He makes a good point, she avoids criticizing rappers. What do you guys make of this?
Saw this on Reddit today
She's a coalburner who cares
Good point.
Fuck off you retard don't you realize shit like this is the equivalent of throwing buckets of gasoline at a house fire and wondering why it never goes out?
Let this stupid con artist bitch fade into obscurity already.
So much anger. That's a big indicator that you're either a virgin, very lonely or both. My advice is to get anger management therapy, focus on maturing more(women love mature men) and go out to places. Stop living in your mothers basement, you'll feel better when you move out and live on your own.
But yes she is a con artist bitch. LOL
I bet she doesn't talk about all the things that have been in her ass either maybe it's the same thing…
But she does talk about hip hop.
You sound like you're actually anita sarkeesian.
Why do people get so butt hurt about her anyway? She's just a harmless vlogger.
You weren't paying attention. She met with moot during gamergate, and its when the mods locked down control. Her and zoe quinn convinced moot to try and cleanup the site.
She has the ear of people and manages to exert a lot of influence, that's why people hate her. She goes around trying to clean up the internet, and shut down wrong thing against her ideals. She's pure evil, and shes a big part of why this site ever gained users.
Why did mootykins listen to her?
The cuckening
He attended one of her talks at some convention, I don't think he ever met her.
So basically like hypotoad with tits
That's fucking pathetic. I knew moot was an omega, but dam
She was friends with lots of his friends, and also had the ear of his girlfriend at the time. So moot caved in let 4chan slip into the control of people who wanted to censor it.
Meant to say think not thing in that first post. But yeah, she ruined 4chan. And she gets into the inner circles of people and tries to get sites censored. She's a lot more powerful than your thinking user.
If no one listened to her, then she'd be a harmless vlogger, as is she's the face of social justice for a lot of people who love her.
Here check this out, hotwheels even debated her on tv.
Sort of like people who self-convert to Islam because they watched one youtube video
Moot was right to kick those chanology 2.0 fags off his site.
That's not Anita.
There wouldn't be anyone here if it wasn't for gamergate and then the fucking with Holla Forums that followed. Gamergate started off good, got side tracked, and still managed to accomplish their goals.
Chanology shouldn't have been kicked off either, its all censorship. And I had left cause of that way back too. 888 chan didn't stay around as a long term community though, this did.
Censorships a negative, a bad thing, and I'll stay here as long as the only thing being censored is pedo content, as well as the stuff boards choose to get rid of. If Holla Forums supported that sort of censorship, there wouldn't be an Holla Forums as it is today, it'd just be another mostly empty chan.
You're right let me go looking for the other video mixed it up.
Wow. I wonder how he missed that video. Heck I didn't come across that video until now.
I doubt she ever says "bitch". LOL Or post on Holla Forums for that matter.
Some people feel threatened by her. Some don't. It really depends on their views on her.
Watch this and you'll get the answer to your question. Only the majority can be sexist/racist/oppressive, which is quite frankly White males in western countries.
Everyone else who's not considered to be a cis gendered white male is considered to be a victimized minority, and no matter how absurd and offensive these minority cultures are, they are to be protected against criticism.
This is why you will never see third wave feminists (who are infected by cultural marxism) criticize rap music singing about bitches n hoes, or bring up the issues about Islam, female rights in the middle east or the use of burqa/hijab.
In fact, most European feminists supports the use of hijab and burqa and will often rush out to defend their use, despite the fact that its a dress code meant to hide away women because men can't control their sexual urges.
Maybe I enjoy watching the house burn
i wrote a longer post about it that apparently wasn't submitted. but the gist of it is that i'm honestly not butt blasted about anita because if it wasn't for her and gg i'd still be posting at halfchan. while this site is still shit it's significantly less shitty than halfchan so i'm sort of thankful that she cucked moot and all that followed.
As linked up thread, Anita does criticize rap music, lots of feminist have. I could find you plenty of examples of Western feminist responses to radical Islam too.
Just got done watching that video. Gives me an idea of what to blog about tonight on my website.
literally who ?
No idea.
Who is she talking to?
Who is she?
Is this a new meme?
She is the wicked witch of the west.
More like a new fetish: being dominated by a feminist.
console. not impressive.
She has StarCraft on the pile.
and diablo. not xcom, or syndicate or CnC or KKnD or anything like that. not impressed. she has hover hand too.
oh god when she turns to the side her jew nose practically bends reality
She's kinda hot.
MFW someone asks me what my talents are.
I agree. But she has a flaw…that nose.
I still lust for her.
buzzfeed detected
Who fucking cares what an individual is doing in a time of ideological warfare.
Same here.
t. man that gets a boner at people of walmart
Blacks are allowed to rape and be sexist and horrible to women, because they are high up on the oppression ladder, so, there for, it isn't rape or mysoginy, it's their culture.
And before you say "rape culture". I will stop you, because that would be racist, just like you straight white CIS male.
Minorities cannot help when they "assault" someone, because they have been forced to by whites.
lol what do I "make of this"? I guess what I make of this is that you've discovered the 1,000,000th piece of evidence that she's actually just a businesswoman who avoids liabilities to maximize profit which is something pretty much everyone already concluded back in 2012