Why? Don't you fools realize that people outside of your bubble think you are hypocrites?
How can you claim to be saving the west from moral decay when in reality you are further contributing to it?
Why? Don't you fools realize that people outside of your bubble think you are hypocrites?
How can you claim to be saving the west from moral decay when in reality you are further contributing to it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder to sage and slide people
Fuck off you prude faggot. porn =/= nudity
Hey look it's the guy who just posted that thread with the porn picture as the OP.
Yes it does.
Do you even know where you are right now? Do you know what /4pol/ and /8pol/ are?
We're being raided by ömg le funny trolling xDxD posters" like OP again aren't we ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
??? ?
That wasn't created for people to jack off to.
Geez look at all that porn
I want leddit to go and stay go
give me the digits
And don’t.
Yes. Learn how to fucking use quotation marks.
Nope. Kill yourself.
eroticism/nudity isn't the same as porn you retard. Cuckchan's Holla Forums does have porn though, mostly interracial, posted by kikes. Here porn is frowned upon, at the very least people need to spoiler it.
ANd we certainly do not glorify porn, kill yourself you brain dead pawn.
Oh you Marxists.
The reasons these threads exist is because goons are trying to push people towards their feminist positions.
Do you have a white wife, that is faithful to you, and young beautiful white children? If you have to judge people for hypocrisy, do you really conserve morals in your own family?
And if you do, i believe you wouldn't fuck a single woman except your wife, and lose your virginity with her.
The real hypocrite is not the one who jerks off to porn when he is unmarried. The real hypocrite is the one that fucked more than one woman in his life. If you want to destroy slut culture, you start from yourself and your own family.
And the example of your high moral family will be followed by the others.
Is this the porn dump thread?
Softcore only?
We used to jack off to ankles you fucking idiot.
Nudity,eroticism are something that we have from our greek-roman foundations.
The beauty and strength of the body,love,passion,etc.
They are unrelated to seeing people having sex or sluts showing their destroyed labia.
You are no better than the muzzies who freight at nudity and then rape children.
Ignore this stupid shit.
It's an obvious slide.
She looks young.
What movie is that from?
I'm not from Reddit. I originally came from 4chan's Holla Forums. It is still being semi-raided, so the quality there is horrible.
You all know exactly what I mean. The defensiveness and anger here just proves it. How on earth can you be against the modern world and it's degeneracy, how can you claim to represent traditional values when you constantly post pics of sluts and whores all over the board?
/4pol/ is degenerate and raided by God knows who, /8pol/ is simply degenerate and I'm not sure if anybody would find this a target worth raiding anyways.
I've no clue, the source is on the webm though. This is the only porn I have on my computer.
Tasteful art.
How many times you fapped to it user?
Yeah, I need more of these artistic videos.
Only once, but its one of the hottest things I've seen. I try to just use my imagination.
Uhm I don't see any porn threads in the catalog? That happens on cuckchan's Holla Forums maybe (I don't know, I don't go there and neither should you) but it doesn't here.
Oh you're a newfag, that explains it
Who benefits from you rising the debate over such silly subjects?
Only jews that want Holla Forums to degrade into shitfest about literally everything that is UNRELATED TO POLITICS.
>Greg Lansky (born December 12, 1982) is a French entrepreneur and Chief Creative Officer of BLACKED and TUSHY adult studios. He is also an adult film producer and director.[1] He won the 2016 AVN Director of the Year.[2][3]
Jews are fucking degenerate. Can't enjoy the beauty of the female bodies without ruining it with racemixing propaganda.
I suggest italian/french/swedish movies (can't really pinpoints the ones) but usually you can find some very good shit in them.And some fucking great soundtracks too.
People in the past did not jack off to ankles you troglodyte. Western civilization was far less sexually addicted than today.
Christcuck or just autistic?
You're a retard and the vast majority of people disagree with you.
wew what a faggot
To Holla Forums? Yes. I started using it early this year.
Don't get too paranoid now. This is a topic that concerns me as an individual.
And nobody has properly answered me yet. Not a single person.
That's an excuse for degeneracy. I see a strong pattern on both boards.
It's so weird, these people want to bring back "the good old days" yet they also want to fight against a non-existent "prude society". Western society is not prude in almost any fashion.
I'm an atheist but I reference Christianity for moral instructions. I haven't found the calling from God yet.
You remember this, do you?
See my previous post then, there are NO porn threads up. So what the fuck are you even talking about?
I'm not into that shit, I just want to watch girls flicking the bean.
Seriously have you ever seen a pro-porn thread on Holla Forums ever? Not talking about cuckchan by the way, not even sure why you would lurk on a board with no human posters unless you were legitimately an retard.
It's an hyperbole you fucking moron.
Of course,we engaged more in it than just sitting and masturbating.Prostitution were far more common,especially in Europe.
Softcore user.Sweden in the '70 wasn't Sweden today.However you can search vintage/solo and see if you can find something.
Listen to this guy, OP.
The goons are raiding us
not realizing people posting porn are shills
cuck porn* you sheltered retard
You're a retard and the vast majority of people disagree with you.
This shill is using the "ideological purity" fracture point to split us apart.
The goal of keeping the white race from being overrun by hordes of brown filth is more important than ANY measure of ideological purity you try to pull us apart on.
A strong leader that is able to unite various factions towards clearly defined goals (America First) will not be so easily disrupted.
You have failed.
sage for MGTOW
I don't know how else I'm going to deal with falling for girls who end up being dumbsluts btw it's all of them.
It's a slide thread, but for a serious answer if you think the "traditional values" people didn't do everything not ordained by God in secret, then you're a fucking idiot.
The whole traditional value scheme especially in the Western world was mostly carried out by women, spinstery fucks trying to limit their sons and husbands lives (in addition to girls, of course) while they just did everything in secret.
Now it's just all becoming out in the open shit, I'm more concerned about the continuation of Western civilization than someone jacking off to HD porn, or in similar, that would've gone to whores or jacked off to a naughty picture way back when.
Kill yourself.
sage all All altright shill threads
I have absolutely no clue why, but your response inspired me to make this.
(sieg heil)
It sounds like you've never actually been here before tbh fam.
All porn is cuck porn.
Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours
> journals.plos.org
> archpsyc.jamanetwork.com
> brown.edu
> internetsafety101.org
> scribd.com
> yourbrainonporn.com
> buzzfeed.com
> yourbrainonporn.com
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
> mpib-berlin.mpg.de
> aidshealth.org
> forerunner.com
> fightthenewdrug.org
> internetsafety101.org
> thegospelcoalition.org
> jewishquarterly.org
> hugequestions.com
> theuglytruth.wordpress.com
> tradyouth.org
> davidduke.com
This is some weapons grade autism.
I don't pay for porn, I hardly watch it, and I don't have a partner, what the fuck do you expect?
The shill has switched fracture points from "ideologically purity" to "Holla Forums vs the alt-right".
Trivial matters compared to the mudshit invaders, their permanent voting blocs, the jews who will benefit, and the destruction of our nations.
Another failure.
Can you even read? Do you see this massive sperg out directed towards me by the basement dwellers here? They are defending the posting of porn and getting very mad at me.
Porn is posted in threads, as well as porn being posted as the first picture of a thread. This happens all the time.
Oh yes. Anybody that even mildly disagrees with you is a shill. The teenagers on 4chan raiding the board right now would probably agree with you.
Yeah, we do have a serious problem with sluts and whores in the west. Even the most extreme, hardcore right wingers defend porn and slut culture, then everyone wonders why birth and marriage rates are down.
I never said Holla Forums is one person. This is a strong pattern I've observed on both 4chan and Holla Forums Holla Forums.
And judging by the unmitigated spergfest going on in here, I'd say I definitely struck a nerve. You all just can't respond this way and then expect me to believe that the behavior here is not the majority consensus. I've been here for months, you're not that complex.
Redditor, shill, 50 cent brigade, you have many faces.
Who cares.
You can't divide us. Too many people are awake.
stay away from hardcore porn and limit what softcore or whatever shit you do look at, getting addicted to something that's tied into a natural urge can really drag you back in at any moment and fuck up your mentality.
huge fucking waste of time and hard drive space too, it's weird finding 200GB of garbage you torrented one day and somehow forgot about. then you check it and wonder why the fuck you downloaded it in the first place because it's all disgusting.
sexuality is odd though, shit like this will get me all horny yet the beautiful naked girls ITT don't do much. could be cause I'm a legfag with clothing fetishes but the point still stands
What's deal with all this shit?
The shills don't realize that most of the "alt-right" comes from Holla Forums.
Fuck, you kinda right. Gamergate isn't a minority here. And as i remember they all faggots.
I agree with OP. Porn and lewd imagery have a detrimental effect on us on various aspects and 8pol should consider banning nudity (except nudity from paintings and statues).
Nudity can be innocent but most time it's posted it has other purposes than just being artistic.
Do you rike it?
Spoiler because you are a slut user
Porn addict cucks on suicide-watch.
2d is just superior. Greatest faps ever.
I'd rather be an autiste than a degenerate tbh fam.
For you to find a partner, not beat yourself about the crotch while watching a literal whore playing with herself or getting fucked by another guy, usually representative of an investment by some sleazy Jew (who the literal whore in question will also fuck).
Then it should be easy to stop entirely.
You almost-certainly contribute to page-views and/or the like, and in any case, you act to disseminate the material which results in others being motivated to pursue ends which likewise almost-certainly contribute to gold in the pockets of the literal whores and their Jewish pimps (who you're being effectively cucked by).
What do I expect you to do?
Grow the fuck up, you pathetic welp, and to go find a woman to put your dick in instead of frustrated battering your giblets about like a Jew-enslaved retard.
That's what I expect.
And, yes, I am aware that expecting someone as pathetic as you to have that sort of agency and will-power is perhaps expecting too much, but I'm going to keep expecting it, because then maybe you'll surprise me.
No, you implied as much blatantly.
Perhaps you're just too stupid to realize as much, but allow me to pontificate for your edification: When you address "Holla Forums", an assemblage of individuals, in the context of accusations based on the actions of only some of those individuals, yet you apply your accusations to the greater whole of the group, you are effectively implying Holla Forums is one person.
Again, this isn't that complicated, but you may well be rather stupid, so I spoonfed you that part.
Yes, degenerates exist on the internet, HOLY SHIT!
This is an anonymous image board, you poncing fruitcake, and despite that, despite how wretched a den of scum and villainy the internet has become, the most-common response to pornography on full/pol/ (I can't speak for the state of the Chan of the Seven Steps - because I don't go there, because I'm not a cuckold) is disdain and hostility derived from exactly the argument I've made thus far.
The only people who generally shill for porn in this context are degenerate shallow-end-of-the-redpool autists who can't find a woman and have no self-control, and who thus, much like faggots, and the whores these misbegotten lost souls often fap to for that matter, attempt to defend their degeneracy so-as to avoid feeling bad about being (rightly) judged for their lack of virtue in this context.
No, you just acted like a retard, made a shit-tier argument, and that always annoys folks.
Plus, of course, there ARE the autistic degenerates in our ranks who do not like being judged and lack the capacity to improve themselves as to achieve orgasm with an actual woman in their company, and such commentary will inevitably draw them out of the woodwork.
… Or, ya know, it could be your own people, you being some sort of Holla Forums shill faggot or something; and before you go on about denying such a thing, I'm not actually making that accusation, merely stating it is entirely within reason to assume that may be the case here.
So now you're claiming Holla Forums is one person?
You're starting to seem very disingenuous.
Yep, you're full of shit.
This is a variation of the shill line "I don't come here that much anyway", or the many variants thereof.
You're projecting hard now son - its time to stop posting.
I don't really like 2d, but legs are superior. Greatest faps ever. Assfags and titsfags are losers.
No. Not a word of it. Any of it.
Well, maybe a little of it.
Oh fuck, yes. I admit it. I CAN read.
And I can write, too.
The shilling is real.
Seriously dude, we get your point.
But you don't get to change the world to suit your personal views. In fact, that's kinda lame to even try.
Lurk. Read the threads that interest you. Ignore the shit you don't like. It ain't hard.
I hate you all
This is funny because apart from that thread you posted with a picture of tits I've nos een any porn whatsoever
I consider this analogous to health and candy bars.
Sexuality is normal. Being attracted to the opposite sex and wanting to fuck them is healthy. Nothing wrong with that. I think sexual release is also important and healthy, in moderation.
Holla Forums is against porn as it stands because it's rampant, everywhere, there's too much of it and it's grossly immoral to have an entire population that jack off to degeneracy. A little bit of it here and there is okay, but how do you CONTROL that? You can't. You either allow porn or you don't, you can't determine how much of it your population consumes. So Holla Forums takes the much safer and healthier approach of "no porn."
Think of it like candy bars. They're bad for you. Sure, they have some calories and nutrients, but a diet consisting of candy bars is disgustingly unhealthy. If I'm a healthy person, eat right and exercise, a candy bar every now and then is totally fine. But again, how do you control that? You CAN'T. We can't control how much of unhealthy shit people consume, we either allow it or don't, and we allow it (as a result the USA is terribly fucking obese). It would be much safer and healthier for our country to eliminate or heavily disincentivize eating candy and drinking soda.
It's the same thing with porn. You're always going to have a few hardcore puritans on Holla Forums but in general standing for traditional values is great because they work, they're traditional and conventional because they've been proven effective over time. That does NOT mean the same thing as being prudes who hate fun and life, it doesn't equate to "no fun allowed." We can look at classy nudes and be turned on by them and be attracted to the chicks, that's totally fine. Constantly watching sluts get railed by manwhores and blowing your load 3 times a day is not.
On the flip side of things, Holla Forums is not one person. You're always going to have people who post porn, that doesn't mean Holla Forums as a whole endorses it or approves of it. Whether the mods remove it after it gets flagged is on them, not the board.
If you're here asking this in good faith and not a retarded troll trying to slide, hopefully you'll actually listen to all this.
Berniefag detected
Porn is absolutely abhorrent and degenerate. If you're getting pussy on the reg which you should if you're in a healthy relationship, porn is completely unnecessary. And for those who say you can't break away from it, try harder. I used to watch cuck porn and was completely addicted to it for years and now am porn free. Don't let the Jew control your mind. Break free brother.
You know what grinds my gears? When people post animes. Even the quote unquote redpilled animes aren't really that good. Sure they may promote values, but those are chinese values, not ours. Do we really need to corrupt our board with more foreign influence that will weaken our binds by introducing no white thought as the only acceptable alternative to the degeneracy of the modern era?
I say we return to more traditional western values. To start we need to make sure that D&C anime shit loses it's foothold in our board culture. If you want to blindly worship another people's cultures and values there are better places to do it. Holla Forums should be uncontested ground in the culture war and should have both it's feet firmly planted in traditional and moral western values.
Next time you think of posting a smug anime girl to "zing" someone post a Hitler or Viking instead. Your ancestors will thank you for not casting them aside for some chinese drawing of little girls.
White power
I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics rest of the thread will have
The true Aryan way is to abstain from porn but promote sexuality and Aryan beauty. Don't let porn prevent you from being the sexual animal you were meant to be.
Sex Positive Aryan Natalism is the way of the future.
No fucking shit sherlock that's why the rest of us left years ago.
Tantra is the way to go.
I really don't think that hookup culture mixes with Aryan culture in any way, shape, or form.
Give an example.
I thought you were new to this place?
Yup, there is literally not a single thread in the catalog with porn as the OP image, I have no idea what this faggot is rambling about.
We need to work with what we're given. The cat is out of the bag.
Aryan decency would temper the sexuality anyway. By leaving the trend in the hands of foreigners who embrace it, we're letting it grow out of control.
Understand human nature and don't waste effort swimming against social currents where it isn't necessary.
Even porn is less disgusting than non-monogamy.
So you're of no help, got it. Keep posting those pictures though, you're surely to win many converts to your 'muh dik' lifestyle.
That's a thread going right now that has some girl with her boobs front and center. Oh, and there's a swastika necklace too. That's porn if I've ever seen it.
I wouldn't say that hookup culture should exist anywhere. Then again, I'm a Christian, and I think morality and righteousness should be upheld.
I'm an atheist, and I see that it just makes people into sexual niggers, this whole 'have as much sex as possible because there's no consequences goyim'.
Well played, Chaim. This is breddy gud b8.
Right. That's one way of putting it. Sex is a very important thing. Don't disrespect it, or you'll face consequences. If you disrespect your sexuality, you'll destroy your body, and your mind.
People don't often think about it this way, not even many Christians, but God is very practical. He made the universe, and the people in it, and so it should stand to reason that he's the most practical being that exists. The point I'm getting to is, there's always good reasons for the morals set out by God, and having a proper respect for sex is one of them.
Not sure why, but I just felt like explaining that. I guess it might have just been to give you a better understanding of where I'm coming from.
sage for thread created after "Time to BAN Alt-Right"… in an attempt to shill
im an atheist as well but i was raised roman catholic. i'm still very much on the fence about religion vs. morality of society, but i can't really discuss that here because the conversation always devolves badly into fedorafags vs. christcucks. you'd think on a board formed from trying to think openly and questioning everything you wouldn't get so many hardcore "my beliefs are right and yours are wrong and im not gonna listen so fuck you" people here.
Anyway, i want to suggest to you that in the future, when you explain to people why things should or shouldn't be, you leave god out of it (at first), because using "god made it that way" or anything else isn't convincing enough on its own. You should be able to tell me WHY something is good or bad based on how it affects things in the actual world, rather than requiring my blind belief that something is good, because God.
For example, we're talking about too much sex and its damage to your body and mind. I totally agree. However, your reasoning is that it's because "god made it like that and you're going against what he wanted and so it all goes wrong." That isn't empirical enough. You can certainly mention that later on, but that reasoning requires that i simply have faith in something (in this case how things are supposed to be, according to you). Rather than that, explain to me first why it's bad because of declining health, how people becoming emotionally damaged by constant sex, the general damage and demoralization it does to society, etc.
Maybe I didn't explain that well but whatever. My only point is that if you want to explain to someone why something is, you should start off with more convincing, tangible, and concrete than your faith.
I get what you're saying, and I can appreciate it. It's the approach I used to take mainly, but lately I've shifted a bit. I still use that approach in appropriate situations, but let me explain the approach I've taken to recently.
I haven't really had any successes in changing minds, maybe a few out of thousands, by taking the logical and thought-out approach to things. It seems to me that the logical and thought-out approach is very unpleasant. No one even wants to think about things that much if they have no interest to begin with.
So, I say what I think up front. I believe in God, and I believe in this moral truth, so I say it. I temper it some, but I keep it simple. If you want to get into it though, I also believe God is the objective basis for morality, because he's the creator of everything. He assigned all of the properties to things. Objective morality is his to design. I believe you will understand what I'm saying here, since you seem to have a decent grasp of logic and language. Most people don't though. You can say "x is probably true.", and they will think you believe that in a 100%-true black-and-white manner. Most people don't seem to think in-depth, and have no nuance. So, I take the approach now to say what I think up front, in a simple matter-of-fact way, and if I get replies, I gauge the honesty, integrity, and intelligence level of the people replying, and then I reply according to that depth of mental ability, and respect for differing opinions. These things are usually apparent from the initial reply. You can usually tell when someone has already rejected what you have to say before you say it.
the only people who ask questions about Holla Forums because they dont understand Holla Forums are people either too young or naive to post yet lurk m0ar or you're a shill
babby needs their beddy byes
That wasn't me, retard.
This place is no better though.
You sound like a loser. All you can do is let your paranoid come out of the box when someone brings up a topic that makes you uncomfortable.
I've been browsing for months. Patterns, friend. Patterns. An example would be, like other said, a popular thread that had tits as the OP pic. Then porn is posted in other threads with pics shared peppered throughout other threads.
I find it extremely strange that about 80 percent of the people here are angry neckbeard basement dwellers, then the rest actually agree with me. Why would you deny my premise, then get angry, THEN POST PORN and still say I'm wrong? Neckbeard level 9000 going on in this fucking thread.
If /8pol/ is full of "good people with traditional values", they obviously do not exist in this thread.
What's the deal with these hilariously condescending and overly aggressive posters lately?
Then say what you mean.
We don’t. Blow your brains out.
lurk moar
you are a degenerate.
porn = cuckery
nudity does not equal porn
porn equals dicks going into holes
lesbian porn for example wouldn't really be porn or a type of cuckery since it's just women.
gay porn is porn and degenerate but it's less cuck than watching another man fuck a woman.
Kikeberg is talking about shit like BLACKED.
Playboy or whatever isn't really porn.