with all evidence that these supposed "terror susspects" were ever actually real, and not just a phantom bogey man of a cynical corperatocracy using social engineering to squeeze more money from an already drowning middle class.

More news at 11.

Kent Brockman, Action springfield news.

More about our previously developing story… regarding terrorists.

European Union politicians have released a statement to their member nations that Springfield Action news was lucky enough to get a copy of:


"Due to the recent downturn in the economy, the European Union has decided to bring in hundreds of millions of RefugISIS ,'who are totally not terrorists', into Europe to (and I quote) "Finally get rid of all of those pesky white people who are TOTALLY ALL TERRORISTS"


More on this developing story, as information is forthcoming.