LEFTISM = DESTRUCTION as admitted by a leftist

So I was browsing the neoreaction sphere today (or whatever you call it). Its very interesting. It seems to have improved in quality as the pretentious autists were laughed out of the scene.

I found myself in a blog by a self-proclaimed and proud leftist who not only reads these reactionary blogs but also understands them. He even goes as saying that the Left could actually learn a few things from reactionaries.



In this post he analysis some themes in reactionary literature and posits that reactionary critiques of society actually provide the left with tools and frameworks that they (the left) should adopt consciously to achieve what the left is meant to achieve which is destruction.

He actually gets BTFO in the comments of that post too. Basically the left is dysgenic and more than just destroy civilizations/society/hierarchy it could also destroy humanity as well.

He does this very coldly and candidly in this post.

What I think is happening here is how shattering the reality of genetics, ecology really is to the left. They either have to make shit up like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism or admit that the left is a means to an end often deleterious to humans.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's the comment that blows him the fuck out

Kill yourself


Good read. I've met people like this in person, who were part of a "smash advertising" initiative. They have a fully rationalized model of living by socialist ideals within the scope of their lifetimes, but they are short-sighted as can be when it comes to the consequences of the chaos that they seek to create.

These types of people legitimately believe that the "proletariat" won't mug them in the street when society collapses.

But OP, the left are the reactionaries.


If you strip reactionary of the retarded right/left dynamic and look at it as a return to status quo, then the left with their desire to destroy civilization are the reactionaries.


Pick one. NRx is left-wing bourgeois-technocratic garbage.

This is a reactionary. No leftist wrote this. But still instructive, I guess

No shit. It's the ideology of suicide and destruction. They are a corrosive force that want to strip the world of its pillars in order to create some kind of grand utopia out of it.

Bizarre death cult like every other form of Bolshevism.

nigger, it's only labeled rightist because you let communists define your language for you faggot. these are the same faggots who say fascism is a right ideology or that it is reactionary, it isn't.

the right/left dynamic should be stripped from the term reactionary and we should look at it as a whole of human history. civilization is but a blip on the whole of human history, to preserve civilization is conservative. to destroy civilization, to return to pre-agricultural ways, is leftist. this is why communism fails at always fails at agriculture.

Yeah, it does seem like a "false flag" blog. The big tell is this line:

The only person who believes NRx is the *main* adversary of the contemporary left would be a NRx himself, since neoreactionaries are the only people who take neoreaction seriously.

And he had to throw in the self-aggrandizing "most interesting" aside, which really gives it away.

It was only funny the first time.

You clearly don't pay attention to tankies and other various anime-communist faggots on twitter or wherever else the fuck they flock to online. They're practically obsessed with NRx. Fuck I didn't even know what NRx was until I asked one of them.

Nigger it doesn't matter what definition I use. Even if I use their definition, they're still the reactionaries TODAY. We haven't had any sort of "conservative" society in the West since the commies won WW2. All this push for social justice nonsense? Reactionary. Transfaggotry? Lysenkoism/Geneticism-denialism. The left as we know it today is a reactionary movement. If we go by my definition, they're also a reactionary movement. Either way, the left is reactionary and you're a faggot.

absolutely. And, every real leftist revolutionary knows that their main enemy is the Social Democrats (or moderate left more generally). Also, none of it reads like a Leftist. They just don't write that way - lay or academic, they just don't.

I don't need to hear it first hand from a leftist, liberal, socialist, or communist that their goal is to destroy Western Civilization, or revert humanity back to the cave man even.

Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, with the reading, writing, and arithmetic level of an 8th grader can follow their logic to its fundamental end and get a clue as to where it leads. For a child it's as simple as giving him a piece of paper with dots and having him connect them all. Except when he finishes the picture ends up being society burning for absolutely no fucking good reason.

NRx - Seems to want to burn society faster for the dawn of something better.

Lefties - Want to burn society down for shits and giggles.

At least NRx's version makes sense and is something to go off of. Leftists destroyed it all for no good fucking reason. They are literally the reason why society is absolute SHIT in the West since the French Revolution. I wont give them credit for all the blame, but fuck it they can take all the blame. They destroyed the most civilized world. Put it on a plague niggers and brag.

If you're going to play around with the leftist's imaginary friends like this, then you're going to make yourself sick.


Thanks OP.

Yeah, might not be, could be a genuine attempt by Holla Forums bunkerfags to enter into the debate.

Kind of, but not entirely. It's almost like the technocrats taking on rightist notions and creating a civilisational model of out it. It won't work in terms of the caste system though as that needs to be organic, but their idea is they to want to build that caste system technologically. Perhaps if a Tech-Comm NRx is in this thread they can set me right on this.

The gnostic elements of Land worry me, the fixation on apotheosis rather than theosis in particular. He also has a very Whiggish view of history at times, but to give him his credit it is balanced with an Indo-European non-linear view based around spiral dynamics, however, I worry that the non-linear view is a bit of a ruse to mask what is essentially an technologised English protestant millennialism.

NRx could be said to be destructive in the sense that it is oftentimes very blackpilled psychologically, but this emanates from a particular source, i.e. Land.


Not going to lie, this one confused me.


I found it very hard to read because of the sheer amount of concepts being blended together as if they could just be mushed into one another without question, as if these concepts were one and the same.

Also, the articles last two paragraphs seem to be absurd, drawing convoluted ideas from even more convoluted ideas and attempting to make a conclusion despite the huge amount of variables. That same conlusion reads as if it's been chosen beforehand rather than been concluded

Land should worry you, because he is still a faggot marxist LARPing as a silicon valley hyper-capitalist.

Ernest Gellner (probably one of the few philosophers out there that defended the modern world against both the left and the right) makes this point throughout his works that science is actually way more radical than the left can ever be. He also argues a few times that the left underestimates how radical science actually is from the viewpoint of tradition, and that the left misconstrue it with their ideology (the left thinks of science in service of capital, white men, or whatever other garbage they cook up, when it facts its like a universal acid). Science eats through every single belief people have, and will continue doing so. It does not care about your language and the norms you have. It can be translated across languages, making it universal.

OK I ended up rereading, because to be fair I skim read most of it.

The whole point of the article was really to justify this:

The men of the first world war witnessed this first-hand

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

my guess (because I find it impossible to get a clear idea out of this garbage) is that it's a pseudoscientific her-story attempt at justifying getting fucked by niggers

legitimised by some brave-new-world slaaneshi cult of absolute hypergamy

intellectual wankery that either won't ever amount to anything, or will be so degenerate that it will accelerate the coming of the dotr, I say