Eggy left his post today "to do stuff" kek.
Eggy left his post today "to do stuff" kek
Not bad shoop on jim into the butthole. At least you're varying it babe.
Quit whining and take it like a woman, you knew his dick would be curly.
That's Ron Two Knives.
I wonder if jim ever reads these threads. I kind of doubt it, but that'd be funny.
I don't think he cares. He's busy feeding his pigs.
He would rage like hell if he saw any of this. I bet his pigs are even scared of telling him.
Let me post another image
I miss hotwheels honestly. Even if he fucked up lots and lots.
The fuckups are there, at least he made a lot of what he did open source ( his messing with this software). He also shook the hive up on 4chan and got a bunch of people out for the first time in a long time. He started an alt chan revolution, they'd been quiet for a long time.
All sins, all the bullshit what he did in the end still had some good effects. I forgive you hotdud, I even miss you sometimes.
He doesn't give a flying fuck about this site, the day he took over as the owner of this place was the first and last time he even lurked and look how much damage he did.
He only posted on his own board, /jim/, and he just used it as his own personal facebook.