Nazis = losers

why does Holla Forums worship the nazis

The destroyed Germany.
They killed tens of millions of people
They made nationalism looked down upon

What's with the loser worship? Am I the only one who does not obsess over this shit like majority of people on this board do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn ur right bruh

Guess we should be gommunists

You know what to do Holla Forums.
Happy happy fun fun :3

Oh jolly joe, Karl Marx is great!
Happy happy fun fun :3

now kindly fuck off shlomo


I never mentioned communists. I know communists were just as bad if not worse than the nazis. I don't understand why you feel the need to go to radical groups to begin with. I just think of people who lean to radical groups as social outcasts who has no sense of belonging or purpose so they latch onto a fringe group as they are outcasts themselves too.

Germany invading the Soviet union was a Jewish conspiracy? I agree that Britain and France were retarded to declare war on Germany over Poland but stop acting like a tinfoiler. Germany was the aggressor. They wanted more and more and did not know when enough was enough. There was no reason to invade Poland to begin with anyways.

inb4 you state me propaganda how innocent Germans were being killed. Propaganda = propaganda…not history

If you wanted to make a dubs thread OP you should have just asked. There is no need to be so shy.


Reported, ellipsesfag.

Last I checked Hitler got Germany out of a god awful depression and managed to propel Germany into one of the most advanced nations on Earth in record time. Also last I checked, Britain and France were the ones who declared war on Germany first.

You don't even have to be a Nazi or a stormfag to know basic history you dumb faggot

What kind of idiotic shilling is this?


Like why even exist?

Happy Jim, you forgot the sage!
Happy happy fun fun!

Shamfur dispray!

Is this the best you leftycucks can muster up? Don't you have furfag shit to go jerk-off to?

This is the worst attempt at a troll thread i have ever seen. Nice

i know damn well this is bait but let's have fun

They didn't. After WWI Germany was forced to sign a horrific Treaty of Versailles that, in every way but literal, raped the country. It was essentially an apocalypse. People were starving. Their money was worthless. Businesses were gone. The treasury was empty. Anything of value produced in the country had to be given to other countries. Germany was virtually destroyed in totality.

Then Hitler came along, rose to power, and performed what economists have long called an "economic miracle." In 2 short years the millions unemployed were back at work. In 5 years germany went from having absolutely nothing to being the richest country in Europe.

The Nazis didn't destroy anything in their country. Everyone else did.

No they didn't. Give me an argument to refute.

No they didn't. Jews did that. They're still doing it today. Take a fucking look around you, everywhere you see articles about Donald Trump, half the time you propaganda about "nationalism" being equated to all things bad, and how Don is bad because he's a nationalist.

TL;DR the answer to all 3 of your points is

If you're not actually baiting, read my image. But you won't.

Funny, I thought that was the allies.

Funny, I thought that was the allies.

That's odd, because the anti-Whites look down on that regardless.

You believe everything the Jews tell you. So of course you hate the Nazi's.

>>>Holla Forums

i'm sure he's from Holla Forums already and probably made a thread there linking to this one, saying something along the lines of "omg roflmao look at this top tier bait i made look how many ppl i triggered"

I don't respond for the OP's benefit. I respond for other, open-minded people who might be reading this thread.

I know OP is most likely a lost cause. That doesn't mean I'm not going to refute and challenge him.

It's okay, OP. I frequent Holla Forums regularly and even I think Hitler, despite what he did in the beginning, was a mistake in the end.


Well written, even if it is to a bait post.

Polite sage because bait.

You're being a dishonest faggot and you know it. If OP had made any effort to appear like he was here in good faith and wanted to challenge Holla Forums views, he wouldn't have made such shitty, low-effort posts. He would have put more time and effort into discussion.

This is Holla Forums telling a terrible shitposter to fuck off, it's not Holla Forums kneejerking to someone criticizing their opinions. And even DESPITE the fact we all know it's bait, a few of us replied in good faith ANYWAY, like I did above.

But you already know this and don't care, and you're just here in a shitty attempt to troll.

Because Holla Forums is filled with spergs disposed toward crankish and oversimplified narratives.

I have a feeling you're trying to justify your dislike of the NSDAP because all your life you were told they were the bad guys. Only then to find out that the "nazi boogeymen" were really just normal people fighting for what they believed in, and their genocidal image was just another soviet lie.

I did the same thing when I first came around to the truth the holocaust was a lie. I tried to justify my grandparents fighting against them in the war, that they were ultimately bad for mankind. But all I was doing was grasping straws, and making up reasons to dislike them.

Eventually, if you're honest with yourself, you'll come around and realize they were possibly the greatest hope for mankind. They could've made the individual so much more than "it" is now.

Sure they lost, but they were the only ones to try. That alone deserves respect.